@National Hockey League

Today marks the 31st anniversary of Gary Bettman’s era as Commissioner of the NHL.

Today marks the 31st anniversary of Gary Bettman’s era as Commissioner of the NHL.

by YouPatheticWorm1958


  1. Before he started drinking babies blood. 🧛‍♀️

  2. DistributionSilly597

    When will he retire, and who will be next???

  3. Aaronwilson71291

    It says first commissioner did he turn it into a dictator ship

  4. DrGentlemanSir

    What’s the best and worst thing he’s done.

  5. Additional_Brief670

    Worst was allowing lockouts and lost seasons

  6. BuddhaBarkov

    For all the good hes done you could argue hes personally responsible for the game not growing more

  7. jackanonsmith37

    Honestly the chapter(s) in Brian Burke’s book made me like him a bit more

  8. CANUSA130

    Well, gambling is full throttle in the NHL, so the name “Bettman” was obviously an omen.

  9. JimmyFeetWorld

    Real talk – and I am not trying to make light of a help problem or drag him for it …

    But did Bettman always have a tick? He has a tick, right? Like when he presents the Cup or does interviews, he appears to have a tick to me.

  10. bwoah07_gp2

    I’ve never seen an image of what young Bettman looked like before. Interesting. 

  11. insert-originality

    and he still hasn’t figured out how to market the game.

  12. slashthepowder

    31 years since a Canadian team has won a cup.

  13. Upper-Information441

    I suspect Bettman may have sold his soul for his success. The contract stating, of course, that his soul – and his success – are both only his while an nhl team is in Phoenix.

    It’d explain a lot, really.

  14. mrfunderhill

    When the boys said they wanted a “‘ship” they did’t mean dictatorship.

  15. TheFrozenCanadianGuy

    Is there a way to vote in a new commissioner? Seems kind of like a communist run league

  16. enditallalready2

    He would be unemployable because of his age in almost any other industry. Send the geezer packing!!!

  17. Purity_Jam_Jam

    I wish I could dump a hot plate of poutine of this piece of shit’s head.

  18. “And Canada will never win again”
    He thought dickishly

  19. Mr_Sausage__

    At what year did he start looking like a troll that lives under bridges?

  20. Clerkdidnothingwrong

    His first Cup presentation was to Guy Carbonneau 3 and half months later 😉

  21. Faatsmcfats

    All he cares about is sports betting revenue these days. That’s why they call him the Bet Man ….sorry

  22. I suppose its only a coincidence that the year he became commissioner was the last year a Canadian team won the Cup

  23. Fresh_Dependent2969

    30 more years and perhaps he will finally make NHL hockey work in Arizona

  24. Fireryman

    Great for the owners. Terrible for fans.

    3 lockouts.

  25. Busy-Operation5489

    This guy needs to go… Coaches and GM’s get fired all the time, why isn’t he?

  26. PolyCockn42

    How about a little switch up?? Who else holds a position for THIRTY fuckin years!? Bettman out

  27. flyerasooner

    Best for the owners, worst for the fans and league.

  28. DanTreview

    {In Todd Packer’s voice} “Yes, I’m calling for a gay nerd named Gary Bettmaaaaaaan.”

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