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Pipe Turns On, Tests World’s Best To Start 2024 CT / Lexus Pipe Pro – 805 Post Show Day 1

Pipe Turns On, Tests World’s Best To Start 2024 CT / Lexus Pipe Pro – 805 Post Show Day 1

[Applause] [Applause] He it’s time for the 805 post show after a big start to the 2024 Championship tour back door and pipeline certainly delivered to set up some Heats in the round of 32 so finishing the opening round got through that elimination round handed out for 33r that’s always tough but they can

Just go down the street start practicing for Sunset maybe get a jump start on everyone still focused here at pipe thanks for being with us Joe Trel Laura ener Jesse Mendes what a great day starting with you Laura I mean what’s your favorite part about kicking off the

Season I I think just like coming down here this morning we knew today was going to be you know amazing on the forecast and then just when you see you know the lineup at dark and it’s kind of like you don’t really know what’s going

On yet and then all of a sudden like justice the sun started coming over the sky was like getting Pinky and then there was just like spitting bowels everywhere and that was pretty awesome that was really awesome like it’s on Jesse for you uh any surprise

For people in form or was it kind of your usual suspects that came came together on game day I don’t know if I’ll would call it surprise but Callum definitely um was a standout today um beating Gabe and at getting that ninepoint ride he’s so good at identifying um just the most critical

Waves he had the 10-point r in Portugal last year and yeah just applying the pressure at Gabe again this time and yeah I was impressive to watch him yeah tough to send certain guys home like Rio waa or just down the street he’ll be preparing for Sunset and also Co Clan

Just more recently in that last Heat that was uh pretty tough to to see him go down after so much hype having so much great confidence and energy maybe more so than any other rookie yeah and then just now going down in the last te of the day to Jordy Smith and Liam

O’Brien Liam winning with a 12.33 combined total and Jordy looks solid on the waves he CHS but how about Lobby Laura yeah he waited for about 20 minutes with priority and in the elimination round on the first day of competition you have to hold some

Serious nerves to be able to find a wave like this and he just surfed it to Perfection know H High eight was it 85 and uh just then backed it up he basically served a 4minute heat he literally got that wave that wave and then was in the heat in the lead and

Yeah left the other guys just sort of chasing and Cole scratched back into it with this wave it was a 4 five but unfortunately the last you know 7 Minutes of the heat Jordy held priority and just there wasn’t any other opportunity for the boys to really give

It a crack a pretty special to see Liam in this kind of form when you’re getting barrels like that everyone wants to get a bit of that energy and give you a solid high five Jesse if you’re passing on some advice to Cole hman how would you recommend him kind of digesting this

Loss um heads up he’s such an amazing talented Surfer um his surfing will fit this way very well but also will fit Sunset even better in my opinion so he control buckets such a powerful wave he’s the biggest guy on tour so yeah just I guess the negative side is losing

The positive side like you mentioned he’s just going to go down the road and prac before everyone so he has a little Edge on top of that dangerous words of wisdom right there let’s catch up with the winner of that heat with that 85 Liam O’Brien with AJ we’re going to get

To that 85 in just a minute Joey but first Liam I want to talk about just coming into this 2024 season what did you really hone in on this off season that you wanted to put into practice here at pipeline um to be honest it was just

Working on some things I learned last year um a lot of decision- making I mean you get more time in the water with less people on tour so um that kind of gives you more freedom to get more waves and make better wave selection decisions so

I’m trying to work on that a bit um and yeah that heat was kind of a nice like reward for for working on that I suppose cuz yeah I um had to sit there for a long time was pretty nerve-wracking I know I wanted to talk about that’s

Perfect that you worked on just how you compose yourself with within the heat mentally because you waited a long time for that 8.5 five ride to pop up what did you see on that wave and how did you keep yourself calm while you were waiting for it um yeah well Jacob

Actually gave me a bit of a tip before he paddled in and just said wait for the ones that have a bit more energy in him so um I was just waiting around I was like hope one of these waves comes through cuz it’s not looking too

Promising but um yeah I was just sitting there trying to focus on my breath and I don’t know I’m usually pretty bad at wave selection so which you I showed in the end of the heat but um I uh yeah I was just like I’m just going to sit here

And wait for one that actually looks like a really good wave and if it doesn’t come it doesn’t come but um yeah fortunately for me it came through how much confidence does that give you moving on here at pipeline that you can trust your instincts that a wave will

Show up and you know what you’re looking for yeah it’s definitely a big um a big confidence booster as you know it’s so crowded out there in the free surf so it’s sort of hard to actually with all the people around it’s hard to like get

A good idea of what you’re looking for um but yeah to have a heat I mean so special to have a heat with no one out there it’s it’s a dream really so win lose our draw it’s a it’s a really good time but um yeah stok to get through and

Stok to know that um can kind of apply that wave of knowledge in the next eight Win Lose or Draw but today it was a win congratulations Liam yeah thanks very much back to you guys well done thank you AJ just great when you see certain

Surfers who have been through a lot at the start of the season in the past where he’s been injured here before but totally different story this year looking really comfortable and being patient certainly paid off 8.5 that’s one of the best waves of opening days he

Moves on into the round of 32 for for Liam it’s hard not to think of Mark Richards when he talks you know of the four-time World Champ their demeanor their personality how polite they are there’s so many similarities there yeah Liam’s just so cool Karma collected it

Does feel like he’s been plucked out of the 70s or the 80s and he just needs the short shorts or something but uh he is uh such a chiller and yeah but then also just does lets his surfing do the talking and obviously seeing him get

That injury a couple of years ago was so heartbreaking right here and then you know he’s always been underground just getting bombs like down the beach and off the wall and just putting in so much time so yeah I feel like he’ll he’ll be he’ll be a big threat this contest

Sometimes those mysterious ones are the hardest to compete against you never know when they’re going to drop bombs like he did in that last Heat always good to focus on the goat Kelly Slater eight time pipe Champion but on a show today with Jack Robinson Rio wo and miss

One said he learned a lot from these two Jack reading the barrel of back door so well Jesse yeah I like um the first Morning Show we had the waves were so hard um so messy all around and he found two good waves and here is just much

Easier than that day so Jack’s just one of the Specialists out here and he’s one of the best sub Riders of all time and he’s just showing that on that wave defending pipe champion Jack won this event over Leo fante in last year’s final here was C under the hood

717 so stylish that entry into the W was my favorite part of the whole ride yeah and his b look amazing he looks so connected he uh he had a moment where he got washed down the beach so far pretty much down to you know Pub gas Chambers

Had to do the whole paddle back around and you know he’s showing that he’s still fit as a fiddle to take that on he really is still a favorite to win Kelly in second remember top two we’re moving on to the round of 32 and K spent a lot

Of time with Jack over the last few winners on the NorthShore he’ll even try to hit him up for for surf sessions he really enjoys being around that kind of talent and and really right tries to will those Heats to come to him at this

Stage in his career uh when you look at Kelly in this kind of form it’s hard not to dream of his 22 uh 2022 win where you know we’re expecting him to maybe do that again Jesse Yeah it was emotional to watch that and he’s always a thread

Out here the best average of the event um most um days of competition served in this wave so he’s definitely a tread and yeah looking forward to watch him getting barreled jeez the Heats are already stacking up little tip everyone playing fantasy Surfer you can look at

The draw right now and make sure you don’t have any friendly fire with your guys surfing against each other here’s one you’re going to want to watch Ethan Ying taking on Kelly Slater what’s going to happen there Laura that is that’s going to be one of the most

Stylish stylish hats of the of the round and it’s kicking off first thing tomorrow I know Kelly does not like early mornings it’s not on tomorrow but it’s you know when it is on he might be first heat so he’s going to have to go to bed

Early that’s a good point doesn’t like being a morning person typically but Kell’s going to show up for that one taking on number two seed in the contest Griffin vers Wild Card Shion Crawford Jesse Yeah that’s going to be fireworks I feel like those true Surfers are very

Unpredictable like one of them we don’t know as much obviously Griffin has been on tour for a few years but he’s always so hard to predict you never know he’s going to throw so yeah it’s going to be exciting one to watch for sure yeah really fun one there Shion went down

Swinging a couple times and kept working his way into Rhythm I think it he was really to kind of go back to back with you know Jackson Bunch representing the Hawaii wild cards and for Griffin he’s kind of got something to prove too he sometimes he’s turning in the free surfs

Of the NorthShore a back door and pipe and then he almost can’t win this event fast enough he think he won semifinal but he should have a lot more consistency that’s going to be a great one to watch I think we have just made it to our cup noodles wave of the day

Congratulations a npoint ride calex packing this one kicking off the season Laura yes it did have shades of that way that he got last year over in Portugal but it was so deep it was just such a double up on the inside just went so Hollow and throaty and uh yeah he

Absolutely sented almost let go the rail there and then just grabbed it and was like I’m going to need to hold on cuz this is going to be a wild ride how cool is that Jesse I mean the way he got the 92 and how important it was for him to

Get the lead back off of Medina totally and he kind of seems like to feed off pretty well against Medina so that was incredible what he did like um Laura mentioned he almost lost a raay on that bottom turn and he was just able to sneak himself under the ledge and um

Just get absolutely blown out really cool when you have those Heats where that top favorite Surfer gets pushed by an underdog and Cal kind of loves that role you know that dark horse that is going to surprise you at any time he’s often running into the round of 32 this

Event it’s always fun to talk about boards especially with v having that whole shaping Zone where people can watch people shape live also we’ve had the luxury of having the visista shaper of the Year here on the NorthShore to talk shop with us we have to listen in to Matt biolis talking to

Crosby colapinto about Equipment so this is PIP board new and approved not to be confused with a sunset board mhm and it’s kind of like a chopu board the white points a little further forward than say on a sunset board where we want to be able to hook and turn more a little more further

Forward kind of where your front foot drives off the Wide Point and the Tails pulled in really narrow narrow tail with the foam balls drifting and bouncing and a steep wall explosions coming up the narrow Tails keeps you control you know you’re not trying to do blow Tails or anything

And so you know that’s the distinctive thing about boards for pipe and ch right especially right in here tails and N you don’t need much to stand on yeah and then the boards we pulled them in a little overall with uh I think we

Uh we got them down to this one’s 66 so it’s 19 but your 62 and your 64 is they’re 18 and 78 okay this is 19 you know how like back in the day the guys on Old boards would always just be able to like the their bigger boards

Look so knify you know they could like kick under the under the lip last time they were V bottoms and you know so they were huge thick boards but they were like V nose to tail and they could like go edge to edge with them roll get them

Moving like Mr and those guys yeah Ian I don’t know how far back you’re yeah well I was thinking like like Ai and Bruce like you look at an AI R Cara from 15 20 years ago uhhuh it’s not that different than this yeah yeah you know you got the

Random guys that are like Kelly or John who Kelly who’s had who’s been in 100 pipe Masters and John who’s surfed there a thousand million times they get a little bored with standard quo and they start really messing with their equipment yeah but I think that you’ve

Worked your whole life to get where you are and you’re going to have a shot and you want to stay kind of conservative to kind of tried and true for sure right now is not the time to experiment yeah for sure do it works yeah yeah I’m excited to try It I think Crosby was trying to order something that Andy wrote didn’t it sound like well I think uh Matt thought he wanted to order a like a a single f mark Richards and he’s like oh no not that old just like you know Andy Bruce old old for me old for me

Oh you got to love that the surfer shape or relationship is really unique and I think there’s some people like Matt that sometimes know your surfing or what you might need more than you do you know and obviously making a ton of boards for pipeline over the years you definitely

Had something really thoughtful set up for Crosby and it worked out today yeah it did and I love the way that he was saying you know you don’t need to be you know just experimenting right now you want something conservative just to get you absolutely pitted something that’s

Going to be stable when there’s there’s lumps and bumps and everything that you can expect from pipe coming at you and yeah obviously work today let’s see solid see that’s right well we’ve got a long time in the waiting period you know we’ve got tons of chances to score let’s

Bring up surf line to see when we might be getting underway again the official forecaster has been great having Jonathan Warren on hand to ask him a million questions too Jesse what are we seeing yeah it did um really broke it down for us a little bit looks like

Tomorrow we’re going to have um good wins again maybe a little bit smaller and then a second half half of the wind though looks very promising for the win he did mention a little bit that there’s going to be a secondary swell coming from the Northeast which is not ideal

But sometimes it breaks it up to swell and makes it very good um rights so back door could be firing and with the offshore winds could be very nice so let’s see let’s wake up and see that’s the best way Laura thoughts on tomorrow morning potential there I mean I feel

Like Kao was a bit skeptical but I feel like there could be something left over and if there’s something left over and you know it’s peaky I think it could be a great a great day to get the women’s kicked off and and uh yeah if there’s

Any more barrels left over a lot of great choices too in the back end so we’re in a great spot so far completing a big day of action and creating a big top five for the 805 post show let’s start off at number five on the charts

Making a big statement uh well from free falling from high out the top of a crazy one that back door rookie overboard oh my goodness this gets more painful every time we watch watch it Jesse that was so painful and the worst part about this is just the body positioning he landed

Sideways just takes all your air out of it and that was horrible looking I’m glad he right that might have been his first wave of a tour number four on the top five Eli hanaman first CT ha win and he did it in such a solid way Laura oh

Yeah he just surfed that wave so so well and uh just showing that yep he’s here to give it a crack I loved uh you know he he’s posted interview talking about his road to recovery back here after his massive wipe out and yeah he’s he’s doing amazing number three on the top

Five Callum Robson is kind of gunning for another Yeti Tundra because he had the 10 last year kind of got close today Jesse that was crazy yeah smart play there for Gabe on the first wave just protecting um I guess I’m using the priority he using the rules but Callum

Didn’t got faded on that and got the best of the heat taking to win how about this one John John Florence number two on the daily top five put together this master class oh yeah first wave of John season absolutely beautiful you know he’s just looking so comfortable out

There as per usual and uh yeah so good to just watch him out there every single wave uh L love speaking to you know Carol Molly all of the ladies just saying that they just love watching all of his ha just studying what he does cuz it’s just always so inspiring and you

Can learn something flaw flawless performance from the local boy and then the wild card at the buzzer Jackson Bunch got this Gem of a wave 877 to turn the heat that was a classic pipeline good fot wave um he was just so deep so behind and just able to do that long

Drawn out bottom turn and getting very deep on the on the barrel and coming out and I was stok for him a grum that is just so comfortable out there and two seconds there was 2 seconds left on the clock I don’t think you can ever have a

Better feeling than a buzzer when this you know he was staring down the barrel of heading to the elimin elimination round and just flipped the heat in two seconds that’s so crazy Jackson Bunch into the round of 32 and looking to make more of a statement as this event

Continues we’ll say bye for now but join us tomorrow morning at 7:45 in the morning local time for the call we’ll see you Then let’s go the get it we about to get it get it Yo like that rush rning through your keep it going we maintain top level Rebels we will not Sev make like a it’s Inc like a NY R that’s why we going to do it perfect this time learn what you like and show down time SP light on us

Down like the that Rush running through your ve the even going we maintain like I Never I get ready for the arm arm set up to want to take every they start again broadcast is produced by the world surf league for broadcasts around the world and may not be retransmitted reproduced reast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the written consent of the world surf leag

The Tour is back! Pipeline delivered a memorable opening day at the Lexus Pipe Pro presented by YET with near-perfection and excellence under the spotlight of a fresh Championship Tour season. First eliminations are already in the books after incredible showings from 2x WSL Champion John John Florence, the hard-charging Callum Robson, wildcard sensation Jackson Bunch, and 2023 Final 5 contender Griffin Colapinto all delivering excellent Opening Round showings. With elimination pressure on the line, Connor O’Leary and Jordy Smith joined rookie threat Jacob Wilcox into the Round of 32 after salvaging their CT debuts in heavy waters.

Visit to shop new limited edition official merchandise for the 2024 Championship Tour season, including jerseys, tees and posters for the 2024 mens and womens rosters, as well as official merchandise from the Pipe Pro by Vissla and Florence Marine X. – Lexus Pipe Pro –

Welcome to the starting line. The champs are back, the rookies have arrived, and the entire surf universe turns its eyes to the place where it all began: Pipeline. John John Florence, Carissa Moore, and the rest of the world’s best are ready to fire the tour back up. Are you?

Watch live Jan 29 to Feb 10 on

For More Check Out:

Kelly Slater vs Seth Moniz FINAL – FULL HEAT REPLAY Billabong Pro Pipeline –

John John Florence vs João Chianca – Was This The Best Heat Of The 2022 Billabong Pro Pipeline? –

All The Highlights From The Billabong Pro Pipeline 2023 –

All The 9s At Pipe Since 2018 // Lexus Pipe Pro Presented by Yeti – Watch live Jan 29 to Feb 10 –


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  1. The best? Perhaps the best contest contest surfers ,but they all surf the same. By the way,Joe and Laura are paid cheer leaders.

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