@National Hockey League

Friend bought a mystery puck at the NHL ASG fan fair and got carter hart…

me and my friend were at the NHL ASG fan fair and he bought a mystery puck for $60, the list of possible players had like 100 and carter hart was one of them, so we jokingly asked the guy working there if we’d get a refund if it was carter hart and he said no. so we bought it and opened it later on and it ended up being hart, went back to show the guy his manager let us exchange it and got quinn hughes in the next one lol

by PoutineEnthusiast


  1. MapleSyrupKintsugi

    ~~I’d have taken it straight back.~~

    Oh you did. Sorry I got really mad for you and didn’t read your whole message. LOL.

  2. MrWeStEr399

    Dude i would have kept that shit. When he goes down for the gang rape it ll bump the value up.

  3. LilHomie204DaBaG

    It’s quite funny nonetheless, like of all people and just your luck.

  4. Fit_Use9941

    Well at least you got Quinn Hughes that’s a high roll

  5. illuminatedcake

    Carter Hart one is more rare. Should’ve kept it. We don’t know the verdict. Better conversation piece.

    Having something that “shouldn’t have been sold” or taboo is cool but I realize I’m likely in the minority here.

  6. FinnsterBaby

    Visit him when he goes to jail and Give it back to him to trade for snacks at the commissary

  7. PoutineEnthusiast

    travis konecy was signing autographs later that day so we thought of trying to wash off the signature and get him to sign that but then they let us exchange it lol

  8. molsonmuscle360

    They showcased Gilmour. Is anyone surprised this was sold?

  9. ringrangbananaphone

    Not defending him at all especially with the accusations but before I jump on the hate wagon I’ll see what the official verdict is. People have been wrongly accused before but the odds aren’t looking too good for him and the others lol.

    Edit: I’m not saying sexual assault doesn’t happen? But how can you form your opinion and downvote when the truth isn’t even out? I’m not on his side, I am neutral till I know the truth.

  10. IIIuminatIII

    They’re all carter harts and people getting scammed

  11. JasonEAltMTG

    Look, you’re getting a Carter Hart puck whether you want it or not

  12. Good score on Hughes! I’m gonna get him to sign a Canucks black skate Hughes 43 C jersey on February 25th.

  13. Maybe the money is being used to pay the legal bill?

  14. Hockeylover420

    Should we start calling them the forbidden 5?

  15. Have some Heart items from when he played in the WHL…

  16. Lol well he hasn’t been convicted yet so still fair game I guess

  17. Single-Champion-9569

    Carter Hart from the London Police Hockey Club?

  18. waveofthehandsWEAVER

    The day after Dube went on his leave I was at the flames game and they too had mystery pucks, ironically to support mental health week. The puck I got was him ffs. Was for my 6 year old..poor kid. Into the trash it went.

  19. Busy-Operation5489

    Honestly I think you and a lot of other people that like to comment about this are just fucking assholes.
    Have you guys never heard of innocent until proven guilty?
    What if you guys were put in n this situation and everyone’s pointing fingers at you and you have irrefutable proof that you did nothing wrong because by the sounds of the way their lawyers are talking, they did nothing wrong… Now this doesn’t mean that they didn’t do anything wrong and that’s why we will wait till Monday to find out I’m not just going to point fingers until the evidence is shown.
    Anyone in this comment section that thinks otherwise would be terrible on jury duty and I hope for anyone that actually has a case, none of you get called upon.

  20. Generals2022

    Carter Hart would like it back to show the guys in jail that he used to be someone before he was a convicted sex offender.

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