@Buffalo Sabres

Should The Buffalo Sabres trade Casey Mittlestadt

Should The Buffalo Sabres trade Casey Mittlestadt

Should the Buffalo Sabers really trade Casey midat find out my thoughts coming [Applause] Up what’s up ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to another video of Sports Talk Buffalo with the NHL trade deadline a little more than a month away and the Sabers currently all but out of the NHL playoff race nine points behind the last playoff spot as the recording of this

Video at the time of the recording of this video it is starting to it’s time to start looking at potential trade options for this Buffalo Sabers team as they will once again unfortunately be sellers at the trade deadline the one name that I keep continuously hearing from National Media

Local loal media and fan podcasts alike are Casey midat but why why is Casey midat who is having a tremendous season consistently being brought up in trade rumors well there’s a few different reasons here are a couple number one he is a restricted free agent after this season he is not

Signed longterm with this Buffalo Sabers team they have already signed Tage Thompson and Dylan cousins to long-term deals signifying that these two they believe these two are going to be their one two punch longterm for this Buffalo Sabers team and lastly he is currently the Buffalo Sabers most valuable trade

Option as we speak for this Sabers team so should the Sabres pull the trigger and trade Casey midat there are a lot of Sabers fans that would say yeah of course of course you trade Casey midat you already have your one and two centers locked up for the foreseeable future at fairly good

Deals and middlet is going to be a free agent and is likely going to cost you a lot of money however my question is who are you realistically going to trade Casey middlest stat for think about it if you trade Casey midat at the trade deadline who are you realistically going

To get in return that will provide immediate assistance for this Buffalo Sabers team now and into the future the way Casey midad Would right now who would you get that would be just as good and provide the type of uh the type of play that you would get with Casey

Middlestead any good team around the trade deadline likely won’t give up any of their really good pieces who are in the hunt because they are going to make a trade to try to strengthen their team going into the playoffs they’re not going to give you a top

Four defenseman like a lot of people are saying these are mostly the teams that are going to make a majority of the trades around the trade deadline you’re not going to get that top four defenseman piece that you realistically wanted you’re and you’re not going to

Get any forwards back that are going to make the difference that Casey middleset has made last last year and this year realistically you’re not going to get those pieces back so what are you going to do you’re going to trade for more Picks and Prospects the Buffalo Sabers

Have more high-end prospects they have so many high-end prospects they’re coming out of their ears there is nowhere to put these prospects that the Buffalo Sabers have they have so many that we are we should be discussing trading away a few of them there are just simply not enough spots for these

Guys on the Sabers current roster and a lot of these Sabers players are locked up long term you have Jeff Skinner who is locked up for the next few years you have the same thing with uh Alex tuck Tage Thompson we just mentioned Dylan cousins

You have locked up for the next uh uh seven years you’re going you’re going to sign likely Quinn who unfortunately just got injured but looked very very good coming off of his injury you had J A J PKA who’s going to earn himself a very very good contract as he leads the

Buffalo Sabers in goals currently so what are you going to get back for Casey middlet that’s going to give you likely either 50 to 60 points a year because that’s kind of where I think he’s going to end up or a a top four defenseman where are you going to find

The teams that are going to trade this with you midseason for Casey midat not only that but if you trade middle stat you would create a giant hole in the lineup in a lineup that is already having a massive amount of problems scoring as middle set has been

One of their best forwards for the last two years and the only Sabers forward who is scoring at a consistent basis this season middle setat leads the team in points this season and game in and game out he is the only one that appears at least on this Buffalo Sabers team to

Be able to produce offensively to be able to create offensively he has been able to create with Alex tuck and Jeff Skinner he’s been able to create with Zack Benson and Jordan Greenway it doesn’t matter who you put him with he is still producing at a rate a clip

Above everyone else on this team so you create a massive hole and where where are you going to fill it from and while I can understand that fans might want to trade middle stat the reality is like I st stated earlier they’re unlikely an able to get enough

Value right away and return from a trade and also middlest stat is still an RFA which means Buffalo has the upper hand going into the off season it means that if another team were to come and offer middle stat a big contract and the Sabers don’t match it they still get a

Good amount of draft picks for that for Casey midat leaving and signing with another team if they were able to sign Casey midad again and the s for a large number a larger number than the Sabres wanted to spend the sabes still get a ton of draft picks probably

More draft picks than you were going to get in a trade at the deadline anyway the Sabres have the upper hand going into this off season with Casey middlet so I don’t think there needs to be any rush at all to trade him away at the trade deadline in my opinion Casey middlest

Stat would provide something that not a lot of teams have and that is three good centers provided Tage Thompson and Dylan cousins begin to pick their games up and take them to the levels that we’ve seen the last few years they would have a good one two three punch down the middle that

Would give this team an extreme amount of depth something that we have been clamoring for for this Buffalo Sabers team to have for a very long time instead of just loading up the top two lines the Sabres can have a legitimate thre line or L legitimate three-headed

Monster in terms of their top nine forwards if you surround Casey midat with guys who can fill it up you you guys who find areas increases in the defense to be able to put and and are able to finish he finds them he is a pure playmaker Casey midad is a pure

Playmaker he will do all the dirty work with the puck and get it to the pure goal scores and that will only benefit the Sabers to have three good young youngish centers moving forward again provided that Tage Thompson and Dylan cousins can pick their games up to the level like realistically that Casey

Middle set is on right now if they can do that the Sabres will have a very strong three-headed monster down the middle moving forward and hopefully take this team and get them over the hump and finally into the playoffs another thing is we bragged about Tage Thompson and Dylan cousins both signing for

Reasonable deals that leaves cap space for them to be able to potentially sign Casey midap to another solid deal why would you not want to sign the guy who looks like he’s probably going to settle in around a 50 to 60 point player and it’s not even like he’s going

To be your third Center he’s going to be instead of a 1 a and 1B Tage Thompson can be your number one it’s going to be Dylan cousins and Casey midat as your 2A and 2B there’s not really going to be a third line there’s going to be you know

Essentially three first and second lines there’s going to be three lines filled with top six forwards you could have three lines F full of top six forwards and the Buffalo Sabers can should hopefully be able to score goals like nobody’s business like we’ve seen last season provided they can actually get

Back to scoring the way they did last season the moral of the story is the Buffalo Sabres are not going to get better by continuing to offload high-end talent and again while I don’t believe Casey midad is likely to be a 70 point per year player I do believe he is going

To be a 50 to 60 point per year player and the Sabers are not going to get better by continually offloading these players moving forward that’s going to do it for this episode guys let me know what you guys believe in the comment section below I

Try to answer each and every one of you do you really think the sabes would benefit from Trading away one of their best young forwards moving forward I want to thank you guys for watching and as always have a fantastic week

Should Buffalo Trade pending RFA Casey Mittlestadt?

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  1. Only trade him if you can get a good return and you think Savioe or another center can replace him next year. I think we could get a top 4 D man from Calgary for Mittens. I would sign mittens play him next year then trade. Why be like Darcy Regier and just let all the player walk for zero return? Sign and trade

  2. Absolutely not! Sign him long term and go with Thompson Cozens and Middelstadt at centre . If the Sabres are interested in improving their faceoff numbers then trade or dont resign Krebs this summer but definitely resign Middelstadt.
    Sabres need a second line stay at home D man to partner Owen Power . It makes ZERO sense to trade Middelstadt for say Chris Tanev because you as said are filling one hole but creating another one. Who would be your 3rd line centre next season? You can pick up a stay at home D man to partner Owen Power through free agency in the summer or trade a prospect and picks for one but dont trade Middelstadt for one. Chris Tanev Calgary and Brett Pesce Carolina are two UFA D Id look at .
    Thanks for the video, keep up the good work .

  3. Trade him at the draft. He's going to want more $$ and icetime than a No. 3 centre deserves. How can they afford that three-headed monster when they also have two No. 1 overall dmen? Why not get a 3rd centre who can actually play defensive hockey and win crucial faceoffs? I know, Granato doesn't want that. But Granato's days are numbered.

  4. I like him but I don't view him as a top 6 forward. I would say extend him if he wants around $5 million for like 3-4 years. Anything more I say trade him.

  5. Why is the fanbase this desperate? Are yall trying to screw this team over by trading anyone who actually performs? When buffalo trades away talent, that player goes on to play a huge role for their other team. I know we all are so sick of no playoffs, but hold onto casey unless a huge opportunity arises. If he wants 7-9 million. Its up to management to decide if we sign or let go. However, RIGHT NOW STOP PUSHING A TRADE WHEN WE HAVE THE UPPER HAND?!?!?! As an RFA we have much better chances. Stop being so unrealistic and this desperate that its embarrassing. Its like the fanbase is becoming a bunch of OF girls, just sheer unrealistic desperation.

  6. Just read on a Winnipeg Jets site that now that Elias Lindholm was traded from Calgary last night , the Jets have interest in trading for Buffalo centre Casey Middelstadt!

  7. If (big if) they feel they need to move him, i would shop buffalos first to see what you can pry from the selling teams (buffalo being low in the standings make it EXTREMELY valuable, top 3 protected) and if you find a deal you like, THEN you can move Mitts to recoop a later 1st.

    Later first can marinate longer without issue, and they can reap the benifits of trading their first.

  8. Gotta do a reverse eichel trade. Trade mittlestat and savoi and a first and second for a huge star. We have too many prospects there isnt room for all of them.

  9. Honestly, I would not mind them blowing it up again. Please give me a old school coach and a bunch of blue collar guys that show up every night. Like the "hardest working hockey team" that the Sabres had in the 90's

  10. Many fans are so fickle. Mid last season, when Thompson, Cozens, Tuch, and Skinner were lighting it up, many were still calling Mitts a bust. An injury to Thompson in Feb 2023? or so, gave Mitts an opportunity to play with red hot Skinner & Tuch and be on the #1 PP. Sure he had 59 points, but only 15 goals. He benefitted greatly from more ice time and playing with players who were hot that season.
    To his credit, Mitts has continued to perform well this season, but of course he's also playing for a new contract – the point is, if he ends up with 25g, 75pts and leads the team in scoring and signs a fat new contract, it's very likely he regresses next season and onwards.
    His trade value will be no higher than it is right now. I think many playoff teams would desire a player of his caliber at the trade deadline to solidify their top 6. If we make him the centerpiece in a package to get a solid top 4 defensive defenseman and a defensive forward, then I'd say 100% we should trade him.

  11. NO,
    13 players contracts are up: Bryson, Comrie, Girgensons, Johnson,Jokiharju, Jost Krebs, Luukkonen, Mittelstadt, Okposo, Olofsson, Robinson, Stillman.
    Keep; Mittelstadt, Robinson, Luukkonen.

  12. I like Casey Middlestadt and I think he is a hard working and determined player. He is also a true caring player. He gives his all every night. I think we need a centre who can be a good face-off guy and with some real grit. We need some more gritty type players with some skill. We have plenty of skilled players. We need players to replace Girgensons, Okposo and so on. We need to be tough to play against, and to stand up for our young talented players. Every good team has this. They need to change the mindset of losing and acceptance of mediocre play. 6:18

  13. I’m kinda on the fence with Mitts. He seems to be picking it up but you look at the injuries idk? The inconsistency of so many players and a coach that can’t seem to motivate I’m to the point of cleaning everything out AGAIN but Pegulas are cheap and will probably continue to half ass everything

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