@Winnipeg Jets

Blake Wheeler vs P.K. Subban Feb 5, 2012

Blake Wheeler vs P.K. Subban from the Winnipeg Jets at Montreal Canadiens game on Feb 5, 2012.


  1. @CONTRAHABS he will next year cause Dustin buff said he is going to knock him out for his cheap shot last time in Winnipeg.

  2. @PeroninNoobs please don't generalize. only habs fans are pussies, not the whole quebec province population. and PK Turtleban isn't french, he's jamaican-ontarian. thanks.

  3. well atleast we know wheelers english because if he was french he would have run away as a typical frenchman would do

  4. it shows all negative comments on subban come from dumb fucking boston bruins fans!! all talk u bitches are!!

  5. I'm a Jets fan, and a Habs fan, and I love Subban. Stop being a racist prick, because it's not like Kane, Byfuglien, etc aren't black.

  6. Amen! Subban is a cocky peace of shit. Overrated, selfish, puts himself before the team, he's hypocrite, when he fights, it's always smaller guys then him, his hits are always cheap shots on players smaller then him, he's a real fuckall. He's real tough when he's confronted by players smaller then him but it's funny how he doesn't want to fight when guys his size want to fight. A real cheap shot. Completely agree with you. Brace yourselves, anti racist comments are coming.

  7. Are you from Quebec? Your english is horrible. Any habs fan is patriotic to die for. Refs are always protecting the CH, wether it is giving other teams stupid penalties or turning a blind eye to either Subban's hypocrite dirty hits or the actions of the rest of the team. Habs fans love Subban because he is the only 'tough guy' the CH has. You will defend him at all costs because he is your only means of protection. Habs fans have no class for the game, the players, or other hockey fans.

  8. think for the compliment..let me see how you write in french lol?? ha ha subban plays clean this year but if you like to lie about him just do it lol..who give a …..about how my english is dude?? im speak four languages dude..dont get mad dude if you just speak one..

  9. En fait, je suis bilingue. Vous Ă©crivez si mal en anglais que j'ai de la difficultĂ© a comprendre ce que vous voulez dire. Oui Subban est propre cette saison, mais seulement puisque c'est une des conditions dans son contrat. Il voulais un meilleur contrat mais il voulais rester a Montreal. Ils ont donc nĂ©gociĂ© et l'une des conditions est qu'il soit propre dans son jeu. Subban est loin d'ĂȘtre l'un des meilleurs dĂ©fenseurs de la LNH. Il n'Ă©tait mĂȘme pas nominĂ© pour le trophĂ©e Norris. CalmĂ© vous.

  10. C'est bien que vous soyez bilingue mais je vous retourne le compliment. Vous Ă©crivez d'une maniĂšre horrible en français. Subban n'est peut-ĂȘtre pas le meilleur dĂ©fenseur de la LNH, toutefois il est un joueur d'impact, avec du potentiel et un Ă©norme talent. Ceux qui disent le contraire on de la marde dans les yeux. Il apporte une belle Ă©nergie et de l'intensitĂ© Ă  notre Ă©quipe et c'est ce qui compte. On gagne des matchs, voilĂ !!


  11. I'm from Quebec. I'm an anglophone and I'm a habs fan. Got a fucking problem? PK subban is our only tough guy? Are you dumb? What about Brandon Prust, Ryan White, Travis Moen, Francis Bouillon Rene Bourque? If you dont like the Habs thats cool but dont arbitrarily shit on the entire franchise and its fan base.. Especially when your knowledge of the sport and the team is so ridiculously stupid.

  12. Lol I have to admit they were out played and abused. BUT White fought with an injury. Still got the shit kicked out of him but I'm proud he still fought. Prusty wasnt playing so he didnt fight and Bourque didnt fight either. Bouillon Moen and White got beat up though 100% no denying.

  13. Also what I said holds true. Whether they win or lose a fight they still remain the Habs "tough guys". They happened to lose that night. Next one could be a different story.

  14. Height isn't a big factor. A good fighter can work around that. Zdeno Chara is 6'9, and Laraque was 6'4, and Laraque would eat him alive in a fight, same as John Scott, who's 6'8 270. There's a reason Zdeno Chara wrestled Laraque down the first fight, and the second fight after getting a punch to the face. Shit, even on NHL 14, Zdeno Chara as an A.I, wrestles you down if you're not fast enough to knock him out. Even E.A knows how much of a bitch Chara is when fighting a good fighter.

  15. Wow he wins one norris trophy in a 48 game season and now he's the best defenseman in the NHL? Only in montreal…

  16. buddy his hits are all clean….i'm a leafs fan but he's a perfectly clean player

  17. FUCK i hate P.K with a passion.  God damnit he's such a little bitch. He's such a coward, doesn't even give wheeler the opportunity to take his gloves off and prep for the fight. 

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