@Boston Bruins

McLennan: ‘Vancouver threw up a dud against the Bruins’

McLennan: ‘Vancouver threw up a dud against the Bruins’

Oh who’s this jacked guy all right Jamie mclennen former NHL golender current TSN hockey analyst and our good friend joins us now to talk about this game between the Canucks and the Boston Bruins Jamie the two best teams in the NHL we thought this is going to be a Titanic battle

Instead uh the canu sink like the Titanic is it just a great example if you don’t bring your aame against a great team this is what’s going to happen yes you want to use games like this as a lit test and certainly the Vancouver Canucks Boston Bruins right at

The top of the standing so you would think this is a battle of two you know Monster teams but I think Vancouver just threw up a dud tonight and and it happens but you could see the look on Rick tet’s face especially when they gave up two short-handed goals should

Never happen obviously Boston has tremendous Talent out on the penalty kill that’s Brad Maran that finds the back of the net and then it’s Heinen with speed but these are give ways these are avoidable plays but the bottom line is you need to be a lot sharper

Vancouver was not sharp Boston is a team that’s very strong on home ICE they’ve got great goal tending they’re very well balanced and Vancouver it just was not their night and unfortunately they don’t find the back of the net they only put up 17 shots on goal so it it’s just one

Of those nights where you want to burn the game tape but unfortunately you know a litus test you just want to say we’re going to move on to the next one and we’ll see how things unfold but it was not a great showing for the Vancouver Canucks tonight you know I think Rick

Bonus Jamie might want to burn the game tape of the last five games van I mean the Winnipeg Jets now winless in five that’s their longest drought of the season but maybe even worse uh they’ve been shut out now for their last eight games the offense is just not there how

Concerned are you Jamie mclennen well you’re concerned because I’ve been making excuses leading up to this game for them saying they’re generating high quality chances they’re just not executing I thought elas Samson off against the Leafs was brilliant against them Tristan jar the other night in Pittsburgh was great but tonight was

A dud offensively now if you’re not going to be good offensively you better be good defensively and that was not the case and I know Brendan Dylan suspended so they’re missing a key you know physical stay-at-home defenseman but they were not getting to the middle of the ice there was no sustained second

Opportunities here’s Kyle Conor one of the most dangerous Shooters in the National Hockey League he doesn’t shoot he tries a backhand pass laterally and they don’t get a shot on goal so some of their decision making with a puck you can tell this is a group now that is

Fragile losing a five pack in a row it’s all about confidence and right now they’re not playing with the top of their confidence so they got to sort that out in a hurry as they head home against the Pittsburgh Penguins okay we’ve we’ve talked about the negative aspects of Canadian hockey teams enough

Jamie let’s get some positivity going one of your former teams the Calgary Flames they’ve now won three strikes and Jake marstrom has won six of his last eight starts and Jamie this Calgary Flames team is very much within Striking Distance of a playoff spot so if you’re Craig Conroy how difficult of a

Situation is this on one hand markstrom is just his trade value is going up and that’s a good thing but do you really want to trade this guy when you’re still potentially in playoff contention I think Craig Conroy said at the start of the season and he’ll

Probably follow through on this but he has a plan in place and he’s not gonna falter from that he’s not a go going to go away from that so if the plan is to move some of the players that are pending on restrictive free agents then

You’re going to have to do that now the biggest challenge Jacob markstrom has been brilliant this season I think he’s going to get vzna votes especially if the Calgary Flames make the playoffs he’s been that good he gives them an opportunity to win every night he’s gotten into a Groove I’ve said this

Before everybody knows I’m a huge Jacob markstrom fan he’s got all the tools to be a star in this league and he proves it night in and night out didn’t have his best season last year but he’s followed up with a brilliant season this year so he gives them an opportunity to

Hang around that being said now he controls his own destiny D with a no move Clause but if Craig Conroy if people are banging down his door for Jacob markstrom there is big decisions to be made but I’ll defer back to the goenda Flames cuz they keep winning even

Though they’re infusing younger players and trying to get younger on the Fly and here’s my nightly plea this time to Craig Conroy uh Troy can you just get the camera right on me here Craig please if you’re gonna make a trade can you just wait till Trade Center on March the

Eth because we’re really running out of people to trade so if you could do us a solid we’d appreciate it Jamie mclenon you’re the best thanks buddy we’ll talk to you soon this has been tasteful nudes one of our most popular and exciting segments on the network

TSN NHL analyst Jamie McLennan joins SC with Jay Onrait to discuss the Canucks blowout loss to the Bruins, the Jets five-game skid, why their high-powered offence has been struggling to find the back of the net lately, and what big decisions are on the Flames plate as the trade deadline gets closer.


  1. The Canucks aren't ready for the real deal, they remind me of the Oilers from a couple of years ago…

    They're still better than the leafs who are the Oilers of 5 years ago

  2. Any chance they get insult canucks but if toronto does bad "they need to change style" …. this is the same chanel that has been saying toronto will win this year since 2003

  3. Hopefully the Canucks are EXTRA motivated now to fix the weaknesses of their Power Play that have been terribly exploited by the last few teams. They CLEARLY did not make the adjustments they needed to make, and got quadruply burned in the last three games. I guarantee the game goes COMPLETELY differently if not for those two SH goals that really seemed to sink the spirit of the Canucks, who I thought played OKAY at times. Still, not saying they would've won for sure, but if EVER there was a sign that a team needed to make adjustments, THIS is it. They can NOT let another SH goal go in in the next 10 games at least, or it might start to affect the team even more. That and a Boeser resurgence really needs to happen ASAP.

  4. Man that win against Carolina was so good. What happened tonight. Pettersson needs to be sharper if he wants $12M a year

  5. My prediction is coming true… come February, the Canucks will fade because their schedule gets far more difficult

  6. The difference here is that Boston has established their culture. Elliotte Friedman mentioned he wouldn’t want to be in the lineup of the next team that faced the Bruins after that embarrassing loss. That’s the difference between skilled teams that work hard and skilled teams that work hard and hold everyone accountable.

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