@New York Islanders

Matt Martin collides with Vernon Fiddler, Suspended 2 games [HD]

Kind of a nothing hit to get suspended for. For sure a penalty though. From a game between the New York Islanders and Phoenix Coyotes on Saturday, December 18th, 2010 at the Nassau Coliseum in Uniondale, New York.


  1. @Nine20Eight IT was to the head, but then again, Fiddler kind of turned funny to cause it, you cannot account for that when you are making a hit

  2. @HabsFanTom the penalty call was fine, but you shouldn't suspend a guy for nothing, or at least only give him 1 game or a fine, the nhl is being way too liberal with this new rule, it should only affect hits like Matt Cooke on Savard, those are the useless hits that the NHL doesn't need, what they do need is guys going balls out every shift like martin who might catch a guy in a bad position once in a while. The suspension was out of line for this nothing of a hit.

  3. Hit to the head + he left his feet so it was charging. And it was a blind side hit. Good call by the NHL in my opinion to suspend him.

  4. My goodness what are the jerkoff in the front office doing? – they are UNDERMINING this game every chance they get, they are making the traditional real fans alienated. This is barely a penalty and he gets 2 games? SRSLY?

    Ive said it before and ill say it again, what is the league REALLY trying to do? How could Scott Stevens or Jeff Beakaboom or Rich Pilon or Bryan Marchement surive in todays game? Think about it, they are making ticky tac calls and turning this great game into euro socce

  5. the NHL is like soccer now and it has happened in less than 3 yearsfor exapmle 3 years ago guys get run head first into the boards and when it even looks like their neck broke they got up and continued playing no "quiet room" or suspensions unless it was really bad, watch by next year they will probably get rid of hitting in the NHL or suspend everyone who hits a player imo hockey has become very boring because everytime someone does a nice hit he gets suspended

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