@Toronto Maple Leafs

Looks like Reilly wasn’t aiming for the head

seems like he was aiming for his arm and it slid up to the head

i’m leaving this here just because…. well lets face it a lot of Lurkers are probably taking screenshots right now to talk about how classless leafs fans are for defending a hit to the head


by Falconflyer75


  1. Intention doesn’t matter. All that matters is what did indeed happen.

  2. GoGoPowerPlay

    If you posted this in the hockey sub it would get deleted even though there are 10 different posts about this on the front page

  3. ptgrvmrdrdjhnsn

    doesn’t matter. DOPS is a PR firm. it has nothing to do with player safety.

  4. Baron_of_Foss

    It’s obvious to anyone who has watched Rielly play over the past like ten years he’s been with the team. The guy isn’t a dirty player and the video clearly shows him making contact with the arm and then letting go instantly when his stick rides up. If the league didn’t have the bullshit instant suspension rule for fighting in the last 5 minutes he probably would have just dropped the gloves.

    Fair weather Leaf fans throwing our boy under the bus can get fucked!

  5. Dubsified

    It’s obvious to anyone that’s not a Leafs hater that he aimed for the shoulder and it rode up once it hit him there. But you can only argue with idiots for so long.

  6. JohnYCanuckEsq

    You’re right. It’s manslaughter instead of murder.

    A high stick is a high stick. A head shot is a head shot.

  7. What a stupid take…. Like saying I only meant to shoot him in the arm but shot him in the head
    Either way stupid non hockey play because a little butthurt

  8. DontToewsM3Bro

    Rielly still needs to control his stick

    Hes probably going to get suspended. Still i like that someone in the core showed some fight and doesn’t just care about money

  9. Been saying it since it happened. He went for the arm. Only went to head because Ridley lifted arm(to protect himself as expected).

    Rielly needs to be in control of his stick so he deserves a suspension but it ‘should’ be low.

  10. fadedfairytale

    Doesn’t really matter though. Instead of dropping gloves or shoulder checking he intentionally crossed checked him hard enough that it ended up hitting him in the face. It’s just a weak move to cross check with your stick.

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