@Toronto Maple Leafs

[NHL Player Safety] Toronto’s Morgan Rielly has been offered an in-person hearing for cross-checking Ottawa’s Ridly Greig. Date and time TBD.

[NHL Player Safety] Toronto’s Morgan Rielly has been offered an in-person hearing for cross-checking Ottawa’s Ridly Greig. Date and time TBD.

by alphacheese


  1. What a fucking joke. Suspension is necessary but there has been dozens of worse hits that for 3 or less

  2. Extremely predictable.

    The funniest/worst part of the entire cancerous discourse around this incident was all of the non-Leafs fans saying “cAn’T WaiT fOR DoPS tO gIvE HiM a FiNe BecAuSE hE’s a LeAf”.

    As if Leafs facing suspensions haven’t received completely disproportionate discipline relative to precedent in *every single* instance under Parros.

    Joke league and joke DOPS.

    EDIT: I’m gonna call this right now…based on CJ reporting that DOPS was trying to “gather evidence” prior to announcing the type of hearing for Rielly and Strickland saying his sources tell him DOPS will offer “stern discipline” to Rielly…DOPS is gonna drop the longest suspension of the season on Rielly. **At least 7 games, if not double digits.**

    When have we **ever** seen DOPS attempt to sow the seeds of “due diligence” via insider rumors before a hearing is *even announced*. They’re setting the stage for a 7-10 game suspension right now because braindead Parros has already made up his mind.

  3. That’s 5+ games there boys. Looks like they’ve chosen to make an example of him

  4. Parros has irreversible brain damage. It is what it is.

  5. GoldenDeciever

    In person. Lmao.

    Joke of a league. If the roles were reversed this’d be a fine.

  6. rhineauto

    Once again it’s a good thing the league has a brain damaged former goon in charge of player safety

  7. prob_wont_reply_2u

    Morgan, there is only one response to this summons.

    I don’t know what you’re looking at Parros, he clearly fell into the boards himself.

  8. Volderon90

    Next person that literally cross checks someone in the head next week will get a $5,000 fine 

  9. 123jazzhandz321

    The right call would have been 3-5 games imo

    If it’s anything more than 5 games it’s a joke

  10. Picklepucks

    Don’t worry guys, the only way Mo was ever gonna get away with this clean was if he did it in the playoffs against the Leafs.

  11. ShinyVuIpix

    Brendan Gallagher, no suspension history, just got 5 games for directly targeting the head on a body check.

    Morgan Rielly, also no suspension history, is sure to get 7-8 games for doing the same minus the intent.

  12. Imagine Parros was like “You know what Rielly I respect that. No suspension or fine” and then watch r/hockey and r/nhl lose it. Obviously not going to happen

  13. Showtime98

    Time to go another heater without him like last year.

  14. PSChris33

    I mean, Perron got 6 games for the closest comparable incident and he had no history either. I’m not surprised.

    Grieg deserved a response 100%, I just wish Rielly shoved/facewashed the guy or started ragdolling him or something. Hell, drop the gloves and don’t give him a choice. Take the instigator and the 1 game vacation, you can live with that.

    Parros is fully torqued at making examples out of us and Rielly gave him bulletin board material with a crosscheck to the face. Now we’ll be missing our best d-man for at least a week and a half in games we absolutely cannot afford to be dropping points in given the tight playoff race. Mo’s heart was in the right place but he absolutely needs to be smarter and not crosscheck a guy in the face.

    If it was the Leafs of yesteryear, I would be “well, whatever, it’s not going to really impact the standings in any way since we already know who we’re playing and we actually have d-men capable of stepping up”. That isn’t the case this year and Mo’s gotta be smarter than that.

  15. lLikeCats

    Whatever the number above 5 is, appeal.

    Chiasson cross checked Vesey’s head after the game and just got 2 games.

  16. Carparker19

    No other team would see their player get more than 2 games for this. Fuck this league.

  17. KossyTakos

    I really don’t care how many games he gets, this season has been shit they aren’t at all a cup contender. Like at least Rielly is showing he’s frustrated and he isn’t gunna take fucking bullshit, something the rest of the team can’t say.

  18. leafsfan10341

    With this logic Marchand should’ve been expelled

  19. glightningbolt

    So Brendan Gallagher only had a phone hearing for that elbow 2 weeks ago and was not offered an in-person hearing. I have Leafs coloured glasses, but how is Rielly’s play worse than that elbow?

  20. wiles_CoC

    Remember the cross check in the back that rielly took in Vancouver? The one where he nearly had to eat the post?

    Yeah neither does Parros.

  21. Deluxechin

    If he gets more games then Perrons hit earlier in the season, then the league won’t even be hiding the bias

  22. intecknicolour

    imagine if mo doesn’t show up to the hearing.

  23. MrJeffA17

    All Mo needs to do is publicly demand a trade from the Leafs today. Parros likes that and reduces the suspension to a fine. Rielly takes back his trade demand after the ruling and plays on Tuesday

  24. Guy gave Spezza a 6 game suspension. We shouldn’t be surprised Mo is going in person

  25. Stolzieren

    Where was all this uproar about player safety when the lightning have been getting away with murder vs us in the playoffs for the past 2 years.

  26. No-Run5372

    It was a flop! He was turtling before the cross check, made it look. Way worse.

  27. revillio102

    I hope that Rielly uses the hearing as an opportunity to rip into player safety and officiating

  28. DontToewsM3Bro

    Rielly standing up for the leafs, was the right thing to do.

    Finally someone from the core actually showd some pride and gave a fuck about the team and not just their own paycheck

    But he shouldn’t have cross checked Greig in the face/neck area. Reilly deserves some games for that it was dangerous. If he had just fought him, there it would’ve be fine

  29. Sideshift1427

    Ironically the league ignores the hit on McCabe, I consider the on ice game managers part of the league.

  30. BackTo1975

    It’ll be 10-15 games now. This has gotten a lot of media attention that’s spread outside hockey, so the league will hammer Rielly here.

    It’s all a joke. But again, same old Leafs. I love Rielly. But this is another example of the team not showing up for games they should be winning. It’s also hilarious looking at that replay and seeing 88, 34, and 91 just lazily drifting in there. Lol

  31. People really expected this to not be an in-person hearing? This has 5+ written all over it since it happened.

  32. FonziesCousin

    In Person Hearing to give him the Captaincy!

    Reilly is the People’s Captain.

    Mo Captain Mo Captain!

  33. offside21

    go take that honeymoon Morgan, you deserve it. Fresh for the playoffs.

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