@Toronto Maple Leafs

This was genuinely insane

We’ll talk last night’s…. situation between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Ottawa Senators, which saw Morgan Rielly take a pretty insane hit after a slapshot empty netter. That and more discussed on today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. If you were to take away the colors of the jerseys and the names on the back, what really happened? An excessive shot was made on an empty net goal at the end of a game and a nearby player took offense to that. Did he have to take a slapshot? Did the opposing player have to make contact with the other player's head?

    You can insert comment/reason here why it was justified or not. How would you respond if this was Vegas vs Boston? In the Leafs case, how does a team get tougher without getting suspended? If Boston did something like this what would happen? It's the type of response we expect from tough teams. Teams the Leafs lost to because they weren't tough enough.

    And in the Sens case, how do we incite more opposing players to overreact? Would be curious to see what another team does if the Sens are in this same position. Would the opposing team do the same thing?

  2. We gotta remove the “disrespect/excessive celebration/unwritten rules” in sports man. If you don’t want him to slap shot the puck into an empty net, don’t get into a situation where you’ve got an empty net. Retaliating because YOU feel embarrassed for a situation YOU put yourself in is soft.

  3. When I saw this game was on I thought to myself “why isn’t the battle of Ontario a thing?” Maybe it will be now

  4. yeah you can do that hes a grown man this was not to far at all , the games way to soft now a days you younger folks don't get the unspoken rules on the ice you don't slappy a empty net like that he fucked around an had to find out. i can bet he wont do that next time. oh an fyi im not a fan of either of these teams before you leave your hate comments

  5. The national media is acting like Morgan Reilly didn't just lose is cool because he got his feelings hurt. People can call it respect, sportsmanship, or the code. No matter how they dress it up, they can't ignore the fact that the only thing the unwritten rule was protecting in this scenario was Reilly's fragile feelings and ego.

    The code absolutely has a place in hockey. But that place comes well short of allowing a cross-check to the head over as little bit of boastfulness. If Reilly had tried to fight or face-wash Greig, I doubt any Sens fan would hold it against him.

    Although, the pearl-clutching over the slapper is pretty antithetical to rivalries. That shit is extremely tame as far as sports rivalries go. You know what you call someone who rubs salt in the wound while capping off a win against a rival team? A fan favourite.

  6. I'm a Colorado fan and don't care for any of these teams, that being said I think Reilly is going to get 3 games. If he wasn't high profile and didn't play for Toronto he would've gotten 11

  7. What surprises me is… you're the Leafs.
    And you're playing the Sens, the joke of the NHL. Either step up and beat them as you should, when you're fighting for a playoff spot, or chill. It's Ottawa. 28th. What Rilley did is too much.
    However, from now on, Leafs with the empty net? Always a clapper 😂

  8. That goal doesn't warrant ANY reaction. That kind of sensitivity doesn't belong in the National Hockey League. Same goes for when dudes flip out when a guy shoots the puck after the whistle at an empty net. I mean, come on, even basketball players aren't that soft in such situations.

  9. Here's what I don't understand. Why is that big windup slapper into the empty net worse than Matthews scoring a game winner in an opposing barn and then doing the big "come on get loud" celly? Like, obviously it's a play with some sass and a little bit of disrespect, but I don't see how it's worse than when a local villain does a celly aimed directly at the crowd after scoring an important goal, and that rarely gets a response. Anyway, I can understand being upset and wanting to push a guy around a bit, but even if that crosscheck didn't ride up the shoulder into the face, it was too much.

  10. I'm surprised that you've really seen sens fans saying they didn't expect any response. I think most expected a response, just not a candy ass stick-based one. That being said, code or not, the point was to agitate (mostly the leafs fans in the stands). People keep saying they want to see more personality, more rivalries, more real emotion, then it happens and people go on about it being classless? Reilly had a lot of options to respond here and he chose one of the few absolute no gos imo.

  11. honestly, its a skill issue, no retaliation should be called for beacuse thats just fucking stupid

  12. I dont see any reason to even respond to that sort of play.

    Leafs are just soft, they need to "show their toughness" after the whistle is blown and not while the play is going on.

  13. It was clean. People are absolutely delusional condemning Morgan here. Grieg deserved every bit of that cross-check.

  14. If you don't think Rielly's reaction was warranted you've never played the game. Somehow the Leafs are super soft and yet still the most suspended team in the league. Embarrassing, gutless act by Greig.

  15. Never would have guessed you were this soft @eck! Clean given the circumstances. He knew before he went all hardest shot competition what the price is on that level of disrespect.

    The toll is the same all the way from mites to beer league.

  16. Hockey is full of weird unwritten rules. Why does a slapshot in the empty net bothers anyone at all? Should the player kneel, pray and ask for forgiveness before scoring empty netter? Maybe if the player starts celebrating like a monkey after scoring one then yes I understand it as a disrespect but a slapshot to the net? No.

  17. We always talk about how tough hockey players are then we see them get “offended,” by things that do not matter at all. What Reilly did was stupid and inappropriate, full stop. I don’t give a Shit about your little made up extra rules.

  18. There’s no consistency or logic to how these suspensions are decided, and so I honestly have no idea what the league will do. In last year’s playoffs, for instance, Pietrangelo came down on Draisatl, who had been leading the playoffs in scoring, with a deliberate two-handed slash that effectively rendered Drai useless for the rest of the series. But Vegas are one of Bettmann’s darling teams, and so he inexplicably only received one game. Then the refs evened it up by suspending Nurse for a game as well. So I really have no clue what will happen here—though I do agree to you that it was an overreaction by Reilly to a Class A idiotic move by Grieg.

  19. grieg would never fight or take accountability. players just get away with stuff and don't care anymore. the league is weird now. fights after clean hits no fights after dirty plays and when they know they did something wrong they turtle up. there is so much skill right now but no one can take a hit or take accountability for the dumb stuff like not expecting a hit when you skating down the middle of the ice or they are not going to fight when they give a dirty hit or do dumb stuff because they can just get a power play for acting like an asshole.
    the game is fun to watch but these players are divas and act like what they did wasn't that bad and won't pay for it. they'll just lean back and let everyone else fight on the ice and learn nothing. it was good when you can just hit someone clean and move along and fight the person that made a dirty play instead of their teammates

  20. This is the shittiest take I’ve ever head in an Eck video. It wasn’t a “temper tantrum” it was a response. It’s about time the leafs actually show a pulse and not let people get away with stupid shit.

  21. I know the Leafs have a bad history with Parros since he took over DOPS but this might be the one time they’re glad to have him there, this seems like something he’d be proponent of

  22. Of the many reasons leafs will never win anything. Mentality. Hysterical primadonnas that start a scene when things don't go their way.

  23. I REALLY thought Leafs fans were the worst in the league, with the most bad faith, delusion, and historic level of conspiratorial BS (just have a look at the most upvote post in their subreddit after ANY defeat; it's madness), but damn, some Sens fans are DEFINITELY making a run for their money. Wow.

    Stop the pearl clutching on one side, and on the other, stop seeing conspiracies as if you were special (for the same bad officiating and suspensions ALL other team have to live with to the exact same degree as you guys do).

    Maybe there's a lead poisoning issue in Ontario lol.

    Seriously, go see what is posted after the first round loss from whatever team in the West (let's say Jets for instance), and in the East when the Leads will lose as is the usul custom.

    Compare one subreddit to the other. It's crazy, one will be about being sad while the other will be full to the brim with ANY and ALL possible hairbrain insanely upvoted conspiracy theories. Guess which team subreddit is the latter lol.

    You can check it for yourself right now instead of waiting for the playoffs. Go look at what were the most popular and numerous posts in 2021 after the Leafs lost to the Habs in 7 vs the subreddit of the Jets after losing in 4 (I think? or 5) from the same opponent during the following round.

    It's… Almost scary:

    – One is mostly about being sad from seeing their team lose, about hockey and stuff (i.e. one would expect from any team, I'm just picking Jets here before it's what I saw with my own eyes in 2021);

    – While the other is more akin to Jimtown before a good cup of Kool Aid!

    I'd bet anything that RIGHT NOW, if the suspension length has been announced, the most upvoted post in the Leafs subred dit is one a "similar" play the ended up with a lesser suspension or none, with the general idea that it's a conspiracy against the Leafs.
    I don't need to go there to verify, since it's ALWAYS like that.
    And I know first hand how soul sucking Toronto is, but it's not as if Winniped were freaking Monaco lol.
    Someone should publish some kind of study on the madness of that vocal portion of that fanbase.

    I will admit that I've seem less and less "this year will be different" or "this year the cup is ours" or general cockiness from Leafs fans. It was everywhere from 2016 to 2020. But 2021 broke them I think. The Bolts absolutely will never be forgotten for failing to do their job the next year (SO CLOSE to a clean 20 YEARS without winning ONE playoff round) but eh, in the end the humiliation got even worst I think lol, since now, in 19 seasons they exactly won ONE second round GAME, and I really don't see them winning much more during the Matthew era…

    …unless someone with a backbone gets to manage the team…
    – NOT resigning Marner, even if no trade happen, for the cap, let him walk is better than retaining salary for a return you don't want.
    – same when Tav's contract ends, unless he finally does what he should have considered for his last contract to make it team friendly (likw 8/8.5M instead of 11M last time and sign a team friendly short term contract at or close to league minimum, max 2Mx2, otherwise, BYE
    – use 20M+ of now free cap space for
    2 RELIABLE top 4 defensemen
    a good RELIABLE goalie tandem.
    finally afford to retain depth players/better bottom 6
    Even B- to B+ Def and a B to B+ goalie situation (one needs to pick the slack of the other; i.e. a solid D is enough if your goalie is red hot, but it's better to have a balance and actual depth between the pipe, otherwise you're one Krider away from squandering not only your excellent run, but entire franchise).
    Marner's timid playoff production won't be miss by having an okay bottom 6 and thus secondary scoring, not to mention the leeway a coach has when his bottom 6 is relied upon for 5v5 instead of just killing of PPs scoring from the bottom 6, and still elite top 6 even without Princess and Tav. Also more scoring from your aforementioned D.

    You CANNOT do a deep playoff run, let alone WIN the cup, without a good reliable D core + good goaltending, OR okay D and insane goalie (i.e. 2021 MTL but with waayyy better offence).

    So in 2-3 years, the Maple Leafs have the opportunity to actually contend for the CUP. YES, getting rid of just 2 players, just by their cap, could help the Leafs to LIFT THE CUP. The MINUTE Marner is given a contract, it's over.

    See, if even the better structured but still top heavy Oilers cannot win while being a BETTER VERSION OF THE LEAFS bette in every area, especially during the playoffs, HOW can ANYONE think the Leafs can win anything if they keep the same hm… "strategy"?
    IF they sign Marner, it's over. Especially with the insane zero delay NMCs that are given like candies apparently, it's going to be yet another untradable contract. You can't even start a soft or hard rebuild with such contracts, so if they resign him, you might as well change the team's name for the Toronto Sisyphus lol. Because it's going to be first round exits for the next half decade, then many many years and luck with lotteries and prospects, with zero guaranty that it will work out.

  24. As a hockey player myself I think getting upset because of the slap shot is shows weakness. If things like that triggers you, you shouldn't play.

  25. Sens fan checking in.

    I see no issue with what Greig did, he's a shit disturber and I really don't mind that being the nail in coffin to a rivalry series, especially in our barn that's packed full of Leafs fans.

    And it warrants a response from the Leafs. Chirp him on the ice, call him out in the post game scrum, get up in his face, give him a shove, something like that.

    But it doesn't warrant a headshot, because fun fact, nothing does. I've seen some unhinged takes from Leafs fans around this, saying Rielly was right to go for the head. Can you imagine if a Sens player did that to one of the core four? They'd be calling for a head on a spike.

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