@Buffalo Sabres

Panthers @ Sabres 2/15 | NHL Highlights 2024

Panthers @ Sabres 2/15 | NHL Highlights 2024

Can’t quite gain the line quick enough would have  been an offside call and back the other way comes   loar down the left side makes one move and a shot  stopped by Cy Sabers trying to bring it off that  

Far wall gurgenson lays it at the point nice walk  in here with a shot and a love save made by stoar   there on a walking by Clift taking that lane there  it is he gets couple sticks on him he Battles  

Through It he gets pu into an area where it takes  a quick shot St it’s got to come up ging starts   it out for Florida ragi tips it across the ballow  line Sabers fail to clear and com bailing him out  

There with a good stop of the far post with a shot  from the top of the far Circle by barup Leading it   ahead the kach Chuck across the line as Florida  changes 1527 to go no Score first period and a  

Shot from Miko goes wide Ryan Johnson plays it on  the board’s Far Side Sabers can quite clear it yet   as Reinhardt plays it back Kula slides it across  that’s malarin wants a shot and that one goes up  

Into the air on CY Bennett trying to take it away  from him onto the wing now for cousins slides away   from one check with a bit of a t up front Benson  with a back hand and that one SC wires must have  

Got a pat on that one here’s petka just feeding  this one with the front of the net and Zack Benson   on the backand pulls it over he’s got room there  but it just kind of rolling a little bit just as  

He kind of comes off his stick and just misses  of that right post and puts it past the net but   great feed by JJ PKA to find him coming in there  on the front foot here back into the Buffalo Zone  

Again on the far side Benson tips it Panthers get  it back cousins for the Panthers with a shot from   the high slot kind of backing away from it able  to get it back and now they’ll work the right  

Side of the ice on the entry with dolene cuts to  the middle back to the goal plays it to the Blue   Line far side shot St wi stops it take it right  back and send it deep into the Buffalo Zone with  

1040 remaining here in a scoreless first period  Ryan Johnson stripped to the puck up front they   score Parov with the takeaway and ver hey  puts it in the back of the net one- nothing Panthers this season and barov just down low just  working Ryan Johnson able to seal this Puck off  

Him he wasn’t able to get a good hold of along  the wall and just battled it right from there as   barov just lifted his stick the last second and  bhagy all by himself out to the front and barov  

Lindell the Rodriguez again still working the  boards Mika up top with a Shot Pat save but a   rebound out londell put that one just wide to  the Blocker of comry Nikola for Rodriguez off  

The left boards fires a shot rebound comry got  a piece of it and up the far po comes up with   a big save big saves here a couple times right  here fighting this one comes across he takes 27  

Out of the play right there Ean Larson and kulot  on the defensive side of things side to side they   go farce Ripple shot Save By conry The Rebound  kicks out again it’s right in front of him conry  

Trying to fish it and find it Savers have it the  arm save keeping that one and then getting tight   to the post here’s the scramble in front lomberg  with a throw to the net right there and you see  

Ki just scrambling he’s trying to find Acy middle  stack takes a hit as he plays it up top do trying   to create a lane it up a bit for Yoki Haru sends  it to the crowd in front chance was star’s down  

For Middle St but he closes the patch down  on his belly covers a lot of ground here’s   Yogi Haru just firing this one to the net and  the rebound right there middle stat gets it on   the backand pulls the forehand and then you see  starts just gets that pad tight the skate tight  

To the post nowhere for it to go and Alex tuck  out to start this period once again games for   higgy bark coffin Reinhardt delene keeps it in at  the Blue Line great IDE to flip that one and out  

Of midair batted by middle stack to Where Stars  tight to that point the doing just flips this   one in Casey midad in behind him if he wants  instead carries it down then plays it off the   board stalling for Thompson near side Thompson  shot stolar leads a rebound get her to the far  

Post and it bounces away from middle stap the  Sabers on the power play look at Tage Thompson   he’s taking a firing right here he gets it up Flor  to p is working around the outside but Savers clap  

To the middle couple Big Blocks another penalty  coming up here going to be a high sticking call   I believe on Rodriguez you got caught shot by com  can’t make the save it’s off of com in the net on  

The delayed call on the shot from the Far Point  is’s that lindal in front let’s see if there’s any   contact with the glove coming through and I think  it’s just comry gets his glove on it but he’s not  

Able to control it I don’t think there was any  contact there the referee is thinking the same way well if he’s in the blue paint Panthers  with the turnover and a race up ice onour the  

Extra man with a back head off the bar and then  Yoki Haru saves a goal sliding back to the net   to help cover up before comry gets the puck up  the ice right here and he hits him perfectly on  

The the backand and mour decides to stay in the  backand and that one goes right off the crossbar   CAA goes off the cross bar it’s a bouncing Puck  and Henry Yogi Hario knows he’s not going to get  

It with his stick so he tries to get down and get  his body in front of it to Cal got caught cousins   to his right takes the pass top of the Circle T  Thompson Over The Far Side as they work it right  

In front KY poo can’t get it up and over the pad  of stolar after the first save on the shot to the   net you got kst who got established in front and  he gets a piece of that one too again and when  

You see when he gets a stick on he pulls it back  across and then he’s not able to get it you got   Skinner going in there too sl’s come across with  that big left P nobody in front to spin the puck  

Out to so it’s kept along the wall good Rush down  the boards there by Genson against Nick cousins   now it’s dolene holds it fires off the end of The  Stick of stolar I think just watch this one little  

Curl and drag around his man a quick shot right  off the blocker SL it’s an up and out and you’re   going to have to see that here in the remaining  1241 of this third D got to get involved they  

Got to active and get up in and start pressing  carried in this time Skinner stops Parks it back   to the point Clifton Bryson TI in front rebound  and Skinner fired that one [Applause] high ding  

Will keep it in reaching Fort Middle to the n did  that go over the line or not reaching back for it   stoar the referee is emphatic for now saying no  and we’ll see if he’s right oh goes right across  

Right across the blue paint and hits THS in the  right foot right there and then he just kind of   lays back on it and that puck is actually right  there you see it live now race in the corner won  

By Greenway gets it back from Thompson lets  it go behind the net Dylan cousins goes for a   spill at the line Far Side do he can’t keep it  in empty net for reinard looking for number 40  

He’s going to carry it in fory puts it in the  back of the net you know he wanted to probably   give it back to him and he said no I’m going to  finish this it’s three nothing Florida 133 to  

Go in the third move it across as his Puck  comes out he’s a little battle with Dalene   Dalene not able to keep that one alive and in Sam  Reinhardt just feeds us across Bey for the second  

One of the game here and the Sabers get it back  but Turk has got a breakaway chance here petka   racing in and he does not get one past stolar yet  but he stays with it let’s look at this nice job  

Finding him up the ice PKA reaching back forward  and then just exploding STS gets that right pad   once again pad off the knob there the Panthers  Coach Maurice with the liks of Laren and Lindell  

And lomber getting the extra power play time and  as lomberg gets the goal as they just throw it to   the net rebound was there and lomberg picks up  his first first Power Play goal of the Season  

Py Hill and get one up here with 16 seconds  left lley just mishandles the puck and then   just fires it through longberg gets a piece of it  then he gets the rebound and he’s able to tap it  

In for the fourth goal here with 10.2 seconds left  Florida dumps it in and they will continue their   winning ways on the road Florida Panthers winning  streak now nine up to 10 in a row on the road r

Extended highlights of the Florida Panthers at the Buffalo Sabres

00:00 1st Period
03:54 2nd Period
05:46 3rd Period


  1. Well the Panthers rolled into town and made poor Sabertooth their new girlfriend.  And the Sabres just watched… Another blown chance of love in the NHL.

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