@Boston Bruins

Kraken @ Bruins 2/15 | NHL Highlights 2024

Kraken @ Bruins 2/15 | NHL Highlights 2024

Po knock slings it along zaka to De Brusque maoy  a one timer and zaka got a piece Seattle had a   three on Two And they opted not to shoot the puck  surprised me hockey game you get a three on two  

Get a shot James F Mar St to Morgan geek saved by  dord below the tops of the circles and plays that   pretty much initiate from behind the goal line  and plays to the scoring air strand boarded in  

Front Richard a clever pass to De brasque two  onone and Saka is saved by dord dord does a   360 in his crease a shot in a save by Dort maoy to  zaka right on goal and it ends up in the ne poock  

Batted [Music] around this Line’s got it going  and you get a good bounce to score a goal but   why fiveman rotation offensive zone Puck to the  net loose coverage by by Seattle then on man you   get separation you’re going to get scoring chances  zaka that’s a heads up Play Beautiful second stop  

Right there by dord but then the rebound oox  just trying to hit it in the direction tries   the centering pass blocked by Alexia Lindholm  across to De Brusque Pak into the creas a save by dord Tolen back to bers [Applause] I Everly  closes and Swingman look the other way and  

Everly scores on the rebound yeah it’s a you  know fairly quick change to get a different   Power Play unit out there when Boston had a  couple of easy clears against the unit that   started berer got a little speed coming through  the neutral zone they use that delay on the back  

Pass and he’s able to get that puck wide and  before any body could get back to take away the Lan bers in front and it bounces off the roof  of the net nothing on the passle they survived  

The power play by the Bruins and from that point  on they’ve been on Attack Mode got their skating   game going on the attack Bo was three on  two fan re stke a shot and a save by Joey  

Dord the turnover they get numbers rad with  good speed get that puck wide attack the net   allows van re like to have the option shoot  the puck or do I have a play to the trailer   good aggressive idea shoot that puck rides up  behind the cord looked like there might be a  

Potential rebound for rad on the net drive he  was jamming at that loose Puck underneath the glove is transition for the rins poster knock  against M poster knock onehanded and Saka   brilliant tip off ma boy OneTouch pass after  a relatively quiet three or four maybe even 5  

Minutes of the second period things have picked  up dramatically nice read pinched down the wall   all 54 games this line of coy marshan and Fredick  m cavoy round Puck round post hit it Square Mao’s  

Going to t- one up good little screen in front  great look at that replay POS knock zooms into the   attacking Zone collects the puck makoy to poock  Feats it to Van reik behind dord and outside the  

Post the cord keeping this a one-one hockey game  and got a little luck right here on this nice   feed by poso a lot of net for Van re just kind  of hooked it wide on the One Touch get another  

Look at it love that fake shot and scene pass  through the traffic wow 19 years of suffering for Brick de Brusque poock oh he Rings the  post having beaten dord cleanly perhaps   intentionally so marshan parlo Falls three  onone tolling in to bers to toen [Applause]

In catch and Edge in the NHL and expect a  golden goal scoring opportunity throughout   the entire game and it’s continued here  in the second period and then this happens   you know it’s a simple nice little play  out High to Carlo who’s moving laterally  

Across the Blue Line something you work on  all the time and this is just unfortunate   I mean he’s the last guy the top of  the fiveman rotation in the offensive   zone and as he’s moving laterally across the  Blue Line you know he loses an edge and down  

He go Ty Cartier clears now poock to geeki  centers to deos and a save and a save on the rebound frerick into the slot Co this is a well executed play  Frederick toar Shan to Coy even  

Though the Poke check is there by dord the  puck hits the leg or of coil and stays with   him and he’s got the open net hits the  side H the post I know the Puck’s on edge man W spoon to forward water spoon one  timer blocked by windberg bers who has two  

Assists scores the first three-point game for  mdty bers in his home away from home rink not   far from home well the Bruins had a nice play  coming up the eyes Puck possession they gained   entry got all Five Guys in the offensive  zone they were looking for a shot on Ned  

And they opted for the one timer by W spoon and  it gets blocked and you are taught the minute a   shot is blocked if you see you’re going to get  possession you fly the zone and that’s exactly   what ber was able to do lindol and burkovski  wrestle meanwhile de Brusque finds backo to  

Poock and dord comes out and Dives and makes the  save poso is going to get a great opportunity   Coyle gets that perfect pass in the high slot  fakes the shot he tried to freeze the cord the  

Cord reacts nicely to the pass left pad extended  glove above the zaka to Maran kicks it back to   zaka makoy to Lindholm makoy to Paka great save  by dor it’s 30 Florida with 45 seconds left to   play in Buffalo and the Bruins are going  to fall from first place after a 109 days

Stay and empty Nutter seals their [Applause]  fate we saw mccan yeah we saw three goals   against and I know this is garbage time  right here and and it contributes to the loss but I was impressed with  the Bruins offensive game tonight

Extended highlights of the Seattle Kraken at the Boston Bruins

00:00 1st Period
03:26 2nd Period
06:07 3rd Period


  1. lmao… this commentating is hilarious. All they do is say a player's name when they have the puck. Or talk about trivia facts that has nothing to do with what's happening in the play.

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