@New Jersey Devils

Micheal Haley vs Chris Stewart Sep 21, 2019

Micheal Haley vs Chris Stewart from the New York Rangers at Philadelphia Flyers game on Sep 21, 2019.


  1. My God the NHL sucks now. Thanks Gary Bettman for ruining the game with your anti-fighting policies.

  2. Jeezo linesmen, let the guys fight if they want to.

    If the NHL is serious about stopping fighting then forget the instigator penalty, make every fight a game misconduct automatic.

    BUT when you do that Mr Bettman you better put Shanny on a caffeine drip 24/7 because he's going to be looking at a LOT of dirty hits and play that he's going to have to suspend guys for. Because without fighting dirty play will get totally out of control

    OR…..You could let these guys DO THEIR JOB and help POLICE the game.The players want fighting in the game, the refs want it, the fans want it and even the owners want it. There's no "looking after the health of the players" nonsense either. There's tribalism and inner chimp in all of us, these tough guys know EXACTLY what they're doing, most of them know WHY they are doing it, and the ones that really don't want to do it then DON'T DO IT.
    However sooner or later if you're a tough guy who doesn't want to fight you're going to have to accept that your skill level will only take you so far in the game – you're in the NHL because you can play tough defensive hockey, you're not there to score 20pts a season. So it's either the AHL or the ECHL/Europe for you. All this BULLSHIT about "ALL players really need to contribute now".

    Even guys like Georges Laraque in his last years in the NHL (12 years ago) were putting up 13-20 pts per year. Show me a tough guy nowadays that puts up 20 pts?, besides plenty of 3rd/4th line players put up 10-20 pts per year but there's little room for a tough guy?.

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