@Buffalo Sabres

Brandon Biro Post Skate | 02.09.24

Brandon Biro Post Skate | 02.09.24

Get a chance to enjoy the salar break uh yeah it was a lot of fun got to go to Toronto for a couple days to stay one of my buddies place and then just H out here the last two days and it was nice to kind of get away reset and ready to

Go back you’ve been a pro now for several seasons how important is it when that rest presents itself to take advant yeah you have to especially with our schedule coming up here uh we know there’s not a lot of breaks from here on out we’re going pretty consistently the

Rest of the year so I think it’s important physically and you know just as much mentally just to kind of get away and kind of reset everything make you feel fresh rejuvenated and you know more energized coming back so it’s uh something I’ve come to appreciate more

As as my years have gone on in the league in the past has have these games been hard that first game back from a break are you ever going to spot it’s a little slugish to start or you guys normally pretty a I don’t know at least for me person

Personally sometimes it’s a little Hit or Miss um I was able to come into the rink a couple times over the break on days that I was here just to skate a little bit and just try to stay you know as much on top of things as I can but um

It’s usually a little bit of an adjustment coming back trying to just get used to the pace of play and making decisions Under Pressure even though it’s only been I don’t know five or six days since we played it does make that difference so um you kind of do all you

Can to you know to to stay locked in but um sometimes you know it’s just it just happens where it’s not it’s not great uh the power play has not been great as well of as talked a little about that he said shooting could help you’re one of

The guys that have been a driver on this man Advantage what have you seen the last couple weeks that it’s did struggle the way it has I think a lot of it just comes down to confidence um it’s like any other part of the game when when things aren’t going well you overthink

Things you you try to make plays that aren’t there you just kind of Panic a little bit and and you’re just not you’re not sure in the decisions that you’re making um you know and when things start going in then it seems like they kind of snowball and then a lot

Starts going in and I think we’ve tried to focus on shooting more keeping it as simple as possible just the the plays that we’re probably making earlier in the year and and in years past they just aren’t going in right now and so we’re just going to keep it simple and I think

Once once we get one I think it’s going to kind of be a Snowball Effect where where we’re getting a lot so uh just staying confident and and trusting that what we’re doing it’s going to it’s going to work if we execute and not try to do anything too crazy without

Actuallyy I’m guessing it’s probably a few dozen times you played the Syracuse CR now uh while being with Rochester what consistently comes to mind you think of am usually it’s pretty you know low chance games a lot of the time uh it’s about who can play mistake free hockey

Usually it’s against these guys you’re going to give up one or two chances a game and or or get get one or two chances a game and you really got to capitalize on those opportunities I think I don’t know what the shots were last time we played these guys but

Probably low 20s for the shots we had I don’t even think they had 20 so I think that just shows uh how tough it is to to find offense and create offense and and you get those little moments of of opportunity and and chances where you

Can take advantage of them you got to take it because you know they’re not going to give you any free offense like some other teams in this league and I think you know we got to play that way as well they scored late in the second

On something kind of knew how to defend and and sometimes it’s just you’re going to make mistakes and those end up in the net but um every time we play them it seems to be a low scoring game and and we expect that again tonight it’s a home

And home with them four points in the line you’re looking up to them in the standings how important is this week against these guys yeah it’s uh it’s massive it kind of always seems like we’re we’re competing with these guys at this time of the year for for

Positioning and I know last year they ended up finishing ahead of us I think we tied them in points but they they had the tiebreaker so uh we had to go there first and and had to win a game five on the road and obviously we found a way but if if

Possible we we’d like to get you know home games at the at the time of the year when it matters so uh I think you know points are huge and you know it’s it’s coming down to the end of the season now it’s not like we have a ton

Of games left and and all these points are going to matter a lot I know you say that all year but especially this time of year they seem to matter you know almost a little more so we’re going to be ready this season I think it’s it’s great I

Think uh for him the playoffs I think were huge huge benefit to him I think you know he had points throughout the season last year where you could really see what kind of player he was and I think just that added level of intensity in the playoffs and and how much harder

You need to work and and if you are really locked in how good you can be and you need to be dialed in all the time in playoffs I think he’s carried that over this year and and hasn’t just been flashes this year I think it’s been consistently he’s making plays he’s he’s

Confident and he saw that he could do that in the playoffs at the hardest time of the year when there’s not a lot of space and he’s just such a smart player works hard he’s a very good skater so he he opens up space for himself makes a

Lot of really good plays uh he’s got a very good shot and I think it’s just his confidence that’s making him you know super special right now and um super happy he’s a to that Allstar team and and I know he enjoyed it so uh I’m really happy for for his strides that

He’s taken in his career

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