@Buffalo Sabres

[Buffalo News] Inside the NHL: Fans have noticed Sabres’ lack of postgame salutes

[Buffalo News] Inside the NHL: Fans have noticed Sabres’ lack of postgame salutes

by seeldoger47


  1. Randy-Bobandy22

    Probably cause there’s been a lack of winning

  2. sjrotella

    I never really liked the post game salutes. Go out and win. You can salute at the end of the season when I’m not going to see you again for a few months

  3. alive5203

    I’m not a fan of the salutes either. Just start fucking winning already.

  4. RecommendationOk4148

    Don’t really care for the salutes one way or another but if they’re consciously not doing it because fans are booing that’s pretty ridiculous.

  5. farrightsocialist

    My jaw was on the fucking floor when I saw this shit. This is the fucking national hockey league. The fans have watched this team FLOUNDER for 13 years and we have these fucking inconsistent, low effort babies having tantrums because we were mean to the coach? Get fucking real.

  6. styroducky

    Every day I wake up and try to find something new to complain about.

  7. seeldoger47

    >It reached a breaking point with the “Fi-re Don-ny” chants directed at coach Don Granato during a 9-4 loss to Columbus on Dec. 19. The locker room was severely rankled by that outburst and, apparently, the response has been a postgame snub of the fans.

    >Given anonymity so he could speak freely, a veteran Sabre said simply that the team made a decision to stick together in support of its coach.

    >“Look, we love our fans because when this place gets going, it seriously gets going,” the player said. “And I get all the frustration of how many years it’s been. But most guys in here haven’t been here very long. Kevyn (General Manager Kevyn Adams) hasn’t been. Donny hasn’t been. You can’t put all that on them.”

    >“Columbus was a terrible game but it was one game, and that should have been directed at us and not Donny,” the player said. “This team keeps coming back. Look what happened against Toronto. And we know what teams quitting on coaches looks like. We’ve seen it in other places this season.”

    >But I can tell you the locker room was not happy one bit about the team getting booed off the ice after the first period of the Jan. 8 loss to Seattle – when the Sabres were only losing, 2-1 – and isn’t thrilled about the boos that greet the seemingly nightly first goal against.

    Apparently the Sabres aren’t mentally tough enough to handle being booed.

  8. CaresAboutYou

    I am sympathetic to the general idea of “players are people too” and I don’t boo them when I go to games, HOWEVER it is bullshit to pull the “ah we haven’t been here that long don’t put the 13 years of drought on us” card

    Fans aren’t booing 13 years of drought they are booing because last year the team was competitive and this year the team is a joke and the roster is mostly unchanged. We aren’t booing the 2014 tank year when we boo your shitty power play, we’re booing your shitty power play.

  9. dumpmaster42069

    The Sabres have noticed the lack of fans.

  10. fruitron3030

    What kind of culture have they built for the Sabres? Buffalo is a tough town, it’s not easy to live in, it’s not easy to make money, and it’s not easy to cheer for our teams. Whoever the anonymous player is, should have the balls to say his name and take responsibility for the TEAM decision to stand against the fans. 

    “Hi, I’m Kyle Okposo, and I approve this message.”

    Because what it costs to go to a game, parking, drinks, and some snacks, and to watch the team shit the bed night in and night out, and now to know that the players don’t care about the fans, is the worst kind of dysfunctional relationship I can think of in sports. 

    The only way this changes is by not going anymore. Hit Terry in his pockets, and maybe he’ll see that he needs a coach with a nutsack AND some hockey smarts, to turn this team around. 

  11. Pretty_Good_At_IRL

    What a bunch of tools. Oh you’re sure showing us! Be professional you big bunch of babies. 

  12. Novel-Challenge1384

    Maybe when you’re god knows how many points out of a playoff spot you shouldn’t be getting Nine scored on you just a thought. And like we’ve watched the season !!!! They lose such stupid games and continue to when they can barely even score 1 goal

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