@Boston Bruins

Bruins Close Out Homestand With Win vs Dallas | The Skate Pod, Ep. 278

Bruins Close Out Homestand With Win vs Dallas | The Skate Pod, Ep. 278

Welcome into episode 278 of the skate podcast I’m Brian D fiss joined by Bridget PR and Scott mcclaflin Bridget and Scott the Bruins home stand post Allstar break has concluded we’ll dive into all of it we might as well start right away their latest game was a win

Over the Dallas Stars uh Bridget Scott opening shifts Bridget want to go first sure I will go first so I guess it makes sense for me to go first too because this is the first thing that happened it happened before the game um it was maran’s 1000th Game Celebration and we

Got a chance to see um all the you know the video tribute that they they do in the beginning but then also in the First Media timeout of the first period they they did a video where players from around the league um reached out and said congrats to marshan and that

Included uh some guys that he skates with in the summer like McKinnon and Crosby uh Krug you know some of the former teammates around the league uh Tyler Sean was in the video as well um but former teammates were in the one that are retired now or in the Bruins

Organization were in the ones um in the pregame and and that was zidan oara David CI Patrice berson uh Ray Bor and marshan after the game told me that yesterday Bobby or called them and he thought that was like unheard of like he he couldn’t believe that uh he was

Getting a phone call from Bobby or um so it’s been great he said he’s had so many people reach out for his 1000th game um and they got the win for it so it looked like it could have been you know kind of a a day that got a little bit of the

Wind taken out of it but uh instead marshan who deci apparently decided to fight slash hug uh during the game and then had an important role later in the shoot out and um it ended up being a Memorial Day for him with the ceremony and just the way that things turned out

With the win yeah I feel like Brad Martian being surprised by a call from Bobby or is kind of like when Taylor Swift still act surpris when she wins Awards it’s like dude you’re in the group like like you’re you’re Bru’s Legend you know you you get calls from

Other brunes Legends I I think this surprise more comes from like when you when you think about it when you’re a kid like do you like when you fore this moment you don’t really like it doesn’t come until it’s right there and you are actually experiencing it that that’s

What I mean think about it if you were growing up as a kid and you were like a you know a big NHL fan you want to make the NHL it would be huge if Bobby randomly called you at any point for any reason so he he he does he does randomly

Call me sometimes oh okay wow lucky you um yeah so my my opening shift is perhaps the other biggest story from the day and that was the NHL debut of Justin brazzo and his first NHL goal uh got he was signed he was on an AHL

Contract so they had to sign him to an NHL contract it’s a two-year two-way deal capit of 775,000 and he gets called up uh before yesterday’s game makes his debut at 26 years old it’s been a long road for him he was undrafted out of the

OHL uh his first three Pro Seasons he’s spent time bouncing between the AHL and the ECHL never had an angel contract started out in the Toronto organization this is his third year with the Bruins um but you know he’s he’s really made a push and and risen up the ranks um you

Know call him a late bloomer or whatever but uh he he had a strong training camp in preseason for the Bruins and people might not remember this but he hung around pretty deep into training camp which obviously is a sign of like a guy that the team wants to keep taking a

Look at at one point they even they announced that he had been sent down to Providence camp and then he was back in practice the next day and played in the next preseason game again so it was almost like even after they cut him the first time they were like well you know

What wait a second I want to see that brazo kid one more time and so he’s obviously been on their radar he’s had a good season in Providence playing on lines with Georgie merela Fabian LEL so he’s up in the lineup and he up and he

Gets five shots on goal in his NHL debut in in a little over 11 minutes uh on an effective fourth line with Anthony Rashard and yeser Bist um who I I don’t think the three of them were ever like all together as a line in Providence but

They have all played with each other at various points so there is some chemistry there um but you saw what he what he’s going to do best he gets to the front of the net that’s where he scores his goal he’s obviously hard to move he’s six five he’s he’s listed at

245 I think he’s actually lost some weight since um since that registered but either way a big body and not someone that’s going to be easy to move on his goal he got position on Ryan suder um you know who while we’re talking about career games he’s over

1,400 so you know that’s not that’s not some rookie you’re pushing around that’s you know uh a veteran who who’s been around so um yeah it was an impressive debut for brezo yeah this one this subject we have probably so much more to say but we’ll save it for after Brian’s opening shift

Because there’s a lot there there is a lot there and yeah I mean it was definitely an instant upgrade I feel like in a lot of ways on that fourth line so for me I I just kind of want to get a pulse check on from from you two

And and and and listeners um on where this Bruins team is right now because if you look at at the standings they are second in the National Hockey League three points behind Vancouver they are first in the Eastern Conference they’re first in the Atlantic you know they’re

Leap frogging with with Florida as of late but so I understand clearly in the standings the Bruins they are they’re high in the sky and and and all is well got it but I want to ask what matters most to you guys into to Bruins fans because uh you know basically there were

Stretches over this last seven game home stand a home stand where they went 2 three and two and they had some losses where I would here afterwards they played really well everything but the result they deserved better and I just want to know if those same people now uh after

Yesterday’s win against Dallas will say you know what they didn’t really deserve the game they got the two points great but they didn’t play well so I want to know what matters most to people does does collecting points matter most or does does playing well matter most

Because this team points-wise will be in the playoffs so I don’t care if they finish first in the conference or if they finish in a wild card spot I now obviously if they finish wild card it means that their their play might be slipping in the points but I want them

Playing the right way come playoff time and that that went against Dallas I mean you get a shot 46 to 30 um overtime and in the shootout you constantly gave Dallas chances to win that game the Bruins were lucky to get the win so I

Just want to see if the same people who are applauding them for strong efforts and defeat which I agree with and then if they’re going to be consistent and say you know what that was not good enough yesterday despite the two points and and what matters most to you guys

With this team down a stretch it’s playing well right yeah for sure and you know as as Jim Montgomery said after the game results are funny sometimes like I so he highlighted the previous three games to me there were two games on this home stand that they lost that I thought

They quote unquote deserve to win and that would be Tampa Bay and Seattle I thought they were the better team and both of those games again deserved and quote marks because you don’t deserve anything in hockey but they probably deserve to win those games the Kings game I felt a little differently about

Because while they were better for long stretches of that game like they they also just made too many mistakes in the third period that you can’t make when you’re trying to close out a game and even late in the second period when they were up 3 to one so that one I feel

Differently about because it’s like okay you did a lot of good things to get the lead but some problems that have popped up throughout the season with not being able to close out games resurfaced again so to me you don’t you don’t deserve to win if you can’t close it out and you

Make too many mistakes um and yeah the Dallas game Dallas was the better team especially through the first 40 minutes they borderline dominated much of the first two periods and it was 22 going into the third um one thing I would flip on this in terms of you know any like

Potential hypocrisy about results versus way you play if we’re going to rip them for the collapse against the Kings and not having what it takes to close out a game or not wanting it or whatever you think the issue is well then you also have to give them credit for quote

Unquote wanting it or having desperation to come back and up the stars and get it to overtime like that you know there was there was desperation down the stretch and you end up with the tying goal in an extra attacker situation on a great pass by Charlie makoy and a great one-time

Finish by David poono So if you’re gonna you know rip those guys for not doing enough to close out a game you do also have to give them credit for coming back and coming back multiple times because they Trail Dallas multiple times and came back yeah the the part where it was

Feeling like more of the same not being able to close out narrative was uh when they gave up that that third goal and uh in the third and it’s like okay well they’re down by one late again uh are they going to be able to find one here

And and of course it comes with uh from from poster knock and it was such a a great like it was such a like a deceptive play that makoy made where he was completely not looking in the direction of poso just backing his Defender off until that lane opened wide

Like wide open passing Lane for the perfect one-timer from a place that posto scores so often so um it it was also uh San’s the the most saves San has ever made in a game that’s how much they got out shot by though like like you mentioned Brian like they they allowed a

Lot of shots on goal to the point where it was like a a record for swayan who played really well and we it kind of brings us back around to that uh sometimes their goal tending might have to build them out and he played so well

And in the shootout too and he’s one of those weird people who says he loves to shootout uh a lot of goalies don’t but he thinks it’s great uh so I for in terms of like should we be or are people going to be critical of them even though

They won like or should we be more critical of losses or like that looked good or results when they win uh but don’t look good I I think people just find a way to to kind of complain and and I mean it’s our job to analyze

It as well so we can talk about the good and the bad of of everything and not really get too high or low unless it’s like really obviously a horrible Trend in the wrong direction that is um G to be concerning come playoff time but there was one concern that actually is

You know something that we need to bring up and Scott this was originally going to be your opening shift but um Bruins win but hampis lyol gets injured and does not come back to the game yeah he he LOL went down early in the third period um just kind of an

Awkward play in the corner where he got tangled up with the Stars player I think he maybe like banged slash jammed his knee into the boards and then fell awkwardly was slow getting up slow getting off he initially stayed on the bench and then the next TV timeout uh he

Took a little twirl around kind of shake things off he was you could see him flexing that left leg you know kind of massaging it a little and then he gets back to the bench and goes right down the tunnel and that was that was it there was Montgomery didn’t have any

Update after the game um he said they would know more Tuesday I’m guessing there’s probably some sort of valuation before the team gets on the plane out west um obviously first I guess just to know is is he going on a trip you know is is there a chance he plays sometime

Over these next four games obviously it’d be you know pretty concerning if he’s not traveling that means he’s out at least four games so uh there’s no Bruns media availability on Tuesday so I guess we won’t know anything until Wednesday um but yeah that obviously you know if

It’s short term if it’s minor all right you deal with it for a game or two or whatever it is and and figure it out if it’s longer term then yes I would say that you know that would dramatically impact how Don Sween approaches the trade deadline oh yeah that’s you were

Talking about adding like maybe a bottom pair defenseman and and now you’re going to like okay well now you have a a hole in your your top four so uh you you got to almost look for a higher quality uh defenseman in that in that case but

Obviously still early to to tell and uh it was awkward so I hate when it just kind of like the the ptra injury it’s like it doesn’t look that bad and even if you go back and watch it like you can see all like the actual Collision isn’t

What does it it’s like the like the very end of it where his knee gets like pushed like a tiny bit in in in a weird Direction and and then he goes down and and you you can tell like obviously it put him right off right off

Balance and it’s it wasn’t a strong enough hit to knock you over so that’s how you know something like happened in in his leg um to cause him to fall and the fact that he I don’t think he took another shift after that so um he just

Like Scott said got on there and just like tried it out and then went down the tunnel so we’ll see about that but that obviously changes our conversation about the trade deadline and about what the needs are because as of yesterday I think Brian no it wasn’t you that texted

Me this it was our our coworker Nick who said like this shat and Kirk forbert pair is just just killing me uh so like we’re already talking about how some of the defensemen are not uh they’re not performing super well right now I know Scott’s been on forbert for a while uh

Ray on Sunday skate Razer completely disagreed with you about this he likes forbert uh and obviously forer’s not really tradable at the trade deadline but um Scott and maybe over the course of the rest of the season you and Razer are going to butt heads on this the forbert topic

Well and what like I said like my my issue with forward right now even Beyond his play is how dumb he made me look on Twitter Saturday because I actually tweeted out a defense of like why he’s still playing you know highlighting some fancy stats stuff about how few High

Danger chances he gives up when they give up when he’s on the ice uh how teams don’t get chances at the net front and he played like maybe his worst game of the season s like I think that was like the first period when I tweeted

That out and like the next 45 minutes of that game were just brutal for him so did you delete it were you like JK no it’s it’s still up there still still get still getting roasted in the quote tweets that’s what happens when you go out on limb when your original opinion

Was that you you were concerned with his play as of late and then you tried to convince yourself that you were you know you were trying to uh be unbiased and see if you could prove yourself wrong but let that be a lesson kid NE kids

Never never be nice to people never give anyone the benefit of the doubt never um except for that as a goenda said that’s the kind of guy that you need in front of your goalie in the playoffs and that’s who he would want so um Brian your thoughts on that pair like

We spoon not being in and what they should do if if they’re missing Lind Holm well I mean if they’re missing lolm you still have a number one defenseman and most teams if they would have lose a lolm type they would have no more one number one defenseman so I think I still

Don’t think the Bruins have I think you bring up lorai obviously I think I think that’s kind of a uh you know a natural decision I think he should be up there regardless um but the Bruins don’t have the they don’t have the capital to make anything crazy happen they’re ham

They’re hamstr strong so it is what it is and and I feel this way about this team whether or not they have lolm in the lineup or not like I just think if if if this team if this team is as good as everybody says that they are then

They shouldn’t need to add much really and and we saw what happened like they should they should be good enough to to roll with what they have right if everybody thinks that they’re truly one of the best teams in the league which I don’t necessarily dispute I’m just

Saying like you can’t on the one hand be like oh well they you know they’re they’re one of the top teams in the league and they and and and they’ve been showing it all year and then I understand like linol goes down as a big piece I understand that but I think you

Just replace it internally with lorai because you don’t have the capital to do it you have to trust this team it’s it’s why even if it’s why like you know the Bruins wouldn’t be on on the lolm stuff like I I don’t think I don’t think um

Elias lome that is like at center it’s like Coyle and zaka their numbers are good like there numbers are better than Elias slin Holmes this year like it’s to to I think this year for the most part it’s you have to kind of just trust the

Players that are there and see what they can do kind of the opposite approach of last year if you want to find a complimentary player that’s fine but as far as far as forck goes I think razer’s right I think that I think that people are very quick to to to [ __ ] on

Him and I I understand why I’m watching the games that they’re watch watching I see that his foot speed’s not there I see that he’s missing assignments and that he’s having some boneheaded plays but when Razer says you need that guy in the playoffs you do and and and forber

Is the only guy that they have that’s like that that’s going to sit there and eat shots left and right and and and and do the things that nobody really wants to do in the playoffs do you want Charlie makoy blocking those shots at forward blocks all the time no uh as far

As wspoon goes he still has some to earn a little bit um I just don’t know what people want like like what are you going to do what what can you do with forber like for you need a guy like that I agree he’s not playing great but you need a guy like

That in your third pair who’s replacing him like the F what are you gonna do with them yeah well the funny thing is this is probably more of a a hot take than than anything else set Riser said but he was like if you wanted to trade for bird

At the trade deadline he’d probably get you more than most at most anyone else like that you’d be willing to trade I I heard that and I don’t necessarily disagree like again if you’re a contender I mean who who do you think who do you think a Stanley Cup team

Values more like like okay so who’s the alternative right like M gizli right like does like the Colorado Avalanche for example and I know every team’s different because some teams have things that other teams don’t but like when Colorado has kale Ma and Devon Taves and

You know Sam Gerard and and uh bo bym if those guys are all healthy like what do you need grizzli for you don’t you want somebody like a a forward if you’re G to add something like I’m just like championship teams very much value like that that’s that big body who can block

Shots simply put now if you’re if you’re a contend that’s lacking transition game yeah that maybe grizzli but I think most contenders probably have a good some good transition defensemen yeah yeah I I’ll stand by the same thing I said on Sunday skate too which is if someone wants to give me a

First round pick for Derek for I’m taking it and throwing a parade for Don Sweeny if you can even get like a second that would be incredible I yeah I’ve been of the opinion that anything that involves moving forward I almost think like you have to throw in an asset as

Some sort of cap down but if they could get like a real asset for that and then turn that around as ammunition to go get you know a more well-rounded upgrade like I would be all for that I just don’t think it’s realistic and um you

Know and I think Brian to your point about like forbert has some value when he’s on his game that’s why they’re continuing to play him because he’s still working back from from his injury issues and at the very least they owe it to themselves to see what they have before the trade

Deadline to know like okay either he’s tracking the right way and he’s still still playable or boy we just don’t think he’s going to get it back this season we actually do have to do something there like you can only figure that out by playing him so

Saying oh he had a bad game Saturday let’s bench him for the next week okay well now you’ve lost one of you know two and a half weeks leading up to the trade deadline like you can’t do that so um you know and if he’s still here after

The deadline then you owe it to yourself to try to get him right for the playoffs so he does have value for for you so that he is a useful player come the postseason so yeah there’s going to be there’s going to be hiccups and there’s

Going to be some ugly games and and we’ve seen a few of those recently but um but I also get why they’re playing him even though you know it’s tempting to sit there and say we spoon’s maybe had some better games recently why not just play wspoon every game over him and

It’s like because there’s there’s a bigger picture in mind that this team has to be looking at I I don’t look I’m not saying forber has to be an every single day defenseman for them he could be their seventh defenseman I’m just saying like when you go to the playoffs

Like I’d rather have if you want to go out there and get a Jacob Middleton and and your third D pair is Middleton and shaton Kirk or Middleton and wspoon or forber and it’s like a rotation of those guys that’s fine like it’s fine um I it’s just it’s interesting to me like

People are like ah forward sucks get him out of here but then they want the Bruins to bring in Jacob Middleton at the line it’s like I I I think Middleton’s objectively better than forber I’m just saying like it’s the same type of player like you’re getting

Rid of one type of player to bring in another potentially it’s like I I just yeah you trust me if if the Bruins go far this year I’m sure there’ll be a time where forber blocks a shot that would have been an automatic goal and

People are going to be like oh thank God we had that guy um and and I also don’t think like look in the same breath and this might sound h critical but your your third your third you know your third deep pair defenseman on the left side is not maker breaking your Stanley

Cup hopes this year I hate to break it to anybody like Derek forward’s not going to be the reason the Bruns don’t go as far this year as they might it’s just not true but you do you at least need your third parent to keep their

Head above water because I I I think one of their biggest issues against Florida last year was that forb Clifton third parent got absolutely wrecked in that series like they were they were poor it’s not the only reason the Bruns lost obviously there’s lots of them but that

Was one of them yeah Clifton Clifton uh giving a tapeo tape pass you know uh in a neutral zone transition to whoever the hell it was in Florida like literally he could have gone to any one of his teammates and he goes right up the middle like I’m not GNA blame forward on

That I think I think Clifton was very um all over the map he was he was like you know forer’s not gonna forbert might he’s gonna get burned wide here and there right he he might get out somebody might be a little bit finessed around him because he’s whatever but he’s not

Going to try to do too much Clifton was doing way too much and and and I just think that uh I don’t want to absolve forward it’s it’s been a long time since last spring I don’t remember every single game specifically but I remember watching Clifton being like he’s all

He’s all all over the place right now they just making boneheaded passes but yeah um I I just don’t to me like there’s there’s so many more areas where I think the Bruins need to like like I want the Bruins third D pair to be bigger and tougher to play against and

Forer’s like that kind of guy I’m to me like I think they could add another one another player that can help him like like I think a Middleton and again I’d have to check their hand in this are they both lefties or is Middleton righty they’re both Le lefties all right so

That’s kind of one have to play their offside but just in general like I I I don’t want that third D pair to be small like I don’t want Grizzly on that third D pair and and I’m bringing up Grizzly because it’s kind of like him or forbert

Right um people talk about but like I think like for me like the Bruins have to address like their their bottom six chemistry um I don’t know I the last one of the last things on my mind is like that third D pair guy like over forber

Like I think there’s other places they have to address um so and maybe that’s internal like third line like again like I I like brazo lot yesterday I think he could be he could be a Homestay on the on the fourth line but like I I don’t want to take up too much

Time but I just I just think I’m not I don’t want to harp on Derek forbert like I think there’s other areas that they need to improve upon I don’t think I’ve talked in like eight minutes um 15 minutes ago so I know um well I think that is a good like transition

Though because uh we wanted to talk about the fourth line and and it goes back to a conversation that we had about what what should they be trying out before the trade deadline to see what they have for internal options and we put the poll out and to People’s Credit

Some people wrote in Breo as an option and explained okay this is he’s a bigger body he can do kind of some of the things that Bruins look like they need he can be physical um and then we we saw Rashard speed so we we see these two

Call-ups and it wasn’t any of the guys that we list it wasn’t beer it wasn’t lysel it wasn’t merav um the answer was other I guess so brazzo comes up uh Steen gets waved and cleared he cleared waivers um so now he’s back with Providence and Loco gets

Sat so what it does is really it sparked that fourth line I think it gave it it energy like all of a sudden it was it felt fresh again it didn’t feel stagnant because you have you throw two guys on that line plus boquist who are all

Fighting to be in the NHL and it just feels a a little bit different like you you immediately saw them go to work and get things done boa scored the first goal he’s looking more confident um and like Scott mentioned they have played individually together at different times

Um so it’s not they they’re 100% um unfamiliar with each other and so far so good really with with those moves I don’t think the lineup missed Lao too much uh and Steen basically what coach said about Steen uh when we talked to him before the game uh with Dallas was

Basically he did everything he could do which is kind of like to say like he did exactly the amount that like he did his best but it probably isn’t enough to to keep him around it’s not really you know it kind of was like a backhanded

Compliment kind of like it felt like a compliment but then when you think about it it was like okay no he his best wasn’t good enough to keep on on the roster yeah I mean he had he had one point in 34 games like it’s you can only

Roll with that for so long before you have to make a change so um by the way brues might need another body because we don’t know if they’re completely healthy up front as they hit the road um loo was dealing with an upper body injury uh Montgomery didn’t specifically say if he

Could have played Monday or not um he was initially listed as questionable and then Anthony Rashard also took a slap shot off the foot that looked very painful and he was he was a little bit in and out the rest of the game he did take shifts after that but I don’t know

If it was quite regular playing time yeah he went down the tunnel early early third period and came back with like two minutes left it but then he took an uh an overtime shift that was an interesting uh turn of events it was like him and boist out there together or

Something like that and yeah so we’ll you know we’ll have to see if they they announce another call up either Tuesday or Wednesday um or you know what exactly the status of those guys are but um yeah I mean the fourth line is a whole though like obviously they had to try something

And now you’re you’re at this combination of rard bog vist Breo where you’ve got the speed with two of the guys and Bist and Shard and you saw that play a factor Monday on on the Bruns first goal where that that’s all speed makavo starts the transition Rashard

Down the wing and then bogi’s just flying up the middle gets behind the defense and makes makes a really nice play to settle the pass and then take it to his forehand for the finish uh and then brezo as the big body um you know

And you saw him getting to the nef run you saw what he can do there so you know I obviously continue with that until it stops working assuming you know assuming Richard’s able to to continue to play but um yeah you know I I don’t know if like

That’s going to stick as the fourth line the rest of the season or if you trust that as your fourth line in the playoffs there’s there’s a reason that all three of those guys were in Providence much of the Season there’s a reason none of them

Made your team you know out of training camp but it looked good on Monday and I thought Rashard and bit played pretty well on Saturday too Rashard got his first goal as a bruin in that game so Tred until they give you a reason to not

To use it tried until they you know give you a reason to change it you know they all have a goal in the last two games I I liked uh I liked Rashard um I do I like his game but you know what I wouldn’t mind seeing honestly as as a bottom six

Combination at some point and I’m not even talking in the playoffs I’m just saying at some point to see what it would look like I would like to see a third line of H of um Frederick geeky and lysel maybe and a fourth line of beer centering brazo and

Heinen I mean I I think there’s size on that fourth line and you have NHL Savvy and leadership and Heinen and steadiness and then that third line you have size with a little bit of flash I just think like again the the the while on this

Podcast we under we all agree that like yes the regular season matters to to collect points to make the playoffs but it’s about how you’re playing when you get to the playoffs because the the one benefit the the major benefit to the Bruins being so high in the standings is

They do have maybe not against Florida cushion but they have playoff cushion I think they should use this time to to to try and see what other combinations they have because they’re not going to fall out of the playoffs so what do you guys think about a combination of that in the

Bottom six potentially yeah I I I would like to see I would still like to see L get a chance at some point and if he keeps playing the way he’s been playing in Providence at some point it becomes a situation where it’s almost like you you have to

Give him a look just because he’s he’s earned it and you want to reward guys just like they have rewarded brazzo and Rashard recently it’s like part of that is yes you have to change things up and try something else in your bottom six part of it is those guys earned it and

And you want to reward them um but I would say the same thing remains true like there’s still you know there’s still jobs up for grabs in that bottom six like not nothing settled yet you know like I just said like roll with this fourth line

Until until they have a bad game or two but I don’t expect this combination to just like stay together now to the finish line so I think there’s gonna be opportunities to give some other guys a chance so LEL to me would be next on

That list um you know we’ll see if the Bruins agree obviously he brings something different right he’s more skilled so he’s not going to be in on the fourth line you’re you’re moving him up like you said probably on the third line to start um

But yeah I I would like to see that um and with Breo too you know the question with him for a long time has been is his skating NHL level and I think there’s going to be times where we see that come up as an issue and it’ll just be a matter of

Whether the other good stuff outweighs it you know NHL debut first game goal it’s very easy to focus on the positives and and kind of be you know like whoa diamond in the rough you know look look what the Bruins just found and it’s like

All right let’s give it a few games that there’s gonna be stuff that comes up where you’re gonna be like oh that’s why maybe he didn’t get a chance before this so um we’ll see but obviously an encouraging start for briset yeah and and I was goingon to say

Coach said and I’m trying to look up how many pounds he says he lost but he said he like his skating is it’s getting better and better as he’s put the work in because he’s worked his ass off to to get down to a certain weight um and I’m

Trying to I can’t find it right now but um yeah it was a also yeah also brazo is not much of a fighter which I know some people you know on social media like looked up and kind of shared yesterday um but people should also be aware of

That because I think people see 6′ 54 liner and think like oh super tough guy he’s going to you know pound the snot out of everyone he he hasn’t been much of a fighter so don’t don’t expect that no but what I what I thought when I when

I saw his size is I saw Puck protection down low and I and I saw I saw winning board battles in the corners and in front of the net those are the things that win you playoff series and you know when I bring up that potential fourth

Line of beer brazzo and Heinen I see again what have to see it right to believe it and see if it me if it could be a strong combination but I see size speed physicality and face off production out of beer when he’s on his

Game so if that lines out there and and you’re you’re winning a lot of faceoffs and you’re you’re starting off your shifts with possession that’s a strong suit I see obviously the size and and Puck protection and ability to to be be physical with brazzo and then I see

Denton Heinen who again just Mr professional like you know just like steady Eddie down there in the fourth line and and just would really calm things down I could see that fourth line causing problems for teams in a playoff series I think admittedly have to see more from

Brazzo to anoint him to this spot again to your point Scott one game is not enough but all he could do so far is the one game right and he showed Believe It or Not here’s the here’s the reality brazo showed more more in one game than

Loo and Steen showed in a combined 60 you know games this year 70 games this year so that’s the reality of the situation one game scoring is more than you know steen’s done all year um and he almost scored twice yeah and and Rashard too Rashard has produced in the last

Couple of games too I know we mentioned him too and I don’t mean to discard him and just toss him as a 13th forward I I I want Rashard around maybe to until he and so Scott to your point about like letting that fourth line play play until

They have a bad game I I understand that um but I I don’t know I I that fourth line combination I mentioned to me I want to see that with a a li cell call up just to see if he can do anything in the third

Line um but I but you know playoff series are all about depth and I just think I think the Bruins would be very wise if the Bruins top lines are going to be relied on David P so the Bruins rely on David pasnak and Brad Martian on their respective lines a

Lot of these top contending teams have a couple of elite players on each of their top two lines whereas the Bruins have one Elite player per their top two lines the point I’m trying to illustrate here is I don’t know if when when it comes to

The playoffs I’m not so sure the Bruins top two lines are going to overpower other Playoff teams top two lines because where they might not have a David Pastak they might have an Austin Matthews and a mitch Marner and like like they might have a little bit more

Firepower in the front lines so I think the Bruins would be really wise to make sure that their bottom two lines are where they could win playoff series and I think that tinkering with some of these combinations will help you see what the best options could be well if

That’s their strategy there they’re still in my opinion the bottom six is not going to current as currently constituted um we haven’t seen a whole lot like we hav’t seen enough to think that they could win a playoff series for for Boston and and that’s not to to like

Take anything away from Trent Frederick or Morgan geeky but they are probably the the two bright spots in the bottom six and then but it’s about finding the rest of it like finding the fourth line of of guys that can play together be offensive but also like you said Brian

Uh be good possession guys and and and not be liabilities and that was like the I think that was the very first thing mcgomery said when when asked about like what does brazzo bring and he said Puck possession and being heavy down low were the two

First things that he said um and those are very important and that is exactly what we’ve been talking about over the last few weeks like is there someone in Providence that can do that stuff better than laco and and Steen and you know we saw that he in a one game sample size

Which is small um that the answer was yes um and it looks promising for the future so in terms of like picking the right callup as of right now it looks like this is actually like has a decent hope of being a solution for them in in

The bottom six and then maybe we’re not talking about adding Pat maroon or maybe we are because maybe it’s still like all right he’s gonna come cheap and we still need a veteran like you could add that too but at least it it does shortterm give you an opportunity to look at

Options before you you are deciding about trade deadline stuff um and I don’t know I’m optimistic about it really um when I when I think about how that line looked yesterday actually like the entertainment value was higher um and obviously the the drive for those guys is different than like people who

Have been in the lineup for a while because it’s it’s brand new it’s i h have a chance to prove myself and know he did so um if he takes that mentality for the next few games or however long he gets a look he’s going to be successful I think and and hopefully

That that maybe could be contagious to that line um and and bring them more success yeah and I want to make sure like let’s not at all downplay having Frederick geeky and Al throw hinen in there too in your bottom six because I know I did this a little bit the last

Podcast but like I don’t there’s probably not really any team that feels great about their bottom six they everyone is lacking depth because the salary cap has barely gone up in four years teams have not been able to keep guys so everyone is either young players who maybe aren’t

Quite NHL ready or veterans bouncing around on cheap deals and the Bruins have found the veterans who have actually produced with you know Vin reik and Hein in um you know I think I think there’s a lot of even contenders who would be thrilled to have a Trent

Frederick on their third line um you know the like the team you fa yesterday Dallas they might be one team that might be that probably is a little deeper than you up front but they haven’t had the high-end production like Jason Robertson is who you’d look at as like oh that’s

Their highend forward well he’s having a little bit of a Down year so he’s he’s not poster knock right now um you know Vancouver would probably be another that feels really good about their third line um but there there’s not a lot of those teams though like I don’t I don’t think

Tampa is one of them I don’t think Florida is I don’t think Toronto is Colorado is definitely looking to upgrade their middle six like everyone’s kind of dealing with a lot of the same problems well if you think about it like and that’s why I qualified it in the

Beginning of what I started to say that Frederick and geeki are are definitely not people that you’re concerned about in in those roles because those Frederick has outperformed his previous Seasons geeky has been solid um those two who can can score um they’re smart players um and and even uh like van

Rezek has been in the bottom six at times and that’s somebody that you would say okay if that’s our bottom six like we’re we’re looking pretty good it’s just been about when we say bottom six honestly more more often than not we’re talking about the fourth line so like we

Don’t even need to necessarily drag those guys into it when obviously they’re it’s it’s important to talk about them as well but the real issues they were having was uh that fourth line wasn’t really doing much of anything so every time every time they roll out

Steen and Loco it’s a waste of a game and and and I don’t mean that disrespectfully it’s like they’re not it like they’re not it Oscar Steen is not it and and you know obviously the Bruins wave him and that and they sent into Providence in my opinion it’s like I

Don’t know why it took him so long and and but to to to your point Scott like yeah other contenders like they would probably want a better bottom and that’s why I think like it’s that’s where the Bruins could really gain an advantage over some of these teams and and maybe

It’s that the players in Providence that they call up maybe they’re not maybe it turns out they’re just not good enough maybe the Brewing System between Boston and Providence maybe they don’t have enough to to win the Stanley Cup uh by having a great bottom six but you got to

Find out because you know it’s not Steen and you know it’s not Loco and I just I’m re I was really encouraged by the by the brazzo signing um and I just feel like I just feel there’s a ton of I am optimistic too Bridget like I think that there

Is there’s a ceiling I think for this for this Bruins team that is that’s untapped right now because the Bruins for whatever reason they’re unwilling to to give you know a a merula for lysell an extended third line look like put like I said put high and down on the

Fourth line like that’s and and and BR zo and beer like that’s a that’s a big body forth line with some NHL experience in hen and see if you can get get something out of a life Celler merul off on a third line with geeki and Frederick

And and and and and find that out now because if you don’t think it’s if you try those lines out or something like that and you don’t find that they’re good enough Bridget to your point okay fine maybe we’re just not good enough but let’s see if there’s something else

Out there on the on on the uh externally and every game that just kept rolling out Ste and loo Ste and loo it’s like guys for Christ’s sakes can we like this is not it they’re not helping the team right now and it’s not helping you find

Out what you need to address because you you’re are not giving internal options opportunities either so I’m glad to see brezo get an opportunity hopefully that uh there’s more there’s more looks to come because again when you’re when you have this lead in the standings again

Not over Florida but when you have this playoff cushion that they have the Bruins are making the playoffs they’re not not making the playoffs and to me again we learned last year uh it doesn’t matter if you go in as the first seed or the eighth seed go

In playing the right way and for me for my money the Bruins priority for the rest of the season shouldn’t be let’s finish as high in the standings as possible it should be let’s find the best grouping of players as possible and to to play the best way that we can

Hopefully that leads to success in the meantime right but that’s that’s what I want to see I want to see the best Bruins Ross that they can put out there and it starts with giving guys looks in the bottom six it just does your top six

Is your top six Coy zaka those are your guys Marian berson Ben reike de BR that’s your top six did you just say berson what who did I say you said berson oh boy wishful thinking gonna stop you there because uh do you know something I don’t know like

Did he here Insider no 20 years of saying it no I almost said it again o zaka Maran pasnak jvr debrusk right now that’s your top six maybe you add somebody at the deadline maybe you don’t but their Focus right now in my opinion should be tinkering with some of these

Fourth third and fourth line combinations and I think I really think I’m on to something by putting hinen on the fourth line he can play Anywhere sure but I just think that h on the fourth Line opens up a spot in that third line and see if a young kid can

Run with it I mean who’s the kid in Dallas Scott Wyatt Johnson I mean not a harp on it and it’s not apples but you know selected two picks after Fabian lysel he’s been in the league for you know two years now he’s he’s one of Dallas’s

Better scores and it’s like here we are scratching and claring to see if we can get Fabian lysel one NHL game for Christ’s sake and he’s playing well so I don’t know that’s if if I’ll shut up if I see them do that like one way or

The other I just that that’s that’s the one thing I want to see cuz season NHL hockey as we know there’s ups and there’s Downs the Bruins getting you know two points here and there is not as important to me as finding out the best combination of players that they have

And I guess I’ll leave it at that for now sorry I got a little distracted because uh as we’re recording Matthew Slater just announced his retirement so I had to had to go into like Wei breaking breaking news mode and get get some alerts out

Yeah there you go hey he he Gunner you know straight line hockey there you go up and down get in on the four check yeah exactly great great on special teams I hear yeah I I did find it appropriate yesterday though that um Martian I know

It was mentioned off the top will Circle back to it so heading into yesterday’s game against Dallas they were one three and two on the home stand at the time which you know you would think they would come out and knock it out shot virtually two to one but either way um

They do tie it late Scott that’s great resolve that I I believe that was their first uh extra attacker goal of the season the last NHL team to accomplish that this year so they tie the game um granted I I thought Dallas was the better team in overtime I also thought

That you know the Bruins gave Dallas maybe six or seven chances to win the shootout um going around nine so Jeremy Swan was obviously huge and Brad Martian’s shootout goal to tie it was also huge so uh on his in his 1000th game you know I I do think Dallas quote

Unquote deserves to win but as you said Scott that means nothing maybe the Bruins didn’t deserve to win but they did win and it gets them feeling good heading into this stretch of games on the road out west against some really good teams so momentum is a

Real thing and and it was very that that was a very important reason as to um getting those two points the Bruns can feel good about themselves and they can get away from home now so that that win yesterday while they may not have been the better team it is really important I

Don’t mean to downplay that for those reasons it’s important Brad Marian is a big reason that they got those two points by scoring in the shootout on ainger and uh you know in his thousandth game just leading as he always does and I think Swan was a big Factor as well I

Think I would think I would say like makoy Marshon swan were were all pretty big and and those are players that you need to lead you in those situations than they were so um and and P not like obviously game tangle um doing what he does best so that’s all encouraging um

Even though there was stretches where it was like okay this looks like it’s going to be the same old thing they were able to to not let it be um and they were able to win that the last game of the road trip maybe take a little bit of the

Criticism and pressure off that of the conversations that would have been had If they’ lost in regulation they weren’t weren’t able to find that game time goal in the third um and it just now they can hit the road and and reset and and not have like the worst possible taste in

Their mouth like they’re leaving on a on a high note um for like the emotional reasons of the Marshon stuff and also the win uh and chance to build off of it and and use what they learned in the road trip to to get better and and make

Progress and use the adversity to help them like we’ve mentioned a bunch of times because that’s the that’s like the main difference between last year and this year is you know they they have a chance to make those adjustments and and bounce back from stuff whereas they’re sometimes they’re last year they were

Just so good that you their flaws didn’t get they got exposed but it still didn’t result in losses so um um yeah I don’t know I thought it was encouraging for San because he not that he had played bad recently but he was before the break

He was playing better after the break he was giving up a few that maybe he wouldn’t normally give up and then um against Dallas he he was really important and and made some key saves yeah and in the shootout like gets beat by Robertson in the first round

Then eight straight rounds he makes makes a save you know one of them was a poke check but and I don’t know how many people are stopping that Robertson shot yeah but it’s not like guys were missing the net or losing the puck like those had to be legitimate saves

Um yeah and you know as far as looking back at like the the homeand overall and just kind of where this TEAM stands as they now hit the road it like it is also worth noting that yeah they’re the two absolute stinkers against Calgary and Washington every other game on this home stand

They played at least reasonably well and were in it against pretty good teams you know Seattle’s out of the playoff pitcher but whatever like you ran into a hot goalie but like Vancouver they blew out now obviously that was an off knife for Vancouver but you still have to take advantage of

It Tampa had been streaking has been up one of the hotter teams in the league probably should have beaten them you lose in overtime Dallas has been one of the hottest teams in the league you get outplayed by them but hang around and find a way to win in

A shootout so it’s not as like you can look at the overall record in the home and be like boy that’s not good and it’s not but it’s not like they were getting blown out by like some of the top teams in the league where it’s like oh my god

Look look at how big the Gap is between them and other good teams no like if anything you should come away thinking like all right they’re right there they’re not clearly ahead of the these other teams they’re also not clearly behind them like this is probably how

It’s going to go by the way they’re facing more good teams on this road trip especially Edmonton and Vancouver I would expect those to be competitive close games and probably one mistake here there or one bounce like could decide it so that that’s how it’s going to be for

This team that’s what we expected it to be for this team we didn’t think they were going to be like last year where they’re just going to roll over everyone and it’s clear that they’re you know Head and Shoulders better than every other team like they’re not they’re

Gonna have to grind they’re gonna have to battle these are going to be close games they get into the playoffs they’re going to be close like I I know you know I was dumb enough to pick them to sweep Florida last year I’m not gonna be

Picking them to I’m not gonna be picking them to beat anyone in four or five games this year like it’s gonna be a grind they’re gonna have to be longer series Scott people shout out to me and Bridget for seeing uh for seeing what was what was ended up becoming reality

Before it happened I mean that Florida team was playing playoff hockey since January it just didn’t love I didn’t love that idea of of a of a I just yeah not to rehash but so I mean so but Scott like to that point right like the Bruins

Have 77 points they’re second in the NHL first in the Eastern Conference you know playing these other best teams as meas it should be a it shouldn’t even be a question if these teams are in the same league as each other like the Bruins are the second

Best team in the league so you know to have a home stand where it’s like we’re we’re I’m not saying we’re doing this I’m just saying like in general like to applaud them over homestad for like keeping up with some top teams well they’re supposed to be a top team in the

League right so I think I think that kind of is there’s like an underlying message there of like this Bruin’s team is um uh they’re they’re uh what’s what’s the word I’m looking for they’re they’re playing better than expected or they’re they’re over overachieving maybe they’re overachieving where they are in the

Standings right now I think that’s fair to say um and and I think that’s why it’s an it could be annoying when when Bruins fans Bruins fans are interesting they either have nothing but negative things to say or nothing but positive things to say and there’s really no in

Between but when people like say like oh well you know they’re they’re they’re they’re second in in the NHL they’re first in the conference what what do you want from them not nothing like that’s great like that’s really I’m really happy for them and they’re doing it you

Know Moneyball style um but you have to you have to read between the lines and see like this team they they they they have they have if they want to win the Stanley Cup which is what people want when you’re high in the standings you do have to try

To you know see the forest with the trees a bit and and like identify yeah like they’re they’re overachieving a little bit on goal tending and and just you know a couple of you know really really elite players but there are things to improve upon and you know um

So it it’s not like that it’s not that we’re complaining about them or or or anything like that it’s just that you know we talk about them three times a week and um if it I wish it were as easy to say look what their understandings that’s what expected of them but it’s

Just not and I think Scott you kind of mentioning the home that be a pretty boring podcast wouldn’t it it would be it would be but Scott you mentioning the home stand and being like it’s not like they got like yeah they played well against Dallas and other good teams like

Well yeah they should they’re they’re second in the NHL but I think that we just know that they’re they’re overachieving a little bit so far yeah Bri fired up Brian’s getting fired up because it’s lunchtime he’s getting hangry is it lunchtime it’s 10 it’s where are you in

England I’m hungry okay I want lunch 10 time just for listening yeah it’s uh it’s I already ate breakfast most people eat that before 1014 Bridget not me my breakfast is usually about 11:30 oh gosh but yeah it’s it’s it’s the difference between being one of the top

Teams and the top team and right now they’re they’re one of the top teams with probably a good like seven to eight other teams around the league and um you know I I would I really wish they were playing Florida sometime soon like sometime during this stretch like that

That’s the real measuring stick I want to see like I know that they’re facing some of the top teams in the west but you know know you’re not going to see any of them until the Cup Final if you get there like Florida’s the the one that is right there in your division

Right with you in the standings they’re like they’re the team like you almost know for sure is going to be standing in your way at some point and you know it like I know you can only learn so much from one regular season game but I would

Just be interested to see like how they match up right now just what it looks like and that they don’t play again till the end of March unfortunately so we’re not gonna see it but well that’s a good time though yeah and then and then they

Play again like a week later so it’s like twice March and April you get you get them twice right before the playoffs and yeah maybe that last one in April maybe is that the last game of the season no there’s no no no but maybe you’re starting to see a little bit of

Load management by both of those teams at that point maybe not it is there is still about six games left for both teams after that so probably not so the you you’ll get your wish then Scott hopefully those teams are um you know hopefully by then it’s the teams that

You’re entering the playoffs with and we’ll find out but I want to see that matchup too and you’re right you’re right Scott like you know I think the re one of the reasons this Bruins team is second in the NHL and it’s it’s to no

Fault of their own I think the NHL this year is uh it’s kind of anybody’s game like I can see any one of the 16 teams that make the playoffs this year going on a run the parody is kind of uh it’s it’s really strong this year not there

There’s not one team that’s like running away with it like Boston last year or you know teams in the past it’s like every team has their faults to your points Scott even the best teams and um so I think it’ll be fun a fun spring

It’s it’ll be a tough year I think for NHL uh playoff brackets out there yeah Vegas is gonna take people’s money again as pretty usual but um but what I was going to say is they also played uh Carolina twice in April that’s another team that could be you know on

Their path to the Stanley Cup depending on how far they make it and that’s another team that it’d be interesting to just see like the matchup of playoff Readiness for for it’d be a good gaug for both of those teams to see like um

You know a little bit of taste of that I think those are the right teams to be playing at the end of the season obviously the very last game is Ottawa that’s different but you’re probably not playing people much in that game anyway you finish out with Pittsburgh uh

Washington and Ottawa so um but right before that it’s like kind of a gauntlet of of teams that are playoff teams in your conference so um it’ll be a good that that will be an interesting uh stretch of the season for sure yeah I I feel like Carolina’s gonna

Be the team to beat in in the Atlantic over the Rangers like it it’s really only been goal tending that’s held them back and I know that’s a big one that they have to figure out but I don’t I don’t you know someone gets hot at the right time like

The we’re talking about depth the Rangers just lost Blake wheeler for the season and on the surface you think like oh that shouldn’t be that huge of a loss and yet you know 21 points in 54 games like right like that’s not that’s nothing crazy that was sixth among

Rangers forwards in scoring like just to give you an idea again of another team that’s just extremely topheavy like you know Blake wheeler was basically a top six forward for that team so yeah yeah I mean I I’ve been high on Carolina I I actually like dating back

To the preseason and Scott I know you mentioned earlier on like their goal tending wasn’t it was you know treacherous and um their Achilles seal in your mind but I I just think that that that group’s been a together for a while and I I just love I love their

Defense and I just think that that team is really difficult to score on really difficult to score on and they’re frustrating yeah yeah and up front you know no no Superstar Superstars but just some really solid um you know players up front for them and I

I think that if you know speaking right now on February 20th I I could see them going to the C cup finals against uh you know a couple different teams out west I like a few different teams but I I like Carolina coming out of the East I’d say

Carolina then Florida then maybe Boston you know yeah car Carolina’s another team that does definitely have the offensive depth I should have mentioned them earlier but it it’s funny my my preseason cup pick looked like laughably horrible for a couple months and now bad uh Ed Edmonton over Carolina oh oh yeah

I was laughing at you for the Edmonton thing back when they were sucking so yes Scott totally Edmonton’s definitely gonna did you have them to win by the way yeah I I had Edmonton uh no actually did I I’ll have to look back I might have no

I think I had Carolina winning actually you flipped on them pretty quick once the season started Carolina no no I didn’t I I think I stayed pretty high on the team overall I just said the go tending sucked which it it did but um I still have still have serious questions

About that goal tending but we we’ll see is it bad that I can’t remember who I picked is it bad I don’t either I don’t think it was Boston though it wasn’t it wasn’t Boston I may have been something similar to Scott honestly I may have changed I think I picked

Like I I think you did pick Colorado I think Brian might have picked Dallas oh yeah you might have at least had Dallas there I think yeah yeah I think I did pick and I’m I you know that’s a team I I am high on I do like Dallas and and

Yeah Robertson has been Robertson was like over 100 points last year and I think right now he’s on Pace for 82 he took a point per game maybe so um that’s a big drop off but Tyler San’s had a Resurgence jamy Ben’s down a little bit

But yeah I like Dallas’s depth um maybe we do get an ‘ 06 rematch with Edmonton and Carolina um but I don’t know I guess that’s networks would love that I mean at least You’ have McDavid but not not exactly the two best TV markets well

Neither is sunrise so hopefully I mean I don’t think any one of those options the NHL wants but yeah I think uh I think they would really love if the Eastern Conference Cup team got out of the southeast and get get one of those Northeast teams in there that’s so true

Wait so so Florida and Tampa have been to F the last five titles four four last four yeah 2020 through 23 all right well guys we’ve gone a little bit longer here any final discussion points before we sign off that the next game on Wednesday against Edmonton is at 10

Pm so everybody just Grace yourself for the fact that this game is getting over after midnight no no you know what I really love though is when they have a 10:00 game and then they also have another late game the next night that’s that just does wonders for for my sleep

Well yeah no there’s well that’s what they’re on a road trip where they’re they’re going to be doing a few of them because it’s not just those two like they I think they end their road trip with another 10 o’clock right so at least the the Saturday game in Vancouver

At least that’s a seven Eastern for local because I got say I did not need a 10 o’clock game before Sunday skate no no definitely not so this uh this episode currently will drop be dropping on Tuesday correct yeah I’ll post it right now so

So um just looking ahead we might have a bit of a finagled schedule this week so maybe just looking at the Bruins schedule with the late games maybe we drop the next episode Friday morning potentially yeah I think that makes sense then yeah get get both of those games

Edmonton Calgary in there okay all right so so there won’t be a Wednesday episode this week then it sounds like but Friday we we’ll be back and talking about Edmonton and Calgary and they’re GNA wantan to they’re gonna want to avenge that Calgary loss that was a stinker

So um all right guys well thank you all for listening and we will talk to you very soon okay so one of the things that this podcast has been absolutely Elite at is logging off and then immediately having news break like within 10 to 15 minutes of us wrapping up and sure

Enough after Bridget are we taging this on to the to the end of the episode yeah okay so Le not even 10 minutes after we wrapped up the podcast you just listened to Bruins announced that they have recalled Mason laui from Providence assigned ostin to Providence which we

Knew was going to happen because they waved him and moved Matt potra to long-term IR which they they had no reason to do yet but uh was gonna happen eventually just to free up cap space so obviously the the big item here is is Mason lorai is

Back and we figured that was worth uh touching on for at least a couple minutes here um you know uh some after that news broke because we were we talked we raised that possibility that they they might need a defense so my head immediately goes to you know

Maybe there is some concern about hampus Lindholm here um we don’t know if that is the you know Direct One forone correlation there was nothing in the in the press release that just came out about hampus Lindholm so I will note that yeah well I just unfortunately it

Just kind of makes us sound dumb at the beginning of the podcast where we’re like maybe laui will get called up like maybe it’s like no we’re smart makes us sound smart oh yeah well it does so in my mind like this is important to bring up because obviously it’s it’s a

Transaction and and we’ve spent a chunk of the podcast talking about call-ups and and who we want to see and but it also indicates that like the fact that the next cup is a defenseman um and he’s like your one of your skilled defensemen it it it indicates maybe that something

Is going on with lolm so um it could be coinciding with that and obviously they didn’t update that they don’t have to um because like I said like where like Scott said earlier they’re they didn’t have a practice today like there was no media availability on Tuesday um so

Wednesday when they or did they travel tonight or do they travel Wednesday morning they’re they’re traveling Tuesday okay so they’re traveling Tuesday so may we might hear if he got on the plane or not so that’ll be later or it will be five minutes after we

Finish the um part two here and then we’ll have to tag on a part three yes because the Bruins will have recalled Fabian lysel from Provence um put home on ir and yeah and fired coach and those are like literally we had Bruce Cy got fired like 10

Minutes after we posted oh I at this point there’s been so many there’s been so many it’s it’s it’s literally any time there’s been breaking news I think since 2021 it’s it’s been this it’s been this way it happened last week weeks ago something what listeners should know is

Like when they see breaking news that means like like when they see it pop up on their Twitter they should go oh I bet the skate pod just was recording exactly and and now we know like every time we record a podcast we just have to you know shoot the [ __ ]

Afterwards for like 15 minutes and then you know it’ll come across the come across the bow which we were doing that why which doing which we were doing um but so for me the first thing I think of is great like good that he’s back up here and then of course there’s the

Brian in me that’s like annoyed that it takes this for him to get called up like I I want him there regardless um got the angel he’s got the angel over here yeah it’s like this Brian and then this Brian is like nah this is you know angry ran

Is like the one that comes through more yeah hey EV every podcast needs a villain right I mean we can’t all be you know little I prob we already decided that was Scott oh that’s true Scott can you do your Joker voice again from Dark Knight Tran’s definitely the most negative

Though so um no okay time out first of all I would say that you guys on an admittedly usually pretty positive podcast overall so but that’s exactly look I you got I’m a huge Bruins fan I I I want nothing for them but to suce seed

But you you know we have to have somebody who’s going to you know call them out here and there you guys you guys I understand the game you guys play you guys you guys are in the locker room with them you don’t want to ruffle feathers I’m not so I don’t mind saying

A couple things here and there um but no I I I definitely think that like I don’t know why it takes an injury to lolm to call him back up but it does and so now I’m like at the same time yeah it sucks like lolm could be gone for a bit of

Time here but one time it also times out I think like injury-wise he was recovering like he did have something he was going through healthwise so like I I don’t know when he was fully healed for that Scott you might know the answer like did he play in Providence a few

Games like they might have wanted him to but they might have wanted to see what he looked like back for a few games there before sending him back up so that could have affected the timing too but obviously it has Lyn H like it it has it

Feels like it has something to do with that like Mondays yeah and I guess you know at the risk of them announcing like lindol underwent season ending surgery right after we log off um you know Lori being called up it like it doesn’t mean it’s anything longterm or

Super serious with ly holck we don’t know that it could just be he’s questionable for tomorrow and they want to make sure they they bring an extra defenseman on the trip so exactly hey zer xerxis is getting called up too I think pretty soon um Xerxes does not

Look thrilled to be on the podcast right now Xerxes is on a like like brazo I think Xerxes is still on a on a one-way AHL contract so he’s GNA he’s sign an NHL deal xeres was just thinking about eating my face for a second there say

Hi so hi xer Xerxes let me ask you are you surprised that she looks so miserable Xerxes do you think that the uh are you surprised that Bruins going a called forward uh heading into this long West trip what do you think about that huh what what you saying over there Bridget

No all right well I’ll ask you guys Scott and Bridget are you surprised that they all didn’t subsequently uh call up a forward in in with this long West Coast trip coming up uh so uh since they did call up lorai I’m not because I don’t think they could I don’t think

They could call anyone up anyone else up unless someone goes to injured reserve um or maybe they I don’t know I would have to I would have to look I’m I’m not gonna try to do cat math here uh in real time because you say cat math or cat

Math both both I’m not doing either one um yeah that that’d be disaster if I try to do this in real time so and possible they can maybe also call up a forward I I don’t know but um yeah they didn’t as part part of this wave and I would

Say if they don’t before Wednesday then to me that would at least be an encouraging sign that you know at least one of Rashard or loo is is good to go we we touched on uh both of them dealing with at least minor injuries upper body

In Loco’s case uh lower body after a shot block in in Rashad’s case all right well we had to we had to get that little three Onre overtime session in because the the news did just break and again like we said there’ll be something else breaking the second we

Finish here so you know stay tuned for that on Friday probably um any any final thoughts on on the lowai call up and what it means or the lolm injury and whatnot no I think I think that was I think that was a good overtime session I

Think we actually tried to score we weren’t just circling back into the neutral zone killing time keeping possessions so yeah was great I and I didn’t get bit so I don’t know if you remember one time I picked up Xerxes and put him on camera and he immediately bit

My finger so I would drop him he thought about it thought about it but he didn’t do it’s the old the old Martian Ryan Callahan special or no no no uh burough and berson yeah burough Chomper I called by the way we didn’t even we we didn’t even touch on on this

But since we just mentioned overtime Charlie Coy was like hook it was like the most blatant hook in the history of hockey and over yelling and both rep looking right at it and didn’t call it but but then I thought you know what maybe a good thing because uh

Against the Kings the Bruns got an overtime power play and that’s how they end up losing the game so yeah no Scott literally yelled I don’t think I [ __ ] hook you blind come on come on you [ __ ] blind started started launching stuff over the edge of the Press Box yeah yep

And I think I heard him yelling shoot a few times at the end of regulation when makoy was backing up 200 feet away from the goal that was the all that was by the way we haven’t uh we haven’t talked like on this podcast since the Kings game by

The way the way that Kings game ended like nothing pisses me off more in the entire viewership of of the game of hockey than like falling for the old guy out of the box getting a breakaway and winning it’s like and scoring like the power play how do you not have the like

The the time management in your mind and like just the IQ to know he’s coming out of the box pasta you’re one of the best players in the world like what are you doing with that stupid cross- eyes pass it’s like the it’s the oldest trick in

The book like I hate when teams [ __ ] fall for that [ __ ] like how do you succumb to a guy out of the box like it’s the one thing you’re supposed to pay attent to when you’re ending the power play it’s like that drives me crazy especially when I game so angry

Brian’s so angry he’s getting pixelated and breaking up yeah we had to blur him well now this podcast has had everything it had it had a Brian almost losing internet connection like back to Old Times it had uh us having to tack on another segment because they broke news right after we

Go off and and and xerx made a reappearance and uh yeah all right yeah yeah I’m I’m done now yeah yeah all right all right see you see you guys in five minutes when they do something else all right bye bye bye hey guys thanks for watching this gate podcast if you want

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We analyze the Bruins’ seven-game homestand after its conclusion on Monday vs Dallas. Discussing the Bruins’ latest call ups — Brazaeu, Richard and Lohrei — and what they could offer the Bruins down the stretch. Follow us on Twitter: @TheSkatePod | @bridgetteproulx | @smclaughlin9 | @briandefelice_ | Email us at | Watch on YouTube

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Jump to:
00:00 – Marchand’s 1,000 game ceremony
07:00 – Takeaways from the Bruins seven-game homestand
14:50 – Differing opinions on the value of Derek Forbort
26:46 – Could Brazeau and Richard stick on Bruins’ fourth line?
67:15 – Lohrei call up breaking news

Photo: Winslow Townson-USA TODAY Sports

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  1. Points or how you play? Why choose? Complain about whatever is handy that day. The Bs are doing awesome this year! They have played well and they have a lot of points: I am happy to be a Bs fan! Can you imagine being a Sabres fan these last 20 years?

  2. Give your collective heads a shake. Getting talent at the deadline will be next to impossible. The Bruins have next to nothing to trade. You can't move anyone of value off the roster because there is nothing to replace them with.

    Have you seen their prospect pool? It's wall to wall with U.S. college players. The future is very dark for this team. You don't win playoff rounds with U.S. college players, much less Stanley Cups. They have been emptying the cupboard at the trade deadline for years and now it's coming back to bite them. They have no assets to trade at the deadline this year. At least nothing they can afford to part with. Ask Detroit or Ottawa or even Buffalo how much fun it is to go into a rebuild, specially when you have nothing to build on.

    The Bruins need to stand pat this year. They aren't getting out of the first round. Unless they get to play the Leafs, then they'd have an outside shot.

  3. What do you guys think about the Bruins doing this in the playoffs: go with 7 defensemen and 11 forwards?
    Here are some reasons –
    1. The 4th line doesn't give you enough.
    2. It gives the top 3 lines more ice time.
    3. If you're behind, you play Grizz more and sit Forbort.
    4. If you're ahead, you play Forbort more and sit Grizz.
    5. The 2 extra forwards rotate in to give the top guys a blow.
    This may not be necessary depending on the team the Bruins are going up against, or even every game in a series.
    Let me know Bruins fans!

  4. Lindholm has been useless, among other D-pairs. We will NOT be making it through the playoffs with any sort of success unless we get rid of Lindholm, and restructure those defensemen.

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