@Colorado Avalanche

I dont buy often from fanatics but when I do… 🔥🔥🔥

I dont buy often from fanatics but when I do… 🔥🔥🔥

by blondespikes22


  1. Square_Saltine

    Nice try, fanatics. Everyone knows you don’t actually get what you ordered from there

  2. porkchopespresso

    On a scale of 1-10 how important was taking these photos in your underwear?

  3. unicornographyy

    This jacket is way sick but holy shit I was not expecting it to be $189

  4. EnnuiBlackbelt

    Sorry, but I won’t buy anything that makes me look like Jake Busey.

  5. TheAmazingScamArtist

    You look European. Also you’re true to your Reddit name. Nice jacket btw

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