@Toronto Maple Leafs

Guy gets Humbled in 30 seconds after Calling Out UFC fighter Sean Strickland to Spar

So a Guy came into Sean Stricklands gym and called out Sean Strickland to spar after saying he could hang with Luke Rockhold no problem. This bothers me because it still happens more then you would think and im not talking about Sean humbling him. Too many people still come into gyms with a cocky ego driven mental and don’t want to take classes and think they can fight with UFC Fighters who have been training 15 years.

Sean Strickland full heated exchange with Jiu Jitsu guy Orlando Sanchez

Emil Meek playing Guitar and singing about Sparring Sean strickland





  1. Compared to some of the “guy off the street challenges professional fighter” videos I’ve seen Sean was nice about it considering how wild he can get

  2. "There's a difference between reading my self-help book 'How to find your inner-samurai' and actually being a samurai. You were not ready, porkchop."

    Sensei Luke Rockhold

  3. This is the reality of it. Regular guys who have had some fights on the streets or in bars, are really delusional enough to think that they have a chance against a seasoned professional MMA fighter, and this is the result. Every…single..time. Lol

  4. Same guy who cried like a batch when Orlando bullied him. He likes to be the shit talking bully who cam dish it out but not take it. Typical

  5. So all I gotta do to KO this fools teeth is turn up to his gym?? Have you seen them God awful girly punches Sean's throwing!!

  6. In all honesty tho if this kid even landed a semi decent shot on luke it would put Luke’s lights out

  7. Lol i had a few boxing fight ( amateur ) and i would barely survive longer than him . These guys are real savages

  8. I trained with a few guys who had over 6-7 amateur fight and they were whooping my ass pretty good . One was pretty smaller than me ( 175 vs 205) I was able to land a few solid shot to get their respect but i got my ass whoop. Good experience !

  9. At least he actually walked in a gym. He has more right to talk crap than 99.8% of youtube comment sections. 😂

  10. That's not the sparring the kid was envisioning. He thought I was going to be a well-paced back and forth friendly exchange.

  11. He may have threw a lot of punches but he was clearly going easy those were all arm punches and that was clearly on purpose

  12. Sean literally threw all caution to the wind to prove a point. I don't even need to get technical to break your ass apart. I'll just wing like a bar brawler until you hit the floor.

  13. Anyone who throws straight punches can knock this dude out. Talk about windmill punches… & he’s a pro fighter?

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