@New York Rangers

Rempe fight

My view from rempe fight. Lost this one but he’s got next game
2nd attempt to upload (video didn’t post)

by Cbass5930


  1. hankepanke

    Let this be Rempe’s lesson that it’s ok to say no, or at least pick your timing. Those two fights in 24 hours is a lot of abuse. Glad he’s back on the bench but gotta look out for the noodle.

    Also I love Papa Sam looking out for him.

    Edit: and he had a good scoring chance when he was back on the ice. That’s really want I want to see out of him. He doesn’t need to fight a heavyweight every game, but I do want to see him netfront causing trouble in the O zone every game.

    Edit#2: causing havoc in front for Edstroms goal, that’s what I want to see.

  2. 69Hairy420Ballsagna

    Whelp, ya can’t win ’em all, lol.

  3. Dude had a vicious fight only 26 hours before this. Not a fair fight

  4. TreeFugger69420

    Fighting on back to back nights is asking for trouble. It’s okay to say no.

  5. OhioNHLHockeyFan2489

    Love Rempe! The Rangers have something special with him. First assist today too. But this one was a KO by Oliver from CBJ! Great scrap all around!

  6. Individual_Physics73

    I really do enjoy a good fight, but this is getting a bit old. I would rather have a fight be authentic from battling it out all game, than be a staged fight right in the beginning. He needs to learn that he is allowed to say no to a fight once in a while. We need him to stay out of the penalty box and not get seriously injured from the daily fights. I’m glad he came back into the game.

  7. crazypants36

    I feel bad for him because that was a little embarrassing. He can’t be fighting every single game, though. For one, obviously it’s not good for your health, but also it’s starting to become a little gimmick-y.

  8. really long reach, but has a high center of gravity.

    probably should strengthen and lower/widen his base so he doesn’t get leg swept every single time…. would be costly if he hits his head on a takedown.

    he’s young… once he puts on muscle people aren’t gonna challenge him.

  9. BigJohn1231

    Everyone is trying to enjoy their 15 minutes of fame by calling out this kid.
    I don’t want him to get typecast like John Scott did years ago. There was an interesting interview with John and how he never wanted to be a fighter but due to his size he needed to fit into a certain role and it was fighting.
    I mean look at Edstrom, another big kid but doesn’t drop the gloves.

  10. Unable-Vanilla8911

    Respect rempe for the fight, but lost that one.

  11. ExperienceNo7751

    I don’t like players using judo to get a “take down”

  12. Glad I found this thread. Rempe is a heavyweight that needs to get time on the ice and play an NHL skill game first. I don’t want to see this kid with CTE. He is young so hit the weight room and train like a UFC competitor. He will be just fine but fighting every NHL tough guy in the league who challenges him will get him sent to Hartford or the Montreal Neurological Institute quickly.

  13. Supercoop82

    Love him getting the team fired up but Jfc he’s able to produce when on ice so let’s not rush this career with cte.

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