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Ain’t No Fang: Arizona Diamondbacks spring training 2024 breakdown

Ain’t No Fang: Arizona Diamondbacks spring training 2024 breakdown

The ain’t no Fang podcast from Arizona Sports ain’t no Fang spring training has finally arrived and we are only one month away from opening day for the Diamondbacks Steve zinsmeister Alex Wier on the ain’t no Fang podcast thanks for checking it out today talking all things spring training

Alex you’ve been back out at the Ballpark sure uh it’s been several months since you got that feel for baseball what’s it like to be back out there smell the fresh cut grass and finally be talking some Diamondback baseball again well you’re going to be

Out there with me in just a couple of weeks right he told me not to mention it but I uh I have new pre and post game host for the Arizona Diamondbacks on the radio so fantastic congratulations well deserved I think we’re going to see more

Of each other at the Ballpark than we ever did at the radio station that’s 100% going to be the case yeah so if nothing else I’m excited about that but yeah no it’s going to be great um it’s going to be fun to cover the team in a

More in-depth way than ever before at least from for me um but for you to be back out at Camp over the last couple of days like that’s that’s a pretty cool Vibe I would imagine yeah yeah no it’s been great it’s um you know the off

Season was short which is you know what you want as far as like the team getting deep into the postseason and then spring training just kind of comes around the corner so yeah it it felt like on one hand it’s like ah you Miss baseball so

Much but then on the other hand it’s like oh we’re kind of already here and now we’re watching games already so um but no it’s been it’s I guess sort of the big question is what would you know how would the team come into spring training

After such a long season where they got so close and the Vib has been pretty good it’s been pretty similar it’s it’s a young team with you know still a lot of guys who know each other very very well um so you still kind of feel that

You felt that last year you kind of feel the same thing and now you know the talk has been like okay putting last year aside while also recognizing how cool of an experience that was but now it’s how do we get to the next step which is

Maybe winning more than 84 games getting into the playoffs more comfortably and then getting you know one step further when you’re in the postseason so um that’s been sort of kind of early themes and it’s I think it’s an excited Club to try to prove that they can take it

Another Step Beyond last season yeah that’s an interesting puzzle to try to figure out is how do we continue to be motivated by not winning the World Series and by coming so close and having as much continuity in their roster as they do because pretty much everybody is

Back minus a couple small pieces Tony F uh Tommy fam uh Evan Loria are gone but they’ve been repaced by several signicant pieces in their line so even though the team is primarily pretty much the same how do you continue to stack on top of that when that is the primary

Motivator for last year but this is a new entity and it’s a it’s a fresh start but we also want to continue to be pushed by that um we’re going to talk a lot about some of the guys that you’ve seen in the last couple of days out of

Camp so I do want to hear about some of like the guys that you were most intrigued to see but I think they’re going to pop up in some of our conversations let’s start with kind of the biggest headline over the last couple of days we’ve seen Tommy Henry

We’ve seen Ryan Nelson and with the top four in the starting rotation pretty well solidified at this point that fifth spot is wide open and some really good competitive ball so far early from some of the guys who could fit into that fit spot absolutely I think it was on the

First day of camp where Tory was asked about you know the starting rotation and you know I guess when you’re going into it it’s like okay we think Brandon F’s probably solidified in there just given what he showed in his you know most recent call up and then in the

Postseason how good he was um but it’s like okay coming in the camp is there going to be a little bit of like yeah he still has to earn it it seems like he’s pretty much penned into the fourth starter spot so not a surprise to

Anybody um as far as the yeah you’re right fifth starter that’s it’s interesting so in recent Seasons the camp battles for the Diamondbacks have been a lot more prominent than they are this year this year it’s fifth starter backup infielder maybe another outfielder I mean it’s a lot of that Bullpen it’s a

Lot of that kind of stuff which is a great problem to have um it’s much different than who the heck is going to be the starting third baseman or who the heck’s going to that kind of thing so you know when looking at you know starting rotation um yeah there’s a few

Guys obviously you mentioned Tommy Henry Ryan Nelson they’re seen as the Front Runners but there’s also slay saone um they have a few other guys who are like behind and battling for it too but yeah Henry and Nelson so far look pretty good Nelson spent pretty much the entire off

Season at Salt riverfields I mean he said he took a couple of weeks off after the World Series and then still in November came back and has been working with pitching coaches you know Brent STM and Dan Carlson and trying to find more consistency with the off speed stuff so

He can balance the fast ball with it a little bit better um we saw flashes from him last year but it wasn’t a consistent start by start basis that you knew what you were going to get and then Tommy Henry who was much more consistent last year you know working on some mechanics

Trying to be a bit bit more consistent with the fastball command and also looked very good in his first start so yeah it’s definitely going to be something to watch I think Henry’s going today um after Brandon fought who’s starting the game out in Good Year against the Guardians so um yeah this

It’s going to be something that it’s not going to be solved in the next week or so it’s going to continue throughout camp and you never know maybe somebody who doesn’t end up with that fifth starter spot ends up with a role in some other capacity yeah the bullpen maybe or

Maybe the sixth arm the first guy out of Reno which inevitably as Tor is talked about you’re going to need six or seven guys at at a minimum I mean if not maybe even more knock on would but um yeah I think you’re right this is not something

It’s going to solve itself in the next couple of days it’s a it’s a process over the next month or so um so I guess the question there about the fifth starter is you know do you think that this is just simply a matter of whoever plays the best in spring training gets

The job like if Ryan Nelson’s numbers are are better than Tommy Henry’s does he automatically win the job or do they go into this thinking you know we’re thinking this is our order and spring training stats are more of a confirmation of what we already believe and less of an actual open competition

How open is the competition yeah um it’s pretty open I mean but at the same time it’s not like whoever pitches better in the spring training games is going to necessarily get the nod it’s whomever they project as being the more effective starter and right you know maybe they

See some guy as having a higher ceiling but a little bit more variance do they want to go with somebody they feel is more steady um again kind of harping back to last year Ryan Nelson when he was really good had a few starts where he was really good but we just

Especially at home he had some stroke he had some stinkers and Tommy Henry was more consistent so if they see something kind of similar as far as their projections for this year what do they want to do um that’s something that’ll be considered but yeah I mean they’re taking everything into consideration

Sure how they perform in the games but how do they look in the bullpens OR in Live bullpens or in live batting practice sessions it’s it’s it’s going to be kind of everything so yeah it’s not it’s not just the games but certainly everything’s going to count do

You think that the cleanup spot that Ryan Nelson had in the World Series what was that game four game five oh yeah game four game four the the bullpen Day Disaster he came in if I I’m not looking at the stats off hand but I mean he came

In gave them I think five really really good innings was at his best when the lights were brightest does that one outing in the World Series does that play a big role in this conversation for him is that something to write home for on the resume that maybe couldn’t help

Him land that fifth starter spot I think it was five and a third with one earned run and yeah he was terrific he was getting strikeouts I mean um against a really good Rangers lineup exactly one that was teeing off on the bull penal day so like that almost means more to me

Than any spring training start or relief appearance right I mean it probably you know you take it as like that’s something that he can be but I as far as being a big factor I’m I’m not so sure fair enough fair enough all right another uh roster position battle I

Guess you would call it um with the addition of Randall gritch being the what we all assume is going to be a role as the right-handed DH against left-handed starting pitching he’ll get some time in the Outfield I assume against righties as well with the addition of gritch jock Peterson lordis

Guel is back obviously Corbin Carroll and Alec Thomas are going to get their reps as well where does that leave them with the conversation about a sixth outfielder because we all kind of thought Jake McCarthy with being injured in the in the playoffs now he’s ready to

Roll again he spent time in the minor leagues each of the last two seasons but has also been in the majors quite a bit do they have room for him do they do they want to carry six outfielders into the off into the regular season knowing

That two of them are probably going to be primary DH uh yeah that’s a very good question I mean when you have a when you’re constructing a roster I mean now 26-man rosters you have 13 position players they’re going to have two catchers we know it’s Moreno and whoever

Wins the backup job either Jose Herrera or Tucker barnhard at this point um and the and then that kind of if you have six outfielders that leaves you with five infielders so your four starters and then somebody who’s going to have to have some pretty good versatility in

Order to maybe spell Christian Walker if he needs to or potentially back up shortstop if he needs to and they have a couple guys who can do that you know am Manuel Rivera and Jay Peterson are playing shortstop a little bit in Spring and can also play some first base so

They have some guys with versatility but yeah it it just it shrinks what you can do a little bit there if you have a sixth outfielder and if you have with a sixth outfielder it’s not entirely clear what that role will be either um McCarthy has been a useful player for

Them he started off really poorly last season went down tore it up in Reno came back and was useful and sort of a part-time role he stole 26 bags last year and so um he he would have been you know some sort of role in the he would

Have had some sort of role in the postseason as as as a bench bat but uh he you know suffered an oblique strain and and missed the entire month so um yeah it’s it’s going to be a good question it’s hard to see it just because they have so many different

Options maybe Randall grit’s ankle he’s he’s working back from ankle surgery maybe that has something to do with it it seems like he’s going to be good to go for opening day but can he play in the Outfield at that point or is he

Going to be a DH at that point um they have a lot to figure out as far as how they’re going to use all these outfielders that they have and now if you add in a sixth I think that muddies it up a little bit but it’s something

That they’re going to talk about and I guess that kind of bleeds into the backup infield conversation you’re talking about you know how much versatility do you really have there I think an ideal roster probably has at least two backup infielders one who can play the middle infield and one who can

Play the corners um the infield I’ve always kind of assumed or or always kind of projected is to have a backup who can play second and short probably a Kevin Newman who they signed to a minor league deal although I don’t believe he’s on the 40 man right now so you would have

To figure out a way to add him if that’s the guy um Jordan Lawler is a big part of this conversation super Prospect launched a mammoth home run the other day um so already kind of off to a bit of a hot start in spring for him didn’t

Have a role in the postseason barely played at all um but got a call up late last season in September um but just hasn’t had a lot of experience yet the problem with him is though I think if you want to develop him as a really

Great player which I believe he will be don’t you need to get him every day at bats and that’s probably not happening at the major league level so at least with Lawler I’m thinking probably more likely he starts in the minors but then where does that leave you with a guy who

Can play shortstop because is that Emanuel Rivera is that Jayce Peterson is that Kevin Newman I don’t know who that that guy is right now yeah Lawler I mean you know Troy lell has said her older Pomo that there’s not really a battle there right now promo’s going to be the

Everyday sort stop come opening day Lawler you know Mike ha in and they they’ they’ve said that they want to see him play every day and get everyday reps right so that means Lawler’s most likely going to start off in AAA to get some experience and then he’ll have a

Role to play at some point this season is in all likelihood um yeah where does that leave with backup infield again if they have six outfielders you can only pick one and man Rivera is out of options he can play multiple positions that you know looks like a pretty good

Argument for him but if they have five outfielders and you can have a couple of backup infielders then you know do do Rivera and Peterson as both guys who can play multiple positions you have one righty and one Lefty both veteran guys who were there during that postseason

Run or do you bring in maybe somebody like Blaise Alexander who’s a prospect who figures that at this point in his career to get some MLB exposure this season can play multiple positions has a terrific arm very athletic we we’ve already seen it in in Camp and in some

Spring training games he turned a double play the other day where he’s falling away from first base but he almost threw it as if like the heat of which he threw the ball felt like he was like going towards first base like he’s that he’s

Kind of got that kind of arm um so he’ll be in there Kevin Newman will be in there so they have a bunch of guys who are competing for that spot so yeah it’s it’s definitely not something that’s going to be you know easy to project

Right now but right now it it seems like Rivera will have a role just because of you know he’s out of options maybe Peterson just for the veteran aspect but um they have guys interesting enough uh backup catcher you mentioned briefly uh I don’t know how much of a competition I

Mean obviously there’s a couple of guys who could land that job Jose Herrera could be back he certainly did a pretty good job with the pitching staff last year doesn’t provide a ton offensively although how much do you really need offensively from a backup catcher um Tucker barnhard is an experienced MLB

Catcher who they brought in this spring to kind of compete in that role there’s a couple other minor league guys who could work their way into that conversation how competitive is that battle for backup catcher especially now that Gabby Moreno has really evolved and has become I don’t want to call him a

Superstar catcher at this point but he’s going to be the primary guy I mean we’re no longer coming into a season where we’re wondering how much time will he split with Carson Kelly uh he’s long gone you know it’s his job so now how important is the backup catcher role and

How competitive is that battle right now can we just like talk about Gabby Maro instead of I’d love to I’d love to yeah he’s just not a question mark anymore I know I know well the question Mark is how good will he be in year two and you

Know it’s definitely eye test thing but he looks good I mean watching him throw down the second base and work on that is mesmerizing to watch just you watch him do it versus the other catchers and this is like night and day how quickly and explosive he is to get to second base

He’s hitting the ball really well he’s had some really good at bats he’s walking a few times in the games and then side fields and all that kind of stuff he’s hitting the ball really hard with with some decent power so um think it’s probably pretty decent bet that

You’re going to get a pretty good season out of Gabby Moreno I guess the more important question then is if you want him to be at that level all season long you’re going to have to sit him a couple of times I mean you got to keep him

Fresh it’s like a good running back don’t play much on Sundays that’s for sure right uh yeah behind them yeah you know barnhard is you know he’s kind of been all over the place kind of behind the scenes like catching guys and um I guess one story is that you know Justin

Martinez who’s flame-throwing right-hander made his major league debut last year nasty stuff but struggling to throw strikes this early in his career um they set up like a physical strike zone for him so they had like a metal plate a metal plate and then just like a box pretty much like strings yeah

And like it’s like who’s going to who wants to catch that behind that thing you know that Ball’s going to deflect off of it hit me in the gut you know Barnhart did it and so that’s you know maybe again sort of kind of fitting into

That like I’ll kind of do what I need to do kind of role um but Herrera has that experience with the guys and obviously he’s he’s doing a lot of that same stuff so yeah I I don’t really know who has the leg up at this point you know

Barnhart’s not much of an offensive player at this point in his career and he’s older but he has more of the defensive track record than Herrera so yeah I’m not really sure if there’s anybody with a leg up yet how would you feel if you were the only guy they

Brought that fake Strike Zone out for like you come out on you’re on the mound they put up the strike zone then when you get off the mound and somebody else steps up there they take it down that’s demoralizing there got to be some self awareness there

Nobody else can throw 102 miles hour regularly true he’s got a few things going for exactly I yeah it’s like going uh bowling with your friends and you need the gutters you know what I mean the the bumpers whatever they’re called the for the gutters yeah um which new

Addition to the team so we’re talking I guess you could throw lordis scuel in the conversation he’s back and as a free agent but jock Peterson Randall gritch uh Gino Suarez who am I missing I feel like there might Eduardo Rodriguez who do you think is going to

Have the biggest impact on the success of the team going into 2024 especially early in the season which one of those additions is the biggest in your opinion I think Rodriguez probably I mean especially going forward I obviously we’re going to talk about like look at this season but it’s a four-year

Commitment to somebody and it’s kind of their their pitching staff is in an interesting position because Marl Kelly’s on the last year of his contract but he has an option for next year Zack Allen is two more years under team control before you know he’s going to

Warrant a pretty hefty summ free agency I would think unless there an extension um yeah so you know Rodriguez as far as like for like looking at the rotation the line yeah he’s going to he’s he’s committed to be there for a while and for this season they really

Needed to solidify that sort of middle of the rotation which they didn’t have pretty much the entirety of last season I mean last year it was such a up and down who’s going to be you know reliable behind Zack Allen and Marl Kelly and for a a while it was Tommy Henry

But then he gets hurt for a while it’s Ryan Nelson but some inconsistency there he goes down he comes back up Davies just wasn’t as effective as they wanted him to be or that he was in 2022 Bumgarner got released early and so now now you have like a legitimate

Established guy in the middle of that rotation who can you know take up a lot of innings which will help the bullpen and maybe eleviate some of that stress off of Kelly and gallon as they work to manage their workloads after they put in a lot of work last year especially

Gallon up over 240 Innings so I would say probably Rodriguez of all the offseason acquisitions that they made I don’t dis disagree with you necessarily but for the point of the conversation I’ll go with Suarez okay uh it’s a guy hard to find this but one of very few

Guys who played every single day you know like he can be the guy every day press he’s going to play 162 games this year just with like but if I had to bet 145 or i’ I’d bet the over on that and so for all intents and purposes you’ve

Gone from third base being a very big question mark in 2023 and the only position that had a negative War over the course of the entire season to now you have a guy who’s probably going to play there more than some of the regulars play in in their regular spots

And so when you have that Christian Walker is another one of those rare breeds where you know he’s going to play almost every single day as well and so I just think you know Eduardo Rodriguez huge nobody’s denying that but he’s pitching every fifth day Gino is in the

Lineup consistently every single day and with the way that this team played last year we talked about the chaos on the base passs that’s kind of their brand of baseball get on base and let’s make something happen he’s kind of the antithesis to that he brings something

To the squad they just didn’t really have Beyond Walker he could put the ball over the wall pretty consistently I’m expecting at least 25 home runs probably from the guy and he’s going to drive in all those Runners left on base from last year his batting average may be G

Garbage it maybe 230 240 at best um but I think you know what you’re getting out of the guy and jock Peterson plays into that conversation too they brought in guys with the intent of driving in the runs they left on base last season and I think on an everyday basis that’s going

To play a huge role in their success yeah absolutely and you know Clubhouse guy too I mean somebody who’s been you know loved pretty much everywhere he’s gone and um you’re right every day it’s it’s sort of like you know he’s getting a little older but he’s not quite in

Like his mid-30s or anything like that yet it’s like what what’s sort of the projection for how the next couple years go um but you’re right he does provide something that they didn’t have and so yeah I think that’s that’s probably a good answer to especially because some

Of the other guys like Peterson and gritch they’re going to get their playing time but you know they’re not going to be in the lineup every single day like Suarez right so yeah and he’s got something to play for he’s got a team option for next year that if I’m

Remembering right is I think 15 million um which is probably an overpay for what he was last year but if I’m him I’m looking at it like I I’m going to go prove that I’m worth that so that I’m back next year now he may or may not

Depending on many factors but if I’m him that’s a motivating factor for next year I want to continue to be here and be a part of this lineup every day and so I’m going to go prove to them that I’m worth uh what it is that they might end up

Paying in the long run so uh I think he’s got a lot to play for third base last year no offense to have in Loria great leader great Clubhouse guy at the end of his career I don’t think he anticipated he was playing for another payday down the road but maybe Suarez is

And I think that he’s the kind of guy who’s going to go to Tori and let him know I’m available and you know he’s a consistently healthy guy and I think that that’s going to play a huge role um let’s talk a couple of guys that could

Make their debuts in 2024 obviously last year we saw a lot of rookie impact still a lot of young guys obviously Corbin Carroll wins rookie of the year he appeared at the end of the previous season um Jordan Lawler we mentioned I think his path is laid before him we’ll

See what it looks like but who are some other guys whether it’s pitchers hitters who might make an appearance sometime in 2024 maybe not opening day but will’ll make their debuts and maybe there’s a chance they stick long term yeah I mean mentioned Blaise Alexander this like versatile infielder who has he’s hit

Pretty much everywhere he’s gone I mean the strikeouts are a little higher than you want but at the same time um he’s got some pop for a middle infielder type who can play all over so as far as like somebody who could make an impact early

As sort of like that backup Short Stop backup second base something like that um he could be there um looking at the pitching you know you know we’re looking at Henry and and Nelson as you know fifth starter options but they have a few guys whom down the road could get a

Look you never know we’ll see if Blake wson makes his major league debut this season he was at one point like their top pitching Prospect behind Brandon fought considered by a lot of sites last year that took a little bit of a dip the walks were high the strikeouts were low

He kept the ER down but you know it wasn’t um he he he said the other day he was pretty satisfied with the season in Reno as far as being able to limit the damage but um there’s still some more stuff to see from him as far as

Consistency is concerned but you know that was you know once a pretty highly touted prospect on the mound and he will be competing for Innings this year Christian Mana is somebody to look at as you know somebody who’s really popped in Camp so far they brought him in offseason trade

For Dominic Fletcher from the Chicago White Socks he made triple A as a 20 20-year-old last year he’s 21 now his fast ball is is hotter right now it’s like 95 96 um which we saw in his spring training debut against the Athletics the other day really good command of the

Offs speed stuff somebody who you know could be you know an answer for them long term in the rotation you know maybe not now but eventually and and maybe by the end of the season if certain things don’t play out the way that Dbacks forcey or if there are injuries or you

Know anything can happen with pitching he’s somebody to whom can come in and maybe make an impact later so there’s a few there’s a few guys obviously you mentioned Lawler he’ll have a role at some point I imagine perhaps the new top pitching Prospect Yin Lynn uh a guy that

Probably not a ton of fans are super familiar with is that a name that people should get familiar with absolutely yeah a great debut against the A’s the other day but in his live BP before that against DB hitters he looked awesome um yeah he he he’s been really really

Effective and it’s kind of climbed pretty quickly he’s still really young um made it to doua last year so you know if he gets up to Triple A this year and maybe he’s on the doorstep maybe uh you see you know headlines like could Y and Lynn make his major league debut this

Season so um really good stuff really good command of a lot of his secondary stuff um yeah he’s he’s he’s definitely somebody to keep your eye on so let’s look around the national league and maybe more specifically the NL West but the entire league really because this is

Your NL Champs essentially I mean from last season I I mean I’ve seen the the new uh logos they’ve got all around the facility impossible to miss yeah they want to make it very clear to you that this is what happened right fully so obviously totally they they earned it

For sure um you got to capitalize when there are banners to be to be League know the teams the Dodgers a bilon do Japanese STS the offse by the way spent a bunch of money on other people too so that’s no surprise like a footnote I know like teoscar Hernandez

Came over and barely I don’t I don’t think anybody even noticed um so we know they’re going to be good we know that the Braves have a great lineup and they’re all signed for the next eight years or whatever um but where do the Diamondbacks stack up for you in terms

Of the NL West and in terms of the rest of the league yeah that’s interesting because the nl’s kind of in a interesting spot right I I consider there let’s put the Diamondbacks aside for right now I there are three teams who are clearly heads and shoulders

Above everybody else in my opinion the Dodgers the Braves and the Phillies there are three teams that are probably below everybody else maybe some younger guys get hot but you know I think the Nationals are probably a year away the Rockies are the Rockies and the um the

Pirates are still kind of the Pirates even though they have some intriguing young guys like O’Neal Cruz and Brian Hayes and then they have this kind of middle clump of teams who could win 87 88 games could win 75 games um there are some that are better bets than others

But yeah looking at the NL West I mean you look at the Padres on one hand they can’t possibly have worse fortune in close games that they had last year right that’ll probably turn a little bit which helps them in their favor on the other hand they’ve traded juano lost

Josh haer in free agency Blake Snell still not signed they also lost Seth Lugo and Michael Wala that’s a lot of talent they brought in some guys but it’s going to be a lot younger of a team granted they still have Fernando titis Jr and derner Bogarts and Manny Machado

And Hassan Kim and Jake konorth so it’s still a lot of talent but they lost a lot of talent and then you have the Giants who are better than they were last year they pretty lackluster season last year Jorge Solair is there now um Jung Le is there now Robbie Ray whenever

He’s healthy we’ll see um Jordan hick so they’ve made strides to improve the roster so again two teams whom could win 87 games could win 80 games I don’t know but I feel like the NL is full of those teams especially in the NL Central so I

Feel like the Dbacks set themselves up with the offseason moves they have and the depth that they created to be a little bit above that pack um but yeah you know you’re counting on you know continued growth from The Young core you know veteran free agents to maintain what they were in their

Previous spots or even take a little bit of a step forward so you’re still like asking for a lot but at the same time I think that they have kind of positioned themselves to be a little bit above that crop of teams that are kind of all

Battling with each other in the middle anything we’re missing as we head into week two of spring training anything that you’re super excited to go out and see any particular players that we haven’t talked about what should we be keeping our eyes on as we head into week

Two of spring Christian Robinson has been kind of crushing the ball lately that’s a guy who spent a couple years out of the game for legal purposes and you know his own his own you know personal reasons um not many guys come back after missing multiple years of not

Playing the game this is a guy who’s I think younger than Corbin Carroll if I remember right or right around his age yes I mean you can’t write the kid off and say like oh there’s no you know there’s nothing there it’s clear there’s something there it’s just it’s how do

You evaluate a player like that who has been out of the game for several years you just got to put him on the field I guess and find out yeah I I’m looking forward to more conversations had about him for sure I mean the thing is he’s

Still huge he’s still fast and the power is there what does that look like in you know the context of a full season because he kind of he he got some playing time last year uh but now what is it look like in the context of a full

Season that’ll be really interesting to see but there are obvious tools that are still there so he’s going to be someone that I’m interested in watching um some other younger guys I mean Drew Jones is somebody you know to keep an eye on this you know the spring and then going

Forward into the season because injuries have really impacted his career so far but he’s still really talented so he’s somebody who can kind of play himself back into being like one of the better prospects considered um yeah and as far as you know other things to look at you

Know when will you know we get to see Zack gallon and Marl Kelly gallon was supposed to pitch on Friday against the Reds now he’s going to throw in a simulated game in the back fields Kelly is scheduled for March 8th I believe again it’s you know going to be

Something to watch as far as how the Diamondbacks you know maintain those two guys after everything that they gave them last season so that’ll be something to keep an eye on throughout the regular season if guys come out of games a little earlier than maybe they would

Have with week two of spring training underway make it out to the ballpark we hope we get the chance to see you there for Alex Winer I’m Steve zinsmeister you’ve been watching the ain’t no thing podcast here at Arizona Sports

As spring training gets underway, Steve Zinsmeister and Alex Weiner take a closer look at the Arizona Diamondbacks’ spring roster and storylines to keep an eye on.

Video: Felisa Cárdenas and Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports
Photo: Alex Weiner/Arizona Sports

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