@Seattle Kraken

Mikey Wright VS Jesse Mendes fight

Wave hog Mikey Wright got into a minor parking lot scuffle with fellow Quicksilver team rider Jesse Mendes! While this wasn’t a serious fight both surfers walked away with brused egos.


  1. Mate told me a story about being in the lineup 20 odd years ago at hossegor when tom curren was out , it was big and super heavy. Curren he said was literally 20 feet inside the deepest person and was having any wave he wanted. I dunno if youโ€™ve got that kind of skill I think youโ€™re entitled to take anything you want , Mikey was clearly being a bit greedy but isnโ€™t really doing anything wrong , nothing to stop Jesse paddling deeper ? North point doesnโ€™t strike me as a place where you get gifted waves , certainly no need for the aggro

  2. No matter what anyone says sometimes some people deserve a universal ass kicking. Mike should of swung when in he came in his comfort zone.

  3. Pussys! The dude in the beard should have laid him out after being pushed and hit by his board at least 4 times!๐ŸŒˆ

  4. The guy who was starting a fight was the guy who was dropping in on the other guy. If anything the guy who got dropped in on should be mad. In the end the guy that deserved the wave got the wave and got a good ride too. The guy starting the fight was just mad coz he can't surf as good as the other guy

  5. Yeah the dude that dropped in (white/yellow) board doesn't understand simple courteous and rules in a line up! In Hawaii where i used to live would have been a beat down had he approached and bumped the dude no doubt about it.

  6. Vamos pra Austrรกlia comer suas mulheres e surfar suas ondas australianos bunda moles ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚โคโคโคโคโค

  7. Based on what I heard from EVERYONE who knows the backstory, Mikey repeatedly backpaddled Jesse. NOT cool. Jesse got sick of it and went to deservedly stuff him.

  8. Sorta like watching two chicks…. mikey shouldve threw the left cross! Theyre actually team mates, wouldve traveled together and maybe even friends?

  9. Not clear what the argument was about, second dude (inside guy) clearly dropped in on the other guy…..what's the issue? Get better and learn to drop in deeper at the peak and don't be a bitch when you get out-positioned!!!!

  10. As sterling says, "you know the rules", shouldn't cut people off, but he ended up getting a bomb wave. Shoulda been enough to let it go…

  11. Jesse is being a little bitch , lucky he did not get his ass handed to him , if youre in position then your in position and you get to go. tough luck

  12. Boo Hoo. His wave @gotbarreled. Maybe your rich dad can explain dropping in and getting smoked won't hold up in court.

  13. Nicely done Mikey. With a sweep through the line-up, outpaddling everyone else is legitimate, and you're entitled to get waves. Not taking off too deep, you made the wave, and foiled the drop-in. Mendes could be Charged With Assault, for this idiotic temper tantrum, and praise again to Mikey, for showing restraint and good humour. Mendes probably still hasn't gotten over it, but he really should wake up to himself.

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