@New Jersey Devils

The entire NHL is laughing at the Devils

We need to talk about the decline of the New Jersey Devils in what has been a crucial point of their season. We will cover all that and more in today’s NHL hockey video!


  1. Devils fans, please don't be too salty. You have a young team and I think should bounce back quickly. I do have to bust your collective balls a bit.

  2. I really think as funny as it sounds that Petr mrazeck would of been a great fit for them in goal during the off season with how's he's played behind a hawks team with no scoring support

  3. I am definitely laughing at Hughes for saying that, I am not paying anything to watch him play lol

  4. more like a bad team, had 1 good year, went back to bad again. Hope Vancouver follows that trend lol

  5. The goalie play has been bad.

    But the coaching/system is the issue. NJ does not play defense.

    Look at LAK's 1st goal today. NJ gave thjem a free break away from bad offense.

  6. Couple things of note:

    1) game 7, lol (had to gloat a little bit before I blew up on my team)
    2) the lineups. Lindy is consistently mis-utilizing players. Timo Meier has fingers pointed at him yet he’s getting thrown in the bottom 6 every night. Holtz should not be on a fourth line with Tierney and Bastian. Jack Hughes being played at wing. It’s absolutely atrocious. Not to mention the way he’s playing a rookie goalie coming off a major hip surgery, it’s actually insane some of the stuff he decides would be best for the team each night
    2) the powerplay. Completely stale. No movement. Same thing happens every time. Have a player explode to the blue line, drop pass, failed zone entry, nothing happens.
    3) goaltending. I knew it would be the weak spot but I didn’t know it would be THIS weak. I have never had an opposing team and think “no way they score a goal here” this season. If the opposing team has the puck in our zone, it’s literal nightmare fuel that they will score against us.
    4) defense. The entire defensive structure is absolutely horrendous. It leaves absolutely ZERO room for any mistake and with not one but TWO rookie defenseman you simply cannot run that type of system. The adjustments didn’t happen until AFTER the all star break and after a few games they reverted back to the old system. The losses over the offseason didn’t hurt as bad as people are making it seem. Severson was never known for actually playing defense and graves has regressed HORRIBLY on an even worse Pittsburgh team.
    5) inconsistency. This team will look like the best team on God’s green earth just to come out the next game and forget what to do with the puck.

    Say what you want about Jack’s remark and call me biased but people DO pay to watch him play. He is behind only Bedard for jersey sales, has been blowing up every time he does anything all over the internet. The team is young and struggling but the kid is a superstar and he’s the first name you think about when playing this devils team.

    I think this is a good learning season for the team. After the 13 game win streak they were basically coasting, this will widen their eyes and let them know it ain’t that easy to win. They’re going to be very good for years to come. I am looking at this like Vegas a few years ago. They missed the playoffs due to poor goaltending, coaching, and poor play. This is what’s happening to this team. A new goalie, coach, and better attitude coming into next season will do wonders for this team.

  7. Being a Devils fan, I agree with this. I'm still wondering what happened to the Pre-season play where they didn't lose 1 game…have a feeling the season is over unfortunately. 😔😔

  8. A perennial mediocrity with crap goaltending managed to get lucky thanks to a career season by its top center last year, and then immediately everyone started fitting them for rings. It's like no one ever heard of regression to the mean. I have nothing against the Devils, but I'm happy to see the people who picked them for the cup look like clowns.

  9. Called this after the canes series last year. It’s not just goalies they don’t play defensive and are mentally fragile

  10. This is it, the one time I volunteered as a goalie back in the day is paying off. @NJDevils, shit me up babyyy

  11. These fools saying to rangers fans “at least we didn’t get bounced round one 🤓”
    What will they say if they don’t even make the playoffs 🤨

  12. The goalie, the goalie, the goalie? Yeah, the canes have had crap goal tending off and on all year too. Several other teams as well. Its not just the tendy.

  13. Haha couldn't have happened to a nicer person idk why but Jack has always given me that feeling looks so dang cocky and for what!

  14. Jack only said the "See me play" thing because he was coming off an injury and Arvidsson took a run at his head. He was saying people are there to see him in action – NOT sit out injured. And they were playing at HOME in front of JERSEY FANS. It was not a random prima donna chirp as everyone is twisting it into.

  15. Ottawa is the same, they blame goaltending but there aren't enough above average goalies for each team so it is really poor defense.

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