@Detroit Red Wings

Kane, Reimer, DeBrincat, Lalonde Post Game | 2/25 vs CHI

Patrick Kane, James Reimer, Alex DeBrincat and Head Coach Derek Lalonde speak with the media following Detroit’s 3-2 overtime win over the Chicago Blackhawks at the United Center on Sunday February 25, 2024.


  1. Man O Man we always got creative to lose in previous years. This year we're getting creative on how to win.

  2. Redwings fan:You know ever since Kane has came to this red wings team ,I think he has REEEAALLLYYY MOTIVATED AND INSPIRED THIS TEAM AND CITY,cause we are playing PHENOMENALLY GOOD.same with Lyon ever since he came in net he has helped tire this team around.and I think Kane feels great then he has in a long time and having fun just enjoying the moment.

  3. At first I thought I wanted a splash deadline deal but the way this team’s chemistry and performance since the New Year has been, I’m not so sure you want to mess with it at all

  4. Kinda sucks Reimer's performance is getting forgotten. Without him Wings would've been blown out tonight.

  5. My BH fan coworker gave me so much shit before he left for the day after second period… I cant wait to tell him how great Patrick Kane and Alex Debrincat are!

  6. Wings took a while to find their game today. However, great teams find ways to win. We haven’t had exciting/meaningful hockey games in Feb/March in a loooong time. Let’s get some late April hockey games back in Hockey Town. LGRW!!

  7. ITS SHOOOOWWTIIIIIME! I keep saying how much I love Kaner. Dude has brought the sauce back to Detroit. Reimer played so well. Let’s go wings baby!

  8. Love this report. But for the love of Christ. Helene. SHUT THE FUCK UP. good lord. You’re not the only one in the room.

  9. As a life long Wings fan I've been conditioned to hate Patrick Kane.. I'm having a really hard time with that these days.

  10. I'm 45 years old and have been a Wings fan my whole life. Kane has always been one of my favorite players despite being on a rival team. When he had the surgery, all I could think was, his career can't end this way, please let it go well, he can't go out like this. Upon news of his coming back to play, I was so happy, it was a secondary thrill that he came to Detroit! I mean, I was ecstatic when he signed with the Wings but I was more excited to see him being able to continue his career and not have it cut short by a physical disability!

  11. Reimer reminds me of a kid whose trying to talk to their parents after they stole and drank a few of dads beer

  12. Man ! It's unreal to see a red wing get such a cheer out of a Chicago crowd for a game winner ! What a game ! What a night ! One of the coolest things I've seen watching hockey over the past 30 odd years .

  13. Who is the idiot that asked him at the end, if he would see himself coming back to play for Chicago? What is he supposed to say to that? What a jack wagon.

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