@New Jersey Devils

How bad is it that on a nationally Televised Game, we played an Empty Net down 4-1, and the coaches didn’t even add a 6th skater, as noted by Jack Hughes before anyone on the bench

How bad is it that on a nationally Televised Game, we played an Empty Net down 4-1, and the coaches didn’t even add a 6th skater, as noted by Jack Hughes before anyone on the bench

by leaf-erectsen-day


  1. Ever_Raiden

    Surprised dumbfuck Redditors haven’t taken this and turned it into Jack having a bad attitude and being mean to his teammates like everything else he’s done this season

  2. Vaderwasframed74

    Seeing that live was pretty funny. What was weird though, I was surrounded by Devils fans at the game, and win they scored that quick, they just sat there. There wasn’t any cheering from them.

  3. Gojira5400

    Jesus, I missed the game last night but that’s embarrassing.

  4. Lol, holy moly. I remember seeing this and thinking, “why does Jack want off the ice?” Nice one, Ruff.

  5. sandwiches_please

    I’m watching the game in my living room, alone, leaning forward on the couch and pointing at the television screen trying to count (out loud) the number of Devils skaters. “Am I dumb? Have I forgotten how to count? What the fuck is going on here?”

  6. MyFavoriteMartin28

    I’ve been trying not to pile on with all of the recent negativity, but WOOF. This is a damning indictment of our coaching staff. No organization, urgency, or attention to detail

  7. voxangelikus

    How bad? The most bad. At this point in this season it’s so far beyond the limit for acceptable coaching negligence that it defies comprehension. It’s so bad that it should result in an almost immediate dismissal of this coaching staff. It should have been the first question asked in the post game presser: how on earth do you mess up something so basic?

    I’m sure it won’t push this GM to make a move. Season flatlined when Hughes flubbed that penalty shot. This error just proves the coaches are mentally checked out

  8. unhalfbricking

    So bad Lindy shouldn’t have been allowed on the plane home.

  9. This happened last week too when we had a guy come out of the penalty box he went to the bench and no one came off and we were still playing 5 on 4. Embarrassing.

  10. Mr7three2

    Incompetent coaching staff. Completely checked out players(on the bench) who didn’t notice.

    This shit right here is stuff you see from poorly run franchises. This shit right here is what(in part) makes home grown superstars want to get out.

    Jack is having a decent year despite injuries and recent struggles but if you don’t think this Incompetent shit gets under his skin, you’re sadly mistaken. Players who are elite have a certain expectation for those around them

  11. LakSivrak

    you can no longer call yourself a Devils fan while defending Lindy Ruff

  12. FloppyCanFly

    I mean to be fair.. we basically play with an empty net anyway

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