@Boston Bruins

How to Start Sailing – Where to begin⛵️Q+A Live – Your Catamaran Sailing Questions Answered.

How to Start Sailing – Where to begin⛵️Q+A Live – Your Catamaran Sailing Questions Answered.

Hello yes that’s right it’s Joe here live for  Joy Rider TV back in the joy Rider TV studios   very nice to be home uh what a lovely time it was  at the boat show in dorf um as you will have seen  

Not quite as many catamaran exhibitors as I would  have liked so perhaps for next year um we can get   together with the class associations of all the  big classes and see if we could put together a  

Kind of more of a community stand of maybe eight  different uh classes you know we could pick the   biggest ones such as uh starting with the biggest  maybe um some sort of foiling NRA 20 the tornado  

Um F18 a class Maybe uh foiling a class and  classic a class on the stand NRA 17 then the   16 Footers the formula 16 the Hobie 16 uh NRA 15  loads of different classes on one stand wouldn’t  

That be good yeah I think people would really  like that and then the Hobie 14 of course maybe   some other 14 Footers maybe um something from  Australia like the wind rush for might be a good  

Uh addition to the group and then perhaps on the  same stand uh could have a bit of a feature for   beginners catamarans like um formula plastic As I  like to call it like the dart 16 the topper topaz  

That we saw uh the RS um plastic um catamaran  which we saw then the Hobie wave on there as   well the dragon things like that wouldn’t that  be good what do you reckon I think it would be  

Good and I’m thinking like the stand would be  a circle in the middle of the hall with all of   the Catans pointing outwards between the bows of  each camaran a screen showing that type of boat  

In action wouldn’t that be good yes I think it  would because um what is needed is more I know   that these boat show stands cost an absolute  Fortune to rent and if um if you’re not selling  

Boats like if you are from a class Association and  you’re just there to promote your class there’s   not a lot of return in it and that is pretty much  blowing your whole marketing budget for more than  

A year just to exhibit at such a an exhibition  but that’s what I was thinking anyway I think   that’s a good idea um anyway as it said on the  strap line we’re going to have a look into how  

To get started in cataman sailing and this has  been um prompted by firm button 6485 who says   I’ve always loved the idea of sailing um I um  once went out in my teens now significantly   older but now I can afford it uh Monet uh  monetary and TimeWise what is the best way  

To start it’s a very good question like if you  really if you didn’t have any friends who are   already into sailing uh perhaps uh there wasn’t  a Sailing Club nearby then how would you get into  

The sport I think the first let’s break it down  into different things so the first one one is the venue where near to where you live or um it wants to  be reasonably near where are you thinking that  

Sailing could be a possibility do you live near  to the coast is there a lake nearby that kind of   thing um or a big river or something I you want  the best for starting would be a lake or uh yeah  

A lake definitely is the best because that a  lake is much safer than sailing on the sea and   also the benefit with a lake or Reservoir um is  that there’s more likely to be a club there with  

Safety cover included and um on a lake if it all  goes wrong you’re going to end up getting blown   onto um land basically so there’s a lot less uh  Jeopardy involved in going sailing on a lake so  

First choice is where would I go sailing if I  had the chance I think a lake is good but uh on   the sea is good if there’s a river that doesn’t  flow particularly quickly that is probably the  

More difficult uh environment to start catamaran  sailing but not out of the question all right so   then um what are you going to do for a boat um are  you is there a place that you could rent a boat  

From that’s a good start um or is there a club the  best possible option is if there is a Sailing Club   and if it’s a Sailing Club that actually offers  instruction then that is an absolute winner for  

Getting into the sport but of course uh depending  on where you are that isn’t always going to be   a possibility so if if there is a club A lot of  the time they might have a club boat that is uh  

Available to try uh if not if there’s a club the  other good way of getting into the spot is how I   got into catamaran sailing which was to go to my  local Sailing Club and just talk to as many people  

As possible and say um I’m available as a crew  uh on a catamaran is anybody looking for a crew   because quite often people are looking for crew  so if you offer yourself up as crew and if perhaps  

You’ve got some sailing gear before you you start  offering yourself up so when I say sailing gear   is maybe you need a wet suit uh if the water’s  not so warm if you’re not in the Caribbean or  

Somewhere similar um need a wet suit I’d say the  all right starting points of sailing gear for real   world environment going out sailing a wet suit uh  probably a something like a 43 wet suit that’s the  

Thickness of the rubber um a pair of good sailing  shoes again wet suit shoes very nice wet suit   boots if it is uh colder conditions so you’re  covered in rubber now nice third thing which is  

Good to have is a spray top that’s basically like  a rain coat but it’s specific for wearing when   you go sailing because a lot of wet wet suits  they don’t prevent wind chill uh and once they  

Get wet if they um if you’re getting if you’re wet  and there’s quite a lot of wind you can get quite   cold so a spray top um this is going to stop that  wind chill good third piece of equipment equipment  

Piece number four would be a trapes harness uh  there’s we won’t go into the trapeze harness   so much just now but um trap harness is a good  thing to have and the last one very important is  

A buoyancy Aid that is uh like the flotation vest  which is in most places it’s a legal requirement   to have it on when you go sailing and if it’s not  a legal requirement then it’s certainly a very  

Sensible thing to be wearing so have some gear  if um that is good where whichever way you’re   getting into the sport um because it’s even if  you’re going to a rental place and they say oh  

We’ve got all the gear you can borrow it I’d feel  a bit nicer putting my own wet suit on than a wet   suit that perhaps somebody else has been wearing  just beforehand um that kind of thing so nice to  

Have your own gear and by making a purchase it  does it’s like you’re um you’re stating your   intention I’ve bought this stuff I am going to  do this sport yes I am by buying the gear you’re  

Going to do it uh what happens quite a lot is you  buy the gear and then nothing happens for the next   six weeks but you’ve got the gear there ready  very nice um some sort of hat like um a total  

Joy Rider beanie very good idea to to have and in  fact you could get one from Total jooy   yeah um and you’d be supporting the channel so  get some gear know where you’re going to sell um  

Then either see about renting a boat but most  places won’t rent you a boat if you’ve got no   experience at all but if they are renting boats  then they should be able to offer instruction as   well and it is definitely worth if there is the  possibility to have instruction for your first  

Um couple of times out a very good idea but let’s  say that is not a possibility then what do you do   if there’s a lake nearby and it is allowed to sail  on that Lake but there’s not a club uh there isn’t  

A rental place and you don’t know anybody who’s  got a boat in fact you don’t see people sailing   there very often then perhaps maybe then it’s time  to start having a look for a boat um it’s a good  

Idea not to go out and buy a brand new boat as  your first boat because you might I don’t know   it’s new boats are expensive that’s what I learned  at the boat show um and uh a used Bo you also with  

A used boat perhaps have the opportunity to have a  chat with the person you’re buying it off if it’s   nearby perhaps they could even come out on the  water with you for your first sale that would be  

A good after sale service but um a used boat and  you could go for all sorts of different catamaran   like this uh formula plastic uh type camaran like  uh the dart 16 which is I see that as the industry  

Standard of a roto molded catamaran uh that would  be a good choice if there was one available um or   something else Roto molded between usually 14 16  feet long very user friendly very hardwearing and  

Uh very simple so there’s not too much stuff on  the boat to get confused used with so that is a   choice to boat but of course as we know uh there  are more Hobie 16s in the world than any well than  

All the other catamarans put together if you added  up the numbers uh which means you’re more likely   to find a used Hobe 16 than any other type of  catamaran uh so is a Hobe 16 a good choice for  

Your first boat it’s not the perfect choice but as  long as you don’t try going out in too much wind   straight away then yes it’s a good choice because  um the Hobe 16 is very durable uh it will uh it  

Will last for a long time but more than that is it  will keep you interested for a long time because   it comes with its set of challenges and to sell  a Hobe 16 you have to use good technique which  

Means you can’t get away with using poor technique  which perhaps on um a boat which is specific for   beginner Sailors you can get away with putting  in bad tax and things and um the six the Hobie  

16 won’t let you do that what about the Hobie 14  that is even tougher to sell than the 16 so your   Technique really has to be good on a Hobie 14  but you’ll pick up uh possibly a used Hobie 14  

Um could be one of the cheapest boats out there  um yeah so there we go and then so you’ve got   your Venue you’ve got your sailing gear um you’ve  got the this boat on the trailer you’ve towed it  

To the venue next thing to do is to know how to  put the boat together so fortunately um on Joy   Rider TV there are many videos uh explaining  how to assemble the cataman two main types of  

Catamaran um as a sort of standard kind of not  exactly the same but they’ll certainly give you   the right idea is the first one is the Hobie 16  type of catamaran so what watch all of the videos  

About assembling a Hobie 16 and how you rig it and  then the other type of catamaran is like your your   F18 type camaran which most other boats would be  fairly similar to that um so if your boat’s more   similar to that like the formula plastic boats  which I’ve been talking about they’re probably  

A bit more similar to the F18 style boat than  the Hobie 16 now the other style of boat which   I haven’t made any videos on uh because of a lack  of resources is the dart 18 style of catamaran um  

Which assembles quite differently to the others  but you’ll still by watching the Hobe 16 and   F-18 uh and tornado perhaps um assembly videos  and rigging you’ll have a pretty good idea of   what to do might not be perfect but it will still  work so having done your revision watch the videos  

Perhaps have it loaded up on your telephone so  that um when you’re down at your Venue or what   I did when I first got my boat my first boat was a  dart 18 incidentally um was I uh built the boat in  

The back garden and took it apart probably about  four times four or five times before I actually   got the boat to the water I just um put the boat  together masked up lovely uh did a bit of practice  

Trapezing in the garden uh took the boat apart  and then the next weekend put it together again   and um that way I had a really good uh knowledge  of how to assemble the boat so when I was out in  

Public I didn’t look like I absolutely didn’t have  a clue um so boat is assembled what’s next first   time out don’t you know I know that everybody has  got a limited amount of time so most people only  

Have time at the weekend what if at the weekend  it’s 20 knots of wind if you are going out alone   for the first time yes you’ve studied all the  videos so you know what to do but when you go  

Out for the first first time things are going to  happen pretty quickly in 20 knots of wind so if   you’re desperate to get out then you will need to  recruit somebody experienced to go out with you  

Um because if you go out in strong wind for your  first time it is quite likely that something is   going to go wrong and what you don’t want to do  is put yourself off for life which could happen  

If you went out in too much wind too soon so I  would say there should be like a 10 knot limit   for your first time out if you’re going out  without somebody experience and you haven’t  

Done it before then 10 knots is about the maximum  that you’d want to be going out in so how are you   going to know how much wind there is um have I got  one here yeah I think I might have uh then what is  

A good idea have I have I sorry I’m just having  a look um what I’m looking for is a handheld anomer if there is one I can’t find it and  um right um yeah it’s a little winds speed  

Meter it’s called an anom mometer um and  it will tell you how much wind there is   but I think everybody has got a reasonable  gauge of oh it’s windy oh it’s this wind is   light so if the wind is light you’re good  to go and then the last thing with the

Wind even if you are sailing on  a reasonably small lake so if   this is your Lake and maybe you’re launching from here of course watch the videos on launching  and coming back in um it’s all there and in fact   exciting times an exciting announcement coming  this summer from Joy Rider TV that’s basically  

Me um I’m gonna make a comprehensive beginners  course for Catamaran sailing so if you were in   this situation of really not knowing where to  start how to go about it first step would be  

To get a hold of this course it will be a video  course uh not on YouTube and um you can it’ll then   take you step by step into exactly what to do and  with a variety of different types of boat as well  

So yes I am going to have to get hold of a dart  16 uh so that the dart 16 is represented but um   yeah watch videos on YouTube about how to launch  the boat and then the wind direction this is  

Important BEC because if it’s the wrong direction  and things go wrong uh you’re basically going to   have uh a much tougher time getting back to your  starting point because let’s say that’s where   you’ve got your car parked it’s a convertible  all right so the wind direction should be anywhere from

Here to here so anywhere in this range um because to get back to the beach is  much easier when the wind is blowing   you back there if um the wind is blowing what  we call offshore which would be anything like

This it is going to be harder to get back  in as a firsttime sailor so try to pick   your Venue or if you’ve got a choice of  where to launch from uh like let’s say   this is a lake and it’s just basically Beach  all the way around that that easiest by far  

Is With the Wind coming from the side because  then you can just go straight out turn around   come back in think let’s give it another go  um tack round so your first time out wi from here your sail out and then while  you’ve still got plenty of space  

You’ll go for a attack which is  turning the boat through the wind and then you’ll come back  down and Tack at this end   and you basically be sailing this figure of eight course just tacking at each end but before when  you go for your attack just make sure that it’s  

Not right before you’re going to hit land but  of course if um if you have got another Beach   at that end and your tack isn’t going so well  you could pract practice jumping off the boat   turning it into wind pushing it round setting  off from that side uh that would be a really  

Good place to go out from um yeah so I think  that is all I’m gonna say on the topic of what   would be a good way to start if you hadn’t done  any before but um I’ll let you know of course  

When this course comes out um it’s going to be  my M bit of work uh in the spring this year is   putting that together very much looking forward  to it by the way all right uh good afternoon  

Or whatever time of day it is for you out there  so let’s just check in with everybody who is in   The Joy Rider sailing clubhouse right now we’ve  got Mark and Janet on board in Ohio Mark’s just  

Watched every episode of show us your cat what a  treat that’s a great way of spending your Friday   morning um to deal with Mid Winter Blues I  think everyone should do that in fact get   inspired send me pictures of your boat because  I’m still waiting for more content before I can  

Put together either an episode of showat or what  went wrong um so there we go uh Mark says congrats   to the prestige magazine Adventure award I don’t  actually know anything about this so perhaps if  

You could uh drop a link there mark that would  be great so I can have a look at that okay we   got Ryan on Maui uh it’s Friday again yep it  certainly is we got Evo uh it says hello to  

Everyone Leland Le’s there in Clearwater Florida  speaking of Florida and the USA as you may know I   am going on the next leg of my world tour first  leg complete I’ve been to Germany but the next  

Leg is uh I’ve written down the dates actually  I’m thinking well basically I’m G to be in Ocean   Springs Mississippi between probably the 30th of  March and the 8th of April uh there’s two events   going on at Ocean Springs Mississippi the first  one is the Hobie 14 North American championships  

Very good if you sail a Hobe 14 get down there do  that event second one is called the mid Winters   East uh for all different types of catamaran  all levels of experience um it’s going to be  

A great time and I I’ll be there there’ll be a  lot of other experienced Sailors there who can   help you if you’re less experienced if you are  more experienced as well we’ll be there to give  

You a good run for your money on the race course  of course but if you are in the vicinity of that   bit of the USA or fairly nearby then my itinerary  for when I’m in um America isn’t set at this time  

So if you want some onetoone instruction on your  boat perhaps you’d like me to have a look at your   Rudders that kind of thing then get in touch  soon sooner rather than later so that we can  

Make a plan so I’m thinking probably of coming  uh across the Atlantic uh maybe a week before   the event so there’s time for me to visit other  Sailors uh perhaps on that stretch of Coastland   maybe flying into Orlando and then flying out  of New Orleans I’m told is how it’s pronounced  

Um yeah so uh get in touch if you want me to get  on your boat with you uh for a modding fee but   that’s uh what’s going to keep Joy Rider TV  going is uh this sort all all these sorts of  

Things uh under the same Banner in fact we’ve got  up now the brand new um what’s it called uh the   Speed Stick the 2024 Speed Stick and um there’s  plenty of space on there so if you have got the  

Opportunity to get out um sailing then uh take a  GPS with you get on the Speed Stick let’s see if   I can no I can’t all right um answer that pretty  quickly but um yeah get on the Speed Stick and  

Um check out the speed stick at the moment  because to commemorate this new 2024 Speed   Stick I’ve come up with a new design and I think  like for t-shirts hoodies other things whatever   you want it on um and I think think you’ll find  it is pretty cooking that new design so a great  

Way of supporting Joy Rider TV is to get over to  uh total jooy and uh get yourself some   gear yes all right so um continuing with the  checking in uh Benny’s on board in h Sweden hi  

Benny rfx 881 is with us uh that’s a name I don’t  recognize so hello uh great that you could make   it Mr Tony K pier in eof Denmark as always okay uh  Ryan I think commenting about my um next year’s uh  

Dorf Boat Show ideas says Joe’s got Vision yep all  right Evo says I’m starting with a knra 5.5 that   I just bought two weeks ago great stuff I think  the 5.5 is a good choice um one thing to look at  

I didn’t mention this when um you know because  you don’t always get to choose maybe it’s like   the boat chooses you because of what’s available  um perhaps you don’t have the choice of every type  

Of catamaran so the ones to go for if you have the  choice it’s all about whole shape we’ve been here before this boat ended up being quite short and  not very attractive but um basically you want  

For your first camaran it’s better if you can  have a boat with a skeg hull so if we look from behind it’s going to be this shape  Hull um the other two types of hole   we yes we have talked about this  before is the asymmetric hole

Where um like on a Hobie 16 or  the other type of hole would be like this which is like the necra 5.5 which  has either a dagger board or a pivoting center   board so the skeg hle number one asymmetric  hole number two as a beginner because you  

Having the dagger board or Center board  it gives you something else that you have   to use that you um need to control but also  it is it makes the boat more fragile because   if you hit the bottom with this bad boy  damage will probably occur so better off  

Not to have one on your first boat there we  go um Yan Leo uh of the tornado uh Fame you   will have remembered Yan Leo from the tornado  videos from the worlds last year most of the  

Time uh Yan Leo was sailing away from me on the  downwind legs uh very quick down L down downwind Yan Leo is just tuning back in from Colorado five  more weeks until it’s back to sailing got Aaron  

On board uh crack of dawn in New Zealand glad you  could make it Aaron by the way if you’re wondering   in the live chat why some people’s names are in  green that is because they’re channel members so  

If you want to become a channel member just head  over to the Joy Rider tv YouTube channel Channel   just the main Channel page and just click on  memberships and everything will be explained   there Channel member Declan is on board as well  hope you have all had a good week not bad um yeah  

Sunny here in Greece but uh no wind uh to speak  of all right we got Max on board um going out   on lake simc with gards geard um for those of  you who’ve been watching the videos for a long  

Time gard’s been in quite a few of these videos  um over the years uh so that’s in Germany right   Yan Leo says you can go very deep into the gear  Rabbit Hole or or so I’ve heard from a friend  

Yeah it’s quite true when shopping for sailing  gear it’s it just keeps going so boots wet suit   spray top buoyant seade trapeze harness woolly  hat um if it’s going to be chilly if it’s going  

To be warm hat with a peak or if you’re going to  be sailing in a stronger wind uh maybe a helmet   is a good idea all right um we got Richard on  board from The Villages Florida sailing out of  

Gulfport Yacht Club Florida nice to have you on  board Richard I think this might be a first time   uh in the live chat uh Toot’s with us from Texas  uh toot is just reminding everybody to hit the  

Like button thanks toot cck is with us as well  all right we got uh Willam who says I recently   saw a mosquito for sale in South Africa is it  similar to the dart 16 thoughts on the mosquito  

Or mosquito yeah the mosquito is um as far as I’m  aware mostly sailed in Australia and uh we did   feature one a few episodes of show us your cat  ago so if you want to see some more [Music] um  

Some more pictures of a mosquito catamaran have  a look on um on uh through show us shat the and   it will say in the title the ones that are  in Australia those the more recent ones in  

Australia are the ones to look at but um I  think the mosquito looks like a great boat   if um especially now the thing that is always  going to attract me to one type of boat rather  

Than another no it’s not the size of the main  sale no it’s not the color no it’s not the go   faster Stripes yes it is it’s if there are other  boats of that type being used where you’re going  

To be going out sailing because what is really  nice with any type of sailing is if you can get   out and sail whether it’s in a competition or just  for fun but if you’re with other boats of the same  

Type there’s just something special about that um  so if there’s other mosquito about at your Club   in South Africa there with them um I say it’s a  great choice but either way it looks like a good  

Boat I can’t remember exactly but I think we’re  looking at a scent board style Hull um what is it   14 15 feet long um you can sell it single-handed  or as a double-h hander single-handed just with   the main sale double-handed with the jib and  crew on the trapeze so that means it’s quite  

Versatile and um if you are looking at doing some  competition then you can sail it fairly evenly uh   regardless of whether you’ve got a crew or not so  I think it’s a good boat and um if I was sailing  

Somewhere where there was a fleet of mosquitoes I  would get one because uh you got to sail against   uh boats of the same type if you can all right Yan  Leo says I just noticed the my video quality is  

Much better what happened um yeah perhaps I don’t  know um it might be that the uh internet which is   pretty sort of wind up internet here on the Greek  island um is just running a bit better today um  

Yeah other than that I couldn’t say what it is uh  the studio lighting is obviously uh topnotch I’ve   got a new webcam uh that was donated by another  YouTube channel called colel failure if you like   your video uh games uh delivered in the same  style as your joy Rider TV check out Colonel  

Failure because that guy happens to be my brother  yeah um very entertaining videos uh delivered just   like this but well with this kind of voice and  words um and uh the sense of humor so uh check  

Out Colonel failure uh who donated the webcam  uh thank you very much um yeah we got Marty on   board in Switzerland from Lake senac great stuff I  dare say you’re still covered in snow there Marty   um very good dukee is with us um says X Games  2024 in Ventura California everybody visit and  

Try to get on TV June 2024 yeah that’ll be good I  do enjoy the X Games who incidentally Casey right   we got spicy Fest one on board um nice to have you  with us from uh somewhere in the um got a memory  

Test all this uh from the Northwest of England  perhaps right we got Kevin from Illinois USA in   the live chat uh be is with us thanks for these  good explanations that’s uh Branco in Germany  

Ah this is um very important Declan who he knows  declan’s a guy who knows he said the Speed Stick   24 kit looks amazing great design um thanks Declan  for the endorsement yeah I think if you’ve got a  

Spare tab on your browser then check out on the  Speed Stick Page uh at total jooy and   check out those new designs and maybe even get one  it’s a good idea incidentally everything at total   jooy is shipping from every continent  so it doesn’t matter where you are um it will  

Be shipping from reasonably near to you um I use  printers around the world so I use a printer in   Australia one in America uh a couple in Europe  in fact a couple in America unfortunat uh not  

One in South Africa um at this time but that  could change so for South Africa things would   ship from Europe I would guess um all right we’ve  got Rob on board in the nalon uh good to have you  

With us Rob EES or yees is with us in Marius  Gabby um in maius repairing some damages on   a Hobe 16 after the Cyclone yeah I saw um it’s  been pretty Fierce so good luck with that hope  

It’s all going well in micius um incidentally in  maius right now it is the 10th anniversary party   today uh of wild wind morius if you don’t know a  great way of getting into sailing is actually to  

Go on one of these kind of sailing holidays where  you get instruction as part of the holiday and all   of your equipment uh in the summer of course  the European summer the best place you could  

Possibly go is while when sailing holidays uh here  on the Greek island of leus but in the winter very   good place to go is wildwind sailing holidays in  micius where that Cyclone’s gone now so should   be plain sailing from here on and uh they’ve got  some absolutely marvelous instructors down there  

At wildwin maish’s very good Sailors and very  good instructors so if you’re not sure of where   to go um if you’ve got a bit of spare change in  your pocket and you’d like to go somewhere hot  

To go sailing the water in maius is ridiculous  it’s like sailing in a bath it’s that warm I think all right we’ve got uh Jean INF France with us on board nice to  have you with us Jean or is that jein Jean  

All right Hans is with us as well Hans who was  um prominent on the wildwind beach uh he was   here for most the season this year last year  in fact with a foiling moth no less very good  

Uh Hans says good luck to Max and geard yeah  good luck guys all right B is with us looking   forward to meeting you and racing against you  in Ocean Springs it’s a great venue yeah I’ve   been hearing good things about Ocean Springs  so if um you happen to be in the area start  

Of April head down come and say hello and I’ll be  um there yeah looking forward to it very much all   right Mark says Prestige magazine award mentioned  in International hobiecat Association February   update newsletter right gotcha all right Leland  Lee says there are mosquitoes all over here in  

Florida I think he means the flying stabby insect  rather than the camaran there all right so Ryan   says uh by the way uh this is more good stuff  here the album was a surprise treat to my ears  

I guess I’m guilty of assuming Joe was going  to be playing some intense sailing music but   it’s a real treat to the ears ear candy yeah if  you don’t know what Ryan’s talking about is uh  

Last week maybe the week before I’m actually uh  somewhat of a musician in my spare time and um   I released an album of music with many different  singers and it is uh on Spotify and every single   platform on the internet where music can be  listened to just put in a search for Thursday  

Nights at wildwind and you’ll it’s like a blue  album cover go there you’ll see my name uh have   a listen see what you think um it’s kind of  mellow but nice uh thanks Ryan for that all right hope everyone’s enjoying the uh level  of enthusiasm this Q&A is coming with um maybe  

That’s because I had a week off and um storing  up more enthusiasm uh definitely enthusiastic   about the trip to America so um like I said  if you’re in the area if you want me to jump  

On your boat with you for maybe half a day a  couple of hours um maybe a whole day maybe you   a couple of days who knows um and let me know  if you want me to have a look at your Rudders  

When I come over there and I’ll make sure I  bring some stuff with me for doing rudders okay uh lee says uh NY Liners in the Hobe 16  Rudder gons yay or nay NY liners I could you  

Phrase that differently I don’t know what a n  liner is um all right and while you’re coming   back to me on that Lee I’m going to go on to the  next preloaded question which is actually from  

Marty who’s in the Marty in Switzerland who’s in  the live chat and um yeah this is an unfortunate   uh thing that can happen to your boat um it’s when  you start having problems with your front beam

So this what happened more I think this would  be more so if you sail on salt water rather   than fresh water but um if the boat is of a  certain age this could happen and that is if  

We’re looking from above you’ll have a hole  in the middle of your front beam where the   Mast step comes through uh so if we just draw  a smaller version there’s the Dolphin Striker   and then above the Dolphin Striker there are  of course many different styles of Mast step  

But that will come through here um so it might  be a ball like that or on a Hobie 18 it’s just   a little fella like that uh that it sits on  might um depends on the type of boat that  

You’re sailing but basically what can happen  over time is where this comes through your beam   even if you’ve had add your Dolphin Striker  um tension perfectly you can start getting cracking that’s some quite dramatic cracking  maybe with some hairline cracks coming off  

These spiky bits around there and that is not  a good situation as I’m sure you can imagine   um so Marty said what do you do if your beam is  caving in at the Mast step so it might be rather  

Than it’s cracking like that it might be kind of  sinking like that so what I personally would do   because I do um have access to quite a few snapped  masts where I can uh take aluminum from I would  

Take maybe three layers of mased aluminum  um and cut them nicely so that they’re much bigger than the area all the all the same size um  round the corners and make sure it’s all smooth  

At the edges because if you just cut aluminum  it’s going to be really sharp um so get it all rounded drill the whole in the middle of this  plate the right size for the Dolphin Striker  

Rod to come through and then we’re just going to  rivet it into the beam so um depending on how big   you’re making the plate um you could just do  one rivet in each Corner use good rivets for  

This the stainless steel ones and um if you are  using stainless steel rivets in uh the aluminium   beams on your boat then you will need to use  some sort of barrier paste to stop um this   chemical reaction that you can get between the  stainless steel and the AL minum um and if you  

Don’t have access to uh these these bits of  old Mast then you could use which I believe   Marty decided he is going to do with his boat is  get a stainless steel plate made this is going  

To be much stronger um that if you’ve just got  one piece of stainless steel rather than three   pieces of aluminium because the stainless steel  is of course very strong and do the same thing   with that but of course you don’t want a chemical  reaction between the stainless and the aluminum  

Again so more of this sort of barrier paste in  between between the stainless and the aluminum   just to protect your gear so that is what I would  do and I’ve done had to do that quite a few times  

And um once you’ve done it it just lasts for a  long time so it’s not the end of the world if   you’ve got this sort of sunken bit on the top what  is more of an issue and if you are looking at a um  

Used boat if you’re looking to buy one one place  to look on that boat I’d say it’s a very quick   visual inspection and it will tell you if you want  that boat or not immediately um unless the boat is  

Really cheap is here underneath the beam coming  from where the uh Dolphin Striker goes into the   beam if there’s cracking here it will be straight  up like that then that means the Dolph Striker at   some point hasn’t been uh had enough tension  on it which means like to exaggerate the the  

Front beam should have a curve to it like that and  that curve is put in with tension on the Dolphin Striker so the tit so like on a Hobie 16 for  example we tighten a Dolphin Striker let’s  

Exaggerate it we’ve got nuts on here and here so  we put more tension onto there and what that does   is it pulls inwards or pushes inwards like this  which pushes this upwards now if at any point  

This hasn’t been tight enough and this beam has  been allowed to go flat or Worse go the wrong way   up pretty unlikely on a Hobie c um on other boats  maybe then we might get a crack or cracking under  

Here and if you’ve got that cracking on your beam  the only thing you can do is to actually get it   welded and there’s not so many people who are  welding aluminum uh but you can get it welded  

And that will extend the life of it but really  once CE you’ve got that boat shouldn’t really be   going out in double trapezing conditions I think  there we go all right back to the live chat um  

We’ve got uh one from unknown user that’s a  good name uh will you do more videos of the   miniat uh yes what your thoughts about it I like  the miniat um I know it’s quite because you know  

Let’s not beat around the bush the miniat is much  slower than most of the boats which I feature on   Joy Rider TV so you might think oh he’s not going  to like that it’s not fast enough but no it’s all  

Relative when you sat on the boat it feels quick  um and it’s so practical it’s so easy because it’s   lightweight very quick to rig very easy to move  around on the be and um it’s just so it takes a  

Lot of the hassle out of going sailing because  um like with uh tornado big boat fairly heavy   definitely a lot of size to it it’s more difficult  to rig um and it’s more effort whereas the miniat  

Is the opposite it’s almost zero effort to get if  you’ve got got it already built and parked in your   boat club then um all you got to do is stick it  on your back carry it to the water almost throw  

The main sail up easy Chuck it in the water and  you’re off that’s what I think yeah but it’s uh   very well designed very well built um yes many  more videos on the miniat coming now if you’re  

A subscriber and you don’t like the miniat footed  um please let it be known that there will be more   regular catamaran footage coming but it may be  more miniat footage coming first videos sorry   um so don’t unsubscribe we’re going to go back  to the 16 to the tornado the F18 uh everything  

Else um so stay with me it’s not all going to  be miniat thank you very much all right uh kin   says please repeat how to schedule time with  you in the US yeah the best thing to do is to  

Message uh send me an email I’ll write this in the  live chat total Joy Rider yeah that’s correct at boom it’s in the live chat um yeah  but uh yeah just send me an email let me know  

Um where you would like uh me to Come Sailing with  you what type of boat it is anything specific that   you want to work on uh what sort of time scale  you’re looking at what your days are when you’re  

Available so as I said I’ll be in Ocean Springs  from around the 30th of March to the 8 of April   uh but most of that time is for the events that  are going on so I won’t be available during that  

Period but either side of that period um then  yes so send me an email and we can start a a   communication in that way great stuff all right  so Lee says NY liner is similar to the New York  

Style NY new style sorry not New York new style  nylon bushing the nyer is thinner so you don’t   have to drill out the casting I guess the NY  liners were a big thing back in the day yeah  

Um I think yes use the NY liners if um if you’ve  got an older 16 and that is the right size take   play out what we’re trying to do with any bushing  in your Rudder system is so that it doesn’t move  

So it still steer where’s my hand it’s here so  it still steer uh but it won’t wobble from side   to side so yes right Declan said will you put  your travel dates and destinations in your next   newsletter please yes um I certainly will um great  reminder there Declan if you’re not subscribed to  

The Joy Rider TV newsletter head over to Total  jooy and you’ll see at the bar at the   top says sign up for the newsletter click on  there and it will take you over to a sign up  

Page and I will be um in your inbox or in your  spam inbox uh approx every couple of weeks just   to let you know everything that’s going on like  the dates and places of uh where I will be in  

The states all right so um I have got one more  preloaded question so no more questions please   in the live chat because we have been going almost  an hour now um but this one is from Francis um who  

Asks this is um response to beginner camaran  sailing lesson why do you release the main   sheet when you tack this is a very good question  because why would you let it out if all you’ve  

Got to do is pull it back in again sounds like  you’re just making an extra job all right so um what like drawing a picture here so  I’m going to draw a picture here is the boat there’s the Mast and um

Here’s the main sale here’s the jib if you’re  lucky enough to have one so basically what   we’re doing with the main sheet during attack is  we’re helping to steer the boat using the main   sail using pressure in the main sail so when the  boat isn’t moving if we pull the main sheet in  

What it’s doing if we imagine our main Pivot  Point um on the boat is around here this is   where the boat pivots like down this line any  pressure that we put behind there is going to  

Push like this so if we put pressure behind the  pivot point it’s going to push here boat’s going   to Pivot there and it means the the boat will  turn up into the wind is that pretty clear so  

If we push there boat’s going to Pivot there it’s  going to turn up into the wind uh let’s draw the   wind wind is there that is why before we tack we  pull the main sheet in tight because it helps to  

Drive the boat to put this pressure behind the  pivot point to drive the boat into the wind now   the reason that we let the main sheet off when  the boat is pointing straight up into the wind  

It’s the same reason which is if we don’t we’re  still going to have this pressure behind the pivot   point which is then going to try to put us into  the wind again so by letting the main sheet out  

When we head to wind this allows the boat to  bear away from the wind on the new tack much   more easily uh yes sometimes we can just keep the  main sheet uh cranked in tight if you’re sailing  

A boat which is quite easy to tack like a boat  with dagger boards or Center boards then you can   leave the main sheet cranked in won’t be such a  nice tack but you’ll still get round the tack but  

You should get into the habit of every time you  head to wind during your attac that is the time   to loosen just this much main sheet um or if you  want a higher um success rate more main sheet is  

Going to mean that you’re less likely to stall  your Tac so in the same way if you just can’t   get like one of the most frustrating things for  camaran Sailors is when you just can’t get the  

Boat moving and every time it starts moving  forwards it goes up into the wind what do we   do first thing to do is let the main sheet off  let the main sheet off completely and let the  

Traveler off as well because that’s going to help  as well because if we’ve still got the traveler in   there’s still a chance that the wind sorry wind  is blue as we know um that the wind is going to  

Catch the back edge of the main Cil and even if  it just catches it a little bit it’s going to try   to put the boat back up into the wind so if you  can’t get going let the main sheet out if you’ve  

Let the main sheet out and you can’t get going  let the traveler out as well and if everything   is loose there just focus on which way you’ve got  the Rudders and you’ll be able to get it in gear  

Going forwards again so I hope that helps there  Francis um just one more in the live chat from   Marty who says I’ll be going stainless steel for  the repair on the hob team front beam fortunately   the beam has no cracks under underneath like  you just said and has good tension good tip as  

Always yeah thanks Marty and thanks to everybody  for tuning in today or tuning in when you watch   this uh in the next days I think after a couple  of days then people are more likely to wait until  

The next one I think but uh thanks very much  yes um head over to Total jooy and   check out the Speed Stick those new t-shirts over  there absolutely cooking I’d say it’s probably my   best design yet um let me know what you think  in the comments to this one or anywhere else  

Uh across everywhere okay thanks very much have  a great weekend and I’ll see you soon with some   more on Joy Rider TV don’t forget to hit the  like button if you haven’t done already thank you




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Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Topcat, GETAWAY, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you’ll find something here to help you.



  1. Best regards from south Portugal. Ria Formosa in Argarve. I love to follow your videos. I learn a lot. My personal problem with the fantastic Live Q&A is that I'm normally stil at the work..😢. I can only watch it later. I'll do it.

  2. Thank you for all your work! The course you mentioned sounds great.

    I have gone through many of your videos and started creating a playlist as an introduction for junior sailors who haven’t sailed on cats. To give them some background before taking them out sailing. Bit of a thrill ride for kids who’ve only been sailing modest performance dinghies.

    I sail out of Toronto waterfront on Lake Ontario, one stretch with 6 dingy clubs side by side, each club has from 100 to 500 members, most have junior programs. I’m new to catamarans, barely a couple years. Started with a classic Tornado, wanted a some changes/upgrades, so instead of upgrading, got a different quicker boat with the things I wanted (self tackling jib, spinnaker). Will take some kids out in the summer, maybe get some runs for your speedstick….

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