@Ottawa Senators


Ross Levitan and Brandon Piller provide immediate reaction following the Ottawa Senators 4-1 loss against the Nashville Predators.

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  1. That feeling when you know the other team has a stud in net and you're just waiting for your goalie to let in so many bad goals.

  2. Not with you on Korpi tonight–look the puck went in on off of Chabot, who was also screening Korpi, AND the play started when Hamonic gave the puck up in his own zone… like… Korpi had already dug the guys out as the Senators offer up a dangerous opportunity on the Predators very first look at the net, but this team does NOTHING to bail out their goalies. Even elite goalies need their teams and the way the sens mentally checkout instead of playing like they're in the hardest hockey league in the world is WILD. Senators have such high blocked shot stats because they stand around in their own zone instead of applying any kind of pressure. Its not a sustainable tactic–it screens goalies AND it injures players. Yea a puck squeaked through and didn't go in, so what? How many greasy goals are in our stats? Its a bit boring listening to the same yip-yap about how all are goals-for are great and all are goals-against are TERRIBLE, especially when this is the worst defending we've seen in how long, when like… that's hockey. Its why you shoot the puck at their goalie more than you let them shoot at yours, and when you do let them shoot at yours you don't let them be wicked grade A silver platter opportunities that you tip in yourself.

    Sens have had MULTIPLE games in a row to learn that their opponents are going to play a terrorizing first five minutes as the sens have consistently demonstrated that they are going to spot you early dangerous chances and bounce in a couple of goals for ya to boot… The sens only goal this game came off their PP and this is a team noted for their strong 5v5. Kasti was a stand out this game–KASTI. If and when another goalie comes onto the team, a veteran stable goalie, and the pucks still find their way into the back of the net is that when sens fans are going to start looking at the type of shots that go in instead of the total? Like, does no one notice that teams don't really need to shoot a lot when they're ahead by 2 or 3? The Predators started running practice on Sens in the third, but the Caps didn't need to–they had already won the game and the senators offense wasn't going to do anything about it.

    I get that there are bad games, and a part of this loss is actual the sting of reality as the delulu wild card dreams burn away–even good teams lose two day back-to-back road trips–and lots of teams have weird stats to their losses–even the predators had that atrocious home-ice stat before we showed up–but emotions of the game aside, there are parts of our game that I see no reason for, at all, and it's costing us. I hate seeing our defensemen behind the other team's net. There is no reason for it. I hate seeing passing drills in the OZ and I hate seeing players pass to or through the slot in the DZ when their opponents are still onside. No reason for it. And like y'all, I hate seeing players not on the one-timer side on the PP. No. Reason. For. It. These are things that shouldn't take weeks to change either–what's the point of the ipads and video replays and morning skates if these on ice behaviors and strategies don't/won't change?

  3. As someone who lives in the west and watches them lose in the west (in multiple places every year) this is ridiculous. I’ve seen them lose in San Jose, Vancouver, Calgary, Seattle, Anaheim, LA, pheonix. Complete joke.

  4. The boat is sinking. Some of the best players will not wait to be traded, they will ask for it. There is something wrong in the room for sure. Jacques and Alfie do know what it is and Staios will do something to put that franchise back on track. Going like that for the rest of the season could be a disaster for Andlauer' $$$$.

  5. Yes it is the time zone!!! They won their games in Europe. They should play all their games in the Maritimes. Play in NS NB PEI NFnld and we win the Stanley cup. Ha Ha

  6. Great episode as always guys, I'm really out of words to describe what's happening with this team. Cannot wait for this season to be over and for a clear-out to commence on the roster. Also, Saros based on tonight's game isn't going to want to come to Ottawa if any other teams are in for him. Not facing any shots from a potential team that wants to sign you isn't a great calling card. Go Sens Go!!!!!!

  7. Its long past Panic time….. Panic time was in December boys. If the Sens can't win the majority of their games in Oct/Nov/Dec, they don't deserve to be in the playoffs. Period. And this year, they're proving me right, that they would finish in 7th or 8th spot, Ross, in division. Don't blame one particular person, its long past that.

  8. The panic button was pressed loooong before last night. Hopefully, we an get a couple good picks in the draft and in the offseason, under new management, tighten shit up.

  9. The Sens gave up 10 goals in the last 2 games. They are the 3rd worst in the 32 team league allowing 3.56 g/gm. And we have people like Methot celebrating "the Team's committment to defence"? Oh, this ranking is worse than the "disasterous" DJ. Wasn't Jacques the defencive genius? They have fallen from 8th place to 11th in g/gm…still ver good so why is the PP ranked 26th in the League? Who is championing the PP? Oh, that's right, AlFredo.The Coaching Staff have some very talented players and these numbers are horrendous. IF you thought the PP was bad, the PK is even worse ranked the 31st in the League. So as much as much as we all love our Sens, we don't need ex-players SELLING us fiction. Staios took the easy route and plucked a couple to "Coach", one from the Office (Martin) and another (AlFredo) from his role as…his role as…sorry, I don't know what his role was but I'm sure he'll win a reward for it! I really don't mind the Team losing…I would love to see them qualify for the Draft
    Lottery!!! I/we know there is a lot of talent here; three lines are outstanding. What Staios needs to prove to me is he's better than what he's shown. I don't like the 2 Coaches and the celebrity. The goaltending is awful but Forsberg shows a lot of promise. Chicherun is offencively gifted but terrible defencively. Chabot is another talented D but is weak in his own end; he didn't even maje an effirt last night so he ended up -3. Sanderson can do it all and Bernard-Docker is a reliable defender. You got some sork to do Staios, CONVINCE us you are worthy…afterall you inherited a much!

  10. This was the Sens realizing that the fanbase was actually starting to think positively and were expecting wins, so they had to shut that down quickly. It's painful because this time, it seemed like they were getting things going and it felt different from the previous seasons where they started to play better before the trade deadline only to collapse.

  11. Sending out lots of positive thoughts and prayers for Josh Norris! Man, I hope he's ok. What a freak accident, and what are the odds it happens to him?! Poor kid.

  12. Chabot should have gone to the dressing room after 1st goal. Chychrun should have gone after the second goal. Novice mistakes.

  13. Why are you blaming goalie, on this team??? I gotta' take a look.
    1. Chabot screened goalie, with #36 crossing in front of goalie and Chabot stood there. Goalie was blinded.
    2.2nd goal was a power play, why? Chychrun was in the box for "tripping". On power play, even the commentator says "O'Reilly is standing in the way, there's no way goalie can see the puck." Ott's defenseman is skating around in front of O'Reilly and not trying to move him. D may has well not even been there other than to maybe get hit with puck.
    3. Another Josi goal, on this one, #23 falls down over his skate laces, as Nashville enters the zone, and Josi skates directly at the net.
    4. 5 Sens are within the Left ring in the defensive zone, so once shot is made and stopped/deflected, essentially there were 1 Nash player completely left alone besides the Nash player crossing in front of net.

  14. Guys I love you but panic button? This team was out of the playoff race 20 games into the season.

    This team is one trade request away from being on rebuild number 2 and having the longest playoff drought in the NHL. If I was a betting man, I'd say this team gets that record

  15. Lovin the dumpster fire of a season you guys are having. Tell me more about how much better than detroit you guys are . Bwwwwhaahahahahahahahahahahahah

  16. Your bang on Pillsy.Its not so much the goaltender it's defense.You guys need a responsible puck mover.
    The year that Chicago won their first cup they had a player by the name of Cambell.Cambell moved the puck but didn't score much.What that did was give Kane ,Sharp and Hossa,pucks they could shoot.There shots on goal was way up when they used him.
    You guys need about 3 different moves,that's without picking up a goalie
    Give Girioux a chance at a cup with a contender.His time is running out to win a cup.
    I could see this coming is the main reason I have said things before.
    You guys have a shot at an elite center in the off season or sooner.Ellias Peddersen won't sign and he might move.Norris would have to go.My phone is getting screwed with,I have been hacked.


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