@Philadelphia Flyers

[Dylan H. Robillard] Elliott Friedman on Jeff Marek Show said he doesn’t know if Scott Laughton will play tonight in Florida, quite a bit of noise around the 29 year old center. #LetsGoFlyers

[Dylan H. Robillard] Elliott Friedman on Jeff Marek Show said he doesn’t know if Scott Laughton will play tonight in Florida, quite a bit of noise around the 29 year old center. #LetsGoFlyers

by upcan845


  1. I am Briere’s biggest skeptic, but if he pulls off a Laughton trade then I’ll be the first to admit that he has earned my full confidence.

    Let’s see how desperate teams get in the final 24 hours.

  2. Streetkillz13

    NGL, this is unfortunately for the best. I love Slaughter, but Poehling is 5 years younger and brings the exact same thing to the team. Cates plays a similar game, but more youth and both Couturier and Foerster play similar but better games.

    Not a knock on Scotty, but he has more value to a Toronto or a Boston than he does to us at the moment.

  3. brewcrew2_2

    I’m all for listening on Laughton but it really has to be a high fixed price on him instead of a highest bidder scenario.

    The guy is a leader and part of the identity of this team that is positively contributing with two more years on his contract, there should be no urgency to move him, only if someone blows us away with an offer.

  4. I should start reposting stuff from other reporters and podcasts so I too can be a flyers journalist

  5. LSKTheGreat1

    Guys, I don’t have it in me to lose Kelce and Laughton in the same week.


    I don’t understand the *”don’t trade Laughton!*” crowd. We’re talking about a streaky middle 6 jack of all trades player who needed the stars to align to crack 40 points. He is **exactly** the kind of player you trade for maximum value when teams come knocking and you’re rebuilding.

    Leadership is great but 1st round picks are better.

  7. GravyBoatWarrior

    Yaaaaaaas go get that first Danny!!!!

    What a week that would be.

  8. CIearSights

    I mean, if he’s out tonight and he’s not sick. He’s 100% getting traded

  9. RiflemanLax

    Laughton is 29… Christ, I mean, yeah I know, but that hits weird. Feel like he was 24 last week.

  10. Famouslastwords69

    That’s one I’ll believe when I see. I love the idea of trading Laughton for a premium asset, I have no idea if a premium asset is even available for him. He’s exactly the kind of player I feel like should go for a good package though. He has term too at a good AAV

  11. Equivalent_Goose_226

    Please keep Scotty forever. This would be a big mistake. He was born to be a Flyer and we already have a great amount of valuable picks.

  12. Rabide629

    Who is going to give up a first round pick for him? We picked him at #20. Are they getting another #20 or better?

  13. If you get a first, you trade him. If you can’t, he has term, you keep him and try again next year when he has less term. In this day and age, less term somehow equates into more value. Crazy world we live in…

  14. Daveayejasik

    This one is going to sting a whole lot. Hope he gets a cup.

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