@Buffalo Sabres

The answer to “What’s up with Tage?!?”

Dude has really young kids at home = his home life is chaos + little good sleep. You’d be struggling at work too.

by Hockeysaurus


  1. He’s not the only player in the NHL with young kids. Can it have an affect? Sure, but it’s not the reason.

  2. glenvillequint

    As someone with twin toddlers, I completely disagree. Not to mention that a pro athlete can afford a nanny, night nurse, etc. to help out and greatly lessen the burden (I wouldn’t know what that’s like). Plus 90% of games are in the evening, not like he’s waking up and playing. Kids are not an excuse.

  3. PaganNinja

    The bottom line is: it’s a lovely looking family. That should be what the OP is implying…

  4. Slow-Debt-6465

    One of these kids would have been alive last season an been even younger and more of a handful thought ? Lol

    Also like 30% of nhl players probably have really young kids…

  5. BuffaloSp0rts

    He had a messed up wrist for a good part of the season. Probably still hasn’t healed properly.

  6. dumpmaster42069

    They are pretty trad, I’m sure he’s not up at night doing stuff. The man is hurt. Has been most of the last 12 months. Either way it’s ok. He will be fine.

  7. Good-Bot_Bad-Bot

    What the fucK? This sub with it’s endless poor takes and excuses really pisses me off sometimes.

  8. Rikki7437

    He winces every time he gets to the bench. He’s in and out of practice and games. He’s definitely hurt.

  9. diebytheblade15

    Found Meatballs burner account. Team is always “fatigued, tired, heavy legs” after b2b home games when the opponent will be flying in from Dallas after just being in Carolina 2 nights before. Teams have figured out the way we attack the game. Tage had 20 PPG last year he’s pacing about 11 now. Wrist injury plus teams shadowing over to him. Bo Byram the new PP coach has a big off-season ahead of him drawing up a new system.

  10. MountainLife25

    Married that young with boatloads of money??! Bad idea jeans.

  11. Automation_Papi

    The Islanders acquire Dad Powers and become unstoppable, sad to see this isn’t the case for the Sabres

  12. Bootsaregood

    What a disgusting, pathetic post. You all need to grow up or shut the fuck up

  13. Rich people don’t have to deal with that stuff! They have nannies and maids to look after the rugrats.

  14. He and Rachel had a second? That’s outstanding.

    Future 2041 Sabres.

  15. justhereformemes8

    7.1 million dollars. I don’t give a fuck what his excuse is just play better. We’re at the end of the season everyone has some kind of nagging injury not just tage. Why does he get a pass? Is he the only player in the league with a newborn? Lol

    He’s part of the reason we’re out of the playoffs(certainly not the only one though plenty of blame to throw around as usual ahem cozens albatros of a contract)

    I’m sure this won’t be a popular opinion since he’s our new golden boy but I’m sick of paying these kids millions of dollars to half ass it half the season.

  16. edwinsagain

    So silly.. stop blaming his family life.. he’s been banged up + puck luck. Ridiculous

  17. CeramicCastle49

    It’s definitely an injury he’s been dealing with for a while, but I don’t know if having a kid helps your performance.

  18. Bills_Mafia_4_Life

    If I learned anything from betting PGA, fade the player with a newborn at home

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