@Arizona Coyotes

Arizona Coyotes Trade Deadline 2024 Recap


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  1. Perfectly fine with this deadline, the team wasn't going to be that active anyway. They got rid of 3 UFAs who, let's face it, weren't very good on the team this year, for some late picks which is perfectly fine with me. They didn't trade anybody with term which tells me they are looking to really compete for the playoffs next year. Even if the returns in a vacuum are underwhelming, in the grand scheme of things it honestly doesn't matter as we have so much draft ammunition anyway that it shouldn't make that big of a difference. The no salary retention is perfectly acceptable, the team has bigger fish to fry in regards to events that happen in March (land auction).

  2. Think its time for Armstrong to go…bringing in Dumba and Zucker especially at those salaries was ridiculous…this past draft looks very shaky and I feel like with ALL these picks, let someone else make those choices moving forward….this team is full of scrawny guys (keller cooley durzi maccelli) and the big guys (McBain Obrien and Crouse) are pretty much useless…the defenseman free agent pool this year sucks…nobody that moves the needle…
    Time for GMBA to go…

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