@Edmonton Oilers

Edmonton Oilers Post Trade Deadline Roster Comparison | 2023 vs 2024

The Oilers Fanatic does a post trade deadline roster comparison, 2023 versus 2024. #Oilers #LetsGoOilers #EdmontonOilers


  1. Likely to see vegas or kings …
    Will need all 4 lines going. We saw the vegas series how playoffs was mainly 5 on 5.

    Playoffs alot about 4 lines deep n filling out the roles.

    Playoff line up ?

    Rnh mcdavid hyman
    Mcleod drais foeogle
    Kane Enrique brown
    Holloway carrick perry

    Ekholm bouchard
    Nurse Desharnais
    Kulak ceci


    Skecher – really like to see some time with nurse. Has some Exp in top 4, sound positionally. Strong puck retriever and passer. Better puck mover than Desharnais n ceci. Desharnais has struggled moving the puck in the top 4 role. Solid defender. . But getting the puck to the fwds up stream not as good so far.


    Broberg skech
    Gleason kemp
    Dineen wanner


    Janmark ryan gags
    Ernes hamblin lavoie
    Caggulia Pedersen griffth

  2. But people need to know that vinny and nurse will be more effective when they play on the same line together, and Vinny is defense defense, hes not really a goal scorer and i would rather pay big money for a defense that will defense and stop pucks over a dman that scores goals but cant defend… and when the playoffs start Campbell is more effective so maybe we will see him

  3. Kris knoblauch knows the players he’s working with and he definitely see something with nurse and desharnais and kulak and Ceci that most fans wouldn’t notice. If the pairings were worse with each other then why are they still together

  4. I feel like aside from the start, this year's team is more stable. Looking forward to see how the new guys settle in and perform once they learn the systems

  5. This year's Desharnais is a huge upgrade over last year's Desharnais. He is the most improved player on the team by a wide margin.

  6. Brown not a goal scorer but he wins some battles and I hope he surprised us in the playoffs lol LGO

  7. Last year Skinner looked bad during the playoffs and Woodcraft refused to take a try on Campbell. Knoblauch does not have much feeling toward Skinner. I hope he makes the right choice this year because Vegas won their Cup with their backup goalie.
    Desharnais was a rookie defenseman last year, he is a much-improved player this year.

  8. the key is kane. if he can be consistent and well defensively , he can play with mcd and hyman. rnh can move to 3rd line with henri and perry. this instantly better.also the pp coach has to come up with something better because it has been cold even 5-3 pp.

  9. Interesting to compare… Not sure that GM improved much, other than spend the future draft picks… so mostly up to the effort the players bring… & if they learned to not make bad penalties/low iq plays esp Nurse & Bouchard… hopefully they all do well. Nurse & Ceci seem worse than last year? but may have learned to make less bad penalties and low iq plays.
    Team couldn't score… & GM job was to seek a finisher for top6. Unfortunately he chose Brown who did not work out and will take $3m from next yr. He & Yamamoto seem similar. I'm not sure that Carrick is an upgrade over Gagner/Ryan – Ryan has been one of Oilers best in clutch… As for weather Henrique & Perry can deliver more than Bjugstad & Kostin – I'm not sure.
    but glad the AHL/League min Picard is kind of saving the team… As for the 1st line, don't forget McD had 153 pts last yr and RNH 104… they are scoring about half of what they scored last year?

  10. The problem with Bjugstad is he is a -19 career player so to get rid of him will be an improvement.

  11. There is something seriously wrong with Janmark. 10 points this season so far in 52 games. -15 career. Unless he magically starts playing better, he is not that helpful. But whatever the case, he is a much worse player than this year which no doubt is a big problem.

  12. Oilers 4th line is a nightmare. They got nothing. What I would recommend is to ask the 4th line to focus almost exclusively on defense and not try to score goals.

  13. I think overall, this years roster is much brighter looking than last years. I do have to admit that I disagree about the D pairings though. I think nurse and desharnais are the better pairing. Desharnais allows nurse to be more like Bouchard, which is where nurse does tend to thrive, he showed in prior years that he can be a offensive defenseman and desharnais is more like ekholm, great passing, great defensive player too. I see this as an upgrade!!😊💙🧡 I believe in this team and I think Henrique and Carrick and Perry gives an even better chance!!😊 just need some chemistry to grow, which I see it is!!

  14. But Oilers have the fewest goals against all season so why would you change Nurse/Ceci to Nurse/Desharnais?

  15. It's not a good idea to have two weaker defensemen Kulak and Desharnais on the same line. Desharnais can learn from Nurse. I agree with the new setup. Nurse has not been playing well all season. Desharnais is a beast with +21 which will help increase Nurse's plus minus playing with Desharnais.

  16. Prefer this years . Can dream to have last year’s 4th line . The team also has depth in Bakersfield should the lines not work . Coach can adjust the lines depending on the opposing team’s lineup. Looking forward to seeing how the team will perform. Thanks Patrick

  17. Agree totally about Bjugstad and Kostin. I really wish we could've kept them. I remember thinking at the time they left – "boy, we're gonna miss them!" – and I was right.

    Going into this year's playoffs, I'm hopeful but nervous. I'm still not confident this group can put it all together and keep it together for four rounds. I hope I'm wrong. That 6 weeks of stench to start the season is still fresh in my mind. It seems inconceivable that the same team that sh*t the bed that bad could then turn around and put 16 wins together but that's what worries me. I just don't know which team is gonna show up.

  18. Let's see, Columbus, Buffalo, forecheck the Oilers hard, win the game, Pittsburg, weak forecheck, lose the game. Coffey, teach those defense how to deal with a strong forecheck.

  19. how do you justify benching Carrick and playing Ryan? How is brown still playing? Should have been traded for something better

  20. Not sure why you hate Vinny. He's a 7th round pick who's put in the work down in the ECHL, then the farm team, and then willed his way into the NHL. He's paid league minimum and now has had to take over Ceci's job. IMHO, Desharnais is underpaid and is over-delivering in his play. He clears the front of the net and eats shots when needed.

    Does he make mistakes? Absolutely. Was he overwhelmed in the playoffs last year? Of course he was. Though he's an older spohmore, he's still just on his second season and has improved so much that this winning coach is putting him in the top 4!

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