@Boston Bruins

Breaking #SurfNews – Where’s Kelly Slater? And Surfing Memories with Dad

Breaking #SurfNews – Where’s Kelly Slater? And Surfing Memories with Dad

Scott bass Waterway recently sent me a proposal just today oh my okay well remember we had uh filled up El Salvador so quickly that we discussed potentially doing chakama in Autumn 2024 yeah proposal came through wow that sounds incredible you originally said you didn’t want to go because you got to

Wear booties um what are your thoughts now are you interested I mean we could fill up the trip even if you don’t go but are you interested in going of course I’m interested that’s the answer yes looks like you could foil that thing I’ve seen people foiling it it looks

Insane y so that’s cool waterways man look you know David I’ve always said use the experts and waterways travel they are the experts in Surf travel all your accommodations all your questions answered all your little you know we all when we travel we have these

Little oh where do I go here how do I get that what should I eat what should I bring blah blah blah waterways they’ve got you covered man they have all the answers to all the little questions you’re already going to be making decisions along the way so leave the big

Decisions to them make sure that you just get put into uh plush accommodations three meals a day and have access to waves they’ll handle all of that stuff um I’ll follow up with chakama for listeners in the next two weeks I need to clear the dates with my

Wife before I um start sharing all this information publicly I actually do have some issues you know the boardroom is October 12th and 13 oh yeah okay let’s cover the well they said the dates are a little bit flexible so we could adjust it to a week

That works uh in that area you know that um time of year and then cost for 17 people uh or 18 people I think it’s around 1,800 bucks plus airfare just to give people a ballpark so they can kind of start thinking about it so we’ll

Follow up with that but for wherever you want to go in the world any time of year any level of luxury any level of Surfing prowess go to waterways they will get you dialed in you can travel intelligently and then of course real water whether you’re going on a

Trip or not they have all of your water sport needs they’ll sell you board bags um soft goods hard Goods anything you need is available at real water sports and I think right they don’t they still have the used gear sale going on 70% off of used gear and there’s some killer I’m

So close to pushing the button on some used gear so yeah real go check out their used gear sale and really brand new gear heck good stuff you know what I want to say don’t do it Scott don’t over you know know you got plenty of things but the reality is at

70% off can you afford not to do it h man you only live once I’m I mean how much time do I got left really you know true true well get some more boards I don’t want to predict how much time you have left yeah because it’s not GNA

Sound good no matter what I say but anyways go to realwatersports decom while you can as we see some movement at the takeoff Zone it’s Kelly SL of grabbing RI well look yeah guy you know what I’m saying I’m saying yeah guy I’m saying uh no matter how much time we have left

Here on this wonderful Planet it’s been great it’s been and it continues to be great and uh this is spit we’re talking all things surf David Le scale Scott Bass with you here and uh it’s gosh it’s Wednesday March 6th and this year is already flying by and no joke man

There’s a lot going on in the surf world too um of note you know the wct event started today in Portugal and of course stab in the dark with Koh we have that final episode of that and probably some other things that um that you’ve got on

The docket here that I don’t know about world surfing games wrapped up that’s the other big kind of competitive news and um I’ve also got a new surfboard Scott I picked it up today Gott got Scott did get a new haircut I couldn’t see that

Hair cut uh cuz you had a hat on but I’m going to move the mic away and grab the board just to show you the visuals okay let’s see this thing I’m excited for you a yeah wow look at you bro I still can’t see the tail little Diamond tail

Asand yeah wow the camera is really close that’s the um I like the rail thickness view you gave me because that’s what’s important to me how thick is this thing what’s going on up there man there’s some Mojo going on in that nose freaky little mojo on the nose yeah you

Asked me uh for the dims last week we’re looking at 63 by 19 and 58 by two and a half perfect good for you brother that’s cool you’re excited I’m I’m gonna have a new board for elal too um I’m just not sure if I’m going to bring it or not I mean

You look we got to ride these boards before we take them to El Salvador right yeah look at that little nose doodle by the way doodling dude I talked to bird about doodling I was down at bird surf shed and I was like David and I were talking about doodling we’re

Trying to figure out who was the first doodler and we have Lopez nailed at 1968 when he when he was 20 years old he was doodling on one of the first boards he ever made and um Birds thinks that that might be the first doodle like he

Couldn’t yeah he couldn’t Peg fry for doodling prior to that and and really what also what is a doodle like we need to sort of Define it you know yeah because R apparently has this template that he uses to draw on the wings I thought he freehanded it but he has a

Template that he uses and I’m not sure if that’s a doodle but doodling is like what you just showed from John Simon or what Steve list does when he makes these little you know doodling is like you could almost put music to it like I’m gonna doodle some stuff here and yeah so

Doodling is not their name and doodling is not the dimensions and doodling is not a logo okay perfect because I think a doodle has to be oneoff Maybe not oneof maybe they do a variation on a doodle every time you know but it shouldn’t be standardized I guess is what I’m saying

Oh that’s interesting a lot of the the list Doodles that I’ve seen from early listes are just full Doodles and then they evolved into his logo basically yeah I think you know I can’t speak for Stevie but and that’s kind of what I’m talking about is like

Um freehand little notes like I’ve had some listes in my auction that literally are like you know like love you honey and like little you know and just little things you can tell are very personalized yeah yeah that’s when we we were talking about doodling last week it was in reference to Jerry

Lopez writing on word writing words on that board that he’s not written on any other boards basically you know like he wrote the word love in a c curse word or something like that and so when when I said Doodle I meant exactly that which was like in the moment you’re building

This board you have thoughts about the board or whatever’s going on in your world and that’s what you’re representing when you’re writing and then people started chiming in and saying oh well the Hawaiians wrote blah blah blah on surfboards and it’s like no that’s different I’m talking just like

Creative expression bespoke Doodle for a given surfboard and um we talked about Wayne rich Wayne’s follows a certain aesthetic but there’s variation amongst them so I think that still qualifies as a doodle yeah I just I just want the inner workings of their brain is what

I’m really looking for and and wayes are messages right like most I mean does a doodle only qualify as a doodle if it doesn’t have letters in it I think it can have text can have text okay especially if it’s artistic text right like I said a peak into their brain in

That moment is kind of what I want to get from the doodle okay a peak into the brain gotcha duly noted okay well you said um you’re gonna have a new board for elal yes um I should have two boards well I’ve got you order I’ve got a 511

Twinzer from Ryan sacle that’s kind of like the fish that he made me but we decided to turn it into a twinzer okay because I got twins are on the brain and then I have a new twins are from Stu kenin a 66 and both the boards are are in the um

They’re at the top of the the list for Indo this year um and specifically for El Salvador I think the smaller 511 is in the cards but of course we got to put these things through a couple of laps here at the beach breaks around Southern

California to get a sense for what they do yeah well I would love to I’ve got fins coming from nvs and uh they’re not here yet so nothing worse than getting a brand new board not being able to ride it that doesn’t sound like you it sounds

I know you have fins just put some fraking fins in the thing yeah but it’s asymmetrical and it’s a quad so what I don’t care okay but go okay okay well they’re coming in the next week or two so it’ll be in time for our trip we’re

Going on April 6th um by the way I secured a filmer today an official filmer for the trip so we can all start discussing with him the idea of the um every man dude wears my board surfboard test right every man in the dark is that what we’re calling

It I like I like every man in the dark yeah so it’s all coming together in the final weeks here okay well cool so thank you for doing that um let me know how I can help offline and I’ll do whatever I can okay cool we’ll

Do cannot wait by the way what’s that cannot wait by the way to go to El Salvador I know in fact is it too late to look the South PA the South Pacific’s firing up the southern hemisphere is there’s legit South Swell in the water

Um you know that’s going to be here next week so I’m that’s good news right we got we got early season South well and really frankly El Salvador in April is the best month as far as the weather it can still be like have like a kind of a

Fall Vibe you know like a wintry like it’s still offshore and I’ve been down there in April and it’s not like in July where it’s like steamy and fraking summary and so anyway yeah looking forward well I just um I’m ready to check out you know what I mean like even

If I we go somewhere for the weekend I’m still kind of busy yeah it’s funny I’m looking forward to being just gone for multiple days fully checked out just I need I have not done that in a very long time and even if I’m surfing here locally it’s like I carry anxiety with

Me I’m just like what is this taking the place of that I should be doing and by the time I get back to the car there’s a bunch of emails and missed calls and it’s like shed all of that yeah yeah yeah you know it’s I I actually picked

Up my wife from a trip she took to Mexico and I picked her up yesterday and we were talking about that like yeah you can go on like a weekend thing you know up to Santa Barbara but you’re still in California and you’re still have life

Surrounding you but she got to go and just like check out in a spa and do the resort thing and not you know and that’s important yeah dude totally and but the caveat there is I don’t want to be lethargic like that is not that’s only

Fun for me for 24 hours I need to be surfing I need to be doing some sort of physical activity so this trip is the best of both worlds cannot wait and by the way shout out and thanks to waterways for making it all happen yeah it’s gonna be a it’s gonna

Be an adventure let’s just say that can’t wait okay well we have final episode stab in the dark we have Portugal we have world surfing games where do we begin um I think we should begin with Portugal the wct it started today at Super tuos um it was rather uneventful I guess

They have a horrible waiting period they’re looking at the waves aren’t looking too good at least for the next you know four five or six days there’s a bit of a low pressure system moving through lots of wind blown out um the big news I think from Portugal is Kelly

Slater not being in the event and he wrote at I think on an Instagram or he sent an email or sent something it basically says and I quote still dealing with hip recovery and still in pain with basic Mobility thanks for the messages from the Portuguese fans and apologies I

Won’t be seeing you in super tubos hoping to feel better for bells and in parenthesis David he wrote the first event I served as a full-time tour Surfer in 1992 fingers crossed at WSL scores some good waves in Portugal and good luck to everyone so what are you reading between

The lines well leave it to Kelly to keep us guessing does that reference to the start of his career mean this is where he will end his career and possibly go out and retire at Bells um I’m not waiting with baited breath uh you know I

I mean I don’t know I I do believe like he probably did the hip thing is still nagging and Portugal you have to do turns you have to get your hip swivel on he’s not just it’s not an easy wave to Surf I feel like in addition to that

He’s probably knows he’s not going to win that event anyway so it’s a lot of travel for an event that he’s probably and the forecast isn’t great so you’re sitting around a ton and so it’s just a lot of wear and tear on your hip so you

Know why risk it stay in Hawaii get some good waves focus on the Australian leg of the tour um so I don’t know but the whole the whole question around the retirement I’m almost exhausted of discussing because I’ve been discussing it for a decade so will he retire there probably

Not I mean he might and then if Chu is pumping he’s going to take a wild card and he’ll be back there so it’s not as if we’re never going to see him again even if he does announce a retirement so that’s how yeah I don’t sense that at this point

That there’s gonna be a retirement tour so to speak or you know what I mean like a year where he visits all the places that he has had success around the world and everyone pays him accolades and we all Bow Down and wish him the best and have a great retirement

Here’s a gold watch I don’t think that tour is going to happen um I could be wrong because I think in a perfect world I think Kelly would like that to happen and frankly I think he deserves that and I think the fans would enjoy that too

But there’s too many of these Wild Card situations where he’s just going to be picking and choosing and he’s not going to ever really leave he’s never leaving he’s never leaving the professional world I that’s to be honest that’s how I feel about it too it’s like

I’m trying to muster emotion about him maybe retiring but I don’t have any emotion about it because of exactly what you said I know he’s not going away I know I’m always gonna have access to him you know if it was somebody like when Carissa Moore pulled the plug it was

Like kind of out of left field she’s still at the top of her game and knowing that she’s not going to be competing in Wild Card events even it was like oh my gosh that’s significant somebody is walking away Kelly’s not walking away Kelly’s always going to be here

And at the risk of putting a um Jinx on it we spoke about this either last week or the week before and I saw it on stab I thought it was great they have hashtag jordy’s year and I watched jordy’s heat specifically before I even saw the hashtag because

I’m like jordy’s kind of isn’t Jordy like in second place or something I think he’s in second place wow or something like he’s in the top five for sure and Jordy looked super buttery and smooth the board he was writing looked great he looked so relaxed and and

Ripping in shitty crappy ways where normally he may have checked out he may have just went oh god really come on this is my 20th year on tour and I’m surfing three foot Beach Break blown out crap he didn’t have that Mojo his Mojo was positive and his surfing was Sparky

And he looked and he dominated his heat from what I saw and uh so again at the risk of jinxing it I’m secretly hoping Jordy wins the whole thing like I would be psyched on that you know and boy what a great time to drop the mic at lower

Just boom yeah I’m I’m here for it I’m a huge fan I mentioned his Hawaii you know uh prowess I would not expect him to do great in Portugal especially with the conditions being mediocre so him holding the fire and tenacity is fantastic and

Like I said he’s one at lowers if he can make it into the top five he can win lowers and I mean especially in a year when Felipe is out this is his chance to take lowers so I I think when you look at Ethan Ewing’s rail game Jordy is

Right there with him when you look at air game from any of those guys jordy’s right there with him um I think he’s actually a little bit more Dynamic with the power and the comboing it up with pairs than almost anybody on tour when he’s really on I just feel like he

Hasn’t really fully been on for a few years now but he’s proving that he’s still has it he’s lighter than he’s ever been so he looks he looks actually spry yeah he’s I’m trying to think of other power Surfers on tour because there’s been years past where you’re like oh

Yeah well jordy’s a power Surfer but there’s also uh Wade carmichel yeah or Ginger tall Australian guy you know bead durage or whatever you know William cardoso yeah but but the thing is is that Jordy does it with a style that’s a real panach um but there are still and

So there’s younger guys like Crosby Kinto there’s younger guys that have tons of power so but but when you think about the two in general you think of sprightly little guys ripping around little Kyo belly ripping and shredding and you don’t think about super awesome power gouge with air game yeah exactly

You know and jordy’s the guy that comes to mind and look let’s tell the listeners the truth I want to say three or four years ago we you and I were both writing off Jordy Smith like please don’t even come back on tour like we

Were kind of over it you know yeah but I’m super excited for watching this level of Jordy he looks I I urge you to watch his Heat today and you’ll be like yeah this is pretty Sparky man interestingly he’s also the oldest guy in the draw without Kelly Slater on tour

Damn that doesn’t surprise me does it I guess not no it doesn’t but um the surprising thing about this event so far is that in the elimination round we have Canoa igarashi Griffin Kento and Gabriel Medina yeah I saw that and you know Gabe and Griffin are are

The ones where it’s like okay you know let’s you know those guys are going to smoke through that round that’s that round’s stupid anyway I hate that round the whole thing’s stupid but anyway I mean are you worried about any of those guys getting out of that no I’m not look

When the waves are as crappy as they are yeah it it really there’s a huge variable there that the even the Gabriel medas in the world aren’t immune to yeah um they can fall victim to and that is kind of the story here is we say it

Every event you say it all the time the waves are the stars and that is extra apparent in Hawai when it’s thrilling to watch it’s because of the waves but then it’s also very apparent in this event here where it starts last night I turn it

On and I turn it immediately off then I wake up this morning and I’m like I’m gonna scroll Instagram they’ll have the highlights Instagram doesn’t even post any videos of the event because there are no highlights you know what I mean so then I go to the WSL site and I kind

Of try to watch what’s what and it’s just even there I’m not interested so there’s there’s really no no draw to watch the event essentially if the waves aren’t pumping yeah um sorry I’m trying to look at my survival pick because last time I told

You that I wasn’t in survival that I had lost but I made a mistake I actually survived I thought I had picked Leonardo but I had picked Yaga and so H in an effort to continue to promote the surf vial league for our friend is it Taylor or Tyler Taylor

Taylor um I want people to know that I have a pick but I can’t even remember who I picked well you couldn’t remember you thought you lost the previous event this is an ongoing problem I well it’s okay I’m sorry go ahead well that’s actually you know what I should be

Playing along even though I lost I should at least tell you who my pick would have been um because I did make that spreadsheet but uh there’s going to be dead air if I try to do that yeah sorry I got some dead air going to him I think EO was

My uh projected pick just because he’s won there in the past and he’s super versatile in a wave that requires versatility I don’t even know who I picked forget it I might have picked like Matthew mcgil or I don’t I wish it would show me I wish it would just show

Me who might pick was he’s in the elimination round too Matt MCA oh well we’ll see what are you GNA do so let me see okay yeah Portugal ETO was my number one pick Gabe was my backup Canoa was my third and then Felipe would have been my

Fourth but he’s out so yeah EO would have been my pick so well see that pends out it says here and I sorry for the dead air elelo has the top spot spot in survival picks for this event 34% right behind him is Gabe Medina Griffin Kento and then Canoa and Jack Robinson

That makes sense yeah um well that leads us I suppose to the uh world surfing games yeah which also an event that was not thrilling to watch but to be honest I think had a little bit more thrill because of Gabriel Medina’s kind of Rampage than previous years

Of this event yeah um Sally Fitz Gibbons won on the women’s side Gabriel Medina won on the men’s side um on through this event there were six men’s qualifiers R Rio waa Ramsey buayam Jean daru him eler from Germany Andy cria from Spain I believe is how you pronounce that and

Then Alonso Korea from Peru on the women’s side annat Lor from Israel chamelia Kemp from Germany uh somebody’s name from The Basque region that I won’t even attempt to pronounce Gonzalo ex Bari from Spain Nadia estar from Spain sigy Young from uh China Soul Airi from Peru and China Hinkle from Brazil and

Then Yolanda sequera from Portugal the Brazil team won on the men’s side so they get one extra spot that will likely go to Gabriel Medina and they also one on the women’s side and that spot will likely go to Luana Silva so Brazil back in the spotlight well I mean the real story

There I guess is Gabe right that was cool that the Brazilian team both the men’s and the women’s won their team event so they got to pick an extra Surfer and it was Gabe and I’m not sure which Brazilian got it for the Brazilian women um lu Silva oh thank you yeah you

Just said that okay so anyway apparently it was really exciting um I mean as far as the gay part of it like you know he you know was building up to this moment where he had to do this and he had to do that and he did it

All and he made everything happen and and you know the Gabe that we know as a world champion his competitive prowess came through and he pulled off what he needed to pull off and so you know it’s so funny I mean much like Jordie I’m a huge fan of Gabe Medina’s

And I’m a huge fan of Jordy Smith and you know seven or eight years ago I was n whatever you know so when you’re looking at an Olympic event at chopu it would be a shame to not have Gabriel Medina in it you know for Brazil or just any full stop so I’m

Thrilled that he did what he needed to do in Puerto Rico to make this happen um my question to you is is there any scenario where you can Envision Felipe Toledo withdrawing from the Olympics absolutely there’s I mean there’s more the odds are better that he

Actually surfs in it I think that the Gabe story actually helps Felipe just kind of go into the background yeah like for it’s a benefit for Felipe like he could just like randomly all of a sudden you just hear that um you know like Miguel poop’s in there or something or

Whoever you know well who is it is it is it Gabe Felipe and ELO or is it Gabe Felipe and Samar Miguel no it’s Yago y um no joanka and oh that’s right that’s right fipe Toledo via the w the top two from the wct so those two

Guys but yeah so Felipe I mean obviously he’s got the year off from competitive surfing if chopu forecast is 10 foot crazy barrels it would be I mean full validation of the the scaredy-cat thing that we’ve been talking about all along but also no excuses at that point like

If you took the year off from the CT you’re focused on the Olympics there is no excuse for you to withdraw from the Olympics other than a legitimate s um injury like a broken bone or something like that otherwise you have to be prepared for that event so if he does

Withdraw it is just I mean it is clear as day that there is a major major mental malfunction yeah I mean it’s funny like basically a week from today it’s 68 feet at Chu you know and for the entire next week or week from today 5 to 7 6 to 8 6 to

8 you know I I it wouldn’t surprise me to see some edit drops from Felipe or would it it would very much surprise me I I mean he said that’s what he was gonna do right didn’t he say in his thing that he was going to dedicate

Time with um one of the Hurley riders that that’s a local there I forget which guy maybe um mahat mat yeah mat I don’t know if I mentioned this you this to you on air um but I got a note from a friend after that story

And he was like matah is not who you hire to be your coach for that event he’s like you know you hire somebody older you hire somebody who’s going to put you in check like who’s going to you you know who have obviously matah is a very talented Surfer at that spot but

That’s not the point you hire somebody who is professional coach who knows all the mental game that goes with it who surfed in tons of events all that sort of stuff the reason you would hire matah is if you want to be able to keep him in

Check to be able to not have him fully tell you yes yeah exactly like mat who would you who would you pick who who’s who’s your short list of guys if you were in Bas camp and you’re like this is the guy that’s going to get I mean CJ

Hobgood comes to mind is one of the first I was thinking Luke excuse me I think Luke would be good because well CJ would be great too by the way I’m not I think CJ’s a great pick but I think Luke so it’s obvious like the big Char the

Charger goofy foots that have um good you know have results out there that are these older guys so is there anyone else CJ and Luke both perfect picks Damen frankly could be good I I mentioned CJ just because he’s W won a World title but obviously he’s performed out there

Specifically um but Luke’s in the coaching game so yeah Shane Shane dorian’s in the coaching game CJ’s in the coaching game too CJ’s coached Carissa Mo to World titles oh good okay um yeah so any of the professional coaches I mean again Jake Jake Patterson

I love Shane Dorian by the way I think he is just such a well-rounded coach I know he hasn’t had the um Championship tour success he was on champ on the tour for a long time but he didn’t have all the successes that some of these other

Names have but I still think he’s super well qual qualified and unbelievably diverse in terms of like understanding a healthy lifestyle Beyond just the competition which might be what Felipe needs is I was I was gonna just ask you about that because when we’re trying to marry a coach with Felipe and

You say Dorian and Shane all of these guys would be probably great I don’t know but Shane seems almost a little soft spoken a little bit maybe not like you mentioned Jake Patterson I think Jake is the guy where you’re like Jake is like he’s going to shake it out of

You or it’s not going to happen you know what I mean I feel like Jake Patterson’s going to be like look he’s gonna be in the Channel with a bullhorn going this one you’ve gotta go like during PR just just screaming at him like you know to

Get him over the ledge whereas I sense that maybe um Shane might be a little bit more like oh I guess he wasn’t going to go on that one he not quite ready yet or whatever you know what I mean like seems like Jake is just gonna be more in

Your face let’s go it’s now or never come on man yeah different personality types different coaches for different athletes for sure and I think you’re right believe need somebody to break him and Jake might be the right guy yeah that’s what I was getting at yeah for

Sure yeah well we’ll see again not not close and matah is a obviously an incredibly talented Surfer and very gifted at that spot so that makes sense but again it’s almost like Felipe hired him just knowing like oh I can Trump I can play the trump card on this kid

Anytime I need to because I’m multitime World Champ you know or something like that so it’s not probably not the best that’s a good point yeah what about Adriano I think Adriano could be a phenomenal pick what about g m hery g m hery well I

Don’t know if those guys are coaching I don’t either and I don’t know if it has to be a Brazilian yeah Leandro Leandro Dora in terms of Brazilian coaches Leandro Doros seems to be the guy with the best track record right now there’s probably too much I don’t

Know I I again I don’t speak with any Authority on what happens politically behind the scenes but it seems like he might be too close to other people on tour but who knows yeah well we’ll see what happens yeah we’ll see we’ll see you know what Greatest Story Ever is

Felipe charges 8 to 10 foot chopu pulls into massive barrels gets spit out and wins a gold medal I think it would be poetic for him to put it in all of our faces and I would be okay it I’d be the first one to raise my hand and go you

Know what T shig dear Champion dear gold medalist you deserve this I’d be stoked you know like I’m not I’m not caught up in any sort of ego play here to not be able to go you know what I was wrong you have overcome this is the greatest ESPN

30 for 30 ever I just want to see good surfing so yeah I I totally would be fine with that if it was pumping Surf and he earned it in that scenario there’s more to this than good surfing we’re GNA see good surf you can see good

Surfing right now just go on YouTube and pull up a clip of Mason hoe what we want David and I believe you want this too is we want a great story the good surfing is going to be a part of it but we want a great story arc with you know you know

The deal come on we want more than just great surfing I’m saying if all of the other Surfers that we already mentioned John John they’re all there and the waves are pumping and they’re performing to their level and bipe then trumps them then yeah that’s what I want that’s

Incredible yeah that’s a great story yeah I’m down for it all right look at us well speaking of great speaking of great stories yeah col Colo Andino stab in the dark finally wraps up and it is official my prediction from five weeks ago is accurate Koo Andino does not know what a blowout

Is I know it’s so funny I was at the end of the segment I’m sure like you I was listening to exactly the the conversation between him and his father Dino and Dino and because they gave us that teaser in episode one and we were

All kind of using it to like try to figure out what was going to happen which board was going to be the winner which shaper was going to win and um on that in that light it was sort of a letdown like I thought it was gonna be

Somebody out of out of left field but it was DHD are we allowed to say that by the way are we gonna spoiler alert we’re revealing who it is but no but it’s going to be on social media I mean look we’re a news show we’re covering the

News and this happened so yes it’s fine wow who knew I didn’t know we were a news show this is great um so yeah go ahead tell me what your thoughts are well okay no but no no joke under no definition of the word blowout does this

Does okay when they said that I this is what I thought they meant blowout as in like it’s a tire blowout like it’s like like the wind blew it out like it wasn’t like blow out like it was a a score that was not to be perceived or not to be

Understood or not to be we weren’t GNA think about I because I was thinking about the term blowout what do they mean by that right and I thought they when he goes oh it’s a total blow out as in it was a it was totally lame no if if so the analogy

If he meant to use it in the way that you’re using it it’s a tire blowout the appropriate analogy would have been Hayden shapes one not DHD DHD is right they’re in the top three to five shortboard Shapers in every conversation about who are the best in the world so

It’s not a blowout by the definition of dhds won five of these in a row that’s not true so it’s not a blowout in the terms of the tire blew out and it’s completely out of left field and this is totally different than anything we expected it doesn’t make any sense he

Doesn’t know what a blowout is that’s my point okay I think you’re right I think trying trying to like excavate if he knows the exact definition of blowout I we agree you know what there’s some work to be done there KO unless this was all

A red herring on on Ko’s part point from episode one he’s like I’m going to throw everybody off and give them this little thing that has nothing to do with anything at all yeah he got us that son of a gun he got us well bastards never

Watching again here’s my take on on the final episode which was great again and and David and I have said that this was the best uh episode of stab or uh iteration I said episode two was the best and then episode three I thought was the best even better than episode

Two no but I mean the whole iteration like the Koh version of stab in the dark this is this is the the best version of stabin the dark ever the best installment so I want to ask you a question because this is how I felt okay if I watched all

Of koh’s surfing on all of the final four boards and I didn’t know that they were different boards and and you told me that they were actually all the same board I could absolutely believe that they all looked incredible his surfing looked incredible and I think that’s why

After the after surf breakdowns are super important because only the surfer really knows how they felt only Koh really has the Super sensitivity because he would C you know he would talk about one of the boards and go oh it was too loose or this one wasn’t loose enough

And I’d be like really I didn’t see that you were absolutely ripping on all four of those boards so what would perhaps maybe be a format change for the finals only is to have the surfer in this case KO watch the video afterwards and explain at certain points during the ride what it

Was he was feeling say at the top of a top turn or you know through the Roundhouse cutback or at the critical Junction of a bottom turn is this where you had that feeling about that because to if you can stop the motion of the video and give us a breakdown right then

And go see right here I was feeling that moment where I thought the board was too loose yeah you know we can all see it and go because he’s such a good Surfer and the boards are such good boards that there was a sort of a generic feeling to

It all yeah anything short of that kind of NFL style playback with the marker on the screen they’re doing a great job of like because he is explaining on the beach and they are replaying footage and obviously he’s not watching it as he’s explaining it so they could take it a

Step further by doing what you’re doing but the editors do a good job of attempting to showcase what he’s talking about but I agree with you I thought you were going to ask me the question of which board looked the best and my response was going to be what yours

Ended up being was n they all looked great to me like I couldn’t tease apart which one actually looked better among these four um and to and to highlight your note there I actually as they went through and rode each board for instance after the borst I wrote Oh that looked a

Little sticky from what I was watching it looked a little sticky and then Koh goes actually that was too loose I was like really I thought it was like so that’s a great example of that right interesting yeah well this episode was much more of a Surf video than previous

Episodes It’s 45 minutes long and it has much more surfing uh fewer kind of detours into the Shapers themselves which is of course because we already covered the Shapers in the previous episodes um they redeemed themselves I felt with the Unlucky number 13 concept we had explained in previous years and

Also in this version that the Unlucky number 13 board just seems stupid he’s going to ride 12 boards in the contest they order 13 boards from 13 Shapers and Colo has to pick one board to dismiss from the project before even waxing it and surfing it and this year it was

Xanado Do’s contribution we’re just like that just seems like a waste of time well the way that they redeemed themselves in this episode which is an improvement on last year is devote a segment within the episode a five minute segment within the episode to doing a deep dive into who zanadoo is

His whole profile background little mini documentary on zanadu and get a surfer to ride the board the surfer in this case was Crosby kapino and um they did the board Justice and they did Zan do justice you know and they kind of described or they explained

And discussed Koh and Cosby why did you dismiss this you know and uh here’s the virtues of it I think it serves a purpose and I just thought it was a great service to zanadoo uh considering the disservice I totally agree with you in fact I have in my notes here that I

Think Xanadu won the episode yeah they did this great like little backstory little you know history of xanadoo where he comes from and all of that then Crosby absolutely ripped the board looked insanely good I I loved it I I look you know like I was like that board

Looks insane iby basically said yeah this board’s I like this board a lot and you could tell yeah and so many ways I think xanadoo is the winner xanadoo got enough play out of this from a marketing thing to certainly justify his involvement and what I loved about it in

Particular the reason why KO dismissed it was because it was so different than all the other boards and uh that’s exactly what I loved about it Crosby Kento also has a very refined predictable style of Surfing much like Colo Andino and the boards that he rides are you know

Within I don’t know a few molecules of difference from one another probably and so his surfing is very you know super super super refined and incredible but predictable putting him on a board like this it shook up his surfing it dirtied up his surfing he would take turns and

Go really hard but then it would like the board wouldn’t kind of you know complete the arc that he was going for so he’d cut it short and go into an earlier bottom turn and do something different it was just requiring him to Surf differently which I loved as the

Viewer yeah Crosby’s a little taller a little ganger right than K he seems like a bigger kid he’s got that look that like when he’s 42 he’s going to be weighing 260 pounds you know what I mean he’s just got a big frame and because he’s so young he’s still a little skinny

And gangly stuff but uh yeah I I loved watching that part of the episode I thought it was great and kudos to crossby into stab into zanadu I thought to myself wow I wonder why they didn’t just get zanadu to say something then I realized if you put

Zanadoo on film man it’s could be a while you know what I mean like it could be it could be a whole another episode yeah exactly so congrats to all great job with the editors to include that and like I said kind of redeem the whole

Thing thing the whole kind of what we felt was a bad idea for the Unlucky number 13 um here’s the thought yeah unlucky number 13 take all the Unlucky number 13 boards and have somebody like Crosby in good fun surf like there at periscopes or somewhere ride them all there’s got

To be five or six or seven or eight of them I know how many stab in the darks there’s been there’s been probably quite a few yeah now I know you know unfortunately you know which one’s which like you know that EPS EO board you know because they’re not the same color maybe

Somehow you get them all together sand them down repaint them and have all that the Unlucky number 13s have their own episode um this episode obviously had the four finalist the way that they ranked or Chloe ranked them was Chris borst finished finished fourth hukas finished third Timmy Patterson finished

Second and then of course DHD finished first um congrats to all I mean truly like Chris borst deserves to be having his year uh well done well earned obviously Caitlyn simmers has kind of really elevated the spotlight on Chris spor but Chris does not ever ask for any Limelight I feel

Like he in fact deflects it and so you don’t see interviews with him or anything like that but everybody who rides his boards everybody in the know uh in Northern orange count or Northern San Diego mainly Raves and talks about just how talented he is and so huge

Kudos to Chris Boris deserved and then pukas as well like pukas is continually in the finals of these things again anybody who rides those boards their Factory in Spain is incredible and they Supply a ton of you know they make a lot of surfboards and people love their

Boards and so not enough good can be said about pukas as well Axel Loren I was on the phone last week with Bob McTavish and he wants Axel lorence to be one of his Shapers so Axel’s going to be coming out to The Boardroom Show in

October to be one of the Shapers um as he honors Bob Mavish in the shape off Axel’s been there before too right yeah he has with the Ben iipa that’s right so what did what was Bob’s reference to Axel how does he know him well Bob you

Know he’s Bob’s a world traveler Bob knows the whole puka story and Bob knows who Axel is and Bob knows Axel and so um and of course Axel was like oh my gosh yeah I’d be so honored to I can’t wait to be out there yeah amazing and

Everybody I know who’s worked with Axel says like you know Raves about his talent so yeah amazing yeah well congratulations stab yeah it and DHD congratulations to DHD I don’t know if we’ve given him enough of his uh due but I’m sure the episode will and it doesn’t it’s a no surprise to

Anybody Darren Hanley is the winner yep congrats um I have a little detour for our from our normal show but I got a listener sent me an email um that he wanted us to read on the podcast he’s a longtime listener longtime contributor chimes in regularly

With various things um do you it’s a little bit of a long read but it’s worth it do you need a bathroom break before we go into it I don’t need a bathroom break but I do need to go get a glass of water hold on okay go for it and we will

Be back yeah got you want to pop the top on that oh you already did okay it’s waiting for the the audio Interruption all right know I did no I did something that makes me truly old I bought handkerchiefs I bought bought a dozen handkerchief CHS on uh and it was like

It was like I was the most stoked guy when I bought the I bought a dozen handkerchiefs I now have handkerchiefs all around in all my pockets it’s great is it never own handkerchiefs isn’t that a filthy habit I guess it is I don’t know you

Just said it is I’ve never thought of it like that I thought of it more like cool I’ve got a handkerchief you but um what is the reason is your nose just constantly running yeah more or less it is is it a SE season thing it might be a

Little bit of hayy fever um but I just you know past abuse of my nasal passage means that there’s constant Flowage I hear you well I when I see old men doing that I was just thought man you just got a rag of snot in your pocket at all the times

Like it’s better than wiping it on my sleeve isn’t it I guess with disposable is the other option too I guess you’re right but you know that’s what laundry mats are for you do you um I will say I was all proud of it and now you just like kind of shut me

Down I’m just asking I’m not trying to shame I’m just asking um I do advocate for the linen napkin like if I go to your house and you serve me paper napkin like we’re having a nice dinner or something or any dinner at all you know what doesn’t have to be nice

You could be eating any you don’t use paper towels ever I mean I do but not for like if I’m having a dinner I’m using a linen napkin I do use paper towels in the house but if I’m having a dinner L napkins what if I serve you up

A burrito set you down in my living room at the living room table and we’re watching whatever and I give you a paper towel I’ll throw it on the ground you’re Uninvited I will smash it with my foot after I will say this that Katrina would

Not allow that she would be all about the Linens believe me well and look I’m not trying to act like a little like a fancy ladder or anything but why wouldn’t you you know what I mean like less waste it’s a more luxurious product they’re less expensive than tow paper

Towels to be perfectly honest you buy 12 linen napkins they’re going to last you for a very long time whereas you’re replacing your towels all the time that’s not cheap it’s just a better way to go is all I’m saying hey guess what mango has a has a cam I know I

Didn’t know that I’m just not checking it out it’s not working right now okay it’s offline but yeah all right hell yeah fantasizing about El Sal right now I figured it’s the time go ahead yeah well so look this listener sent this email with the um the

Header or the subject line that says Love Letter to Dad and I thought this would resonate with you Scott says hey David longtime fan and listener I’ve reached out several times for advice opinions on topics I’m writing today with sad news on Friday the 23rd my father father

Suddenly passed away as I was going through his things this weekend I found a letter that I wrote to him as a high school project he kept it all this time it’s basically a thank you letter to him for getting me into surfing if you have

The time and the interest I’d love for you to read it on your show it’s a bit long so I completely understand if you’re not able to but if I’m able to direct my family to listen to the show that would be amazing we all have our

Influences and role models and those who originally got us into this sport that we love so much and I think it’s a great reminder to remind those that did and thank them yeah guy exclamation point so this is the letter go ahead did you want

To say something no no go ahead this is the letter that he wrote to his father in high school that he found in his father’s things after he passed it’s marked with the timestamp of 5:30 a.m. do you still want to go I’m not sure you realize how many times that

Questions has played in my head over the years and how much I think of what my life would have been if the answer was no the truth is I really didn’t want to go watching Mad TV and playing Super Nintendo all night had me exhausted but I didn’t want to disappoint you the

Smell of chizo burritos informed me that you’d been up for a while getting ready so there was no turning back now I’ll never forget the artificial street lights shining into the room no sunlight yet I was confused whether it was day or night you had me go into the garage and

Fetch the boards to put in the back of the truck seems like an easy job until I stepped outside barefoot into what felt like Subzero weather I’ll never forget the smell of dawn that early in the morning the fresh dewy smell of the backyard as I made my way deeper into

The garage and I remember the feel of Dusty wax on the boards paked in Black from sitting there for years untouched the boards we used that day were broken trashed yellowed missing fins and useless by any other by any standard but they were perfect then I pulled out your

Miraculous blue bark surfboards Rhino Chaser in perfect condition with green fins I threw them all on the back of the truck without a care of knocking them into one another or further damage that I was going to be doing to them straight to the doughnut shop we went for your

Morning for your morning coffee and my morning hot chocolate and donuts this is where the adventure really started I never knew how fun it could be to lay in the back of that to Toyota with the boards laying on the carpet under the boards it was my own little world

Replaying the opening scene of big Wednesday in my head to get ready for the uh for the surf up until that point Ernie and I fought all the time for that front seat but thank God you made the verdict that he was older and could have it laying under my surfboard Fort the

Smell of old wax and resin went perfectly with my hot chocolate and sprinkled doughnut I’ll never forget that the skid rad tape that we’ve listened to on the way to the beach at the highest volume possible we blasted 18 in life and Youth Gone Wild on repeat

Until we were at the beach there’s not a time I listen to either of those songs without thinking of this morning we all got to a liquor store on the corner of pch in Seal Beach Boulevard as we stepped out of the truck the smell of

Fish from the bait and tackle shop next door hit us it’s a smell that takes me back to this day the fog was just beginning to rise the Navy ship in between seal and sset was just coming into view the liquor store had always

Had a huge uh box full of sexwax I still remember grabbing one as fast as I could the smell of it putting it on the board and making the smell even more potent in the back of the truck I effing loved that smell we got to the beach in no

Time and before I knew it we were standing in the jetty parking lot the restaurant that stands there today was an old Fish Market the bathrooms were were unrenovated were weren’t renovated and there was a peaceful quiet in the air the fog came back down making it

Impossible to see more than 20 feet from the beach didn’t seem to matter as we headed out along the Rocks towards the ocean no wet suit no booties just swim trunks and our boards I didn’t mention that I couldn’t feel my feet anymore on the freezing cold sand the board was too

Wide for my arms so I put it over my head and threw a towel over my shoulder as you let us down the beach with your board under your arm and towel drooped over your board I’d never felt so cool the nervousness grew as we got closer to

The water and I could imagine how cold it was going to be you turned back and noticed my shivering the water is warmer than the air it’ll be fine the tide was low the wet sand was wide and the waves were small nothing intimidating and nothing to be afraid of but the

Realization set in that I was actually going to do this terrified and cold I walked out to the one foot w waves and did everything I could to get a wave I couldn’t balance myself on the board uh to paddle more than 5 feet I lost interest really fast actually so I got

Out and played on the beach there were about six people on the beach getting ready to paddle out only the only they were going to only they were going into the quote real Jetty we were surfing inside crabs I remember thinking to myself that they were crazy for waking

Up this early coming down to the freezing Beach and paddling out in the dense fog without knowing uh what was out there after watching on the beach for about 15 minutes I saw Ernie catch two white waterer waves with you uh hooting from deeper water this didn’t

Sit well with me I grabbed my board and ran back into the water this time I got closer to you and you helped me out a bigger set wave came well for me at the time and knocked me over this happened another four times I was audibly pissed

At this point and I was ready to give up again I made my way to you you grabbed my board and said I need to practice my duck Dives only you set it with the Australian accent from the NorthShore trying to make me laugh but it was but I

Wasn’t amused another wave came you pushed me into it at just the right time I felt the push of water and shock and was shocked by its immediate power I made my way to one knee then the other then to my feet and caught it all the

Way to the beach I’ll never be able to accurately put into words that feeling but it was with but it was the most exciting feeling that I had to this point in my life I only got that single wave that day but it was enough to send

Me running and jumping to the beach with unmatched exhilaration we got out and rinsed off in the long borders area where there was a hose and a wooden stand for the boards the dawn patrol guys were rinsing off and talking about their waves did you

Get any today one asked yeah I got I got to my feet and wrote it all the way in I’ll never forget the gr your grin of happiness and pride when I looked back at you I can’t tell you what we did when we got home or what we had for dinner or

Even what uh month or season it was but I’ll remember every second of getting dressed in the parking lot packing our bags back up and the ride home the entire day was eclipsed by those moments skidrow the smell of wax and the feeling of being a surfer for the first time you

May not know it but that was the day uh sorry but that day has stayed with me the rest of my life and is one of the best memories I have I love you and I miss you thank you Dad all right that was sweet that’s very

Nice now the sadly the father’s gone is that father passed away on Friday the 23rd of February so two weeks ago well that’s cool man that was really sweet and um you know that’s I don’t know what to say I just it was just really sweet

And kind and spirited and um a lot of smells a lot of lot of smells going on a lot of skid row you know do you remember do you remember how you were introduced I mean do you remember your first surfing experience and do you remember how you were introduced to

It yeah um my first surfing experience the very first time hm um well you know it’s one of those things where like I started on a boogie board so it’s like you know there was a year of just riding a boogie board so was it my first wave that I rode my

First wave that I stood up on was at the delmare river mouth I do remember that I do remember that the very first time I went down to the beach with a surfboard under my arm was at the Delmar River mouth with um a guy named Roy redond and

And another guy I think it might have been Matt visalini anyway uh I remember I remember standing up I’m going yeah hell yeah we’re surfers now you remember your first wave yeah yeah amazing do you how old were you I was probably 13 yeah yeah interesting so we were about the same

Age then um I think I was about 12 but same exact experience like going to the beach all the time with boogie board and then at some point you just end up with a surf board of course because that’s what everybody else is kind of that just seems like the natural progression you

Know yeah um but I don’t remember my first wave I I remember feeling hooked by it just by bodyboarding you know like so the difference between bodyboarding and surfing doesn’t stand out to me hugely yeah but the memories of bodyboarding um and I mean I I remember

Specific waves you know like I’d try to get a whitewash and then uh that was going faster than a whitewash in front of it there’d be like a smaller whitewash and you want to like go down it like a little waterfall sensation I remember specific waves of looking for those and

Doing that thing um but I don’t remember necessarily my first waves Sur well look this guy’s letter is more about his relationship with his father than is I don’t know it’s just great you know it’s great I appreciate yeah thank you Nathan for sending that in Absolut he

Sent this he emailed this to us seven days ago um right after we had recorded our last episode and then I saw it on beach frit as well so I guess they ran it in homage to Nathan’s father as well so sorry for your loss Nathan but I

Think your missive to remember those who introduced us to surfing is also a great sentiment to leave with people so yeah exactly who introduced you to surfing so just chew on that for a little bit you know I’m sure there might have been more than one person so yeah yeah all right

Well thank you Nathan um my we do mustsee moments presented by trees wax and the obvious one this week would of course be stabin the- dark’s finale I’m going to presume that most people have seen that but I stumbled across something on Instagram that blew my mind um and it’s

Something that you and I both have seen but it was years ago it was an older post and it was Cam Richards wave at Pipeline on the board that his dad had shaped the gun had shaped like three or four years ago you remember that I do

And is this in relation to Drew bro’s post too yeah that’s exactly so Drew broy posted that and then I clicked over because he tagged Kelly Richards in the post which is Cam’s father and I was like you know what I don’t follow Kelly Richards I follow his Surf Shop a

Village Surf Shop Shob but I don’t I didn’t know that Kelly was actually on Instagram so I clicked over onto Kelly’s post turns out Kelly hasn’t posted anything for a couple of years so one of his most recent posts was that wave from Pipeline with Cam riding that board and

So I rewatched it yeah it I mean it is the best wave of the last decade at pipeline possibly like it is crazy I have not seen a better wave at pipeline since then there’s like four second on that thing and cam just locks in and

Goes and makes every one of them it’s insane that’s so cool and and made by his father yeah the board was made by his dad and so how many of that those scenarios are out there I know that the gelman’s father is a really good shaper I’m sure he’s made them bores that

They’ve ridden at pipeline I’m guessing but you know how many people have surfboards made by their dad probably quite a few but you know I mean Harry Bryant I mean not Harry Bryant uh noad Dean is who I meant to say noad Dean Wayne de oh yeah yeah Wayne Dean and of

Course Jerry Lopez Alex Lopez um I’m sure there’s quite a few Shapers Nick Nick temponi who’s gonna be with us in El Salvador his dad obviously Jeff Tony builds all shap so great Nick’s gonna be there I’m stoked to to know that that was so cool yeah Nick’s and then um I

Was thinking um who are the guys here whitlocks the whitlocks here in Oceanside their dad’s a shaper um Corey and um his brother yeah I mean there’s probably quite a few right Herby Fletcher and there’s so many but tons for sure yeah but still a cool story and it dovet Tales beautifully

With uh Nathan’s Love Letter to his father too I was thinking about Jordy Smith by the way that’s my musty moment is that you watched his first round heat um from today to get a sense of how Snappy and fresh and sprightly and you know he looks good on his board

Jordy and riding his dad’s boards too exactly wow boom you fully nailed it right there that’s insane how many people have won a CT on their father’s board that’s a great question that’s probably the only one well I don’t think he’s want to CT on his father’s boards

Yet but it’s gonna it’s gonna happen like this week uh next week but I was thinking jordy’s getting so old that he’s going to be at that place where he’s like hey um I’m gonna take off this event because I’m going to Little League I’m I got I’m coaching my son in Little

League his son’s gonna be like 12 years old and he should he should that’d be a great prioritizing of his life so yeah well we should have saved the show for June for Father’s Day man I was thinking that too I was like this sounds like a

Father’s Day show it is all right well look until next time David adios and Aloha all right Man

🏄‍♂️ Kelly Slater’s Portugal Absence Sparks Wave of Controversy
Spit! Surf Podcast – March 6th, 2024 (Episode 347)

📺 About This Surf Podcast: In this episode, Scott and David discuss an exciting proposal for a Chicama trip, unveil a new surfboard and share doodles. They cover Kelly Slater’s absence from the Portugal event, Jordy’s opportunity at Lowers, and the role of waves in surfing events. The episode also touches on Brazilian wins at the Olympics, the importance of choosing the right coach for Felipe, and highlights in breaking surf news, including Stab in the Dark and impressive performances by Xanadu, Chris Boris, and Pukas Surfboards. The hosts wrap up with sentimental reflections on surfing memories and the significance of surfboards made by fathers.

📌 Timestamps
00:00:00 – Exciting Proposal for Chicama Trip
00:08:08 – The Inner Workings of Wayne’s Brain
00:12:24 – Kelly Slater’s Absence from the Portugal Event
00:16:18 – Jordy’s Chance to Win at Lowers
00:24:28 – Brazilian Wins at the Olympics
00:28:40 – Choosing the Right Coach for Felipe
00:32:28 – A Great Story in Surfing
00:36:24 – The Best Version of Stab in the Dark
00:40:14 – Xanadu’s Impressive Performance
00:44:19 – Kudos to Chris Boris and Pukas Surfboards
00:48:34 – Remembering Surfing Adventures with Dad
00:56:21 – The First Surfing Experience and Fond Memories
01:00:37 – The significance of surfboards made by fathers

🔍 Spit Surf Show Recap: As the surf conversation unfolds, the hosts delve into the inner workings of Wayne’s brain, providing insights into the fascinating dynamics of surf culture. The Portugal event at Supertubos takes center stage, with Kelly Slater’s notable absence sparking discussions about the impact on the competition. Jordy’s opportunity to shine at Lowers becomes a key point of analysis, emphasizing the critical role that wave conditions play in surfing events.

The global surf scene comes into focus, with reflections on Brazilian victories at the Olympics and considerations for the ideal coach for Felipe’s surfing journey. 🇧🇷🏅 Stab in the Dark’s best version, Xanadu’s impressive performance, and acknowledgments for Chris Boris and Pukas Surfboards contribute to the surf vibes. 🤘

The heart of the episode takes a sentimental turn, as Scott and David share cherished surfing memories, paying homage to those who introduced them to the sport. 🏄‍♂️👨‍👧‍👦 The hosts take a stroll down memory lane, reminiscing about their first surfing experiences and emphasizing the profound significance of surfboards crafted by fathers. 🌺👴

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Host, Producer: David Scales @David_Lee_Scales
Host, Producer: Scott Bass @BoardroomShow

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🔍 Spit Surf Show Recap: In today’s Father-themed episode, Scott and David honor the latest Olympic qualifiers, lament the lack of waves at Supertubos, pin Bells as Kelly’s official “retirement”, mark Filipe absent for the Olympics, and pay homage to those who introduced them to surfing. Enjoy!


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🔍 ABOUT SPIT! SURF NEWS PODCAST: Spit! is a weekly show hosted by David Lee Scales and Scott Bass discussing all the latest news, gossip, rumor, and innuendo running through the surf industry and their local line-ups.

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  1. Beautiful new board! Am going to El Salvadore … in my just turned 74 today big Dreams 🌊 Know you guys will have an amazing time and look forward to vid doc! Love hearing McTavish is still going strong as in the late 60's early 70's living & surfing Oz … he used to come up the coast to surf Caloundra to Noosa … was really close with surf legends Ma & Pa Bendall. He had to loan some money from them and paid back every bit. I remember how he is such a good guy. And yeah, we never forget the first time we stood up … I was 11 at San'O 1961 … seeing the bottom go by under me … so exciting! Pete & Alice Peterson turned my mom onto surfing mid-50's that totally changed our already beach life style forever … whom I thank deeply on a regular basis … as once a surfer, always a surfer who can surf life the best.

  2. ok, NEXT trip bro, hire me for filming! Check out my
    playlists and watch my films in my Crego Films Archives and Blitzclips playlist, but i am down on the the lil story’s inside the trip and where’s my board all that, i can improvise when your out surfing with interviews on random beach goers etc.. idk.. but , have camera will travel. ✌🏽

  3. DLS. I had asked you before if Bassy opening the show was a planned agreement or if he just always does that and you told me he just does it, so it was classic to see you take control out of the gates today 😂

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