@New York Rangers

Rempe has been suspended 4 games by DOPS

Rempe has been suspended 4 games by DOPS

by TwinkiesForAmerica


  1. bobby_booch

    That’s more than I expected but it’s correct. Can’t be doing that.

  2. PaulMarnersFurHat

    Free him. Now the Canes dirty players are going to try to abuse the Rangers tonight since he and Trouba aren’t playing.

  3. TwinkiesForAmerica

    this means he comes back next week against WPG and misses the game against the islanders, which honestly, may be a good thing especially if the game got heated.

    he deserves the suspension, i dont think we have much room to complain here. line up wise, this means Brodz is back on the 4th line w goodrow and vesey.

  4. This is fair. I don’t think he went into that hit thinking he was gonna injure Siegenthaler but you can’t just throw up an elbow when you’re gonna miss a hit.

  5. thisonecassie

    Makes sense to be, I was 50/50 on it being three or five, so I’m not bitching and moaning that he got four. Hopefully getting read the riot act and put in time out will stick it head on straight going forward.

  6. NewTown_BurnOut

    My gut was telling me 5 games when watching it live, so this seems reasonable to a bit light imo. Love the kid’s energy/size and hopefully he takes this as a lesson of when/how to not use his energy and size. He has injured two players already on bad hits and this lesson might end up being a blessing in disguise to his career longevity.

  7. To anyone complaining about the length – this is actually on par with what the DoPS handed to Gallagher earlier this season for pretty much the same exact type of hit. Gallagher got 5 games. Both Rempe and Gallagher didn’t have a suspension history at the time of ruling

  8. ancillaryacct

    yeah i don’t like it. its his first ever suspension, he has no history. he’s been in the league for 10 games.

    a guy punches somebody in the back of the head, and gets 6.

    spin the wheel DoPS. fucking pathetic

  9. Hungry-Mammoth6036

    In the end I’m okay with this… Mainly cause I’m going to the Winnipeg game. And I can see him in my one game a year.

  10. NirvanaFan01234

    I figured he would get 3. I think he deserved 5. 4 games is perfectly fine.
    Let’s hope he learns his lesson, comes back, and plays physical within the rules.

  11. ominousgoat

    This subreddit is surprisingly tame and civilized about this.

  12. blueline7677

    I was off by 1 game. I expected 3. People act like DOPs is so inconsistent. They are but they’re predictably inconsistent

  13. Seems about right, I thought he would get 2 but 4 makes sense. Hopefully he learns from it and keeps his elbows tucked in the future.

  14. lionson76

    That feels a little excessive for a first offense, but maybe this is the reality check Remper needs to become a complete player. He’s had a legendary start to his NHL career, and if he wants to continue having one, he needs to learn how to contain the physical play. To do that, you need to stay in the lineup. I think he’ll come out of this suspension with the lesson learned.

    He’ll fight MacDermid on April 3rd and hopefully that’ll be the end of it.

  15. Stonewall30NY

    He deserved a suspension but 4 is excessive for that

  16. MikeyRage

    Sucks to lose him but his face needs a break. Rangers will unironically miss him as he is actually a solid player thus far eye test and advanced stat wise

  17. SirusRiddler

    Is an appeal for less games allowed? Not saying he should or shouldn’t but what are the consequences again?

  18. ChaWolfMan

    Not that it isn’t deserving but Wilson gets $5k for cross check to the back of someone’s neck and then slamming Panarin’s head into the ice

  19. EsembeeNY

    I wanted two but I’m sure there’s bias from me considering I’m a fan even though I try extremely hard to be aware and curb it. It’s fine, I just want him ready to go for the last game against the devils.

  20. Ouch! I was expecting 2 or 3. Let’s hope the kid learns from this. Hit hard, but hit clean.

  21. Humanaut93

    Anyone else think they maybe wanted to keep him off the national broadcast as a lesson?

    Not saying he doesn’t deserve a suspension because he does, but making sure of it by giving him 4 games.

  22. Minimum_Customer4017

    So long as he’s back for the Bruins game, I’m fine

  23. geesusway

    He was the best guy around‼️ what murdaaa???

    /s just in case lol

  24. NY-Black-Dragon

    I’m fine with the suspension and fine. He’s still a kid, so he can definitely learn from this.

    What I DON’T want is for them to neuter the kid. I’m so sick of the white collar bullshit that’s been the team’s identity for years.

  25. PurplePenguin501

    The devils sub is having a meltdown over this. They’re basically putting bounties on Rempe for the April 3 game and if he’s scratched they said they need to go after and injure our “stars”….wow also saw a comment saying Rempe will eventually hang himself after a failed career….what a POS fanbase

  26. GrexxSkullz

    Not upset, yes it was accidental but if it was the other way around I would be fuming at the mouth calling for the other guy to get suspended.

    HOWEVER I think it’s bullshit that he gets 4 games when Morgan Reilly got only 2 games for a blatant retalitory crosscheck to someone’s face after an empty net goal, but that’s asking the league to be consistent which is a fever dream.c

  27. Nyrfan2017

    He would have been better if he just rammed a guys head into the ice….
    He hit the head he is a huge and needs to learn to control body but I think 4 games is harsh I also think maybe if he didn’t enter the league like rocky balboa drawing attention this may have been less of a suspension 

  28. Perfect. Exactly correct. I hope they always punish these type of hits like this at a minimum. Hopefully he learns his lesson. If not, he’ll have no career.

  29. James_Fantastic

    So with our current schedule he’s missing two days…

  30. StumptownRetro

    This is good. He needs the time away to think about how he wants his career to proceed. He has the skill set to be feared on ice for the right reasons. He needs to play smarter.

  31. MIFlyFisher

    Can’t argue that at all. Thought he might get less because he’s a first time offender but it’s deserved.

  32. Dissmass1980

    Just a history question here. Did Tie Domi get this much heat for being a brawler or was it just 1990’s shenanigans? Growing up I remember Tie Domi being ruthless on the ice. I can’t remember him getting suspended for it though. I was just a kid though. Fucking Tie Domi , he beat people up every night.

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