@San Jose Sharks

Why did I stop Climbing? The full story.

This Is the most asked question I have gotten through the years, Today I will give you the full story.



  1. I think it's awesome that you opened up about this obviously important part of climbing for you. I really enjoy watching all your videos (also the ones with you in them), for me the storytelling and fun dynamics between you guys is what makes it awesome to watch. It's like being part of a group of friends with a passion for climbing. I don't care about the grades of the climb that much – I'm drawn in by the atmosphere you set in your videos and the way you capture the puzzle of figuring out a boulder. I hope you can maintain the positive energy that you're feeling again about climbing, and just focus on holding on to that happiness instead of setting those super high goals for yourself. Enjoy your day!

  2. Climbing is not about numbers of one arm pull ups or hanging tiny edges.Those abilities are markers,not the goal itself. Indoor 'climbing' breeds obsessive competitors. Climbing is not about competition. Incorrect diet and insufficient rest ruin your body and mind.Being silly in the moment and being a child and an adult together is good therapy. It is not necessary to make videos to feel good about oneself. Nor is it necessary to always climb to the limit. Like you, I have a guitar .That is something neither of us will ever completely master, and it has great beauty, found by experiment.

  3. I can relate to what you’re saying. As a kid I was totally obsessed with chess. I got really good, won many competitions, but at some point I found I wasn’t really enjoying it anymore and it was just all about winning and I stopped shortly after. However, a few years later I was going through a tough time and thought I’d play some chess again just to get my mind off the other problems, and rediscovered the fun in just playing. I don’t know if you’re in the same position, but I’d suggest just climb for fun again without putting pressure on yourself, and don’t compare yourself to others. Do your own thing. What inspired you to take it up at first?

  4. Honestly the things that make me enjoy your videos is you're wonderful interactions between you and your friends. You're an awesome person who's friendly personality can translate across the internet. Keep up the amazing work and don't burn yourself out. I'm looking forward to seeing your videos for years to come.

  5. Your burned out from doing a hobby too much? Bro, imagine you were just working too much in a factory or on an ambulance. Relax, climb, and count your blessings.

  6. I've never related to someone so much, especially with having the mentality of being super psyched about something and pushing yourself so much until your body shuts down basically. Your videos are really fun, inspiring, and tell such good stories. It would be awesome if there are more videos of you climbing too! No pressure though, burn out is really tough to deal with and overcome.

  7. As a ruminator and an empathetic person, I see a lot of my own journey to find myself in your vids like this. I wish I'd learned way earlier that you will disappoint people. It is inevitable. You can't prevent it happening from time to time.

    All you can control is doing your best, being true to yourself, and trying to be honest with yourself and others so that when you do disappoint someone, you can work to fix it and move forward.

    I wish I'd freed myself from feeling the need to be perfect sooner. Climbing is a good instructor in this regard. Perfection is crap. Progress is everything.

  8. Really interested in your wow experience. I've played myself. What was your characters name? And did you ever play against Reckful?

  9. Väldigt fin och rörande egen berättelse. Det finns mycket som kan trigga den här maniska ådran som många av oss har. En törn i ens självkänsla är nog många gånger orsaken. Men det verkar ju som du tar stora steg inte bara i det fysiska läkandet utan också i hur det känns på andra plan 🙂 Starkt att du berättade och det blir kul att se vad du delar framöver, prenumerera nu 🙂

  10. Everyone should do what you're passionate. If that's climbing for you (which it is for me) than climb your heart out. If it isn't, then don't feel the need to fake a passion just for us.
    Any version of you is awesome Eric and I'll always support you

  11. Thank you for sharing this, Eric! I love your honesty and your videography and your goofiness! Excited to see you more in the videos and see you climbing, and glad you’re healthier and happier now 🙂

  12. Insane genetics and muscle insertions. Sounds like you were part of the elven race in your past life. Would explain your ears, facial bone structure, eyes, and nose. Can't wait to see what fate has installed for you next🖤

  13. Taking it easy in climbing would bring a more enjoyable experience, which would also lead to a more sustainable approach. Would love to see an update on this today…

  14. I would love to see you in videos doing climbs! They dont need to be hard just try to enjoy the sends. And eat healthy don't punish yourself 🙂

  15. I‘m very proud that you took the time to reflect some insecurity and show very human behavior. You belong to those guys in the gym, you‘re already there, you just didn’t realize until now that it‘s just a small step to participate. Be you, be silly, you have all the possibilities. Maybe don‘t overdo it (training/eating), like you did before, but do it in a healthy and enjoyful way. I know it‘s a late comment, been following you for a long time but somehow missed this video. I appreciate all the effort you put into your channel 🙌🏻

  16. sounds liks you need a purpose that isnt as shallow as "getting good at a game" and "getting good at climbing"
    there has to be a bigger purpose as to why we are here on this earth then to climb or play games

  17. Eventhough your cinematography is amazing it would be lovely to see you in front of the camera more as well. Thank you for being so open, I can understand it being difficult. Keep doing what you're doing man, love your vids!

  18. Late to the party. I appreciate you sharing and hope you are doing well where you are in life in the present.

  19. Thank you for your story!
    beautifull story in the sense that i can relate a lot. im also a guy with obsessions and thinking in black and white.
    i cant be the best or do it perfect and quit. Maybe a goal could be i want to have fun in a session. dont make it a big thing but try to enjoy every moment. that would be an awesome goal. good luck and all the best to you

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