@Detroit Red Wings

Jeff Petry, Lucas Raymond, Derek Lalonde Post Game | March 12 @ BUF

Jeff Petry, Lucas Raymond, and Derek Lalonde speak with the media following Detroit’s game against the Buffalo Sabres on Tuesday March 12, 2024.


  1. Holy shit man. When we were on the win streak I said, “I know this streak isn’t going to last, and they’re going to go through adversity again, but this is a playoff team” I didn’t expect the adversity to be like this. Put it in the books boys. Don’t think this is our year at this point.

  2. This is just shameful. The guys aren't showing up at the most important time of the year, and nothing is being done. What an absolute joke, someone needs to be fired for this. Absolutely unacceptable

  3. Why are you guys worrying? They will make the playoffs. Go all the way to the finals. Just believe in the Yzerplan. Have some faith 🤦‍♂️

  4. Now I’m hoping buffalo beats the islanders,if we lose to Arizona twice I’m gonna EXPLODE 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  5. Season is over if they don’t turn it around. No energy and emotion. Maybe Detroit can turn it around in the offseason because clearly they don’t care. Maybe Yzerman or god forbidden Coach Lalonde make some changes to get something out of this listless team.

  6. Speed kills an old, slow team. Buffalo is the youngest team in hockey. They are learning to win and are playing as a team. Detroit….. not so much. No legs, no pace… sounds old to me.

  7. Steve needs to call up GR kids and scratch some underperforming vets. Make a change and send a message a piss poor effort will not be tolerated.

  8. This is disgusting. They went from playing complete team games where everything was clicking to the past 6 dumpster fires. Not sure exactly how badly they've been outscored, i don't even want to look, but it seems like 10 for/50 against. in third place at one point to being outside the last WC, and it was a QUICK fall. Larkin being out sucks, but he's one man. There's enough vets on this team, they should be tearing everyone else a new one. Newsy should be absolutely furious…throwing chairs, breaking sticks, and flipping tables in the dressing room right now. But it's the same post game bullshit every night. The players don't know what to do, and Newsy can dig for positives all he wants, but no ones buying it. Wake the hell up. Edit- Oh, and LOSE THAT STUPID PATCH.

  9. Well, Wings can get out off of their mind play off stuff it's definitly over losing by this margin against a so young Sabres team .. what a joke

  10. Lyons been carrying team and is worn-out team has lost their moxie, total collapse wtf happened is this a rebellion against the coach? Get rid of that f-ing patch!

  11. I'm so glad the seasoned veterans are really putting in the effort to play a game they're getting overpaid to play in

  12. I personally think it’s the coach more than anything now. He is all ho-hum after each loss. He even said it before the game…he said “This is not a must win, this a must play well game”. What an idiot! Every game should be a win mentality, not a play well mentality only. He is thinking already that winning is not that important. I want a fire Lalonde movement, like the Lions had with “Fire Millen” movement/protest!!! 😤😡🤬

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