@Buffalo Sabres

Ads & Dunks ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ Brisbane Breakdown, Dog’s Selection Squeeze, Round 1 Preview!

Ads & Dunks ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ Brisbane Breakdown, Dog’s Selection Squeeze, Round 1 Preview!

This episode is brought to you by our friends at Brooks blooms your all-in-one Landscaping solution Brooks Bloom’s three-step Landscaping experience offers a seamless Journey from design to construction and ongoing care ensuring your outdoor space thrives year round visit Brooks today to embark on your Landscaping Journey where every

Step is a step towards a vibrant and beautiful outdoor entertaining Space welcome back guys to another episode of the ads and dunks podcast exclusively brought to you by the O American Aces and obviously uh or the best Landscaping Company in uh in Australia at the moment worldwide in Brooks blooms um it’s Josh Dunley here one of your hosts and

Joining me on the line is me good mate ad Z tror how you going mate yeah going well mate just got to get used to the uh Brooks blooms little sponsorship uh segment that we have um well not segment just little um shout out at the start of each episode CU

We’re so pumped to have him as as our sponsor and we love Brooke but yeah going well mate I um I was 30 last week when I did the episode now I’m 31 so I feel the exact same but um yeah going okay how are you going I’m going good

Hey let’s touch on that first because I know you were 31 on Saturday and I’m sitting here I was a little bit flat because I didn’t get a reply from you and I’m thinking what the hell’s going on A’s not replying to me I try to call you nothing back and I’m like

Something’s happening here and I I got a bit nervous I was a bit worried like you might have been flat with me or something you know something’s going on and then uh Sunday I sent you another message just following up and you said not you got a new phone so you’re all

Good that’s exactly what the case was manate I got a new phone so uh my phone um stopped working uh well when I woke up there was just the black screen and stopped working so I was getting calls and I was getting messages but my screen was literally black so I yeah I

Literally couldn’t get to the shops quick enough I eventually got a phone and my first message was at 12:01 p.m. from one of me great mates Brent mcaffer so I already knew that I um I’d missed or however long I’d missed what that’s eight or 12 hours of my birthday already

So I I knew there was going to be message there but I didn’t want to go out seeking you know I didn’t want to message us saying oh hey mate did you wish me happy birthday cuz um no mate I could never be angry at you you know how much I love you

No imagine if I was replying like no I haven’t messaged you yet what are you what are you talking about yeah well I’m sure because there was a few boys at the footy Club who um Hy came straight up to me when I seen him on the Monday goes what what’s with

Another reply on the weekend mate and I was like mate I’ve had freaking five or six people already asked me this but um yeah had had no phone but now I’ve got a phone so can me message me away the only [ย __ย ] thing about getting a new phone is

Having to worry about redownloading all the apps and um making making sure everything’s set up and you know whether we do a lot of our uh like footy stuff for instance in terms of our gym programs and everything off our phone so got to set all that up go find out

Passwords that you haven’t found out and well I reckon I’ve only known one password since the first time I moved to the Bulldog so I had to go find a couple people to organize my passwords but um yeah that was probably the most uh annoying thing about getting a phone n

It’s good I was uh I was trying to think of something to get you and I see in the background now that you’ve got a brand new chair well gaming chair that someone’s obviously got you for your birthday so I’ve still got to get you something and I I’m finding it really

Hard to find something what do you want um well I don’t want anything mate I want your love that’s all I want but um no well firstly um shout out to Kimmy and Jess they uh they bought me this chair for my birthday and I’ve been

Meaning to get one for a while cuz um to the right of of the screen here I actually have my little gaming uh Playstation as well so I played a bit of NBA 2K and Madden so it’s very convenient to sit here and play a game

And and obviously sit and and do the podcast so and obviously the first priority was for the podcast not the gaming system um but um it’s a nice little chair which I rate but uh if you’re G to get me anything in all seriousness my watch is horrendous like

My my Apple watch is about six years too old it dies halfway throughout the day I can’t track my calories as you know I love tracking my calories and tracking how many I burn a day and whatnot so mate if you want to get me a new Apple

Watch get me a new app watch all right I might have to take a loan out to get that one but uh Hey speaking of wristbands I’ve got to mention this um last week at our Captain’s run one of the I can’t see it I can’t see it one of

The fans in uh in the crowd gave me this can you read that it says ads and says ads cross dunks wow and then it’s got your number and then it’s got the Bulldogs colors and then I’ve got another one here which is uh frisman Lion’s one so it’s Taylor Swift

Obviously um kind of bracelet and we’ve got a yeah there you go you’ve got another one here so I’ll I’ll send this on down here and thanks to um the girl in the crowd that gave it to me it’s pretty cool I thought they’re sick they

Are sick I don’t I don’t take mine off mine obviously have Georgie Griffin and sunny on there but um I’d definitely wear it’s fun we’re wearing the black band as well i’ um I definitely we rock the ads and dunks uh Swift what are they called swifties what no what are they called

Swifty bracelet Swifty bracet is it no friendship bracelet I believe I think it’s a friendship bracelet anyway um I was waiting for br to come over the headphones and know exactly what it is even though he last week just turned 34 as well so hold on BR but I’m sure you

Know what a Swifty bracelet is as well but no that’s cool that’s cool I reckon I reckon I reckon there’ll be probably a point where a fan might do the same for me here in Melbourne I mean we kick start our games off this week so um I I

Actually did have a couple fans give out um friendship bracelets one that had Kim’s name one that had uh my name one that had your name separately so just Dunley not even Jay it was just Dunley and there was one more I forgot who it was but um yeah that’s tucked away in

The in the wardrobe somewhere but um but yeah no it’s uh it’s it’s been a good week I mean I uh I watched you play um on the Friday and um we can get into that a little bit later but uh that was a uh unbelievable game to watch

Unbelievable turn of events um it’s fair to say but other than that mate how was your week since the last time that we spoke yeah we um we played on Friday night but my weekend was pretty quiet I ended up going to watch the bfl on Saturday they played a practice game on

The goal Coast my brother played in um obviously the boys as well so it was good to go watch them and they play quite well it was I’ve never you remember that oh you didn’t train with us in Co at that um that ground outside go Coast Stadium you know the Metron I

Know that one Stadium there well this ground is like just known for a massive cross Breeze and on Saturday it was blowing a Gale I’ve never seen it’s so strong and the boys were just trying to like pick apart and it was just too hard

To move the footy so ended up being a bit Scrappy but went and watch that then called into the uh Gold Coast races cuz Jada was strapping a couple horses so went in there and um and then headed out to then headed back home I had mom and

My uncle with me as well so Kaiser came along to the races after and then we just headed back home and got some dinner on Saturday night and that was really it mate Sunday was pretty lowkey uh took Mom and my uncle to the airport uh and then yeah just pretty quiet week

Since then just a normal training routine kind of week so been nice to have some visitors I’ve actually got actually I should have mentioned this uh I’m doing some house Rena in my like for my main bedroom um so Ash and Leah you know Ash and Le off the block do you

Watch the block I don’t watch it but I do know them they’re actually doing my well mine and tipp’s main bedroom at the moment so they’re they’re finishing up so the results going to be coming soon which would be cool that’ll be exciting might have to get another sponsor on

Board might have to rival Brook and and her Landscaping B um no I’ll get back to what you said you did on the weekend you obviously mentioned the Gold Coast races did you hit any winners uh I got what did I get lady lagona that was my best

One oh lady lagona what a horse honestly what a horse that was really all I got that was all I really did for my birthday was watch the races in parries was a uh little bit of a let down but I got no doubt that you would have been

Probably riding the winner or someone else cuz that’s just exactly what you do you always go against a favorite but um no I uh we’re loving our racing but um other than that to get anything exciting anything anything else exciting to report before we get into footy no not

Really mate not really how uh how’s your week been obviously you had the weekend off um footy wise like how’s it been training wise did you have a big session on the weekend or did you just have the weekend off to freshen up for round one

Uh yeah we had a um we had a big sess Friday so a match parameter session which was really good um yeah we really set ourselves up for the week we had the weekend off uh which was nice um yeah and then you know as as as as you know

You you’re then approach the week just like a regular week mid year it doesn’t matter if it’s first week or you know week 12 so um today’s obviously Tuesday so we uh this get obviously gets released on a Wednesday and I can uh happily say this but um we’ve already

Announced um three debutant for assist week uh this week’s game we got announced today um in Nick Coffield Coffield Cofield however you want to pronounce it um Loy Bramble and James HS those three players from rival clubs who who have been yeah just incred incredibly um refreshing you know coming

Into a new environment not only for themselves but for us uh obviously experienced players who have experienced other footy clubs and environments and um you know they they came in with a I guess a point to prove him wanting to you know solidify themselves break into a team earn the respect and that’s

Exactly what they’ve done over the preseason so so extremely impressed by all three of them um you know Loy Bramble didn’t really train with the main group until well mate would have been when I trained with the main group so that’s what probably a couple weeks ago because that’s normally what I do

But um that’s that’s how long yeah he hadn’t trained with the main group because he had a shoulder um surgery at the end of the last year so it’s shown it shows how um you know how much he’s impressed all of us by him you know get confirming that he’s debuting this week

So yeah it’s uh that’s kind of been the only unique starts of the week for us but it’s been it’s been a good week we’re able to watch Melbourne play obviously last Thursday got a good gauge on on um you know more so the team that they’re going to present and how they

Want to play and whatnot and um yeah it’s you know it’s cool because the real stuff is back so um it’ll be funny because you would have already played two games before I’ve even played one game um which I um which I laugh a little bit about but yeah the week’s

Been pretty cool and um yeah just going to obviously keep uh keep anticipating for the week to um go as normal and then yeah we go from there and play Melbourne are you’re pretty Keen to to get stuck in it probably a stupid question but you know preseason everything sort of happens

Really quickly I feel and then all of a sudden games are upon you like do you feel ready ready to go yeah absolutely yeah I do I um I feel physically I feel really good I feel always say it always feel as best as I could feel but I do I

Feel really good um you know I was able to uh you know train for a large chunk of uh the post Christmas preseason which is a big which is big for me and um essentially didn’t miss a match Sim um really post Christmas and you know to be

Able to play a practice game into a um official practice game is is a big tick for me and to feel good throughout it and build the cohesion early with the other midfielders and the other boys um it’s nice so I personally feel really good I know the guys are are really

Really antsy and just can’t wait to get out there I know watching the games on the weekend they um you know it’s what most boys were talking about when we came in on Monday because um obviously there was games and everyone’s just really super excited to get out there we

We know that um you know we know the hard work that’s gone into the preseason and the drive that we’re all trying to drive forward for our group um and we know if we bring our standard of footy and how we want to play the sky is the

Limit for us um feel like there’s a really good balance between Youth and experience um and been really impressed as I said with the guys that have come through already um you a couple young players that are coming through who we spoke last week but who have been extremely impressive and um

Can’t wait to see how they go when they get a taste of AFL footy so yeah it’s fair to say there uh we we’re pumped and ready to go I know it’s probably another silly question but who’s one that you should you reckon we should all look out

For this year and it can’t be it can’t be an established player like that gets a game every week let’s let’s let’s go deeper than that I spoke about 10 minutes about him last episode Riley Sanders do you want me to talk about Ry Sanders again someone else someone else

Um yeah so Sando is the one for me I think outside of Sando I think oh there’s guys that who don’t really get that much recognition I’m trying to think because I mentioned buku Kus who’s been you know who’s probably being our most impressive Defender all all preseason offseason with lamb Jones

I’m going to say someone like a lean vmir who I feel like um you know knock on Morty he his body holds together and um you know he’s so quick and powerful and strong he’s one of the most powerful and fastest guys or kids that I’ve not

Well not kid a guy that I’ve seen um you know sometimes he’s too quick for his own good and you get a soft tissue here or whatever it may be but he’s been able to string pretty much the whole pre season together without any issue and when he brings his speed from the

Position that plays which is typically has that high F the role that you know is probably the hardest position in the AFL which is that high half F where you got to get up and back at and back up and back put pressure on bring his speed

To the contest when he does that it’s um yeah I I I think it’s it’s as good as um anyone that I’ve seen and I’m really excited to see what he brings I think another one to mention the same breath as Ley vmir is Loy mcneel who yeah is

You know we’ve seen him in the preseason do it but he’s some someone as well who is kind of playing the similar role to Ley and um playing it to a te he’s an ul Ultimate Team man he does everything you want from a team player from a high half

Forward um defensively he’s sound he works his tail off both ways so yeah they’re probably the two that really come to mind outside of obviously as I said Riley Sanders and I think there was a quote today that that uh that Bevo said in the in the media that um he’s

Never seen anyone in in his time of footy come in the doors and be as impactful as he has as an 18y old and as I said last week mate this kid is unbelievable he is something special so um we do a lot of our we do a lot of our

Stuff together so I do all my training with him one-on-one stuff with him um literally everything we do together all our tackling stuff so you could imagine to um he’s a competitive beast and he ways probably 8 kilos more than me so you could imagine two uh absolute

Competitive animals going out at when we’re doing something like a lowlevel craft stoppage drill it’s just one of those um one of those reminds me of you and I but it’s one of those drills where it’s just hit the ball to the ground essentially whoever’s the first player

There just let him get it but we were like freaking wrestling like full on wrestling the TR and win the ball when ladies come over and go I just stop it stop it your competitive animal so um yeah he’s uh I’m talking about Ry Sanders again mate you might uh might

Have to admit that I’ve got a little bit of a man crush on him about how good is but um yeah he’s uh he’s going to be the more impressive one I think from from most of our players yeah speaking of those guys I feel like your small

Forwards Riley West is another one that caught the eye in the preseason yes they’ve all had really good well you can tell they’ve had really good preseason so I’m exciting times hopefully ahead for you boys and um speaking of Bevo actually I just want to bring out one

Last thing of Bevo I saw his press conference or bits and pieces i’ read over Twitter or whatever um he was talking today about no one spotting the team being safe because the young boys coming through of really pushing do you feel like that helps you as an

Individual with the young guys really pushing for for selection absolutely mate I um you seen you know from from the last game that we played in our in our preseason game against Hawthorne we we essentially had our best team out there that was available and there was some really really good players who

Unfortunately weren’t playing because they just you know whether it was coming back from India or whatever it may be but there was just guys that have been pressing and pressing and pressing and who have been impressive um and and you know solidifying their spot so yeah I

Definitely feel like it makes you as an individual perform better I feel like it’s it’s clearly a lot healthier for the list and healthier for the footy Club because um each individual then plays with a bit of a edge bit of a hunger in a drive to know that their

Position is essentially not safe I mean barring Mark sponson py probably Tim English Aaron Norton Liam Jones Tomy Bor they’re probably the safest jobs at our footy Club outside of that I mean anyone um and that’s great it’s great because as as you just said

And as you said from bos Pressa the guys that have been at lower level I mean another guy that comes to mine is um Luke clear who you know who’s an absolute who’s had a who’s had a Flawless preseason who I think is a genuine gun and um you know when when he

Plays this year you’ll see that he is more than capable of playing at the AFL level and being a very very very good player and um that’s just an example of someone who is pushing for for senior action and when he does play he’s you

Know going to be a standout for us so I definitely feel like it’s something that’s really good for us and healthy for our group yeah it’s good to hear good to hear that everyone’s fit and firing and ready to go for the D’s on Sunday what time 3:30 mate I’m sure your

Um your eyes will be on it I know uh you love watching your old boys the Bulldogs boys 3:30 which would be 1:30 Perth time I might be play I might be at the ground by then won’t be able to watch oh you guys playing Sunday as well yeah we play

Sunday 4:40 I think your time all right well I’ll be checking straight after well yeah I’ll be checking straight after um I guess speaking of you guys before we touch on uh you’re playing Foo I presume or West Coast obviously Perth yeah playing Foo uh oh it’s good before we touch on

That we’ll obviously talk about uh your absolute Blockbuster of a game um A Tale of Two two stories uh you started off like uh the absolute Premiership favorites um had a blistering first quarter first half really and then yeah then uh it obviously fell apart from there um you know I guess

I’ll let you do the talking where where do you feel like it kind of went wrong and and what are the learnings you take out of it yeah I mean I probably start with the first quarter in a bit quarter and a half I guess um it was some of the

Best footy I reckon I’ve ever been a part of like just the way we both offensively attacking him and defensively killing their offense was just incredible and I feel like as a player you’re always searching for that feeling and you don’t get it for long

But when you get it it’s like so you’re just such you’re in a Groove like it’s and it felt like that early on in the game and then things happened and I don’t know there’s been a lot of people talk about it but I we I think every

Single one of us as an individual probably take moments back during that latter half of that second quarter um I feel that’s where we let ourselves down a little bit let the foot off the gas pedal a little bit and you know any team these days will take it up to you and

And roll you so for us it was a bit frustrating upon reviewing it um those moments then turned into them obviously getting a bit more of a run and but in hindsight if you look at all the stats in the third quarter we actually had more inside 50s and we had a similar

Amount of shots in that quarter we just just didn’t kick out goals and they did so there was a moment that yeah there’s a lot of moments that we probably wish we had could have had back and potentially have scored um but in the end I mean we played a team in Carlton

That were very hungry and you know made a preing final last year so they know they no no roll over that’s for sure like they’re a great team and they came back and won and probably or definitely deserved to win on the night so um disappointing result from for from our

Point of view from considering where we were at in the in the first quarter first quarter and a half second quarter even half timee so um we reviewed it pretty open and honestly too which was good and then uh we look forward now to to what we can do this week against the

The Dockers I guess touch on the review um speak about what you can speak about you know a lot of things stay within the four walls but what was the I guess the message of the review was it you know I’ve obviously read a few media reports

And Outlets if you want to call it and a lot of it says complacency and uh you know players clearly well you know I’ve definitely been in that position before where sometimes it does creep into your mind that oh this is probably a little bit too easy probably don’t try as hard

Defensively or whatever it may be not saying that was is what the case was but yeah what was the review you know like that or yeah what was the review more about yeah it was like that we looked at a few moments where you know individuals that you know might have had an

Opportunity to do something and they didn’t they chose not to um whether that was putting pressure on or following through on a I don’t know trading you know running past a player and switching with your teammate to then help him out and then that helps you but none of that

Was going on so the team stuff wasn’t really there um which was disappointing and but it was only really for like a patch of about 25 minutes because we looked at it we looked at the whole game across the whole game and yeah it was about 25 minutes that all this stuff

Happened and then the rest was was good again so it doesn’t take long for opposition teams to get involved in the game and come back like cartton did but we also looked at our missed opportunities as well so if we had to kick those goals then they don’t go up

The other end and score and potentially it it builds our lead so little things like that um throughout the night cost us for sure what about yourself individually I mean I seen you got three coaches votes I think it was three um so you clearly had an impact on the game I

Know you’ll be a little bit harsher on yourself but how did you feel like you went individually how’ you feel a indiv individually I felt pretty good I was talked to a few people about preseason and whatnot and I sort of came back a little bit for from a bit behind in

Compared to others because I had the ankle stuff postseason last year so I sort of hit the ground running four weeks before we went back so I didn’t have a lot of time to build my fitness and whatnot so I’ve sort of feel like I’ve gone on that gradual inkline into

Into the year and I felt great out there covering the ground normally I remember last year I was cramping in like the third quarter up here in the in the sunshine and the the heat so it was nice to feel that way um first half I felt

Like I was you know having an impact played a bit more forward which was which was good um like playing up there like I said you want to kick a few more goals this year so hopefully that happens uh you know throughout the season but my third quarter I was a bit

Disappointed in even though they had a bit of momentum didn’t have a huge impact I was playing on cripper around the ball and stuff and felt like I could control him but outside of that they just kept you know winning the footy and controlling the footy so we didn’t get

Much opportunity to actually take it off them and and get involved but uh fourth quarter again got going again and sort of try to help us out and keep us in the game but overall I was pretty I was pretty happy I mean there’s definitely

Times that you want to take back like I said before um but yeah just disappointed in the end and and frustrated that we let that that lead go and and lost that game of footy but we look forward to this week now that’s right mate and you uh I guess if you

Look at it from last year you guys and I think you got bed by port adade in the in the first game of the year um so I guess only lose by one point he’s a uh he’s definitely an improvement from last year we all know how the season ended

For he made the Grand Final so um the Brisbane Lions move on pretty quickly they’re a very very good side um oh may as well touch on this week when do you travel you travel on the Friday playing the Sunday OB travel this Friday yeah yep um how you feeling foo’s uh

You know fro are probably it’s one of those um in my opinion one of the whatif teams I mean the from their list perspective and who they have on their list they could beat anyone on their day and it was only two years ago with essentially the same group um I think he

Add in I think Luke Jackson um a couple others you know they made a semi-final and almost made a prum and and I feel like they’re going to be one of the teams that’s going to be around the mark this year and I’m very interested and

Keen to see how they go and um excited to see how they go to be honest I think they’re going to be a very good side to watch um how are you guys anticipating I guess the game downfold and um where do you reckon you’ll have

To be and how do you reckon you have to play to beat them because they W there’ll be no easy slouch over there in the west as we know yeah it’s a good question I I I remember last year thinking back to last year and thinking

That the trip to Perth was an easy trip for us it’s actually 6 hours like it’s halfway to America to get over there um so it’s a it’s a big trip and yeah don’t take it lightly because last time I did and I felt like I it impacted the way

That we played as a group and me individually I didn’t feel as good as what I I did last time so um yeah I’ll be be sure to makeing sure that I you know feel a lot better this time do a few things differently because I didn’t

Feel good last time but um answer your question yeah I I feel they are one of those sides and in front of their home crowd especially they they get up and for round one against us it’s going to be big over there so I look forward to

The challenge we do we looked at them today um they they’ve played some good footy in the past and uh they really like to take the game on with their hands and and their feet uh you know using their numbers and and building the ball up and then getting the inside 50

To their small this I feel like this small forwards really dangerous for them um so we’re going to have to be really good in the air and on the ground for sure but yeah I look forward to it because there’s a lot of things that you

Know we didn’t do so well against the Blues in that second half that we look to do this week a lot better and I feel like if we do those things well then it’ll hold us in good stead throughout the night and um yeah hopefully get our

Noses in front at the end yeah it’s a game that I’ll um definitely be keeping eye on I can’t wait to see you dominate and um hopefully you guys get a win uh before we move on to other footing news I wanted to just touch on a sale note

From your game um obviously the injury to Kitty Coleman who in my opinion is’s one of the most underrated players in the AFL could be the most underrated player in the AFL probably top five kick in the competition he’s someone that opposition teams uh do not allow or try

Not to let him allow to have time and space because he just cuts you up with his ball use um and he’s a class player and I feel like he’s going to be extremely missed by you guys um you know one of those injuries that’s is really

Really hard to replace firstly how’s he going obviously I know the boys would have all gotten around him um as I said terrible news secondly how you going to cover for him who’s a player that could potentially come in and um I guess you know probably not play as the same role because

There’s not many who could play like him but you know I guess be that cover for him yeah I think he’s in good spirits um it was shattering on the night to to hear what had happened and it was a suspected ACL you know they said 90%

Sure that it was an ACL and I remember talking to him after the game and he’s like oh I’m going going to hang on to that 10% and see what happens tomorrow so unfortunately he got the news on the Saturday and we all did and yeah like

You said it all got around him but he’s had surgery today and I think he’s in good spirits um posted to to his Instagram so that’s always nice to see him with the smile on his face and um yeah we’re just going to have to get around him and support him throughout

The journey we’re lucky we’re not lucky but there’s a lot of guys at the club that have um had all done knes so they’ll be able to help him through the process and I think we’ve got four now with Tommy dday four or five in there

That have done acl’s now so um yeah they’ll support him throughout the journey and so we we look forward to having him back and like you said he’s going to be a massive out for us but we’re lucky in having a lot of guys that have been pressing for selection um

Throughout the preseason like you guys have um but we get Conor McKenna back I think this week potentially so hopefully he comes back into the fold and um not sure if he’s actually available in until we train on Thursday we train Thursday so this that’s after this one comes out

So um yeah whether he plays or not I’m still not sure but hopefully I know there is hope that he’s playing this week so yeah we’ll be Keen to get him back in the team and get his ball use out there but Kitty a massive out and

Yeah we’re going to struggle to cover for cover for him that’s for sure yes he’s going to be missed this year he’s a absolute star hopefully he gets uh can recover sooner quicker or sooner rather than later and um we can see him back out the next year and and for what it’s

Worth probably should give out love to Sam docky as well obviously absolutely was in your game as well and that is just absolutely terrible news one of the most respected players in the AFL and someone who’s so admired from afar from everyone who you know plays AFL but just

Him as a person he’s going to be sorely missed for Carlton but just footy in general and as as I said for Kitty Coleman hopefully uh hopefully he can heal um sooner rather than later and um we see him out there next year um is there anything else you want to touch on

For your game before we move on to the other games n let’s talk about yours we we’ve sort of touched on yours a little bit but what do you what are you looking forward to obviously got the D’s and it’s a bit of a do you think it’s still

A rivalry in terms of playing against each other you’ve got harsy now so there’s another layer to it oh I wouldn’t wouldn’t say as much as it was post the 21 granny um and even before that but no I don’t think I would say it

Is it is as much as it you know you’d say a a Bulldogs Giants game or um yeah that probably is the one that comes to mind but we definitely love playing against Melbourne I mean the last three years we’ve played in round one so well

Two years plus now this year so three times where so each year we know the schedule’s coming out we’re just presuming we’re playing Melbourne because um that’s what the AFL loves doing for us but um uh yeah I I I’m excited mate I feel

Like um as I said I won’t touch on you know where where I feel like we’re at cuz I I did before but from Melbourne’s point of view I feel like you know coming off a loss is clearly going to motivate them to want to knock us off um

You know there’s there’s obviously a lot of chatter around you know round one losses you know I’ve I’ve read some stuff about Collingwood and you whether they’re you know falling off the the bar already and um it just blows my mind because it’s one round I mean we’re

Talking about one round off the back of you long preseason some teams are just better prepared for for one week of footing than what another team may be so um you know I know full well Melbourne um you know one of those teams where people are clearly talking about them

And this and that but we know their best is is is a top well in my opinion top four team they’ve got some class across the whole field um you know they’ve got some players that you just cannot let play well and and we’re going to hope

That we don’t allow that um we know they’re probably going to want to try and take us on a little bit as they have historically and um you know beat us up around the ball which you know they are a very good contested ball side and something that we’re just going to have

To bring our a aame with I feel like um that’s something that we’ve really focused on in in making sure we bringing those strengths across the practice games that we had and and then now into the season we’re going to have to bring that against Melbourne side that brings

That as good as anybody um yeah and being able to withstand their pressure is something that we’re going to have to bring as well so um you know no doubt uh the first five minutes everyone’s going to be looking at each other like oh my God how hard is this cuz that’s what

It’s always like um but once we get that second wind and and we find our feet and um the Sun starts to go down because we’re playing at 3:30 and it’s a scheduled 30 degrees at this stage so hopefully it’s not that hot um you know

We’ll find our legs and and yeah let the game come to us and um hopefully we walk away with four points because we haven’t beaten Melbourne um you know in those opening games in in those two seasons so um it’s something that I definitely want

To do and and I know it’s something that the boys want to do we we love playing against really good sides and and as you did touch on you mentioned Hy as well who um he’s well and truly going to get up for this contest so yeah really

Looking forward to the game I wish it was earlier I um for round one I hate hate having to wait you know essentially to the last game of the round to play it I wish it was on the Friday or the Saturday but um you know Beggars can’t

Be choosers so I’m I’ll be uh you raring a go once the game comes I’m surprised it’s actually not on a Friday or Saturday or you know in a prime time slot to be honest cuz normally the the Melbourne dog or the D’s dogs games are pretty well publicized so I’m sure it’ll

Be well publicized on Sunday probably in the 320 slot so it’s still a good good time slot which is good yeah well we don’t our first three games are um all Sunday afternoon games so I think it’s more of a reflection of uh how we went

Last season which wasn’t ideal for us so hopefully uh once we will do play and and have a successful season not success so what did I say I said sux not sux successful season um next year we could be a blockbuster round one maybe uh the Brisbane Lions versus the

Western Bulldogs but um but no looking forward to ELO we’ll move on to the other games um uh what was your thoughts on the Sydney mbour game the the opening what was we both you know pretty much spoken about Melbourne what’s your thoughts on Sydney I mean they’ve been

One of the teams that a lot of teams have uh a lot of media um Personnel have spoken about with their inclusions and you know how good they are at home and whatnot um you know I could I couldn’t have been more impressed than from what

I saw from what I saw yeah well to be honest I tipped Melbourne last week so I was surprised that the swans withstood the you know the Melbourne Midfield to be honest and played the way that they did I thought Isaac Heeney was pretty impressive in that Midfield role that he

Played the other night um but yeah the swans at home this year going to be very very tough to beat I don’t think we play him at home but um we play him up here so I look forward to seeing how they go this week against the pies though who

Are going to be very hungry on Friday night against um you know obviously the swans who who had won last week so that’s going to be a cracking game as well starting off with the Thursday night game too so it’s going to be a good week at footy it will be that’ll be

A rip but one that I want to mention Brody Grundy yeah could be is it too early to say that he will be in the frame to be the Australian Ruckman um I mean i’ I’ve witnessed Brody Grundy at his best up close when he was two time I

Think two or three time Australian was the best Ruckman in the competition with Max G um obviously that went you know that didn’t obviously wasn’t there last year but just watching him around the ball um you know the way that he’s essentially an extra midfielder is kind

Of what you know we haven’t seen for the last two years now he’s in a position to do that again and I I’m one of his biggest fans and I love the guy with all my heart I love seeing him happy and play so well watching that on the

Weekend just reminded me of how good he can be and how important he is to a footy side when he’s the main man I mean I feel like he’s going to be an enormous difference for the Sydney Swans who who in reality haven’t really had a dominant

Ruckman for a very very very long time so um yeah it’s uh I feel like he’s going to be massive point of difference what about you no I agree with you it looked like he was back to his very best and it’s just good to see him smiling

Post game he would have been pretty nervous I reckon coming up against the D’s obviously been there for a year and playing against the arguably the best Ruckman in the league in Maxi GN Timmy you’d probably be flat that I’ve said that but uh he’s uh yeah coming up

Against one of his old teammates and and playing the way that he did I think the first half was interesting and you know Brody was probably not on top and then in the second half just played really well and and help the swans win the way

That they did so very very happy for him too mate me too the go Coast game go Coast Richmond Matty ra oh like yeah it it is baffling me that he so I I’ve seen it just pops up on my feed there was you know how I

Think someone does an MVP an AFL MVP uh 54321 vote it’s it’s a media Personnel in the do you know who it is it might be Damen Barrett or someone maybe Matt RA in his feet I think got all one or two votes and I’m thinking how can

Someone have 20 clearances 25 contested possessions and I watched that game from start to finish and mate it’s one of the best games I’ve seen from an individual mate he was dominant from the very get-go in my opinion clearly the best player of the round by by a mile um

Baffles me that firstly he wasn’t a five voter and whatever that was so maybe hopefully next week we see better votes but uh did you watch that game did you watch that game and and no I didn’t I didn’t oh mate goco Suns they look in my

Opinion look really good and I know last week on on our show spoke about a team to surprise us and finish in top the eight and I mentioned the go co Suns I mean oh if I’m uh if they’re playing anything like that they’re well and

Truly going to be in the eight they were really really impressive yeah well I didn’t get to see any of it but I saw all the stats and stuff and like you said Matty R looked like he had one of the games for the ages so if he

Continues to play like that and the Suns play the way that they did they’re going to be very hard to beat and I think what impressed me a couple things is the way they move the footy they were so daring and bold and aggressive with their ball movement and their midfielders man like

Noah Anderson Matt ra took Miller through there Sam Flanders Jared witz is a very underrated gun Ruckman mate they’re they’re going to rival any midfielder in the any Midfield group in the competition so look out everyone we plays against sko Suns um and then the Saturday night game did you watch that

One I watched a bit of that one yeah I was Trav back from the goldie but got to see the uh the Giants put on a bit of a show it was impressive very impressive and they they talk the talk and they walked a walk as some would say they uh

They were pretty good I thought it was it was funny seeing a few of the things happen pregame and what not but it’s uh it’s all a bit of a laugh and yeah the Giants they they sure uh they show the the reigning premieres you know what

They’re up to this year I didn’t what happened pregame I didn’t see it oh Bros mate coxy is uh doing the RO work for the opposition by the looks I’d love to have seen um Mason Cox and Shane Mumford in a real game as two genuine Ruckman because uh yeah that

Would have been a great contest but um terms of the game I mean you know the Giants again I think are going to be there abouts top four team I mean they they going to be very hard to beat at home uh they clearly came with a hunger

Which is which was great to see CU I personally love watching the Giants play um and that the way that they won and how they won comfortably they did all that whilst Toby green had a somewhat quie game and wasn’t up to his you know dominant tricks which just should scare

Opposition teams because if he gets up and running and you know the team is playing the way they are they’re going to be a good team to play against and watch so that was a uh a great game to watch um anything else footy wise you want to

Move on is there anything this week you’re looking forward to any games other than my game obviously because I know you’ll be excited to watch your old boys play but is there anything that you’re Keen to watch or Keen to look out for um no I’m just Keen to watch footy

Again you know in Melbourne obviously the the opening round was up in the northern states up here in brzy and and in Sydney as well so it’ be cool to see a packed MCG crowd on the TV starting with Carlton Richmond we should do our tips before we move on actually let’s go

Through our tips Richmond on Thursday night Caron I I’ll go against you I’m going I’m going against s I’m gonna go with Richmond okay next one Collingwood Sydney uh I’m gonna go Collingwood I’ll will go with Collingwood as well yep uh Essen and Hawthorne o see it’s so hard because you haven’t

Seen him play yet but you know Haw on a team I think is going to be really big so I’m going to say Hawthorne I’ll go with essin two different this week so far giant I hope I hope BR tracks all these tips for us for the end of the

Year so we see who wins um Giants nor are giants yep Giants Giants jalong St Kilda oh where’s that game at that’s at gmhba what do I think jalong St ker I’m going to say cuz it’s at home for jalong jalong I love how serious you’re taking this I’m going to say jalong

Too the Suns and the crows so that’s at getting engage of yes that’s in go Coast yes uh well going off the game on the weekend mate I’m go on the Suns at home every week oh I’ll tip the crows then if you’re tipping the Suns uh D’s dogs

Obviously you’re going to say dogs I’ll say I’ll say dogs too um Port Adelaide West Coast port adelade pide and then Dockers Lions to finish off well mate I’m going the Lions I think you guys will bounce back and I’ll be Keen to see the result of

That game so there’s me tips there’s our tips there you go see see how we go we got three we got three different this week so it’s a big week so do we ever know what the score was last week because I know I went Sydney yeah yeah

Yeah and you got me by one come on that before but before we move on we have to do our Bloom of the week our Brooks Bloom of the week okay yeah let’s do it let’s do it so have you got one this week yours was you know pretty

Average last week let’s admit mine you couldn’t beat the avocado man so what’s your Brooks Bloom of the week this week no I’m probably not going to be able to beat yours um this week because mine is another sporting achievement that I just think’s incredible okay let’s have it and it’s

On the basketball front as it’s not LeBron James cuz that didn’t get a run last week on uh I mean it got it run when you listen to it the full podcast make sure everyone’s listening at the old American Aces wherever you get your uh your podcast

But uh I I did mention LeBron James scoring 40,000 but again I’m going to go NBA again and I’m going to say Luca donti just had his seventh triple double in a row and seventh 30 point triple double in a row for waterworth and um that’s no mean feat

Mate that is uh you know how long’s the NBA been around round four a ages 80 years 90 years and he’s had seven 30 point triple doubles in a row which has never happened before so um that is my my Brooks Bloom of the week here we go

Cannot wait to hear what yours is going to be I said last week that I wasn’t going to go footy but I thought I would this week just to okay I was trying to think of something else and I was like you know what I’m just going to give it to

Um this person so my Brooks Bloom of the week I was going to give it to zachie Williams for coming back and going through what he’d been through and we all know it’s been a a tough you know time period on the sidelines for him um

Period of time I should have said but I’m going with a bloomer Bloomer of the opposition team in Carlton in Jack Carroll I thought he came on on the weekend and played a really important role in their in their comeback and I played on him a little bit at some of

The stoppages and whatnot and he’s he’s good size he’s is a good kid and um you can see that he really means business so I’m going to get around him for the Brooks Bloom of the week cuz I think he’s going to be a good player that is

Very sweet of you mate that is very nice I hope uh I hope Jack watches our our podcast and has a listen um because he’ll love that I mean I did see that too and he was yeah he he was a big turning point for the boys when they the

Blue boys when they came on um so I couldn’t agree more but uh no it’s good well done I cannot wait for next week’s Bloom of the week and I’m G to go I’ll go from the I’m going to make sure I go away from the American Sports I’m going

To try and find something here whether it’s you know AFL or whatever it may be might find something a little bit quirky for the Brooks Blom of the week as you did with the avocado but um well done well done thank you mate thanks um I wanted I wanted to talk to

You about uh something that I’m extremely passionate about which unfortunately we have to wait what month in it what month it is March we got to wait another well me watch is dead remember I asked you for a new watch I was about to see the month but I can’t see on me

Watch uh the NFL mate did you see trades today I did I saw some incredible trades when I woke up this morning I was blown away Sequon Barkley to Philly Eagles is that’s big for me to touch on the saon for those who don’t watch the NFL or

Care about it here in Australia that is essentially like going from Caron of Collingwood or EST and Hawthorne it’s just one rival to the main rival in the in the uh in the NFL so um to Fair it’s fair to say he’s CED a lot of hate for

It um leaving the Giants and going to Philly but I love it I think he’s going to be I think Philly they’re my early tip right now for the Super Bowl they’re going to be incredible but mate kurk cousins going to Atlanta as you said Austin eeka DeAndre Swift going Tony

Pollard leaving um apparently Justin Fields is going to get traded which means Caleb Williams is going to go to Chicago go uh it is yeah mate as you could imagine me waking up today and seeing all this news I was like a kid in a candy store I couldn’t stop reading

All the NFL stuff and wanted to do I wanted to do an NFL mock draft at that stage but I knew I couldn’t because I gotta wait for the uh wait for the draft but fair to say it was a good day the one that surprises me too is

Aaron Jones well mate who do they who did they get they got um Josh Jacobs Josh Jacobs that’s right yeah and they did the same with Joe Mixon did you see that the Bengals yes yes they released T Higgins wants to get traded which yeah mate all that stuff just blows my mind

All all over there in the um in the American World it makes me think makes me like have I have we ever spoken about potentially contracts kind of being irrelevant like would you have would you sign a deal right where you sign like a fiveyear deal or a four-year deal and

In that deal you only get one year guaranteed and every other year is just based off how you’re performing but if you get injured they can just they can release you like how would you feel if they brought that in well it depends how much like if you’re on the the Wicket

That they’re on over there then it probably doesn’t really matter like you get that much money in one year it doesn’t really matter whereas I don’t know if we could do that with with the the size of our contracts because if you get injured say you know you get injured

Tomorrow and then next year you don’t get the rest of it then you you might be in trouble so um yeah that’s probably my only Point around around it otherwise yeah I’m more than happy to take what is it 30 million or whatever they sign over there per

Year that’s that’d be pretty nice I think KT cousin signed 100 Mil with 50 mil guaranteed so yeah I think it’s fair to say he’s going to be financially set up for the rest of his life depending on how he goes but ah it’s interesting to see mate

But um that’s it for me I’ve got I don’t really have anything else much to talk about unless you want to bring something else up no I’ve just got to go and raise some funds for that Apple watch yours mate that’s that’s what I got to do all

I’ll start by watching this week’s Allstar Mile with Mr Bri side um oh yeah I would love I want to know if you think Brightside wins or are you gonna go with uh all right go who you going with I saw he drew barrier 11 or

Something out of 12 so no I don’t think he’s going to win I think he’s going to be too wide does not matter when it comes to the bright side your favorite horse actually is running in it PRI of Jenny I saw that I haven’t had a good

Enough look mate I I’m not sure I can’t tip anyone you have to give a all right no no no you got to give a tip you got to give me a tip mate the allstar miles a big race this week for our listeners out there we’ve taken a real big Keen

Interest in the horses I right now I’m going to go to uh the the field right so Allstar mile which is right here so you’ve got Mr briide pride of Jenny Cascadian air10 Buffalo River uh Manch where where did uh where did Cascadian Cascadian draw like draw I think barrier

Seven um and then where’s PR Jenny next to it barrier six broadside barrier 11 Cascadian or um PR of Jenny over bright side you are on Shake You Are on oh I am happy to roll with Mr Brightside the uh the champion mile Sprinter at the moment anyway mate that’s uh I reckon

That’s it for another week yeah n it’s been a good one another good podcast so um thanks to Brooke and her team at Brooks blooms for um their support as always uh we look forward to the year ahead and thanks everyone for tuning in and listening um we look forward to

Getting back on here next week and and talking a bit more smack adzy looking forward to mate good luck all the best you too mate cheers this episode is brought to you by our friends at Brooks blooms your all-in-one Landscaping solution Brooks Bloom’s three-step Landscaping experience offers a seamless Journey from design to

Construction and ongoing care ensuring your outdoor space thrives year round visit Brooks today to embark on your Landscaping Journey where every step is a step towards a vibrant and beautiful outdoor entertaining space

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