@Boston Bruins

Wetsuit vs Drysuit? Q+A Live⛵️your catamaran sailing questions answered?

Wetsuit vs Drysuit? Q+A Live⛵️your catamaran sailing questions answered?

Hello yes that’s right it’s Joe here live for  Joy Rider TV back with some more q& day where   we’re going to be talking about the hottest  topics in catamaran Sailing In The Joy Rider  

World right now um so for those of you who haven’t  been before what we do in these sessions is it is   recorded live uh so there is live chat going on  even now um as this is being recorded So if you  

Are thinking of coming next time uh come live  it’s usually at six o’ six o’clock on Friday’s   Greek time get involved in the live chat and I’ll  respond to everything in the live chat uh but  

If you can’t make it just put a question in the  comments and uh I will respond next week thanks   very much hello to everybody who who’s already  here live but as I have been doing lately I’m  

Just going to steam in with what I’ve decided is  this week’s lead question which is um this has   coming from Robin poot who says question about wet  suits and dry suits uh the shoulder season here in  

Toronto Canada is 5 degrees C water temperature  woo uh the air is 20 degrees in the spring and   5 to 10 in the fall when would you use a wet  suit versus a dry suit I think certainly um five  

Degrees water temperature dry suit 100% in fact um  15 degrees Centigrade water I would still go for   the dry suit um I haven’t been out I’m going to be  completely honest I haven’t been out sailing when  

It’s been that cold for a very long time and uh  to be honest I never actually owned a dry suit I   don’t think I’ve ever been sailing in water colder  than I think 15 degrees I would think maybe a bit  

Colder um but the dry suit brings with it so much  more comfort and it makes the experience Pleasant   rather than kind well rather than unpleasant which  it’ be in a wet suit especially if you did go in  

The water and you know the worst bit about going  sailing especially if the wind is light when it’s   cold is actually launching the boat and having  to wade into the water and even if you’ve got  

A good quality wet suit you are still GNA feel  it a bit if it is seriously cold so 15° or less   definitely go dry suit if you can if you’ve got  one or if you’re about to go shopping um and then  

The dry suit is more versatile than you might  think because decent dry suits um these days   are all very made of the best breathable fabric so  even if it’s starting to get quite warm you just  

Put Less on under underneath you could just put  like a Lyra suit on underneath or a Lyra top and   uh some shorts underneath um just for comfort  and um and then um you it will still work now  

The downside of the dry suit is that if if it’s  getting a bit hairy and you go for a mega pitch   pole and you go into heaven forbid but if you  went into the rigging or something pointy and  

Snagged it if you put a little hole in the dry  suit it’s not going to work anymore so yeah bad   situation you go for a pitch pole snag the dry  suit on the way past the Mast on like a little  

Sharp bit on the heliad or something um putting a  little hole in it then you end up in the water dry   suit filling up um with icy cold water not a good  time um which is what uh one of the reasons why I  

Was never aware of the dry suit but to be honest  I was never sailing in water that cold sometimes   you know once or twice but also because I was um  wind surfing as well where the dry suit wouldn’t  

Be uh certainly wouldn’t be uh High fashion  for wind surfing uh but I was using a very high   quality winter wet suit for wind surfing which  served very well for sailing as well but um to  

Be honest if you’re just sailing um if you have  the choice dry suit or wet suit I would go dry   suit for when it’s really cold and then for when  it starts warming up a bit you could then step up  

To any sort of um wet suit um but before I do that  I’m just going to explain because some of you out   there might not actually know what a dryy suit  is it’s basically a completely waterproof suit  

All one suit I’m not going to draw it um it’s  an all-in-one suit that you wear and it has a   latex rubber seal that goes around the neck now  for some people these seals can be uncomfortable  

That might be a consideration go seal around the  neck seal around the wrists l again um and then on   the feet it um the ones that I was more familiar  with had molded boots um and then you put your  

Actual sailing boots on the outside so underneath  the this suit oh sorry and then to get in and out   it would have a very high quality completely  waterproof zip usually across there or between  

The shoulder blades which might mean you need to  get a friend to help you getting in or out of it   but um yeah and then underneath you can basically  wear whatever you want you could go fully James  

Bond with your dinner jacket on underneath or um  the like a fleece suit underneath if it’s really   cold and your best socks very nice cozy um and  then like balac clava for your bonds helmet on  

Top of that and you’ll be um toasty but um yeah  there’s a lot of different options with the wet   suits for when it does get a little bit warmer or  if you are going down the wet suit route and there  

Is some numbers involved with wet suits which  may not be completely obvious so the numbers   would be something like this uh let’s go for the  warmest type of wet suit which would usually be a   53 and that means that the neoprene rubber that  the wet suit’s made out of is five millimeters  

Thick on the core parts of the body and then  on your arms and your legs it would be three   millim so that’s what these numbers mean so 53  would be a very warm wet suit but the Warmness  

Does vary depending on the quality that you go  for it really does make a big difference this is   one area where if you think yeah it’s going to be  really cold I’ll get myself a cheap wet a cheap 53  

Wet suit the 53 wets suit it’s going to keep you  warm but if you go in the water the first thing   that is less um good on the cheap ones is the  seams where it’s been stitched together aren’t  

As waterproof so water is just going to come  in through the seams and it’s going to you’re   going to get a lot colder a lot sooner the other  thing with the cheaper wet suits is they’re not  

As stretchy so you do feel very restricted in  your ability to move in the cheaper wet suits   so a cheap 53 would actually uh what would it  what would we have next a 43 would be the next  

Thickness so a cheap 53 would actually be the  same sort of warmth as an uh a higher quality   43 wet suit and the 4- free wet suit would allow  much greater movement as well and you’ll hardly  

Feel like you’re wearing it once you’ve got it  on um so if you can stretch to it a a higher up   the range wet suit is going to serve you well um  and then as we getting warmer so if we’re going  

Like really warm weather and cold water like  um in Cape Town South Africa then perhaps a a 32 Garda Italy where could be very warm but the  water temperature because lakeer is I believe   melted snow uh which apparently is quite cold so  um good to have the suit but um you don’t want  

To have something too warm because uh hopefully  you’re not going to be in the water that much so   there we go and then different types of wet  suit as well uh we could go full suit which  

Would be with the full arms full legs or um a  good one for Sailors is the summer suit which   is Long Legs which good for cat sailing because  that will protect your knees uh and short arms  

So you could get a 32 sumers suit and then this  is the curved ball which makes it more versatile   you could then get what is known as a hot top  or thermal top which would be like a one or two  

Millimeter uh long sleeve top that you could put  on underneath it so you’ve got the arms from the   top showing and then the wet suit with the short  arms so that will cover you in a really wide range  

Of um temperatures of course if it’s a bit colder  um or if it’s really windy and the water’s a bit   cold and you’re running a 32 sumers suit with the  short arms you could also go for a spray top which  

Is uh like basically just a waterproof top which  is specifically diet designed for um for sailing   on a boat rather than like a casual jacket which  will absorb loads of water and get heavy and um  

Not be quite as good um yeah so that is um I  think we have got a lot to go through today by   the way so I think unless anybody’s got anything  else on the topic I’m going to leave it there  

And check in with everybody who is checking in uh  starting off with Max in rosenheim Germany hello Max I have to stay lubricated otherwise start  going croaky uh oh Max on the topic Max says   below 15 degrees water and air dry suit is the  best in my opinion winter series winter sailing  

Sorry in Germany without a dry suit is nearly  Unthinkable there you go so in Germany would be   the same as in Holland or um uh the north of the  USA Canada definitely England um Wales Scotland   Ireland Northern Ireland um and uh anywhere  that cold there we go all right also in the  

Live chat we’ve got joy Rider TV in the live  chat who says the latest Speed Stick results   are up Leland Lee is with us in Clear Water  Florida nice to have you with us Lee um Kevin   is on board hello Kevin in uh what’s it called  Michigan somewhere in deepest darkest Michigan  

Uh um and I suppose it’d be morning time for  everyone I’ll come on to your question shortly   Lee uh Ryan’s on board in Maui I think Ryan’s  the earliest in the morning so far um and by  

The way if uh you wanted to know Ryan Ryan has  informed me that the bees are swarming which   is a very good thing okay we’ve got Ian on board  in pmri Shire UK Aaron’s with us in New Zealand  

Winning the who’s got it earliest in the morning  title once again it’s five o’clock in the morning   here in New Zealand but always worth an early  start great stuff all right hann’s with us in   uh I think hann’s in Amsterdam and we we’re  running the Del cup again hany thanks very

Much um Ian says um he’s using a dry suit with  a a woolly suit underneath a in the UK at the   moment I’m sure Benny would be using a dry  suit in Sweden if he was getting out on the  

Water hello Benny um Lee says the water is too  cold for me I’m not going period and we’ve got   Martin at malcheski composites on board great  to have you with us Martin um and if you didn’t   know um maleski Composites are producing the  finest quality telescopic and fixed length I  

Don’t know if fixed length is off the shelf  but um I really love my fixed length I have   to say uh but the telescopic till extensions  from maleski Composites are the finest out   there so do check out the website I would  show you one I’ve got one in here somewhere  

But I’m kind of Trapped in the q& a corner  at the moment so won’t um at this time all   right so on to Lee’s question he says um  can you talk about Mast Bend prebend how  

Much is too much how much is too little is is it  needed all right so um and that’s on a Hobie 16 so all right so this question is I think the  word is an oxymoron which means um it kind of  

Doesn’t re I’m afraid to say it doesn’t really  work because when we’re talking about prebend   um on our Mast we’re talking about boats which  have um if this is the Mast which have Diamond wires um and spreaders um which uh with the  diamond wires and the spreaders combined we can  

Actually make the mask bent before we even put the  sale up um but if we’re talking about if we just   remove the word prebend um how much Mast Bend  is acceptable on a Hobie 16 so on a boat which  

Doesn’t have Diamond wires we would be putting  pre well we would be bending the Mast basically using now before we put the the main sale up  can we actually I’ve heard it talked about  

Before actually to be fair can we actually on a  16 just with the tension in the jib hallad um I   think it would re personally I think it would  require a huge amount of tension because the  

Jib hiad is coming to the same point as the  shrouds so you know if the jib hiad was going   lower down the Mast yeah it pull that bit of the  Mast forwards but because it’s going to the same  

Point the only Bend which is going into the Mast  from the jib is going to be from if we’re pulling   down really hard here that’s also going to be um  effectively pulling down here which is going to  

Yes this part of the Mast is going to bend a bit  but to get that amount of to get that part of the   bend sorry to get that bit of the Mask to bend by  pulling downwards on there is going to require a  

Tremendous amount of rig tension you know as uh  if you take someone in a strong man competition   and they crank it on as hard as they can with  an Aussie jib Hadad system um then they might  

Be able to get it to bend but I would be worried  that something else is going to break before that   part of the Mast bends um but and with the uh rig  tension on a 16 it would work the wrong way round  

Because in the lighter winds yes we want as much  rig tension as possible um to basically keep the   M as upright as possible to stop it from falling  away to lewood so if we look at the boat from in  

Front or behind um there’s the M straight up and  then if the M if the rig wasn’t tight enough as   soon as there’s a bit of load in the rig the Mast  is going to fall way to lewood which is going to  

Lose power for us which in strong winds is really  really useful especially on a boat like a 16 which   doesn’t have uh Diamond wires powerful down hall  um and other sophisticated methods of losing power  

But in light winds we definitely want it straight  up so yes we want maximum rig rig tension on for   the light wins but if we put so much on that  the Mast bends we don’t want the Mast to bend  

Because when we bend the Mast what we’re actually  going to be doing is flattening the main Sail by   bending the Mast because the reason behind that  is because even though it’s subtle in the L the  

Front edge of the main sale which is just here  there’s the rest of the sail going in there um   there is a very subtle curve in the front edge of  the sail if we put that curved edge up against a  

Straight edge like if you’re making a cone out  of paper um is it probably not actually um but   if you put a curved edge up against a straight  edge the rest of that material is going to get  

The maximum amount of curve into it which is going  to put more fullness into the sail which is going   to give us more power for the light wins which  is why we want a straight mast in lighter wins  

But um we do want a lot of rig tension but we  don’t want so much that we’re going to bend a   mast um so straight mast in light winds and this  is the same if we were going to really um tune  

Our boat up for the conditions if we’re sailing  a boat with diamond wires a straight stiff Mast   which means um if we draw it in here sorry  that’s not very good uh that’s not straight  

Or stiff so um a straight stiff Mast would be um  how would we do this with the spreaders further forwards and and um and still a high tension  on the diamond wires that is going to give us  

The straightest stiffest Mast which if you were  just sailing in light winds for a whole Riata   that would be a feasible thing to do but the  actual thing that is common place with boats   with spreaders is you set the spreaders to your  crew weight um so if you’re heavy you have them  

Further forwards um further in line with the  Mast to give us a straighter Mast more power   if you’re lighter you put them further back um  which helps to make it easier to bend the Mast   less power and then we change the tension in the  diamond wires depending on the Wind strength so  

We’d have a range of if we’re measuring this  on our rig tension gauge we have uh a range of   about what would it be four or five on the rig  tension gauge so the smallest number might be  

36 um and we’d use that for the lightest  wind to give us the straightest Mast and   then as the wind increases we’d start moving  up towards 41 42 something like that okay so um yeah so back to the 16 yes we can bend  the Mast how do we bend the Mast when the  

Main sail is up we bend the Mast by putting  on more downhole because that is pulling down   on the top of the Mast which uh the top of the  Mast especially is completely unsupported so if  

We pull down on the top especially with some main  sheet on uh because the main sheet is pulling the   top of the M backwards so when we pull the top  of the M backwards and we pull the downhole to  

Pull it down um then yes that is going to bend  the Mast on the 16 which is going to really help   to flatten the sail to make the boat easier to  sail and more efficient in the heavier winds so  

This is a strong reason why we put on a lot of  downhall when it’s windy on any type of boat um   yeah and there a top tip in there as well if you  are wanting to get maximum amount of down hall on  

Crank your main sheet in hard like turn the boat  right up into the wind crank the main sheet in   even if you’ve got your traveler out it’s still  going to have good effect really wind it in both  

Hands and that’s going to pull the sail down and  bend the Mast then pull the down hall on and you   should find you could get another inch or two  of down hall on by sheeting the main sheet in  

First of course be ready to Uncle it um it is  a little bit of a high-risk strategy if you’re   sailing single-handed um but if you have got  a crew definitely it’s a good uh way of going  

About it all right so uh proceeding I hope that um  answers your question Lee it was a good question I   liked it and we haven’t had that one before which  is always nice to have a new question in the Q&A

Cheers by the way thought i’ thought I’d mention  this at this time major developments in the House   of Joy Rider um here on leus island Greece is just  yesterday I’ve installed starlink yes that’s right  

Um I decided enough was enough uh of the internet  dropping out during the the q& a um because on   the old um what’s it called speed test at best  getting with the 5G uh internet I’ve been using  

I’ve only been getting six or seven um megabits  per second I think is what it’s read in uh on the   5G so I’ve invested in starlink uh from Mr musk  himself yes we’ve gone to space um and and um in  

The tests yesterday when I erected it it it was  a lot of fun I’ve actually made a video about it   which will be on my other channel one of my other  channels um I erected it be yeah I made a video  

About it because when I was researching it whether  it’ll work there wasn’t that much Clarity and um   I thought all the videos were pretty dull uh so I  thought I’d make my own um yeah so uh immediately  

Really cloudy day and in fact there was quite a  violent thunderstorm 10 minutes after I did the   test so really cloudy and it was reading I think  48 which obviously is a huge boost and then before  

I started going live uh this evening uh I tested  it again and it’s been a really sunny day today um   it was at High 70 that’s the fastest internet  I’ve ever experienced in my life so thanks   everybody for supporting the channel and going  towards a faster internet so thanks to all the  

Channel members everybody who’s been supporting  uh the channel on patreon everybody who’s been   shopping at total jooy um it’s things  like this which your support is going towards   to help to make this what we do here where’s my  fingers what we do here better yes it is I’m at  

The moment considering buying another computer  as well for the USA tour uh that’s of course   going to be expensive so if anybody does fancy  hitting the super sticker button you know I’m  

Not on the scr I really don’t want to be but um  I have seemed to been spending a lot of money of   late um with everything um anyway enough about  me back to the live chat all right um so Kevin  

Says uh on the Hobie 16 do you prefer the Aussie  system Good Question Answer yeah it’s it’s good but um as I might have mentioned in a video  earlier this week uh we’ll be coming on to  

That later by the way um I prefer not to  drill more holes in the Mast whereas not   holes already best not put more fittings in  the m so if your M doesn’t have the aussy   system I would stick with the traditional jib  halad system because uh with the Aussie system  

You will have to drill I’m just uh doing some  calculations in my mind at the moment in fact   let’s let’s explain what it is at the same time  as calculating how many holes we’d have to drill  

Here’s the front of your Mast so you’d have  to change your cleat all right here’s the old   M so on the old Mast you’ve got a horn cleat  just here at the bottom where your jib hiad  

Comes down to and ties off so on the Aussie  system you’ve got a block at the base of the Mast and then you’ve got a block about I’m going   to say a meter maybe it’s a  bit more higher up than that

Block and then on the side of the Mast we’re  going to have a cam cleat that’s the cleat   that works like that cam CLE um so holes we’re  going to have to drill in the Mast we’re going  

To have to take off this horn cleat and the  holes from the horn cleat are going to be in   the wrong place so we’ll have to seal those  then we’re going to have to drill one 2 3 4  

Five 6 7 8 9 10 if we go 3D we can see why  it’s 10 10 new holes in the Mast to mount   the Aussie system jib hiad now that’s 10  more places that the Mast might leak if  

The boat is inverted um yeah I would say if  you’re really good at sealing um sealing the   Mast when you’re doing your riveting then  go for it but otherwise don’t go for it uh   but does it work better yes it’s a bit easier  to get the tension on because uh the jib hiad  

Comes down just to explain the whole system  for those who are not in the know what we’ll have all right which end should we start at let’s  start here so this is this is the jib hiad goes  

Through the cleat around this one around this one  and then we’ll go up to the wrong well spotted   up to the outside one there outside one there  inside one there inside one there and then it  

Will go onto a Becket here a Becket is the bit  on a block where the Rope Ties on to so end up   with a fair old bit of purchase there and it does  make it a bit easier to get more rig tension on  

But you can get the right amount of rig tension  on without needing this extra adjustment here in   fact as soon as there’s some boats rigged up  in the wildwind boat Park I will demonstrate   the best way of getting the right amount of  rig tension on without this halad system so  

There we go yes it’s better should you upgrade  no I would upgrade your down hall first before   upgrading um if at all the jib halad system  definitely upgrade the top part of the jib   hiad system with these two blocks if um and if  you don’t have them on your boat Kevin I will  

Bring some with me to Ocean Springs so we can  have a look there but um yeah upgrade the jib   uh the blocks on the Jad but keep the horn CLE at  the bottom and then spend the money up upgrading  

The down Hall that’s going to make a much bigger  difference because that is actually going to mean   you’ve got more options with changing the shape  of your main sale all right thank you very much   okay we’ve got Declan on board hello Declan the  winner of the maleski Composites tiller extension  

From last year’s Speed Stick getaway challenge  yeah um it’s probably coming up to time when   uh you’re going to be wanting that in the post  um that’s announcing to everyone that uh there   hasn’t been one in the post yet but Declan is in  Sweden where I believe uh most people’s uh bits  

Of water that where they would sail might be just  about ready to start thoring out uh anytime soon   all right de says to the earlier dry suit versus  wet suit I prefer a heavier wet suit than a baggy  

Dry suit perhaps I just haven’t found a snug  dry suit yet yeah I think if you if you’ve got   a dry suit that doesn’t fit very well that’s not  going to be very helpful and um yeah having a if

It’s I think if you’re going to sail a lot when  it’s really cold the dry suit is going to give   you that much more Comfort though and if what I  used to do when I used to sail in the UK before  

I became a fair weather sailor um was I used  to have the wet suit on it would be a 53 but   quite a cheap one because I was a student back  then and then I’d have a spray suit over the  

Top which is effectively the same as a dry suit  but not dry just to keep the wind chill out and   to and to stop getting soaked all the time  um so the actual flappiness of the dry suit  

I don’t think is an issue unless you’re trying  to smash it on the speed stick but having said   that perhaps on the downwind leg uh the broad  reach when you’re going for the speed um maybe   there’s not too much flap I don’t know anyway  we’ve got philli on board in Ireland I’m going  

To Thailand to tomorrow yes that sounds like a  good idea um to loan a hob 18 for a week nice   that sounds like a great time can’t make it  to New orle New Orleans uh at least I’m sure  

Of some sunshine very nice all right we got  office hands Dave on board Hobie 16 Amateur   hour tell your viewers in the Florida Panhandle  that you will be there in at oh here we go this  

Is news just in will be at Fort Walton Beach  from the 25th to the 27th of March just gonna   have to check these dates Dave um apologies  to everyone who is not Dave at the moment

Um all right yeah I’ve actually got a be in Ocean  Springs on the 27th so um on the evening of the   27th because on the 28th that is when Kevin is  coming uh and we’re going to be heading out on  

His 16 so we might need to do a bit of a head  scratcher on the second set of dates um on the   itinery there Dave but um yeah but Fort Walton  be Beach 20 27th of March sounds nice I can’t  

Wait all right uh yen is on board starlink very  nice yeah I hope so um I think so far so good   let’s hope so um so yeah here we go so Dean says  does Harry get the 5G link for himself he does  

Until we cancel it basically and then it’ll be  back to when there’s a live broad Broad going   on because obviously I do this and then my wife  is a yoga teacher she teaches yoga live I think  

Um probably five times a week on five different  days of the week so quite often and when anybody’s   doing a live online then that means that my our  little boy uh can’t go online working his thumbs

Gaming oh right uh Dave says Joe has um Mast  hole phobia which is an irrational fear of   Mast holes or Dean says a rational Fe fear  of the Mast thinking all right answers on a  

Postcard we’ve got two on board in Texas great  to have you with us to H is on board in pretty   chilly Germany uh he says it’s dry suit time all  right we’ got Dave 108 in on board as well who  

Says I I thought the Aussie hiad was invented  so they could lean the Mast back or tight rig   while sailing we could get too much tension on  the old hiad uh with the old system yeah um the  

Reason for having the Aussie system it does  make it easier to get the tension on but it   does mean it is more you can adjust it while  you’re sailing yes uh that is the truth but   unless you’re I think unless you’re taking part  in competitions of a fairly high level you can  

Probably live with the old system um and then if  you need to change your rig tension between races   then that is fine but um while you’re actually on  the race course it’s a little bit too high risk  

To change the rig tension with the old system  what during the race because because it is um   but with the Aussie system yes you can change the  rig tension mid race but if you’re not racing not  

Quite as important I would say all right so off  his hands Dave says right we this is where where   is Joe and Dave going to be in Florida in March  well it’s March a couple of weeks will be in how  

Do you pronounce this Navar or navari uh Florida  25th to the 27th of March see you there if you’re   there see you there um toot says lake banan is  having an eclipse on April the 8th great stuff  

Very nice uh it’s good that that’s been lined  up all right uh Dave says give those Florida   people my contact info if they want to stay in  touch nice all right we’ll do there’s an eclipse  

Riata at late bu Canan on April the 8th all right  Martin uh from macheski composite says I agree on   the wet suit with some sort of wind covering makes  big difference yeah I certainly used to think so  

Uh Dean’s Lake still has 12 CM of ice on it so  it’ll be month before this year’s sailing season starts uh back to Martin that said the a area  you’re sailing and chances of help in a short  

Time is important this is important um yeah so if  if you might end up in the water with no chance   of help then what you wear is even more important  like open ocean with an offshore wind different a  

Small lake with 20 fishermen uh nearby yeah so  if you’re going to be going off sure definitely   and you might end up in the water for an extended  period dry suit better idea with some firal stuff  

Underneath all right uh Dave says who won the  sale um design contest Hot Topic another one well   um what I thought to keep um you know I wasn’t  going to announce it until the unveiling of the  

New sale um I’m hoping that chip at Whirlwind  sales will have that bad boy ready uh the the   plan is that it’s going to be ready um for when  I’m at Ocean Springs so I can actually bring it  

Back uh smuggle it back in my suitcase um to bring  it back to Greece to to stick the Batts in Stick   It Up the Mast and go like that um yeah so um I  I was going to announce who it was who designed  

The sale when I’m in Ocean Springs if that’s all  right if yeah Dave says we can wait great stuff   yeah and we’ll do a grand unveiling maybe someone  can lend us some battens for the main cell so we  

Could chuck it up the Mast um and have a look  um another feature that chip at Whirlwind sales   is actually putting on that sale the main sale is  he’s going to make a pocket uh near to the tack of  

The main sale where we can slip in the velocitech  speed Puck like that the pocket is going to have   a clear is going to be clear so we’ll be able  to see we got any battery H maybe not oh yeah  

Here we go uh so we’ll actually be able to see  the numbers on the speed Puck uh looking at the   sale without having to put it on the trampoline  of course we’re only going to have this on one  

Side of the sale so uh on Port Tac we’ll just be  guessing but that’s okay that’s it was the same   when it was on the trampoline flat you couldn’t  really see it anyway while you were sailing so  

Uh this is going to be a big Improvement all  right uh Dave says I’ll bring batons great   stuff all right we got verer on board greetings  from Cape Town nice to have you with us ver hope  

Um it must be about time for a Sundowner very  nice too I had so many good years in Cape Town   I absolutely love that place um let’s continue  with the next preloaded question in the Q&A if  

I can find it um sorry I’m multis screening which  is from Dao 4349 who says and I dare say some of   you out there in the live chat will be able  to help with this um he says any advice or  

Reviews on the Hobie 17 with just the main sale um  there’s a sport version with a jib looks uh he’s   just looking for a a fun relatively fast boat  that you can sail up WI with two people without

Trapeze um I haven’t sailed a Hobe 17 for a long  time I’m not going to lie to you but my memory   of the Hobie 17 was yes it was great fun is great  fun but it’s not the easiest boat to sail because  

Of the low volume holes the holes are very low  volume and um for the the size of the boat and   unlike boats like the Hobie 14 or Hobie 16 uh it  doesn’t have a raised trampoline so it is more  

Prone to the water hitting the back beam which  um is a thing uh but the other thing with the   low volume holes is it means it is more prone  to stalling so uh when you just get stuck and  

You just can’t get the boat moving uh that’s  what we’re calling stalling these days um much   more prone to that than boats with bigger more  volumous hulls now if you want a boat that you  

Can sail which is fun uh which you don’t have to  trapes on I would say if if you can find one one   of the best options would be the Hobie 18 Magnum  now the Magnum basically means but it’s got wings  

Uh the Hobie 18 is the same as the boat that I  featured in the last episode of show us your cat   very nice boat loads of volume in the holes and um  you can sail it single-handed without the jib if  

The wind is a bit lighter you say single-handed  with the jib and you’ve got like a real turbo   boost on there and there’s more volume in the  holes which means it’s less prone to stalling  

Which means you’re going to have a better time  if you just want something which is a bit of fun   at the other end of the scale the bit of fun scale  of course is our good old friend the Hobie getaway  

Which is smaller boat than the 17 or the 18 um but  it’s made of uh it’s molded out of plastic so it’s   a bit heavier for the size but it’s also got the  wings so you don’t need to trapas unless you want  

To and it’s versatile enough so you can sail with  one person two people or three people if you were   thinking Hobie 17 three adults on board unless  it was blowing it maybe this is from my memory of  

Back in the day all right so I noticed toot has  uh inserted into the live chat and I know that   toot had a hob 17 he said he’s put a whirlwind  Square top uh on it with a Prindle 18 jib and  

It screamed nice uh Leland Lee says there is a  Hobe 18 Magnum actually for sale in Clearwater   Florida nice uh toot says he still has a getaway  and a Hobie wave yeah nice uh Dean’s got a getaway  

Of course and he’s got whirlwind sales on there  and it can be made to go quite fast I think 0.1   under 20 knots was Dean’s top speed which W him  the stick yeah so um that is what I think in  

Terms of the Hobie 17 now um the negative point  of course for the Hobie 18 Magnum is it’s a lot   of boat to pull out of the water if you’re on your  own it’s a heavy boat pull out of the water when  

You’re on your own um unfortunately I couldn’t  say off the top of my head what the weight is of   a Hobe 17 but it is going to be quite a bit less  than a Hobe 18 Magnum um so that would be the  

Benefit of the 17 there we go thanks everyone for  tuning in by the way this is a a great session I think all right where else are we going uh today  yes um the hottest Topic in the land has got to  

Be uh the video that I put out I think it  was the day before yesterday not the video   that I put out which shows all the finalists  in The sale color design competition which I   thought was a nice little touch just to let  everybody know what I had to choose from and  

From everybody saying which one they have  chosen I’d have to say uh the choice that   I made perhaps isn’t going to be the most  popular one but I thought it was appropriate um has come in actually from Iron Horse and  it’s just the question was I’m paraphrasing  

The question and it was just to summarize the  takeaways from the uh the reaction video that   I made made about the video from Sam Holmes  sailing about him taking a Hobie 16 quite an   old one if you haven’t seen his video I would  suggest watching it because it is quite an eye  

Opener um so I did a reaction video about his  video and his boat which he took on a what I’d   call a significant Journey uh for any small  catamaran yet alone uh a rather aging Hobie  

16 which uh any any um you might have even said  it was kind of little bit last legs so um I’ve   made some notes here actually so I thought I’d go  through some dos and don’ts but actually keeping  

It positive I’d keep them I’d just do DOS before  taking on such a voyage um if you were ever to be   be thinking about taking on such a voyage so I’m  going to go through this reasonably quickly do  

Stop me if you want me to linger on any points  first one weather forecast really check the   weather forecast um as far in advance as you can  basically so that you can see any systems that   are nearby that might be moving in your direction  a great source of weather forecast incident Dent  

Which I use every day um is called windy and on Wy  it gives you a really good look at you can zoom in   or out of where you are so you can zoom out and  see the whole world basically and what bits of  

Weather and then you can see which ways they are  being forecast to be moving so you can really see   what is coming your way and um it’s free and um  it’s really nice to look at as well and it does  

Seem uh for here anyway because forecasts are  different in reliability depending on where you   are but for here it is really Fairly reliable we  do of course have to dial in our local conditions   as well like the thermal effects we get from the  mountains in vasiliki Bay um so really check the  

Forecast and only even think about going if the  forecast looks good if the forecast has got a   little bit of a h yeah 70% should be okay you need  it to be 99% will be okay before you think about  

Taking on a a voyage of that magnitude I would  say because it is the weather that is really   going to Scupper you um weather Mast falling  down breakages those are the things that are   going to scupp you more uh sea creatures perhaps  if you’re in Australia definitely uh if you’re in  

Cape Town yeah uh perhaps all right so check the  forecast number two on the list of does before   taking on a voyage of any kind of magnitude if  you can change the rigging the standing rigging  

Change your trapeze wise as well if you haven’t  changed them in the last five years um perhap if   it’s freshwater um maybe you’re you’re sailing  in the Great Lakes uh then you still want to   be looking at CH changing your rigging every five  or six years uh if it’s saltwater more frequently  

Because that salt in the air is going to degrade  uh the metal and your rigging is more likely to   break soon and a mast coming if you can imagine  if you have seen either my reacts video or Sam’s  

Video if his M had come down the mess with all  of the all of the gear on the boat plus a mast   down bits of wire everywhere sales God it would  have been horrific so definitely worth changing  

Uh changing the rigging um as well as changing  the rigging what might be not be obvious is if   your boat uses a wire main helard change the main  hallad as well at the same time as the rigging  

Because a snapped main hallad you can yes you can  overcome it by just lashing the sail to the top   of the Mast but to do that you have to capsize  the boat and with such a lot of gear on the boat  

You certainly wouldn’t want to be doing that um  all right right next one check everything on the   boat double check everything on the boat look at  every single part and think just really take a   magnifying glass well don’t really take one but  a metaphorical magnifying glass looking at every  

Part of the boat going is this part going to let  me down and then if you think less than 99% okay   we’re going to change it um might end up costing a  bit of money but better than what could happen if  

Something failed of course um and fix everything  that you can and the biggest example of that on   Sam’s video is you know tune the Rudders up a bit  I would definitely make the boat handle as nicely  

As possible before taking on that sort of voyage  all right what else we got this is in important   as well you might not even have thought about this  but in a controlled environment practice capsize   writing if you haven’t capsized before and or and  writed the boat you want to make sure that you’re  

Going to be able to pull it back upright if you’re  away from Land um with no support um because if   you’re doing it for your first time it’s going  to be very stressful and you don’t know if the  

M’s going to leak boat’s going to invert really  quickly how the boat is going to respond see if   you can practice a capsize writing with your gear  on the boat to see what happens with the gear what  

Um I can’t remember who it was who said it in the  comments to that reaction video but the weight   of the gear on the trampoline if it is attached  to the trampoline we’re going to draw a picture  

Because this was a pretty significant point that  I absolutely hadn’t thought of but if the boat is capsized in the kind of half capsized position  maybe you can see where I’m going with this  

Already but if you’ve got a jumble ey of stuff on  the trampoline maybe this is 20 kilos of stuff on   the trampoline Maybe more where this is where  the boat is pivoting that is um yeah I’m not  

A uh engineer so I don’t actually know what that  would be called is that the fulcrum uh of writing   moment or something but all of that weight is the  wrong side of the fulcrum which is going to pull  

The boat upside down super quickly um yes Sam  had the M head float very sensible indeed but   even with a M head float if you’re really loading  up the trampoline with gear yeah so practice your  

Capsize writing in a controlled environment you  know a good week or two or a month or some as   soon as you think that you’re going to be um  going on a voyage uh think right first thing  

We need to do is make sure we know how to bring  theat back upright if we capsize make you know   you and whoever you’re going to be sailing with  and then if you need to then you might think we  

We should probably get a bag a writing bag check  out the video If you haven’t seen it of course um   yeah so um key point there all right next point  on the um on the uh the key points is I wrote I  

Called it pack well yeah there is our boat um what  I would do if I was going on a camping trip Hobie   16 is I would really think about every single item  that is going on the boat for um food uh I would  

Think what is the uh the lightest easiest to pack  food look at what the astronauts do or the people   on the on the uh round the world racing Yachts  or the non-stop round the world racing Yachts  

What they take for food and maybe that should be  a consideration of course if you’re just going on   a camping trip where you’re going one stop up  the coast then yeah um drag a boat behind your  

Boat loaded up with your barbecue and um and your  steaks and sausages and uh bread rolls ketchup uh   all of the good stuff SP some sort of spicy  sauce maybe and your um your kegga beer nice  

But if you’re doing a a big Crossing less is  definitely going to be better for the safety   uh maybe not for your survival but um and then I  would put it can we see this just behind the front  

Beam in a bag like um almost ideal for this don’t  know if you’ve seen but chis PN who is the guy who   does the beautiful painted sales has started  producing some big sail bags one of these big  

Sail bags would be the right width to go across  the trampoline there at the front and then you   just attach that to the trampoline or the front  beam and then put your gear in there it is going  

To make it more difficult to use the jib with  that bag there of course but we’ve got make some   considerations the reason it wants to go there and  not further back if you put it further back it’s  

Going to make it a bit more difficult to have good  trim on the boat and your boat’s going to go more   slowly but you could experiment with bag position  and how the boat is sitting in the water um if  

You’re going to take an anchor take a folding  anchor definitely um and for if you’re going   to Anchor in a good place you know with uh the  right sort of bottom then a a fairly small anchor  

Should be enough to hold a 16 with definitely drop  the sails if you’re going to Anchor the boat and   anchor it somewhere sheltered if you can and then  a small anchor should be sufficient um what else  

Next one this is quite a big point is dress warmer  than you think you need to because if you’re out   sailing it’s lovely sunny day you just got your  shorts on um and um the wind starts picking up  

And picking up picking up you’re G to find it  more difficult to stop to put on more clothes   and putting on more clothes when it’s windy and  maybe it’s getting rough the se’s getting a bit   up and down it’s going to be very difficult so  always dress perhaps one or two grades warmer  

Than you think you need to also once you start  getting cold it’s going to be much more difficult   to warm up again um so dress warmer earlier than  you think you need to um the one point I didn’t  

Mention in the video yes of course I’d clocked it  but I didn’t mention it why didn’t I mention it   I didn’t want want to be too patronizing I think  that’s what it was I have had quite a lot of stick  

Um in the comments from the video uh not it felt  like a lot of stick anyway just for making the   video in the first place um it was actually quite  upsetting the amount of stick that I was getting  

For making the video but if by making that video  I can stop one person from making a mistake that   could cost them their lives then it’s worth doing  that’s what I think and that’s what I think with  

All of this stuff that I’m doing if I can stop  somebody from making a massive mistake then great   I’ve I’ve done a good job um but buoyancy AIDS or  some sort of personal flotation device of course  

Um you should be wearing personal flotation device  at all times uh the only time when I think you can   dis uh not wear a personal flotation device would  be in zero wind when you’re on totally flat water  

And um you’re quite near to shore with an on and  any wind there is is going to blow you back to   the shore otherwise it should definitely be on  if there’s no wind at all so little wind that  

You actually decide to go for a swim then okay  but any more wind than that you should have a   buoyancy a on um all right next one maybe clip  in yes uh so uh you may have seen from last year  

I did some testing on clipping in so that if  you did fall off the boat you’d be attached   at all times um I think that’s worth considering  definitely keep a hand on the main sheet at all  

Times because it’s the main sheet which is going  to stop you from capsizing uh traveler’s going to   help other setting are going to help but the main  sheet is the most prominent thing that is going  

To help hope everyone’s uh enjoying this by the  way uh there’s quite a lot going on all right um   safety equipment um take things to communicate  with so um take a spare phone take some way of  

Charging your phone take a VHF uh take flares and  a emergency Beacon and other safety gear that you   can get your hands on um so I’m actually you  know having watched Sam’s video quite a few  

Times and his other distance sailing videos I’ve  decided as part of my my future life I’m GNA do   some more long-distance sailing because I haven’t  really done that much um unless it’s been a race  

Um but to go perhaps around the Greek Islands as  a little warmup um and then the big one this I’m   just going to lay this down now is I the dream  which you may think this is a rubbish this is  

A terrible dream but the dream is here we go  picture this I’m G to take the miniat which   is in it goes in two bags which you can carry I  might take a skateboard or something to ease the  

Carrying just so I can roll it I’m going to take  the miniat on the ferry to um Bindy in Italy and   then sail the miniat back across the Adriatic uh  to kfu Greece I think that would be flipping epic  

But um I’ve been having plenty of conversations  with the wife about this oh no she doesn’t talk   like that but um for the P set for the purpose  of right now she does Oh no you’re not going to  

Do that I don’t want you drowning in the middle of  the sea with your your boat sinking I said funnily   enough that’s not my intention either but um yeah  but that’s a ridiculous idea but um I would fancy  

Actually just to see if it was possible um yeah  so take all the safety gear possible um and then   a big do is if in doubt at all don’t go that’s got  to be the biggest takeaway from all of this if out  

At all don’t go and then um and then I had have  to say that what Sam did was absolutely amazing   um but I would strongly recommend against doing uh  anything like what he did and if you are thinking  

Of doing some distance sailing stay close to land  with some sort with the uh prevailing or gradient   wind uh which is going to blow you back to the  shore if something bad happens so if your mask  

Does fall down you’re going to get blown back to  the shore rather than away from it so there’s some   takeaways from that video um that’s a reacts video  to my own video um so I hope that was of some use  

Uh just going to clear up the live chat and then  I think that’s pretty much just done no further   questions please by the way all right so Dave  108 says any info on the future of fiberglass   Hobie cats being built I heard they stopped  building them no uh hobiecat still building  

Fiberglass boats um they’re still building think  about this Hobe 16s and Hobie 14s definitely so   if you want buy a Hobie 14 or a 16 uh yes you  can can buy one Hobie 15s as well I believe

Um what else would there be yeah that is it  for the fiberglass boats which are available   kind of off the peg at the moment so uh that you  could just order one and not have to wait for a  

Year um then there are other boats available  which you can still buy such as the uh what   was that uh the wild cat you can still buy but  you would it would be built to order the same  

Thing if you wanted to get a brand new Hobie  tiger you could do but they would build it to order um Hobie Pacific they’ll still have the  molds for those so if you wanted one they’d still  

Build it to order but maybe the Glory Days of uh  hobiecat unfortunately are behind us but who knows   what the future may bring fingers crossed all  right we’ve got uh sailing vessel African queen on  

Board great to have you with us any advice on ah  foldable or dismountable hobiecat so I can fit one   on a boat any manufacturers you could recommend uh  thank you for a good video yes um I can recommend  

Something exactly which is exactly what you’re  looking for and that is the miniat um yeah check   out miniat and the one that I have in fact on the  channel on Joy Rider TV you’ll see my unboxing  

Right through to First Time Out video with the  miniat uh it’s really fun boat to sail easy to put   together and stores in two bags which are I can’t  remember the dimensions they’re about a meter and  

A half long each and these two bags have the whole  boat uh stored in them I think the complete weight   of the 420 is about 60 kilograms so if been  working out you can carry the whole boat in  

The two bags I think they call it a farmer’s walk  there you go so that’s miniat m i n c a t thanks   very much for tuning in uh Declan agrees yes it’s  the fulcrum thanks Declan all right Dave says I  

Had a bag that I bought in the 70s that went  under the trampoline up front on the 16 we kept   life jackets and a paddle in there oh yeah pack  a paddle that’s yeah I’m gonna do that actually  

Um yeah that’s a good Shout if you could get a bag  that goes underneath the front of the trampoline   work out a good way of securing that now that  would be a very good decision uh of course that’s  

Going to get a bit wetter that’s the only downside  all right toot says April the 27th and 28th is the   Lake Buchanan Sailing Club rigata put it in your  diary if you’re in Texas that weekend you’ve got  

No excuse for not attending get down there send  me some pictures all right um Phillip says try   to sale around Ireland this year weather was too  bad last year nice yeah um yeah a friend of mine  

Uh two friends of mine in fact did sail around  Ireland um I I can’t remember if they actually   completed it but they did it on two boat uh two  single-handed boats called Shadows which are a bit  

Like the FX one um main sale Spa single-handed  trapes dagger boards look like a great time uh   absolutely Mega yeah so good luck with that if  you are going Dean says good advice and great   that you did your commentary video on Sam’s um as  Sam’s video emphasizes the romantic view there we  

Go uh toot says I need to sale a Hobe 14 turbo  yes you do um everybody needs to be initiated on   the Hobe 14 turbo uh Phillip says come over for  a few days Guinness is pretty good over here too  

Yeah I’ll put it on the um I’ll put it on the uh  list of place the list of places where I’d like   to visit is I’d have to say pretty long um but  you know now that I have retired from the day  

Job all the I need is um the approval from let’s  call it the approval from upstairs and um bit of   cash to get there there we go all right Aaron  is uh Aaron in New Zealand says your advice has  

Saved me on many occasions Dean’s advice however  oh all right um Declan responds with a question   mark okay African Queen thanks for reading my  comment yes miniat I will look at but would like   solid holes are the mini yeah the mini cats are  inflatable now a solid H hold boat which would be

Easily um that’s more tricky that is more tricky  to have something that’s small enough to make it   uh convenient and easy enough to assemble now  that is the trick shot um but what I’ll do  

Because nothing is coming to mind at the moment  but what I’ll do is I’ll keep it in mind and then   uh perhaps in next week’s q& day if I thought  of anything I will let you know at that time  

All right so I think that brings us up to date  must be time for a beer here in Greece as it   is now n uh 7:21 in the evening and The Thirst  is getting pretty rich thanks to everybody for  

Tuning in um sign up for the newsletter uh if you  want to keep chatting amongst yourselves that we   have got a Discord server the link to that is in  the description below so you can head over there  

If you want to continue chatting thanks very much  Phil for the super sticker all right I’m going to   hang around for a few minutes uh if anybody body  else wants to follow Phillips lead um because the  

Super sticker uh does do well in helping to pay  for Skynet or whatever it’s called which is now   beaming these images funny thing is that we  actually watched um the starlink or SpaceX   or whatever the brand is um chain of satellites  when they were being dragged across the sky when  

They’re first being put out amazing incredible  right Dave says it’s 7:21 amm wow where’d you   say you are Dave 801 I just uh that’s like the  other the other end of the day go you’ve got I  

Could tell you today was pretty good actually  um so you’ve got a lot to look forward to um   I’m like a time traveler here yeah Martin says  yes not a personal attack on anyone years ago I  

Did some sailing and I am alive today but there  was no reason to take the risk I simply did not   understand the dangers I was put in myself in  Dean thanks very much for the super sticker  

Very kind um and uh all right African queen thank  you so much joy Rider have a great afternoon happy   sailing happy sailing to everybody who’s going to  be get happy weekend to every who’s get who’s um  

Around this weekend uh out if you get out on the  water the Speed Stick is calling you and uh the   link to the Speed Stick is actually maybe I’ve  still got it uh saved on the clipboard so can  

I can I do that no all right it’s not still saved  on the clipboard never mind all right Duke’s going   ultimate 20 racing tomorrow wow that is pretty  cool Juke um if you’ve got a GPS with you uh see  

What you get out of the ultimate 20 get on the  stick all right dukee says uh we watch SpaceX   launches from the water in Ventura California can  hear the sonic boom amazing okay Declan says happy   weekend to everyone stay safe out there nice  one hany thanks Ryan okay I’m going to clock  

Off there so thanks very much we might there’s  a slim chance there might be a new show as shat   this Sunday but I’m not sure if I’m gonna have  enough time because um got jobs to do thanks very much




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Joyrider TV is one of the best channels on YouTube for catamaran sailing tutorials, maintenance, Q+As and great small cat sailing content.
Whether you sail a Hobie, Nacra, Aclass, acat, Prindle, Hurricane, Dart, Windrush, Tornado, Unicorn, F18, F16, Topcat, GETAWAY, Dragoon or even a Minicat, you’ll find something here to help you.



  1. There's also a thing called a 'semi-dry', which is pants and jacket separate with velcro (hook and loop strips) that join the two. A SMALL amount of water might get in through that velcro but there are some advantages with a 'semi dry'… like when you need to heed the call of nature, not to put too fine a point on it.

  2. Sam’s trip & set up was so sketchy . I don’t know if it was ignorance is bliss or overconfidence . Maybe there was an off screen / comment chase boat ?

  3. I used to sail winter days in a good quality dry suit (bought brand new). After about a year it startet leaking though and I had it patched by the manufacturer for free. After another summer I went back to the drysuit and noticed that during a freezing capsize it was leaking a considerable amount. This was not too dangerous on a fairly small lake but I was quite annoyed. I've heard from other sailors that they've tried multiple suit in all price ranges and they eventually all started leaking.
    I now use a Zhik Superwarm X Long John, then a 4 mm Rooster top then a Gill Firecell 3,5 mm Long John and another Zhik Microfleece V top and a spraytop over that. It is very sealed off and I jumped into cold water (<5°C) to test it. It takes minutes for water to reach my core and I still stay warm enough. I feel like this is a more long lasting solution, because I'm very paranoid now that a drysuit could be leaking. If you get the wetsuit wet it'll still work, that's what it's made for.
    Change my mind 😀

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