@National Hockey League

Dmitry Kulikov has been suspended for two games

Dmitry Kulikov has been suspended for two games

by Only-Highlights


  1. Particular_Tutor_46

    Seems a bit excessive. I think a fine would be more appropriate.

  2. dfwHalaMadrid

    I think he meant it to be dirtier than it actually was. The intent was there but it wasn’t as bad a hit.

  3. That1CoffeeDudeEthan

    God that team is just dirty. Most people defending them say they are young and like to get under their opponents skin, but more often than not, they’re just plain dirty.

  4. Why is this two and Rempe’s is four? Because injury?

  5. Zealousideal_Total50

    This was worse than rempe elbow you can clearly see the intention, and he gets 2 games? Bullshit

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