@St. Louis Blues

Post Game Thread: Colorado Avalanche at St Louis Blues – 19 Mar 2024


STL loses, 4 – 3 .

[ Boxscore](


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by HockeyMod


  1. ScottNewman

    Good try frens.  The Central Division Thunderdome continues.

    Jets fans

  2. GermanBeerYum

    Don’t mind me, I’m just watching clips of Tarasenko tying it against Chicago with 6 seconds left and sighing wistfully into my beer.

    Hell of a game. Wish it went the other way.

    But still doing my nightly voodoo prayers to hope we knock Vegas out of the wildcard spot.

  3. trubleakromeo

    Kyrou has lost my goodwill yet again. Unless it’s an odd man rush he couldn’t care less and gives 0 effort. He literally stood in front of the net like a statue for a minute when the Blues pulled the goalie.

  4. reenactment

    That was probably our best effort game of the year. And because we played on edge we made some mistakes. It was sloppy but there’s no way the avs left that game thinking they dominated it. Bummer. But boys need to reset. Next 5 are crucial

  5. Brawhalla_

    Players who looked really good: Thomas, Neighbours, Parayko, Schenn, Bolduc, Toropchenko, Walker

    Players who looked really bad: Saad, Kyrou, Faulk

    Unfortunately their goalie was absolutely on tonight and Rantanen converted really efficiently against some fatal missteps on our guys. I was really happy with the game of our (new) top line and our fourth line too. I was absolutely not happy with the performance of Faulk and Kyrou. It felt like the puck went to die on their sticks, it felt like good opportunities were murdered by them, and watching them play it looked like the Avs were told to just body Kyrou and he’d start playing frustrated, and he did. He made poor passes and overall when he was on the ice it was slanted against us. I’m not gonna say he’s horrible or a detriment or anything, but his and Faulk’s effort (who chose not to shoot WAY too much, and overall slowed our offensive game down when he was in) muddied what was probably one of our most cohesive efforts this season.

    Now to the positives: Neighbours and Bolduc especially played INCREDIBLE hockey. When it came down to Neighbours and Schenn, they converted. Walker and Toropchenko were absolute menaces. A great overall effort and I’m pleased. Honestly, this was one of the first (and will probably be one of the only) times where the boys effort was let down by Binnington, rather than the opposite. Which isn’t to say Binner played badly, more to say our boys finally put in the work that Binnington usually does.

    Edit: I’ll add Buchy, regretfully, to the ‘looked bad’ category, though I’m doubtful it was on him, and moreso that he was with Kyrou tonight. A quick look at the box stats shows the only boys negative on the +/- tonight were Kyrou, Saad, Buchnevich, and Thomas. Thomas was on the ice against their top line (who converted the most chances), so I’m mostly looking at those first three. I know +/- ain’t perfect but it shows the general trend.. the game was lost when they were on the ice. Not good.

  6. Carpet_Tree

    I’ve heard through the grapevine that turnovers don’t help you win games… a very winnable game🙄

  7. I was hoping they wouldn’t come out and just lay down. Effort was there, but a couple mistakes against a superior opponent will usually lead to an L. We weren’t gonna win out the season, and I don’t think anyone in their right mind penciled this one in as a W.

  8. Realistically, out of all the games coming up, this is the game you *could* afford to lose.

    The next five you have: Sens, Wild, Vegas, Flames, Sharks

    Those are all either must-win or should-win games. I don’t think there was any way they were going to go on a 10 game win streak and claim all those. If they had to lose, I’d rather it be tonight to get it out of their system before these games where they *have* to gain points. It sucks but at least they had effort tonight 

  9. TahitiPark


    Cryin Mckinnon did Schnen dirty crosschecking him down to the ice knowing he’s going low on the faceoff.

    Hockey play, but damn, it sucks our guy took that cheapshot.

    ALSO: Fuck this state of a hockey team, taking shit in a rivalry game and not pushing THE FUCK BACK.

  10. Genuinely believe this is not a bad loss. Colorado is on a heater and have been among the best for a few seasons, and we both lead in this game and fought to the end. Yes, it could have been better, but that’s good news, cuz we have more tools already on the way in the system, let alone any changes made to the roster if we don’t make the playoffs.

    I’m hopeful. Let’s Go Blues!!

  11. dixie12oz

    Played well enough to win but came up short. Just knew that timely penalty at the end of the second was the momentum shifter. Frustrating game, hopefully Vegas and/or LA lose. 

  12. reenactment

    Lightning up currently and Kings tied with hawks. Possibility of no harm no foul tonight still on the table

  13. Just-Investigator122

    We are supposed to suck this year on paper so losing to a top dog team is nothing to cry about, can’t want to burn it all down and crucify the whole team when you lose a game, next years teams are gonna be gooood

  14. Steel_Bolt

    Flashes of a playoff team. New talent might help our 2nd/3rd lines and some smart trades could help the D. It seems like we have the makings of a playoff team with just the right ingredients added this off season.

  15. Takeaways:

    1. The avs were clearly the better team in all areas of the game. The blues just aren’t on that level and that’s ok. Yes, it was only a one goal game but I kinda think we over performed tonight. In effect, I think this game ends our chance to make the playoffs. Congrats Avs, you’ll probably draw Vegas in the first round.

    2. Neighbours is becoming that dude before our eyes. Yes he’s gritty and scores in the hard areas but he’s also smart with the puck and has a high IQ in all areas of the ice. It won’t be this year but I can’t wait to see him in the playoffs as he’s absolutely built for that style of play.

    3. Kyrou. Can someone smarter than I am figure out what happened to him? The guy used to snipe from distance, dangle dudes, have flawless chemistry with Thomas. Now he panics, tosses the puck to nobody, his shot looks shot, and now taken off of Thomas’ wing. I don’t care how much better he is defensively, the drawbacks are too many to overlook. It seems like it’s more than just a confidence issue but did he really just forget how to play the way he has the last three years?

  16. Oldwoodguy

    Tight game for the most part. Was pretty impressed with our overall effort. A few of the long stretches in our D zone we held it together and didn’t collapse. I though for sure we were gonna let one in on that 1 minute plus d zone but we didn’t. Too many weak clears and d zone turnovers that they capitalized on cost us. And the pk.

    Blown away by Neighbors. He was our best player tonight. He plays the right way. Beyond his years. Kids gotta be hung. Him and Schenn seem to have decent chemistry. Almost like to see Hayes on with them since he’s been winning battles.

    The 4th line scored 2 goals tonight. Pretty damn impressive. Torps and Top Gumption Cunt are really putting in the work. Cheers boys.

    I really wish Ky would find his mojo. He seems so eager to get rid of the puck too quickly. Whether battling for the puck or trying to get open in the o zone he just can’t seem to get body position on the opponent. Not sure what the reason is but his chemistry is way off right now. I fear that he won’t reach his potential on this team and that nobody will be interested in paying what he makes. I’d hate to see his prime years slip away with his potential unrealized. He needs a fucking vision quest or something to turn his game around. He’s got the talent. Maybe just try him with some different combos? he’s capable of so much more than he’s done this season and I’m sure he would agree with that.

    Go Ana and Tampa. LGB

  17. tinyfallacies

    Bummer of a loss, man.

    But having experienced a few seasons of Avs hockey at Ball arena (and cheering for the Avs when not playing the blues), Blues fans are MILES above Avs fans in not being twats. That’s not a great concession but it’s something.

    Thanks for the game STL. The Enterprise center was fun and goddamn that intro son. Killin it

  18. Scat1320USA

    Valiant effort . Colorado was better tonight.

  19. Jemmani22

    Ok. Overall the blues were pretty good. Some missteps. But there were a few times we looked really really good.

    That could have been a huge win.


  20. TahitiPark

    Either Faulk or Krug have to go by next season.

    Fuck this shit; need more defense and assertiveness plus fuck you attitude, than watching either Krug get swarmed and fight, or Faulk play in a bubble 90% of the time and get burned on the reg.

    For 14 Million off the cap, when neither kicks ass or holds water. Which should be the minimum requirement

  21. Pantsman1084

    Really late posting this because my Internet is out and cell service is not great where I live…

    3 Stars of the Game:

    ⭐ – Rantanen (obviously)

    ⭐⭐ – Neighbors

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Nichushkin

    That’s the kind of game that shows that the potential might actually be there to make something happen.

    I do think the PP that the Avs scored on was a pretty big gift by the refs. Kyrou had committed to the hip check and Cogliano basically tripped himself trying to avoid it. I also think the whack on the hands that Thomas took should have been called and was a really cheap shot after the whistle. Other than those two incidents, I do think it was a pretty fairly called game.

    I was hoping they would pull it off somehow and the nearly did. I will say though, that the blues looked like they were really trying and playing hard, but Colorado kinda made it look easy, especially on the PK and the 6 on 5.

    I’m still not sure they’ll make the playoffs, but the next 5 games will settle that. If they can get them all, I think we have a shot, draft picks be damned. And being honest, I’d rather watch at least one round of playoffs than worry about a draft pick that won’t be in the league for 3 years.

  22. Big-Foot-604

    Not sure I agree with pairing krug and Faulk and rotating the top 2 d lines. I like krug with kessel and Faulk surprisingly looks better playing with perunovich.

    One thing I do know is I want more bolduc. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, bolduc and perunovich on the PP would be lights out.

    Neighbors is on fire

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