@National Hockey League

Ayo wtf was that ๐Ÿป

Ayo wtf was that ๐Ÿป

by Only-Highlights


  1. DoctorWhisky

    Did youโ€ฆ.did you just throw a whole-ass bear costume on the ice instead of a hat? ย Yeah imma keep that one as a souvenir!

  2. isyurbuttcute

    I canโ€™t to see the pics from the locker room with Pasta and his new bruin costume.

  3. greysqualll

    I just had a whole “fight” with my wife over this:

    Me: “did someone just throw a fucking bear pelt on the ice? Why would you do that?”

    Wife:”a bear belt?”



    “PELT! P-P-Pelt!”

    “What the fuck is a pelt?”

    “You’ve never heard of a pelt? It’s the fur you get off a animal when you skin it.”

    “Oh. Why the fuck would someone throw a pelt on the ice?”

    “That’s what I asked five minutes ago!”

  4. We’re all talking about the bear costume but that goal was so fucking filthy

  5. Horny_For_Tea

    Why did you need to say โ€œayo?โ€ The title wouldโ€™ve worked so much better without the โ€œayo.โ€ Typical rich white kid trying to be hood.

  6. Mysterious-Tax-6314

    I love thisโ€ฆ that doesnโ€™t look like a hat lol

  7. Constant-Squirrel555

    The bear costume of Korpisalo letting in another weak ass shot?

  8. Did that goal go bar down, or bear down? I actually see a bear down

  9. Fastsmitty47

    The fan that was wearing the bear costume threw it on the ice

  10. doctorfonk

    Somewhere in the stadium is a naked bear on the loose

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