@Boston Bruins

Who do you want the Bruins to avoid in first round? w/ Mark Divver & Mick Colageo | Puck with Haggs

Who do you want the Bruins to avoid in first round? w/ Mark Divver & Mick Colageo | Puck with Haggs

But you know I I think with players like pasta Mark you’ve got to take the good with the bad you’ve got to take the sort of turnovers or the plays that don’t work out every once in a while for the nights like last night where he just you

Know throws the team on his shoulders and scores three goals and to mix point is able to score 50 goals this year on a team that’s I think significantly less offensive talented than uh the 60 goal season he put up last Year welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast as always I’m your host Joe Hagerty you can find my work at Joe hager. substack domcom uh sign up for a premium membership and you will get all of my Bruins and NHL writing sent straight directly to your

Inbox I also write columns after every Bruins game for Boston Sports Journal uh so check out Boston Sports and check out all the good stuff there as always pucks with hags is powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns me Network today I’m

Joined by Mark dver from the New England Hockey Journal Mark how’s it going bud it’s going good Joe how about you excellent you know just uh cranking along here uh end of the hockey season the youth hockey season is coming uh the Stanley Cup playoffs are coming it’s a

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For a first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy all right um hot off uh 6-2 win over the Ottawa Senators on Tuesday night um I I I gotta say Mark lately I’ve really liked uh how the Bruins have picked up

Their game against the sort of lesser uh opponents in the league from the NHL Allstar break it seemed like they went a month and if they were play playing a team that was out of the playoffs you were getting kind of a envelope and a

Bunch of stamps and kind of a mailed in effort from them uh that wasn’t them uh wasn’t indicative of the way that they’ve played most of the year and was kind of you know tough to watch as they were slogging through uh February um that’s a solid six to2 win on Tuesday

Night against the Ottawa Senator Senators team obviously not going to the playoffs where they just looked very solid all around yeah I I agree and uh I like uh it seems like things have solidified a bit since the trade deadline you know I think the peak the under kind of under the radar

Peak acquisition it was turn is turning out to be a good one now it’s only been a handful of games but you know I’m I’m ready to uh to uh give credit to the Bruins Pro scouting Department once again for finding the guy that people say well look at his numbers in Columbus

He hardly plays and but in actuality he’s a he’s a solid player in a different kind of system uh and then the fourth line uh you know brazzo boquist beater uh On Any Given night you know very good last night um and for several games now so I think that’s solidified the lineup

Jake de Brusque has a little little spark uh knowing that he’s not going anywhere uh for the time being uh yeah so yeah it’s been good it’s been good and you know it’s the home stretch here they they got to get their uh their act uh together here going into into the

Postseason yeah I would say uh debrusk Matt grizzli Lena elmark I think all the guys that we talked about as potentially moving at the trade deadline or or being looked at as uh players that might have to move to create salary caps space I think they’ve all played pretty well

Since the trade deadline uh with that kind of confidence knowing that they’re going to be here and that they didn’t end up getting moved and that sort of Stress and Anxiety uh removed you know from the equation I I look at all of them as players that uh look like

They’re playing a much more relaxed themselves version of their game since the trade deadline yeah yeah and you know this next game is uh you know a test obviously the Rangers one of the top teams and a team that uh you know the Bruins might have to go through uh

To get you know to advance in the postseason down the road uh y you know they’re not the Ottawa Senators that’s for sure uh so it’ll be a fun one it should be a fun one on Thursday night it should be and I’m glad the Bruins are

Playing at at a good high level now going into that game uh I’m glad that you mentioned Andrew Peak because I thought he was uh he’s been solid and I thought he was excellent uh in that game against Ottawa uh he put a a lick on uh

Brady kachuck at one point in that game uh really put a body on him uh he was making it really unpleasant to get around the net he took an interference penalty but I didn’t even think that was a penalty and I was totally okay with uh exactly what happened on that play like

He looks like the kind of player that doesn’t mind making it tough uh if you’re going to try to go around the Bruins net plays up to his size and strength uh and isn’t afraid to mix it up and you know I I I know some people

In Columbus were talking about like Peak was going to get bought out of his contract up there like you know they were like high-fiving each other over getting a third round pick for him but like I think I agree with you and I said it at the time when they made the trade

Like I have total Faith at this point in the advanced Scouts for the Bruins the NHL Scouts for the Bruins that when they see guys like this they see something where the guy is going to work in the Bruins system or with the Bruins coaching staff um where they’re going to

Be able to make something of that player and certainly make him useful and we’ve seen it over and over again like all the guys you know the guys that are on the fourth line the boquist bists and the uh brazo of the world um Anthony Rashard

When he was up like the players that they go out and get from other organizations um they come in and they do really well with the Bruins and it seems like over and over again they target the right players and and they find a good fit for the Bruin

System yeah and it helps that the Bruins have a structure that other teams don’t necessarily have correct uh and that helps uh a guy like Peak who doesn’t have to doesn’t have to you know do too much uh you know just play Within the somebody put it to me a while ago about

Uh about W spoon stay within the guard rails right stay within the guard rails you know don’t uh don’t Veer off uh unnecessarily if you do that in in the Brewing System you know that works for a lot of guys uh two goals last night for Justin

Brazo um you know he continues and he’s he could have more he had one called back uh recently in a game uh he’s had some really good chances I think consistently he’s had pretty good chances Around the Net and really like when you watch him play for a little

While you get an appreciation for who and what he is and that he doesn’t really I think have a lot of misunderstanding about who and what he is he’s like the classic he’s got the classic big man’s game Around the Net you know try to get it close to the net

You make those couple of quick stick moves that he like that one stick move where he goes you know backhand forand and then and shoots right away uh in front of the net and and makes that move from the side of the net he probably he must pra have been practicing that for

The last 10 or 15 years it just feels automatic when he does it um it seems like he practiced the exact right things and he’s perfected the right things that he has to in order to be effective at the NHL level and like he gets to the

Front of the net and he’s able to stay there because he’s massive and you know teams are not able to get him out of the way right now and it it to the point where you know the Bruins put him on the net front on the power play and he

Scored a goal last night in that situation that’s a lot of confidence in a fourth ler to sort of put him in that role and it looks like you know it’s funny watching him with jvr they’re obviously different kinds of players but he has a lot of the same kind of sort of

Low post or like low net moves that jvr does as far as what he does with the stick and the little the little plays that he makes yeah and you know the the uh the backhand forehand at the net you know if you if you watch Providence the last few

Years you saw that at least twice a game from him uh Around the Net now you know doesn’t go in every time and goalies uh after it doesn’t take long for goalies to realize what’s coming they know they know what he’s going to do but uh you

Know it’s a solid uh play at the net and uh you know he was always a guy who stayed out a long time after practice practicing tips and plays Around the Net but one thing I think that really uh stands him in good stead is that he’s

An older guy he’s mature he’s not he’s not uh living and dying with every shift and if the coach gives him a dirty look after one shift you know he’s not he’s not uh taken that to heart too much he’s a mature guy he knows uh you know after

He he he’s had some time in Pro Hockey here he knows that you know keep your nose to the grindstone do do what you do uh just keep consistently trying to to work uh at what you’re good at and uh and things will uh things will work out

For you and it’s it’s happening right before our eyes here it’s funny too um when he was first brought up and like you know the the people that sort of pretend like they know everything that’s going on with the Bruins organization would talk about how slow he was and how this isn’t

An NHL skater and you know kind of ripping the the him signing the contract and all that other stuff and it’s like you know obviously a guy that’s six foot five and well over 200 pounds is not going to be jper Bist like flying up in down the ice Johnny Beacher like flying

Up and down the ice and showing and with breathtaking speed but I think he’s shown the ability to keep pace which is all he has to do uh given what he brings to the table because like those kind of guys that are speed guys are not going

To be able to do what he does camping around the net carving out space winning battles like you know the first goal that he scored he went so hard to the net that he knocked Ryan sud’s stick out of his hands and went flying up in the

Air like that told me all I needed to know right then and there when he was able to do that to a guy that’s you know uh an NHL Pro for a long time one of the best Defan and has been for a while uh

To be able to do that to a guy like that let you know how hard he is going to the net and how strong he is and you know he he’s more than adequate speed wise to play the kind of game that he is yeah and you know before he uh before they

Made that move and signed him uh I had a couple of PE Pro uh Scout types say to me that you know if he’s as fast or faster than jvr right you know so it looks different because of the size and you know guys uh

Guys that are that big don’t have uh you know a skating stride that that jumps out like like a BST or but uh he gets there he gets there and that’s the important thing football season may be over but the action on the floor is heating up whether it’s a

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And use code clns for a first deposit match up to $100 use the code clns for the first deposit match up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy uh hatrick uh for David posternack last night pretty funny uh that be hat that he picked up after the game was

Over uh and I guess apparently it was cool he he talked about how um the fans came down to the bench after the game was over and he gave them a stick uh whoever threw that bear hat on the ice because that that must have been pretty

Uh that must have been an accomplishment and a little bit of a project to get that over the glass and onto the ice I can’t imagine how that the mechanics of that happened um but it was pretty funny to see that um David posternack now looks like he’s probably gonna get to 50

Goals again this year for the second straight year and then last night uh one of the goals that he scored uh passes Cam Neely on the franchise alltime goal scored list and it’s funny we had that uh Centennial committee at the uh start of the year and talked about the

Centennial team and all that stuff and I remember getting a lot of push back for pck being on that Centennial team because people thought he was too young uh his career was Midstream like you know he hasn’t accomplished enough yet as compared to some other players um you

Know it it he doesn’t really deserve to be on there that was some people’s take um and like when you start passing and you you saw this coming at the beginning of the year you know obviously he’s one of your Elite scorers in the league one of the elite scores in Bruins history

You know up there with the esos Rick Middleton guys like that that you know were were pure goal scorers um but you know when you’re passing guys like Cam Neely Hall of Famer is on all-time franchise goal list for the Bruins and doing things like that clearly you

Obviously belong uh to be on that kind of a list uh and you know certainly I think think he belongs to be uh in the heart trophy conversation along with a lot of other players this year yeah I agree uh I mean he’s just uh he’s just so much fun to watch

Uh you know and and you know after the game he puts on that bear thing and you know the pictures go out it you know it’s it’s great It’s Entertainment right that’s what we’re uh that’s what we come come to see is uh is is the entertainment value when he certainly uh

He delivers that and uh you know the bear thing I mean who uh you know you you love Bruins fans right because you never know what you’re going to see at at a game but who comes to the game wearing that thing you know

What if I if you’re I I I tell you Mark I heard from my inside sources that it was somebody from stonum which is the town that I’m from so it it kind of explains a lot that somebody from stonum was able to sneak that bear hat all

Right throw it on the go uh the first thing I thought of was that Seinfeld episode where putty comes with the fur coat and uh and Elaine introduces him as Dr Zas Planet of the Apes that’s my that was my first thought when I saw that

Well I thought it was a furco too when I first saw it tossed on the ice I didn’t know what the heck it was a bear Pelt or a fur coat or what the heck was going on there uh but as soon as you saw it on

The ice you’re like oh all right 88’s goingon to go find that he’s gonna make make a make this a fun moment uh Mick we’re talking about poast neck and uh Mick kagio actually Mick why don’t you just plug everything real quick uh tell everybody where they can get your work

And then we’ll get right into it sure um I I blog at home games uh rink rap I I link it to X Twitter um I can be seeing in the hockey news seasonal issues on um prospects future watch money power yearbook and writing the Bruins end of

It and I also write a Sunday call for Boston hockey awesome uh and thank you for joining us as always M kagio uh just pass to the hatrick last night no one ERS uh scored the goals in different ways last night uh which uh I appreciated uh we were talking I was

Talking just now about the Centennial committee that we were on Mick and how there was some push back some people didn’t think pasta deserved to be on should be on there uh yeah and I you know he passes Cam Neely on the franchise alltime go scored list last

Night you know that that was one of the things that happened this year but you could see this stuff coming at the beginning of the year and I think when you kind of looked at the numbers he had put up what he’s going to

Continue to do I felt like he was a slam dunk to be on there when you start passing Hall of Famers on scoring list like you should absolutely be there um you know just your thoughts on pasta this year you know career-high and assist this year seems to be making more

Plays than ever before as well in addition to scoring the goals looks like he’s going to hit 50 goals uh again this year um just what you’ve seen out of him this season any different than the past and and what you took of his performance last night well the last time we

Finished he had made him a pass against at Montreal that just blew my mind yeah he he weaved the puck through three players at like one mile an hour to Brad Marian uh who he saw with eyes that were in the back of his head and uh and and

Then but he has this other thing he does where he releases the puck at whatever moment he decides as he whips it around from behind his body and he can do it slow he can do it fast he can decide it’s a pass he can put it in any

Direction he keeps on inventing ways to score I remember thinking when pasta was a very young player that he’s going to be probably because he’s not blinding fast that he’s probably going to be more yogger or alfredson than he is you know more of a puck possession monster than

He is a you know Val a Pavo Beret or something so uh to watch him evolve into his own man and and invent hockey up the ice as he goes Mark saard invented hockey as he played Adam Oats invented hockey as he played past is amazing in

The way he invents the game as a player who creates shots creates plays and he has to create more plays because because with the Bruins down the amount of people that they didn’t have from last year the starting point for any coach was let’s not let this guy beat us it

Was almost like a basketball game and and and forc their let’s find out what the rest of them got first of all don’t let him beat you well he beats everybody anyway he still does it and and he’s having a big finish and yeah I got the

Feeling uh as soon as I saw that he had a second goal last night I wasn’t able to be cover the game um that uh that he’s gonna finish hard go go get 50 anyway which is GNA be to me a bigger feat than getting 60 last season

Historically the 60 will stand out but to me uh the 50 this year is a bigger deal in his career uh knowing close up what he’s been up against and how much people have tried to hit him discourage him get on him hack his hands and and uh

You know and really he you know uh I’ve seen other great player great talents I should say uh wi Wilt uh I I remember Rosie rosesa you know what a great talent he was but when this kind of stuff happened to him he he complained

To the refs and he went away and he stopped being a good player and um pasta that hasn’t been the case he’s battled through and and I feel a lot you know better about him being on on the uh on the alltime 20 than I did uh the day we

Sat down and do it because I was just constitutionally against uh Lionel Hitchman not making the team that was my thing it wasn’t anti- pasta as much as it was this is wrong we got to get this part right and that’s why I want to did

CLA rat forward but uh but that’s that that aside uh good for pasta he’s doing he’s he’s really living up to his contract and he’s and he’s playing to win and that’s what you want to see uh from from a guy gets paid like he does

Yeah and becoming more of a leader too I think more and more he he’s become a leader on that team and you know you’re absolutely right he’s not he’s not a burner like he’s a good skater but he’s not like a speed burner by any mean means and that’s not really where his

Offense comes from but like it comes from the creativity and it comes from the willingness to take risks and be creative to make plays and take risks to uh to make plays which what all the great offensive players do and that’s why I don’t get so worked up like some

People do on Twitter and Bruins fans when you talk to them about some of the turnovers and some of the plays that don’t happen or blow up on them uh you know obviously I think it’s always a concern when the play the power play Rotation

Turns into him at the High Point all by himself you know that there are times when when he’s got the puck out there in that kind of a situation where Maran too it turns into something just yeah pretty bad like and you always you know you’re you’re wondering he’s kind of walking

That tight RPP when he’s out there you know that risk element that big risk element is always there but you know I I think with players like pasta Mark you’ve got to take the good with the bad you’ve got to take the sort of turnovers or the plays that don’t work out every

Once in a while for the nights like last night where he just you know throws the team on his shoulders and scores three goals and to mix point is able to score 50 goals this year on a team that’s I think significantly less offensive talented than uh the 60 goal season he

Put up last year yeah you you do you got to take the good with the bad uh uh and and realize that there’s a lot more good than there is bad and uh you know um you know the playoffs will be a test as it always is

Uh you know teams will uh will uh lock down on him even more and that will be uh you know how he responds to that and how the team responds to that will go a long way to deciding you know how the season ends yeah and and we see that towards

The end of the year too right when they the teams definitely start getting more physical too with players like posn Maran really start pushing them around it’s not as uh as gentlemanly as can be for long stretches of the regular season where you know they’re not taking runs

At each other uh but I think you start to see that now for sure Uh Kevin shattenkirk uh good game last night I think notable game uh worth talking about three assists um 16 minutes played his offside um and had been scratched for for a game or two and and comes back

With a nice response there and I think performing like that on his offside Mick um you know gives him another sort of like area to help out Jim Montgomery depthwise or you know making sure he can get into the lineup at certain points uh when it comes playoff time if that

Becomes an option that they can use it is funny how I mean here here it comes folks Peak Performance by shaton Kirk he’s obviously been a little a little motivated by the acquisition of a of a right shot who comes much more in an Adam McQuade type mod than than mold

Than than the way he plays completely different hockey widget which gives Monty that kind of option as well is what do we need against this team in this playoff series what do we need more of and uh and that allows because shaton Kirk uh he is a mental wizard out there

He just uh he’s he’s he’s just such a skilled skilled player that even at his Advanced years and and uh not not being big not being fast he’s crafty and um and and you know if he’s not getting overwhelmed defensively that’s the bigie as far as whether or not he can sustain

A spot in the lineup during his series but um you know you don’t know maybe you need more of what peak’s going to do but yeah you’re right he’s got the skill to play the other side too he’s an improviser and that’s who he’s had to be throughout his whole career so I’ve

Really enjoyed appreciating shat and Kirk during this season um I wouldn’t have gone and gotten a player like him I would have been I would have been much more about getting a player like Peak to off the off the Hop but uh I’m glad they

Have the option and uh and good good for shaton Kirk uh I hope this doesn’t sideline water spoon um going forward as the formula I hope that’s not the default position I really think that kid has giving them too much for them to uh

To to you know put him at the seven spot um and cement it but um I really uh uh I like uh I like I like what ChatOn Kirk uh his response gamees been it was excellent yeah it was and uh you know uh Mark and I already talked a little bit

About Andrew Peak off the top of the show uh definitely want to get your thoughts too uh really quickly but like we were you know impressed with what he’s brought certainly uh we gave kudos to the advanced Scouts with the Bruins the NHL Scouts that you know saw

Something in him the the the people the talent evaluators that looked at him and thought in the Bruins system with the Bruins coaches uh he’d be a really effective piece um you know I thought he was played great last night that might have been his best game um certainly I

Like the play where he set up beer for the goal because it looked like even making that kind of a play was something uh it wasn’t even as advertised that he could make that play um you know coming here as far as what he could do offensively you know chipping in every

Once in a while or making a play uh but you know thre a B hit on Brady kachuck had that play which I didn’t even think was interference with the net but like looks like he’s the kind of D that is going to make trying to get around the

Net front a very unpleasant place for opponents to get to which is you know exactly the kind of player that they they needed uh on the back end a big strong guy that plays with a little bit of mean I know I’ve been I’ve been really kind of weary over this several

Years here of hearing that a guy is a prototypical bruan and I’m thinking how many prototypical Bruins do the Bruins have and and uh they need more prototypical Bruins ironically Liv in a team without enough prototypical Bruins when it comes to the playoffs in in

Front of either net and uh it’s nice to see them inch their way forward here I would have been more appreciated something more dramatic uh but this is uh but right now Beggars can’t be choosers um I’m happy to see them we do have Factor meals uh to help us out America’s number

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To uh get they jostle back and forth in first place in the Atlantic division with Florida uh there’s still quite a few Eastern Conference teams that are you know in shouting distance of of a um wild card spot which is you know obviously where the Bruins could end up

Uh playing if they end up first overall uh in the East so uh Mark let’s Toronto Tampa Islanders Detroit Capitals Flyers those seem to be the teams right now that you know might be in the mix depending on how things go um who do you think the Bruins should fear the most of

All those teams who do you think would be the favorable matchups of those teams uh in a first round uh potential first round series with the Bruins well I don’t know if I would fear Tampa but I wouldn’t want to play Tampa uh they got too many too many uh great players there

Some of them on the you know some of them maybe obviously on the uh not on the downside but in the second half of their careers with a lot the Twilight of their careers as they say yeah yeah yeah with a lot of playoff miles on them uh but in the first round

Series I wouldn’t want to face you know Stam coast and you know coocher off for God’s sake he’s not he’s not in the on the downside of his career that’s for sure but right and you know a very well- coached team I I wouldn’t want anything

To do with them and a great goalie in vasileski too a great goalie yeah yeah and and they got on that team now yeah and and vasileski you know missed a lot of time with an injury so he’s not going to be the fatigue factor that sometimes

You hit in the playoffs at the end of a long season yeah he’s had time off uh you know rehabbing so there’s that uh I think the team you want to play I is is Toronto it’ll all I agree always be Toronto you I agree until they prove

That they can rise to the occasion uh the Leafs that is yes I think that’s who you want to play and I don’t know they you know you watched the game last night I and I didn’t watch all of it but you know Samson off didn’t look good in the

Net they still have that goalie thing that that they that they don’t have yep uh and their D is you know their D is not where it ought to be it you know because of the their topheavy salaries of their forwards they they just can’t afford to do it and and

You know that’s it’s an old story there but you know Toronto’s the team if you’re the Bruins Toronto’s the team you want to play I don’t think there’s any question yeah it’s funny I was on um TSN uh radio station up in auttaa yesterday before the game and they were asking me

About you know if the Bruins we’re we’re we’re trying to avoid playing Toronto in the first round of the playoffs and I was like I don’t think so I think that’s actually the one they’d be looking at and say I think we’ll we’ll be good with that one especially you know same old

Same old when they played them that like twice in what five or six days or whatever it was yeah and beat him four to one both uh there and at home and and it it you know they it looks like the same old formula for them they you know

Defenses average at best they certainly don’t have a shutdown D that is going to like you know a number one shutdown D that’s going to like put the fear of God into you like they they build around Run and Gun score a lot of goals regular season points you know get Austin

Matthews 70 million goals um you know Marner Matthews neander all good players tarz too and Morgan Riley’s a good defenseman offensive defense two-way defenseman but offensive defenseman but they don’t have the goal ending in defense to be built for playoff success they just don’t and that is the uh long-standing Legacy of boy

Genius Kyle dubas Even after he left was signing all those guys to massive contracts before they won anything before they even won a playoff series yeah you know showing them all the money and sort of building around them as the the core four that they like to call

Them up in the Toronto media that that hasn’t done Jack in the postseason and then he went to Pittsburgh and and and double and double down there with signing Eric Carlson adding him to that aging core what a huge risk that was um but a terrible mistake it seems so yeah

I agree um but the one thing I’ll say is uh I think the leushin uh addition to their defense is going to subtly solidify it and Riley’s a lot better defensively than he used to be yes uh if Giordano is healthy he even at 100 years old I think he’s a

Centurion now he’s he’s pretty tough around his own n um I I and he’s pretty skilled uh I don’t know I’m I’m not feeling it the way you I’m sort of feeling a little Bruins Canadians 80s here about this whole thing and that and that Toronto’s Talent is finally going

To reverse this thing and this might be the year uh so I’m not I’m not really angling toward that but I agree 100% about avoiding Tampa um I’m Not Afraid at all the Islanders anymore um uh you got to show up obviously we just saw

That uh and uh and the flyers or the Flyers they’re they’re they’re uh they’re building towards something but it’s too soon um yeah yeah that but but I’m not I’m really not on board with you guys about about the Toronto thing I’m I I might be you might be laughing at me

When it happens but but because I mean I agree with you about the goal tending question until it until it is it isn’t um but uh but something tells me that that’s a powder keg there that finally is going to change I mean they got over the hump

Last year and beat tamper in the first round and then you know obviously felt to Florida more decisively than the Bruins did um so yeah I’m just I’m just feeling like this can’t last forever and the other part of the equation too Mick is that the Bruins aren’t exactly like an infallible like

Juggernaut like they were last year even if they finish first in the uh division going into the playoffs you know when it comes to beating any of the like if they don’t like bring it like they have to bring it in the in the playoffs right

Off the GetGo in the start and and play their best hockey and and you know show what they’ve shown in the best spurts this season like I also think any of those teams could beat them in the playoffs Flyers capitals Red Wings Islanders lightning or Maple Leafs you

Know I don’t I don’t I don’t hold them as as this you know number one seed potentially that’s going to like just you know take care of any of these teams in four or five games and and end the series I think they’re going to be long

Drawn out battles in all these playoff series that the Bruins have because I think there’s some things on their their roster and and their makeup that other teams are going to be able to exploit when it comes to postseason Bruins might use 35 players in these playoffs well that’s why you know when

You talked about is good when you talking about defenseman and like you know hoping Weatherspoon gets in and shaton Kirk gets in and all that stuff like the war of attrition with defenseman like they’re all going to play I I have no doubt that all those

Guys are going to get some time um down the stretch and then once the playoffs start and and probably 15 forwards yeah exactly uh be a little like the late 80s Bruins uh Mick or Mark anything any thoughts on any of the other teams besides Tampa and Toronto that I

Mention the Islanders despite their personnel uh short shortcomings uh Patrick W and you know what he uh might be able to bring uh that’s true makes me a little nervous just a little bit little yeah yeah you know and then they have a goalie Who’s capable of uh

Yep heating up and and uh and and stealing a series uh you know although in the games I’ve watched recently he’s been kind of leaky but uh yeah but you’re making a great point mark because Patrick W just went in the papers and said that he’s not pleased with sokan

And that and that they’ve and so this has been a conversation in New York and and I think this is Patrick wad doing that thing he’s he’s he’s taking an action here and being a goalie he understands how goalies think and so uh this is really interesting juncture

Right now for them because if all of a sudden sokin gets pissed off and catches fire here then the Islanders the whole way you look at them changes yeah I mean he’s when he’s on top of his game he’s as good as anyone you know and uh yeah

If uh if uh Patrick can light a fire under him then uh then you know who knows uh who knows what could happen selfishly I would just also uh have a lot of fun covering a first round Series where either Patrick roah or John tarella was the other coach inv involved

In the series those are always fun and it adds a level of drama and Intrigue and uh you know unexpected element to all the press conferences and all the you know the the day-to-day uh availabilities and practice and games uh in in a two-e series like that so I I

Hope it’s either one of them uh and it’s a great point mark about Patrick Gua like him against the Bruins in a playoff series like yeah how awesome would that be yeah it just uh it just makes you a little nervous uh having seen what we

We’ve seen uh Through The Years uh as far as torz goes you know doesn’t he have to coach the Bruins at some point in his career doesn’t that have to happen I think so I used to think that about Peter lolette but we haven’t seen either have

We I don’t know tor turn down three times torz is just so entertaining and so himself that uh you know the Brew not that I’m wishing uh to the Bruins hire coaches like that anymore either you know like I don’t know that they yeah they don’t Harry cinden Harry cinden

Would have done it he would no they don’t oh yeah definitely they don’t uh but uh boy that would be fun that you know if if they I think the only way like a guy like that would get hired by Don Sweeney is if they felt like it got

So comfortable in that room that they needed to bring somebody in that was an ass kicker to kind of you know make everybody uncomfortable like you know that the the stuff that you talked about with like I don’t know if it was like a softer touch but whatever the the you

Remember the talk when they went from Bruce butche to um Jim Montgomery you know and and kind of a different messaging and a different approach like if they had to like go the opposite route again and find some and go go you know from zero to 60 in the other

Direction and find somebody that was just going to come in and be a drill sergeant type um you know that maybe that maybe torch would make sense but I have a hard time seeing d Sweeney like saying this is our man John tarella to come in and Coach the Bruins yeah it’ll

Never happen it’ll it’ll never happen but wouldn’t it be great if it did it would be it would be um tweet of the week uh from J Simi 66 uh yes past neck had a hard hattrick but he but the real question is will poern neck perform in the playoffs I

Hope so because he has not been great come springtime now I don’t think this is necessarily Fair um but like has he been a guy that’s gotten a ton of hattricks in the playoffs and has exploded in a series and taken it over um no uh to to to a

Large degree but he’s still got 79 points in 77 playoff games if you’re a point per game player in the playoffs you’re doing pretty well um but this will be an interesting playoff uh I think uh opportunity coming up this spring for p given how well he’s played in the last

Couple of U years given where he’s at in his stage of his career at his age um the stage is set for him to really have like a superstar uh Stanley Cup playoff this spring uh and help carry this team if they’re going to get there you know how old we are what’s

That we’re so old that has only one more playoff in his 20s after this yeah we’ve been around a while I I still think of I’m looking at I’m looking I’m looking up his Playoff stats here so I can try to make an intelligent comment so that’s what I

Came up with first yeah 79 points and 77 playoff gam so like he’s a point per game player in the playoffs he scored five goals in seven games last year yeah Mark what you got to say three and three against Carolina 78 in 11 games he was seven goals eight

Assists against the capitals and the Islanders and then 10 points under the bubble and 19 and 24 18 he ripped it up but he’s been very good yeah I don’t get this yeah um I care more about him not making any any bad desperate attempts to make an

Offensive play at the end of a shift and costing them that’s what worries me yeah and I worry about it a lot less than I used to Mark what were you going to say I think that the the heat that pasta takes uh on the on the radio in the

Afternoon between two and six exuse yeah exuse things a bit uh you know in the among the fan base you know it’s not uh it’s the sky isn’t falling uh you know like some would uh portray it he’s you know a point per game in the playoffs you know who wouldn’t take that

So I I think uh yeah he’s got a obviously every year is a different year he’s got to deliver this year but uh you know I I think he takes too much heat for that and uh and I think a lot of it goes back toh the criticism he takes on

The airwaves uh in the afternoon I think that’s a great point mark because I think the only way they generate heat when they talk about the Bruins is by like uh you know criticizing postern neck and uh you know last year I think was right he was a 60 goal score and

They were talking about taking him off the power play that was their big thing that feler was talking about for long periods of time so well yeah they should you know somebody says once in a while ah they he makes a mistake ah he needs to watch from the Press Box next game

You know like yeah yeah right there’s a there’s a you know there’s a smart take every NHL coach in this day and age knows if you put past neck in the Press Box you’re going to be in the unemployment line looking for a job pretty soon afterwards if you’re an head

Coach yeah that’s the way it works in in that League the these days um Mick kagio Mark diver thank you very much for joining us I appreciate it uh let’s thank our sponsor prize pick is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most

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Thank you very much for joining me boys pleasure thanks Joe all right thank you everybody for listening we’ll see you at the R

Joe Haggerty is joined today by Mark Divver and Mick Colageo following a convincing Bruins win against Ottawa. But as the playoffs approach, who shoud the Bruins hope to avoid in the first round? Joe, Mark, and Mick discuss that, and much more!

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  1. Toronto's D will look different at playoff time. Leafs in 7. Islanders, Red Wings or Flyers could be Cinderella. They CAN'T beat either Florida team.

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