@Boston Bruins

The Coach and the Captain speak to media ahead of puck drop in Colorado! | Pregame Media (03/22/24)

The Coach and the Captain speak to media ahead of puck drop in Colorado! | Pregame Media (03/22/24)

Um maybe you won’t know until after he skates but what’s uh what’s Zach’s status for tonight a game time decision for now he’s going to skate see how he feels and uh and uh we’re hopeful that he’s going to play but uh we don’t know yet yeah this team this Colorado team

Obviously very good uh you know what they’ve done in the past you know what they hope to do this year but your team seems to respond to these high level teams very well what what is it about your team’s resp response to to the elite teams in the yeah well we compete

There’s that aspect of our game is is established we compete hard and we can skate so the Edmonton Oilers Colorado Avalanche that kind of team we can skate with those guys part of it is um what we’ve improved quite a bit during the season is our Gap so when you

Play against fast teams like this if you have a hard Gap on their forwards um you don’t allow them to pick up that speed and that’s what we’ve done really well against uh Edmonton and we can compare the two teams but McKinnon uh is a different um kind of player he’s

Powerful he’s fast quick hands he competes hard so that’s going to be a good challenge for our DNR forwards today as part of it also just embracing the challenge of going against some of these types of players and and and really wanting to to do well against

Them obviously for sure you can take a deep breath against those guys it’s U you have to be all in all the time for 60 minutes you can’t uh take a shift off so human nature you know your opponent uh so you’re a little bit more aware uh

All the time so that’s certainly part of it bo uh another Elite level team here but you guys seem to play maybe your best hockey against these types of teams what what is it about these types of teams that brings out the best well yeah like you said they’re a really

Good club over there um you know one that St in the cup two years ago and uh have a lot of the same pieces there and some Dynamic players so if you’re not sharp against these teams they play with a ton of speed uh if you’re not skating

If you’re not locked into where you have to be uh they’ll make you pay so I think uh it’s a good challenge for us to you know be prepared right from the start talked to Johnny about this and I ask him about embracing the challenge of playing you know some of the best

Players in the league and and wanting to compete against them and wanting to do well against them does that play into it as well for sure you get up for these games um pretty easily just because uh the talent they have over there and the you know obviously them being a really

Good team so uh like I said they they make you pay if you’re not um you know locked in and focused but uh embracing that challenge is good for our group right now and where we’re at and um you know we shouldn’t be sitting back we go

You know once the game starts go right at them

Hear from Head Coach Pascal Vincent and the Captain, Boone Jenner, ahead of the team’s game against the Colorado Avalanche!

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1 Comment

  1. Ask Pascal why he thought Peeke wasn't good enough to play but now he's thriving on a playoff team?
    It's not your players chief. It's your system.

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