@Buffalo Sabres


Sabres fans: *Eleventh*? I don’t think so.

by Eyebeams


  1. OhTheHumanatee

    Despite what a lot of us wanted to believe, the Sabres weren’t projected for much of a season by most experts or calculations.

  2. Its based on pre season projections and how teams are actually doing, nothing else is taken into consideration

  3. samson1723

    How can you be mad if it’s such a small variance number? Clearly everyone was expecting it to play out like it did

  4. nerdcoffin

    Buffalo deserves to be considered more disappointing!

  5. The commentators on NHL Network have predicted for the past two seasons that the Sabres would squeak into the playoffs. Last year they got as close as you can get without making it. This year there’s still a chance they barely get in and if not, they barely miss again. They’re just about where they’re supposed to be. We fans are only disappointed because we want the playoffs so badly after a long drought. We’re disillusioned. I hate to say be patient, but that’s what I tell myself all the time.

  6. Roguemutantbrain

    Have you seen the Sens? It’s a world of difference tbh

  7. StalinsStallions

    We really do take exception to everything

  8. Just a shit methodology. Obviously it’s a lot more disappointing for a team that expected to make the playoffs to miss them than it is for a team that expected to be the best in their division ending up being the second best.

  9. butterybuns420

    Well despite what some would say, Adams had an abysmal off-season. To think everyone on the offense would have the exact same output is naive and GM malpractice. Which is why most projected Buffalo to have a similar season to last. That being said getting Byram for Mitts has been a great acquisition but too little too late. I’m sure no one will be fired in this off-season so hopefully Adams wakes up and makes a few more hard decisions to finally put this team into the playoffs.

  10. veed_vacker

    I’m honestly flabbergasted that people thought Ottawa would be so good.

  11. Anybody who thought this season was playoffs or bust was setting themselves up for disappointment to be honest.

  12. beef4206977

    I think as fans we are more disappointed with the way individual players have competed this season.

    Obviously the whole Granato defensive systems seem to suck the wind out of the teams offensive production, nobody would have predicted Thompson-Tuch-Skinner to be toothless and for our young core to take such a large step back.

    Despite the step backs, Peterka and Joker have looked great, Benson has shown flashes of greatness and tenacity, and the Byram addition has already shown dividends. UPL’s emergence along with Levi taking steps in Rochester are all things I’ve been excited about as a fan.

    However, the biggest grief with the team is the way they handled the offseason hype. Leaning into it let fans believe this was the year they would make a run at the postseason, instead of a more cautionary tone letting fans know there’s growing pains with the youngest team in the league.

  13. PhilosopherActive484

    I’m extremely disappointed as a Sabres fan. Sick and tired of this shit.

  14. Substantial-Hippo-52

    Sabres should be third only to NJ and Ottawa


    Hahahahahaaaaaaaaa I thought the same thing! We beat NJ ALL FUCKING DAY!!! We should be number one on this!


    I mean it’s based off the opinion of 11..*experts* made in the preseason. It’s clickbait with infographics

  17. I mean what did you expect? The roster was the same except for an old defensemen and Clifton.

    Not like we were burning down doors or made the playoffs in the past 13 years. I think they should be at 0 nothing has changed and nothing got better.

  18. Are you fucking complaining because you think we should be higher in fan disappointment? What the fuck is the point of this.

  19. thedavesiknow1

    The expectations are never going to be too hiigh to begin with. Therein lies the problem here.

  20. KWalter02

    They missed the playoffs by 1 point last year & added 2 barely average defenseman. I’m not disappointed at all. I figured they’d be on the outside looking in

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