@Boston Bruins

LQR Game 57: Returning the favor :Bruins @ Oilers

LQR Game 57: Returning the favor :Bruins @ Oilers

Good game yeah you too how you feeling heart hurts can’t breathe you heart hurts can’t breathe I think another scare it actually kill me good thing we’re done for now hey guys well that’s a shame loser hey man oh [ __ ] lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team that is a

Dub obviously it’s like almost 2: in the morning we can’t be can’t be out here screaming once again we have a 500 a.m. wake up time for work this is going to be a groovy week what a fun week ahead of us what a fun hockey game what an

Excellent game nothing sucks more literally nothing there’s no such thing as something sucking more than staying up till 1 or two in the morning just to watch a hockey game that isn’t good right you you’re watching just a slog Fest no this game was exciting it was

Impactful it felt like it mattered to everybody in the building except for James Van Rees like just an excellent hockey game you got to feel good about that there are people that are going to be negative about this I don’t really see it there’s plenty to criticize there’s always plenty to criticize but

What a great hockey game a gutsy win after for once you had to bail out your goal tending that happens to every team they need that they need that sometimes and this time we got to repay the favor and actually did how many times this season we talked about the gold tending

Putting up a great performance and us not coming through right us being the forwards I’m words you know how that works they repaid the favor on this one because sway struggled people are allowed to have a bad game every now and again it’s just when you’re the

A fantastic game and the boys got it done you love to see it the Edmonton Oilers are debatably one of the best teams in the league some of you don’t think that at all some of you think they’re the best team in the west I think they’re probably second or third

In the west but On Any Given night I could choose them over another team I think that’s fair this is our first meeting of the year against them although that feels a little weird it feels like we’ve already played them but I think that’s because last year’s games

Against them were so impactful either way the Edmonton Oilers are forc on the power play 16th in the penalty kill fifth in the goals four per game and 11th in the goals allowed per game through the season but we know because we pay attention that the Oilers have

Had two very distinct Seasons this year the first half was abysmal it was terrible absolute d fky nuggets they were bad particularly defensively like really bad like biting into the first chicken nugget from a from a brand new order of chicken nuggets and you bite directly into this big fatty piece that

Makes you not want to eat the rest of the Nuggets that’s how bad defensively they were to start the year but lately the second half has been anything but since the beginning of their massive 16 game win streak which they’re very proud about they are are which obviously this

Is a cherry pick date I get that but they are 23 and0 Now 23 and one they are during that stretch fourth in goals scored per game second in goals allowed per game they have the highest goal scoring differential per game in the league during that time outscoring their

Opponents by almost 1.7 goals per game now most of us would jump to the conclusion that they’re Treading Water five on five and their special teams are incredible because that’s what we’ve come to expect from the Eon Oilers but that’s just not true during that stretch they’re seventh in power play percentage

Which is nothing to sleep on but certainly doesn’t answer a 23 and one record uh and they’re 12th on the PK so the five on five play has been excellent but beyond that they have the third best team safe percentage in the league during that stretch with a

926 safe percentage that’s really really good they’re scoring almost 65% of the goals scored during their games they’re dominant they’re a dominant team during that stretch if you want to poke holes somewhere in there good luck finding the stats because I had a deep dive on them

Today and I can’t find it man I simply can’t I can’t find a real reason to go this team kind of sucks you just can’t do it now they can’t seem to get the wins against teams that they want to beat Vegas just beat them La just beat

Them I do think they had a win against La a little earlier in the season though so there’s a little I think Vegas is still kind of shrugging their shoulders at them because I yeah win all the regular season games I don’t think we’re that afraid of you but Edmonton’s a

Scary team in my opinion I think they could go on a Deep Run really do they do not have Ryan nent Hopkins for this one due to an illness so he’s going to miss a game or two but this team reminds me a lot of the stars in the sense that

They’re not a team you want to face coming out of a slump and we talked last video about like maybe this slump isn’t quite over it’s a shootout win against Dallas Star team that’s very very good but it feels like at very least the team’s starting to come back and hitting

Their stride at very least you’re facing another Juggernaut you won the game regardless how you want it you want it for the Bruins we’re going to go with the Martian Coral highend line at the top the debras zaka poock line jvr geeky Rashard Frederick bis brazo Grizz Mack

Laor laori Carlo um for wat spoon and soyan why did they immediately change the fourth line after it looked so good well I’m not going to argue with it because although I immediately rolled my eyes at that the fourth line was great today so uh good job Monty I’m Gonna

Leave You Alone on that I’m I’m an armchair coach armchair GM all of those things I’m going to let that one go uh swayman gets the back to back omark I wonder if they were just like ehar guys choose which game you want maybe Swingman wanted this Edmonton game maybe

Omark wanted Calgary I’m not going to read too deeply into that and then of course the reason Laur has been called up is because Lind home is week to week welcome back Lori enjoy McDavid [ __ ] L was great he was so good I just can’t believe like this is your

Welcome back to the NHL have fun poor guy poor guy and before we talk about this game like comment subscribe nailed it the high quality inspectors you guys absolutely Rock you’ll see all the bks for them at the end of the videos but these guys are absolute studs and

Stallions um the Twitter handle I think the Discord link keeps dying on me but there’s Discord link below if you’re having trouble with that just message in the YouTube messages or whatever uh I’ll get you a link for that and then there’s other social medias and things down

There I also have a Tik Tok page where I put up like the shorts and things like that so if you just want a place where you can go back and see all the older ones not they’re not all up there they’re mostly just my favorite ones but

That’s there if you’re interested let’s talk about this game shall we drops that was weird that was a weird noise that just came out of my mouth Buck drops baby and immediately bad news immediately bad news 105 in and Grizz is taken down by McLoud awkward hit he

McLoud gets two minutes for tripping but it’s a weird leg tangling up against the boards and Grizz doesn’t get up trainer helps him to the tunnel uh he’s going to come back about 5 minutes left in the period won’t play a shift and start of the second period they’re going to

Announce that he’s not going to return so we have another defensive injury injury that we’re staring down which is concerning because with every injury it’s more likely that forbort gets more minutes also worth mentioning don’t be that person in the comments who are like good I’m glad Grizz is injured he’s out

Of the lineup I saw a bunch of that on that Cesspool Twitter and I don’t respect that [ __ ] at all these are these are people and injuries regardless if forbort got injured tomorrow I wouldn’t be like yeah I don’t want forbort playing for the Bruins I don’t want him

To get hurt so don’t don’t celebrate injuries is what I’m trying to get at here anyway well let’s talk about this actual game we’re going to the power play right away because of that McLoud hit on Grizz and the top unit has a great shift but isn’t able to make

Anything happen with it Marian ends up confident up it goes back the other way the second unit comes on gets into the zone and I think this was a big con set for the team this game pucks to the net we talk about it all the time but there

Are some games where the coach is like hey I don’t trust this goenda the front of the net pucks on net more than usual and that’s what we do we get set up geeky on the left point is thinking pucks the net so he just flicks

It through the crowd and de Brusque with a screen Skinner never sees it it’s a perfect top blocker floater bardownski basically one zero power play goal good job geeky how about that that also puts him at 10 goals on the season we’ve got a bunch of guys who are double digits a

Lot of lot of spread in that value around 820 left of the period Edmonton is going to start picking it up and forbort has time and space in the right corner stop me if you heard this one before time and space in the right corner but he opts to shovel this Puck

Backhanded into de bruss skates who is on the right wall and it gets deflected off to BR skates who’s trying to the only play he can make is try to kick it out for an outlet where forbo’s coming back up he tries that forbort recollects immediately gets Stripped by McDavid

Puck is poked forward for Fogle Fogle gets a one-on-one with San and he ends up cutting inside and just jamming his five hole I’m sure Swan wants this one back obviously it’s a one-on-one it’s a tricky situation but it just felt like you could have closed that up a little

More either way it’s 1 once again because for more had time and space in in our Zone with the puck and manages to have a goal against before ever getting out of the Zone he’s unplayable he’s unplayable 537 left makoy face down on the ice after a collision with Heyman this was super

Concerning for all sorts of obvious reasons he struggles to get up but he does stay on the bench somehow they don’t call the interference on Heyman here but they missed a ton of stuff on both ends of this one I know a lot of people complain about McDavid cross Che

And they miss so many calls it evened out I think with about 230 left in the period Rashard is going to go for tripping we’re going to the Penalty kill we kill it and then we’re going to go to the second period second period is a great period it’s actually one that

Edmonton’s known for not performing well especially recently in that period and the Bruins are known for not being the best in the second period at least internally I don’t want know what our actual numbers say but I think you say second period Bruins to most Bruins fans

They go either way 25 seconds in this is just a nice little drop pass by Heinen they do that whole swoop in the corner of the neutral zone Heinen drops it marshan picks it up starts streaking his way down that left side gets in the left

Circle pucks to the net just whips this blocker side I can’t believe this went in Skinner wants this one back any galie who’s going to get beat short side like that from a distance e they want it back but either way it’s 2-1 just like that we’re not even 30 seconds into the

Period yet and of course you expect this to be a bit of a back to back but 440 in the Bruins get set up again and makoy saves it on the line he tips it forward for boist Bist who’s thinking pucks to the net does exactly that hard low rer

Frederick is going to be skating by the front of the net and he gets the slightest of tips it’s the softest little redirect it Glides towards the far post Skinner never sees it because Brazil’s big 6’6 240lb frame is battling in front of him it just sneaks by

Everybody and that’s 3-1 just like that you have a strong hold on this 620 in and Cory Perry proves once again he’s a piece of [ __ ] I hate Cory Perry man I do not hate it’s a strong word Cory Perry is such an [ __ ] and I know people say

About Marian and everything I’m fine with just being a hater I’m so fine with being a hater Cory Perry and w give each other a couple shoves and Perry wants to fight and W spoon pretty clearly skating forward like it’s not going to happen man and so cor Perry’s like yeah it is

Drops his gloves and immediately goes up after W spoon it’s really funny watching somebody sucker someone and still lose the [ __ ] fight because wat spoon needs another 10 seconds just to get everything off of him and get set in the fight and then starts pummeling Cory Perry into the [ __ ] ice that was

Gorgeous water spoon should stay in the lineup even though there’s a mistake I’m going to point out that W spoon made that cost us a goal in just a bit it was a great fight a great bout but it makes us lose another defenseman for five more

Minutes so we’re down to four during that time frame and Cory Perry goes to the Box because he gets the instigating penalty which he should have gotten now we don’t score in this power play which sucks but the amount the announcers actually commentators are to say talked

About how well that’s going to get this team’s Jam going they’re going to if they come back back this is the play that they’re going to point to no it’s not and they said it through the rest of the game when they did come back guess

What happened after this we go on the penalty kill geeky for slashing we kill it and then we score another goal to go up 4-1 Cory Perry’s fight didn’t change momentum I’ll tell you what changed momentum in a moment it wasn’t Cory Perry what a stupid decision to make to

Put yourself in the box when you’re down two goals I get trying to get things started but find a way to do it where you don’t put your team at disadvantage immediately even if we didn’t capitalize we’ll move on I teased a goal coming 603 left of the period it’s simple and it’s

Beautiful zaka line gets to work and it’s the best passing I’ve seen all season they’re possessing the puck they’re very patient and just moving around the Zone just waiting for an opportunity now we know pasta sees opportunities where other players don’t and mostly it’s just because he has the

Puck and would like to shoot and I have nothing against that because his team needs to shoot more as it is so pasta in the highest slot decides it’s time let it fly and he lets it Fly and de Brusque at the net front deflects it on net

Skinner makes a save but kicks it right back out to debrusk who’s able to shovel this into the open net it’s 4-1 fun little thing here before the game Louie debrusk deus’s father uh pulled out this little golden ticket for when debrus was just a kid and on the ticket it said a

Goal or an assist or 30 push-ups de brus got his goal no push-ups for him it was a really cute moment I liked it I like liked it either way it’s 4-1 and less than 2 minutes later makoy loses a board battle and Heyman starts skating up the

Left wall but he sees that wspoon during this board battle where he got pulled to the side completely lost Fogle behind him doesn’t even see where he is Fogle is right to the net great pass by Hyman Fogle looks like he’s going to tip this and San prepares for that he carals it

And just goes around the sprawled out San and dunks it it’s 42 that wasn’t in my opinion the big momentum shift right they got back within two obviously that’s a boost to that team and the period is going to end that way including the last four minutes

Where it is unbelievably brutal on one line as they get pinned into our Zone where Lori had to play 3 minutes and 47 seconds straight now there were two icings during it but still because they couldn’t get off the ice 3 minutes 4 47 seconds for Lori everyone else was in

The 3 minute-ish Mark some people were in the high 230s high 240s that’s brutal but did not allow allow a goal during it we’re going in the third period we’re up two goals where’s the momentum shift because Edmonton’s going to come out hot they’re going to come out hard but are

They going to really be able to push past us and no to start the period through the first five minutes Edmonton had one shot on net and we were getting right back into their Zone each time they didn’t have momentum I just hated this whole context of like Cory Perry

Started this whole movement no he didn’t that fight had nothing to do with the end result of the game or their comeback such a responsible start to the period and unfortunately for once I’m going to crap on sway for a couple minutes here I don’t mean it because

Sway’s been brilliant and yeah he struggled a little bit recently but if anyone deserves to have a bad game or two I think him or omark do I think they deserve to have bad games once in a while because that happens 614 in Swan tries to clear the puck around the boards it

Doesn’t get out that’s not the problem CCE from the right point he collects it he goes ah pucks to the net hammers this one on net you all see it the goalie grabs it soaks it up it’s mine I’ve got it nope it’s behind you sitting right behind you

Like a little egg from a bird’s ass and yon Mark is there to just tip it right through it’s for three that’s about as soft as soft comes that’s a bad one and from there the Boston Bruins reverted to whatever that seven game series was last year they couldn’t clear the puck they

Were on their heels the entire time we’re going to talk a little bit about that in the game notes but 724 in it’s a minute and 10 seconds later Edmonton gets set up off a Faceoff it’s a win from the right Circle they get the puck

Over to the left point shot at this time during this shot makoy started the shift on the left side so that he could be the primary Puck mover off a Faceoff win we lost the face off him and forbort didn’t communicate and honestly I don’t know whose responsibility this was if they

Keep that structure or if they typically switch I don’t know but both of them stayed on the left side so when the shot came from sorry the left side of San so if you reverse and it’s the opposite point that makes the shot there’s no defenseman on that side of the ice and

It gets tipped by Cory Perry it gets saved by Swan but kicked right back out to him not good rebound control by Swan but on a tip shot that’s a tough save to make and Cory Perry Just roofs it over the pad it’s 44 just like that I’m mad

At the defense I think San could have done a better job at his rebound control but we just blew a three-g goal lead in 12 minutes of play whatever that is something like that brutal lock it in these things happen against good teams you still have to find a way to

Win the game and it looks like we were going to because 716 left and it’s Lori again who already has two assists on the game Edmonton looks like they forced the puck out of the Zone but Loray doesn’t give up on it and he’s in the neutral

Zone he flies through grabs the puck on the blue line forces his way into the offensive zone and then immediately drops it basically as soon as he steps over that blue line he then drops it for pasta who picks up skates his way into the high slot and a absolute sniper Ro

And cheese top blocker it’s 54 this was 716 left end this game they we’ve had our fun end it be responsible 637 left less than a minute later and swayman is drowning Heinen and Carla lose another Puck battle which shouldn’t have happened that’s their fault Edmonton Cycles this up to EOL at the

Top of the slot an absolute blast once again and it hits Swan right in the chest and he spits it right back out right up the slot and I mean it’s there for the cleanup Heyman cleans it up 55 five ho again I think Swan had a terrible game a

Terrible third I should say just awful he had a great overtime a great one with 20 seconds left of the period J are the only thing he’ll do this game trips ym Mark and we’re going to go on the penalty kill with a minute 40 of penalty

Kill time in overtime we kill it largely due to some huge saves that San made particularly one on dry Sidle where he just snagged AC cross cross slot oh it was excellent we even spring jvr when he gets out of the box full Breakaway doesn’t score on it gets gets the door

Closed five Hole by Skinner 2 minutes left of the overtime period we’re cycling the puck around no one played the whole like possession possession possession thing I think everyone was trying to score which is kind of nice to see but debrusk has it nice little leave

For makoy who circles his way up to the top of the slot he’s going to come down the slot deak just tow drag around a Vander Kane scoot his way past a diving poking Skinner and as he’s falling over as the Skinner stick wiped his feet out

He smacks this into the net once again mavo is your hero It’s a 65 OTW you take those plenty of stuff to PO calls in plenty of stuff to get frustrated with but at the end of the day that’s a win where your goenda them out and you did that’s that’s the right

Response to this but let’s talk about some Game notes it’s a long video but let’s talk about some Game notes zaka line is performing they’re consistently the analytics aren’t good we’ve talked about that consistently going to get outshot out chanced but they outscoring their opposition and it’s great to see

But zaka is about as snake bitten as I’ve ever seen and he’s living up to his Devil’s reputation unfortunately Devil’s fans told me a thousand times hey enjoy this guy he’s going to go 30 games and he’s going to hit 4,000 posts but you’re not going to see him score big goals he

Had big goals last year he has it in him but yeah he’s not even the king of ping this year he’s not even hitting posts missing the net like crazy so that’s something that uh is a fun little subplot I guess of this season other game notes swayman

Softy return the Bruins to something that we don’t want to see and I think it reminded everyone what it’s like not to have a goalie now obviously we have two great goalies I’m not taking anything away from San here but when your defense or your forwards or really any presence

In the defensive zone is not confident that your goalie is goingon to make the next save everything gets a lot tighter and you start failing clears more often you hesitate in the defensive zone so players jump on you which I know you noticed once that once the game was tied

Particularly they held the puck way too long in the defensive Zone and kept turning it over it was bad I think this is the bigger Point here is you’re seeing what happens when there’s a little bit of Doubt for the guy in the pipes maybe let’s have a little more

Grace for having two excellent goenda and talk to fans who don’t have goal tending it sucks and it affects everyone’s game last little game note here obviously the injuries Force this result that lorai is going to stay up with the team for a little while but I

Don’t know how you can reasonably send him down knowing he’s capable of games like this he was brilliant he was awesome he was strong on the puck he made great plays offensively great P plays in the neutral zone you got to keep them in the lineup you force out

Whoever you need to once we’re fully healthy well obviously not whoever you need to but lorai should be in the lineup that’s a that should be a playoff player for me and I don’t think that’s even up for debate at this point he’s earned it he’s good enough for it I know

This is a one game sample after he’s coming back but games like these against competition like this I don’t know I I just I have a hard time moving him out of the lineup and W spoon right there as well forbort and shaten Kirk have been so bad that

Even when we’re fully healthy I just don’t see why you wouldn’t why you wouldn’t try to try a lorai water spoon pairing on the third pair it just feels right to me just feels right we’ll see what happens uh and even with water spoon’s big mistake

In this one he still world’s better than forbort forbort was terrible again again anyway guys it does it for me we got another game tomorrow night against Calgary I’m going to try to be conscious plan is work tomorrow gym go to sleep wake up at 8:45 p.m. and watch the game

Then do a video then go to work the next day it’ll be fine sleep is for the week Go Beast go be once again guys thank you so much for watching but it is time to give a shout out to our high quality inspectors we’ve got our Top Line tier

Inspectors we got Brock nope H slomo coach D the bugman the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams J Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett Arie pinsen and Nick Zulo thank you guys so much for your support it is greatly appreciated and of course massive props to these Absol salute stallions the allstar tier

Inspectors we have bruan smash Jason Aussie bruan Conelly Jonathan Harvey Joel abaxion Jacob Pratt tupton D Tashi da Kingery the only noots a tasty snack dutes 42 and Jeremy you guys are absolute studs I can’t thank you enough and go be PE

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  1. 2.

    I had faith coming into this game. I know that McGoon is a bit of a baby. Though I have complete respect for him. Ya know?

    I hate Foegele. Bruins Kryptonite. Just happy he didn’t get his hatty. Sad that Wotherspoon didn’t get his Gordie.

    We (my father and I) were listening to the Radio. As we are in Canada. All we were hearing about was. Rather surprisingly Bouchard.

    Perry shouldn’t be in the league anymore. Terrible player, goon behaviour. Gets away with infractions. All the time. Why? “lol. It’s Perry being a Pest. Hacking a goalies stick away. Leading to a goal. lol.” Now that he’s an Oiler, he will be SO MUCH WORSE

    When the Oilers got that flukey goal. You felt momentum shift. It was a TERRIBLE feeling. I know my father actually cursed at Swayman on the…4th or 5th goal.

    I was worried about the Pasta goal. That made it 5-4. It looked Off-Side. However. Guessing Woodcroft? Felt it was too close. Blessed be.

    vR getting his Penalty in the dying minute. That felt like BS. Just wish vR was able to capitalize on his makeshift break away…he either had a Pasta moment where too many options went through his head…or. This one feels more accurate…he was gassed despite being in the box.

    THEN MCAVOY GETTING THE GAME WINNER! He is so clutch. I love it.

    I won’t be able to watch the game against the Nucks. That, even though my training starts on Monday. Will be too late for me 🙁 so. Flames are my last game for a month or two. Will only be able to watch Weekend games.

    Hope Grzelcyk isn’t gone for too long. My father brought up how, last time he got injured. We surrendered a 3 goal lead? Losing the game. Blessed we didn’t also lose this one…and then once Grizz came back; he was so out of it. Poor kid. Dudes older than me.

    GO B’s!!!!

  2. Watching that Marchand tribute last game and when I saw Kevan Miller pop up I thought what a great addition he would have been to this team

  3. 2nd period: "WE'RE SO BACK!!" 3rd period: "not again…." OT: "WE'RE SO BACK!!" What an amazing game to watch. The Oilers are an absolute force. If Dallas wasn't a slump breaker – this was.

  4. I wouldn't say Edmonton is the best team but I'd argue 'til I"m blue in the face that they have the best offense in the league

  5. I didn’t get to watch this one. I can see maybe it was for the best the mood swings woulda been too much. Wonder what the boys in the office are thinking now they’re down 2 top left d

  6. I can be happy Gryz is not in the lineup, but not like that he had to be injured to be taken out of the lineup, and that's OK. He has been a liability this year.

  7. “Donkey nuggets, Fatty Chicken nuggets, and behind Swayman like an egg from a bird’s butt”. 😂
    Where do you get this Low Qual?”

  8. so how was that not interference on mcavoy? it was last week against marchand. Bruins are much better on the road. they would of won the cup in 19 if they were 4 road and 3 home. this past home stand was brutal.

  9. I watched the first period last night and watched the rest this morning before work on my DVR. Great game! I laughed when you said everyone cared except JVR lol

  10. Strong disagree that wotherspoon was better than Forbort today. Both had defensive lapses. It was very easy to get inside ice by the goalie agains the Mac wotherspoon pair

  11. Great to get contributions from pretty much every line on the score sheet, but the defense and goaltending couldn’t hold up in the third period. Pretty good effort though considering we were missing a defenseman the whole game.

    Jd-Zacha-Pasta line seems to be clicking well, as well as a great game from the 4th line. Brazeau deserves to stay up and is great with Boqvist. When we’re fully healthy the bottom pair should be Lohrei-Wotherspoon. Lohrei this time around seems to have cut the defensive deffiencies out of his game, more responsible, better d zone coverage. But still so smooth with the puck.

  12. Lohrei deff needs to stay but now the griz is hurt they should call up Regula from prov he’s 6’4 and playing well down there adds another big body on the back end

  13. Lohrei definitely played like a N H L defenceman last night.
    I like what I'm seeing with Brazeau so far as well.

  14. McAvoy, Wotherspoon and forbort looked horrible most of the night.. looking lost in front of Swayman – McAVoy at least pulled off that zip-de-doodle to win the game, but there were lots of times they were not defending – just standing and watching. At least the rest pulled up their socks.

  15. I was getting pissed when I thought they’d blown a 4-1 lead. A dazzling display of skating and pass with speed was the Pastanak to DeBrusk’s goal. That was hockey artistry. Give them credit for hanging in their fighting of Oilers PP, then overtime Joy with Charlie winning the game. The Bruins are for real.GO Bs!

  16. Were the TnT guys trying to suck off the Oilers last night? I know people have their issues with Jack being a homer but c'mon TnT. Fk Corey Perry dudes a clown wanting to fight Parker and not Freddy is whack and then taking a run at an already hurt Chuck, just glad we clutched the win, GO B's!

  17. I like Brazeau a lot and he was on the ice with Freddie and looked good at points . I think him and Freddie are meshing

  18. Ya, the commentators were brutal. They kept chirping about the great fight Perry had but I must have missed it cuz all I saw was him jump Wotherspoon and then get tossed when Spoon got free. Sway was off but was great in OT

  19. I thought Swayman played well, maybe 2 soft goals but the rest werent really his fault. That stop in OT was insane I thought it was over. He faced 42 shots on a potent oilers team. I think it was mostly defensive breakdowns that cost goals more than Swayman. Good win regardless

  20. Zacha was so strong in the first like 15 games and then fell off a cliff. It really felt like he was going to spearhead the top center spot.

  21. I just watched the Perry/Wotherspoon fight. What a piece of shit that Perry is. I am glad Wotherspoon tagged him.

  22. We need the playoffs to start now, I’m exhausted trying to gauge this team, we can beat the best and get schooled by the worst, seems to mean nothing to the boys as they cruise into the playoffs like last season, can we expect a different outcome? Who the F knows

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