@Edmonton Oilers

He’s learned absolutely nothing, apparently

He’s learned absolutely nothing, apparently

by PapaAsmodeus


  1. Edm_vanhalen1981

    This is going to follow him around forever like a fart in a cushion.

  2. minor_thing2022

    So can we stop talking about him? Let him fade into dust

  3. Interwebzking

    “As journalists we need to be better at telling stories and sharing the facts”

    *proceeds to admit he only knows Hyman’s story and that’s why he singled him out*

    Sounds like we need to hold sports “reporters” and journalists in general to a much higher standard, right Andrew?

  4. Turbulent_Cheetah

    The argument about why not talk about the sons of former players doesn’t work when those players are generally assumed to be genetically gifted and “destined” for the league, while Hyman is always credited for his hard work above everything.

  5. PapaAsmodeus

    And can I just say something else? If the reason Hyman scored 50 goals is because of his wealth and his family’s wealth, then why isn’t every other player having the same success? His father might be super rich, but even still, money didn’t get that work ethic out of him, Hyman himself did.

  6. Numerous_Crazy_1479

    ELI5 wtf happened?

    Ty, Get it now, closeted anti Semitism and general douchebaggery.

  7. Future-delayed

    I agree with one of the commenters, he said something stupid and shitty, then when called out, said even stupider and shittier things.

    He’s Rasputin-ing himself. Poison, shot, drowned… keep it coming man smh

  8. CurlingTrousers

    The MO of the asshole. I’m 100% right, and if you disagree, it’s your character flaw for reasons I can’t articulate. At best, he will only settle on a “yeah, but still” argument. This irrelevant, waddling chins transporter sweat hog swung for something in a specific political climate and doesn’t want to eat the blowback.

    Dickheads incapable of learning or evolving never apologize.

  9. PPGN_DM_Exia

    Him trying to act all holier-than-thou with other media members is hilarious when you consider his career has tanked and he’s been stuck writing betting articles since SDPN let him go in January.

  10. Deep_Principle_4446

    Blocked him that day and the TL is better for it

  11. Rulebreaking

    He’s loving the attention, let’s not give him anymore.

  12. Edm_vanhalen1981

    In all seriousness, he has a decent story, but was too stupid and too consumed with personal attacks, to really research and present his thoughts in a coherent manner.

    The thesis could have been; economics and their affects on success in professional hockey.

  13. kentuckyfriedchocobo

    He’s disgusting and shouldn’t even have a platform to spread his clearly antisemitic hate.

    Literally all the kids of former NHL players have advantages, he doesn’t say a word.

    A Jew gets 50 goals for the first time – MONEY MONEY MONEY PRIVILEGE PRIVILEGE

  14. Jaded_Promotion8806

    You can correct him once in case he’s just wildly ignorant but after that he’s on his own, idk what the point in engaging with him further is.

  15. Master-File-9866

    “And that children is why you never double down on stupid” a lost episode of how I met your mother probably

  16. Frozenpucks

    So going after a dude cause he’s Jewish isn’t just straight racism now?

  17. Flashy_Ferret_1819

    Hyman has a better work ethic, more heart, and more drive than 99% of NHLers. THAT is why he is successful. Hockey is a rich person’s sport, no doubt, but he isn’t buying his goals.

    His massive production jump is because he almost perfectly compliments the best player in the game, which is hardly a knock or criticism. It isn’t because he came from money. I imagine a large percentage of professional hockey players come from well above average families financially.

  18. Striking_Economy5049

    The fact the guy doesn’t know that pretty much every kid who makes the NHL these days comes from a middle class life or higher, should disqualify him from reporting on the sport.

    I’m not saying it’s right, and there should be more programs, like football, where kids can lease equipment for a season to be able to play, but tarnishing Hyman’s accomplishments simply because of where he comes from is dogshit.

  19. The_Pickled_Mick

    He’s probably just a salty Leafs fan.

  20. Chris_p_tolentino14

    Opposing fans will do anything but accept the fact the Oilers have good players 😭

  21. kabalongski

    It’s obvious that this guy is a moron and he’s not going to understand the flaw of how he went about making his point. It’s probably best to ignore the doofus and not listen to anything he’s associated with. It’s like arguing with a brick wall, a complete waste of time.

  22. Gold_Gain1351

    Like he’s 100% right that hockey is an only rich person game, but to do it with that timing when he could’ve said it a million times before is super cringe

  23. greyone75

    That’s one way to jeopardize one’s media career

  24. George__Parasol

    I like the comment further down saying that Sam Reinhart scored his 50th goal the same night (?) and is the son of a successful NHL player himself, but not a peep.

    Hockey is absolutely exclusionary. Zach Hyman is not the face of this exclusion.

  25. Previous-Exit8449

    BREAKING: Kids born into families with wealth have more opportunities.

  26. Straight-Plate-5256

    As a flames fan it’s honestly stunning that the point is smacking him in the face and he still refuses to acknowledge it lol

    IMO any nepo-privelege advantage you get that helps you make it to the NHL stops there, to accomplish a great and uncommon achievement like 50 goals among a class of mostly equal footed individuals as far as privilege is only done with hard work. Good for Zach, he’s a class act who deserves credit and Andrew can get bent

  27. Really telling when a very analytically oriented guy focuses on demographic elements when:

    – Hyman mostly scored 50 due to shooting 6% above average and McDavid going into Joe Thornton 2006 mode

    Any Corsi nerd like myself would focus on that, but apparently some want to get nasty

    Also that like as someone skeptical of the hard work element Hyman clearly is one of the best examples of it, he definitely squeezes every last bit out of his skillset

    Ugly ugly saga

  28. flyingflail

    I think I speak for everyone when I say what a fucking loser

  29. GreatCanadianPotato

    Literally 99% of people disagree with him…but he still thinks he’s right and the 99% is wrong.

  30. Inside_Jelly_3107

    In what world is this joker a “journalist”?

    Hyman is a hero… I loved him as a Leaf, was mad they let him walk, but am still proud of him. I hope he gets 60.

  31. dontaskagain88

    Here is what I think, maybe zaks fam was rich and helped him on his way sure. All us poor peasants would do the same for our child maybe couldn’t buy a league or whatever but God damn we would do the best we could for our child. So zaks family did that maybe to help him maybe just cus they felt like it. Point is hyman is a great guy and he was obviously raised to be a model to the young people and community. He’s a stand up guy. Alot of rich families have piece of shit entitled children with maids raising them. Hyman family raised a fucking legend on and off the ice. And fuck the d bag who thinks otherwise

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