@Dallas Stars

Got my Pride Night jerseys in today and they’re gorgeous.

Wish they’d go back to the black blank instead of the white, but can’t wait to get these framed.

by doctorelliot


  1. doihavetowearabra

    Love!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️

  2. iAmCyberwaste

    Oh those are beautiful! Hope they take Pride of place in your collection.

  3. MrBananaGrabber

    wow i hadn’t seen these, they look incredible

  4. doctorelliot

    Btw if the person who won Roope is a redditor I’m sorry I got in a bidding war with you 👀

  5. happyklam

    These look so great! I’m always curious how much these auctions get up to, if you’re willing to share.

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