@National Hockey League

Babe wake up sharks shutout

Babe wake up sharks shutout

by Red_John3332


  1. SnooOpinions8755

    “babe the sharks get shut out all the time.. wait, what!?”

  2. Normal_Tip7228

    Lol this season the Sharks have out scored the blues 9-1 

  3. IrishICEE

    Lmao the Sharks helping the Knights while Hertl is coming in a week is wild

  4. Wtfgoinon3144

    Babe must have been sleeping for a long time

  5. Kitchen-Ad-5571

    should be thanking McNabb for injuring sunquist

  6. PeterVanNostrand

    Stick a fork in any hope for last minute playoff making win streak

  7. Content-Attorney7056

    Imagine being st Louis: “well. At least we’re not the pens…..nevermind”

  8. DummyDonut0629

    “Nono, THEY shut someone else out this time!”

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