@Buffalo Sabres

I want the Buffalo Sabres to win…

I want the Buffalo Sabres to win…

Yeah this going to be a quick video Sabres beat the New York New Jersey Devils I said New York Devils New Jersey Devils uh five to two good game but I I want to talk about the Sabers make this a coup minut the deal but you know what I want the Sabres

To win more than anything I mean that you’re like well you’re a Bruins fan what do you mean by that I want the Buffalo saber fans to be happy I’m not even joking like I I legitimately want them next year to to be a playoff team and I want

Them to fulfill their potential we’ve talked about them for so many years and you know they’ve had nice young pieces nice young players but you know for one reason or another they’ve just really kind of fallen short upl’s had a good year Devon Levi he’s a young golender I still believe in

Him they have so much young Talent um I think the trade of middle stat for Byrum I think made sense for both teams but I love bym as a defenseman like you’re going to have such good pieces to build around on the back end and then up front

I think you have some Talent as well Buffalo is a team and a fan base that needs to win that deserves to win considering how rough of a go it’s been for Buffalo Sabers fans I think it would be amazing if next year they made a playoff push and and

Just we’re competitive and we’re so good they’re such a talented team they are they are such a talented team and like with potential I think if they get the right voice in the room I I do think they have all the pieces to be a good team Stanley Cup Contender next season

I’m not going to go that far but if they can make the playoffs and start being a consistent playoff team over the next few years and they keep developing their young players um I think they have a good chance to be a competitive team for a very long

Time but more than anyone more than anyone any other team in the NHL maybe outside of San Jose because it’s been rough for them too and Anaheim too Anaheim do a couple but with Buffalo they’ve been so close talent-wise to being something special I want them to win more than any

Other team in the NHL next season I want those saber fans to be like breaking tables bring the BR tradition to Buffalo break tables I don’t care if they bring it into the arena throwing on Center iice and just having some crazy guy from Buffalo breaking tables right in right in center

Rice Buffalo Sabers deserve to have a winner the fan base well not not even the ownership but the fans deserve to have a winner so random video short video it’s entertaining game but it made me really think like I really hope that the the Sabres can turn it around and

Put a product on the ice that their fans can be proud of see you in the next one

The Buffalo Sabres beat the New Jersey Devils 5-2. I want to see Buffalo turn the corner and become a consistent playoff team. Will they fulfill their potential eventually?

#nhl #hockey #buffalosabres #sabres


  1. I miss the old days of Bruins vs Buffalo tough games, ever since Lucic knocked out Miller the Sabres have been soft as mink fur. Buffalo needs a coach that plays the talent more icetime, instead of playing Greenway his Son so much play Peterka the top minutes, it took 69 games then finally he listened to me, Peterka 5 goals in last 4 games.

  2. I mean, how can you not root for the Sabres… you take a look sideways and they are straight suffering. The fans and players don't deserve that purgatory

  3. Idk if anything will change under the Pegulas unfortunately. It’s been so half assed since taking over. No experience throughout everything and just cheap. Out of all the years of suck this season was a dagger for sure. This is it with this system it sucks

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