@Calgary Flames

Face Balanced Putters: Why You Shouldn’t Play Them! (hint: try the slant neck version!)

In 7 years of fitting, over 1,000 people, only a handful of players have truly fit into a face balanced putter. It is true that you have to have a much flatter arc to use a face balanced putter, but it still doesn’t address the release: whether you fade or draw your putt.

Face Balanced putters limit the the face rotation on the way through, also known as the release (helpful or hurtful depending on the player’s stroke). If you’re not in the 1-3%, you can find a neck that will work better for you! You can potentially fit into the same head, just not the face balanced version.

We take a look at two putters, the Taylor Made Spider X; one, face balanced, with a double bend neck, the other, a slant neck, with slight toe hang.

Face balanced putters, although they sound like a good idea, make it very difficult to consistently square the face at impact and release the putter down the line. This puts A LOT of pressure on the user to get the timing of the club just right. Even if the player squares the face, they will typically not have a chance to release the club. The release is what keeps the ball rolling down the line, especially as you get further from the hole.

On the other hand, the slant neck, as you’ll see in the video, allows for a flow in which the face releases and the ball stays on line in a more efficient way.

Coach Paul has been a teacher for 20 years, a putter and wedge fitter for the last 7, and is now a certified club fitter for all the major brands. If you are in the Austin area and want to get fit, you can email

Insta: @golfcoachpaul


  1. It’s because you have an arc inside 👌 Just realised I’m the same which is why a face balanced doesn’t suit me 😁

  2. Your totally wrong as are most when it comes to putter styles, you should really watch TXG episode called Putter toe hang & head style which puts right many of the wrongs people say on YouTube

  3. How come you open your putter face so much?? That’s the reason you can’t play the more balanced face putter.

  4. I haven’t watched the video, hoping the title is clickbait. 7/10 top putters based on strokes gained us a face balanced putter.

  5. I think you are using it incorrectly. The face balanced is for straight putting. Your arc putting the putter meant to be hit by straight back and thru. Try it and it will improve the consistency. I found it myself and I really loved mine.🤗

  6. Very cool information! I was using a phantom x5.5 the last two seasons and I was pulling everything right. It was driving me nuts and that has a toe hang of about 45 degrees. I decided to pony up the money and go to a shop that had SAM and Quintic Ball Roll system. I already knew that I had a pretty noticable arc in my putting stroke so I was always led to believe that I needed more toe hang. First off they had me hit a fair amount of balls with my x5.5. The numbers showed that I was consistently making contact where the putter face was over closed between 4 and 5 degrees. All the other numbers looked good and I was square at address. I was skeptical as they put me in face balanced putters, but the numbers were way better with all of them for me. The one I hit the best though was a toulon daytona beach which has 10 degree toe hang. The results of this new Toulon putter for me have been night and day. It bums me out a bit because I loved that x5.5 (the feel, the sound, the look) but now I'm sinking way more putts and my misses are marginal in comparison to the x5.5. I guess I may be an exception?

  7. Well. The DB shaft is meant for straight back and straight forward putts. The slant is meant for arced strokes. Nothing new in that.

  8. Thankyou for the post. The issue for me is I don`t subscribe to absolutes or blanket statements. I think there are to many variables. Putting is a very individual type of thing. Some people putt very well over time with a face balanced putter. Some putt very well over time with a toe hang type of putter. I would say go out and get fitted by a professional. Try some different putters and see how they feel. Experiment and see what works best for you. Over the last 50 years I have seen guys putt well with many different kinds of putters. Good luck and have a Happy New Year.

  9. I haven’t tried it out yet, but I just went with a face balanced putter. I take a couple of practice strokes with the aim line streaking through my swing so I can see it swinging in a straight line. I am so uncomfortable trusting the arc. I find Im streaky as it is.

    Now, I never even saw face balanced in marketing. I have been playing a Newport 3 and just got the phantom x 5s. I totally just picked it up in the shop and compared to other similar models with different hangs. I HATED what I was looking down at and just couldn’t get with it. The 5s (face balanced)felt much more consistent to me. So we will see!

  10. I don’t agree with such a definitive statement. I tried two identical putters – one toe hanged, one face balanced (both Spider putters). The only difference is that the toe hanged feels heavier, although they weigh exactly the same (560grams). So it was much more comfortable to putt with the face balanced putter. The results were equal. But I’d say it’s a good feeling that it feels balanced and not (toe) heavy. A heavy toe should by the law of physics close the face later and thereby miss even more to the right. I’d say it’s all about your strike. Search for Chris Dennis here on youtube, he has a more ”balanced” view.

  11. Hilarious I’ve been gaming a taylormade roho 3 face balanced and I’m one of the most consistent putters I know.

  12. I only use face balanced putters, toe hang is no good for me. You can't say nobody should use face balanced putters, it's player specific. You can't say it makes you streaky putter. Worst advice I've ever heard.

  13. I wish I would have seen this video about 3 weeks ago before I bought the Scotty Cameron Phantom 12 face balanced putter on the recommendation of a worker at Golf town. It is EXACTLY how you described with no consistency with my puttering what so ever! I should have bought a toe hang like I had before where I was putting good with it. He had me convinced that a face balanced putter were the best things on the market!

  14. I think this all depends on your stance and how your swing arc behaves. For instance, my stance is more straight up where I sit over the ball and therefore my swing is straighter with less arc. A balanced putter with double bend shaft works totally fine for me.

  15. Face balanced is perfect for a straight back straight through style. Annika Sorenstam used the Odyssey rossie with double bend shaft …Miss 59 was a pretty good putter.
    I agree if you have an arcing stroke face balance is not for you however.

  16. I got a putter fitting last week and the fitter stated that I should be using a face balance putter. On the SAM machine, it showed thatI take the putter back on an arc to the inside and then loop out and back in to get the putter square. He stated the face balanced putter would help eliminate the loop and make the stroke more consistent. He gave me a putter and I was drilling the 10 footers. Not sure if he was right or after watching this, it was the placebo effect.

  17. You are always, always adjusting to the club and the situation at hand. All putters have some bias or tendency that you have to adjust to and make corrections for. It’s a matter of what corrections you prefer making over others such that they feel “natural.” Face balanced is exactly what some people need to play their best. Don’t speak in absolutes and generalities about anything, especially if you are a club fitter.

  18. Good info — needs updates if you still around. e.g. how do they compare to old putters eg. original Ping Ansers old vs. newer Ping vs. newest rediculous looking high tech star wars putters of today that are $$$$$+

  19. only a hand full of people can pull off a straight putting stroke. When measured, most actually have an out to in stroke. He's correct that the FB putters are in and out of pro's bags. Almost all putters that have been used long term on tour are toe hang putters. I do know some very good players that use FB putters with much success but they practice daily. Also, some golfers (not a lot) prefer FB even though they putt w/an arc.

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