@Buffalo Sabres

Ads & Dunks ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ GF Rematch, Peter Wright Incident & Streaker Throwback!

Ads & Dunks ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿฆ GF Rematch, Peter Wright Incident & Streaker Throwback!

This episode is brought to you by our friends at Brooks blooms your all-in-one Landscaping solution Brooks blooms three-step Landscaping experience offers a seamless Journey from design to construction and ongoing care ensuring your outdoor space thrives year round visit Brooks today to embark on your Landscaping Journey where every

Step is a step towards a vibrant and beautiful outdoor entertaining Space good day everyone and welcome back to another episode of the ads and dunks podcast exclusively brought to you by the O American Aces it’s dunks here um actually we we don’t really introduce ourselves as ads and dunks do we adsy I’ve got ads on the line obviously my

Best m in Melbourne no we don’t thanks again for having me it’s nice to be back on the on the show um but no we actually don’t we we don’t usually do that but um I like our little intros I like how we uh we swap it every week I like I like

To think our fans out there know that we’re actually rotating it every week and giving each other a go at it you know what maybe put a poll up see who intro is better who intro I reckon most people would say you because you know you really get right into it and I’m

More of a streamline kind of guy you know you’re a bit out there yeah well I think there should be a petition for you to really really get into it and show a bit of uh your external your internal character that we may not be seeing

Right now because I have seen it seen it a couple times when you’ve been on the beers I’ve seen it a couple times when you’ve when you’ve seen seen some of your horses win down the street so maybe get up and about for the podcast I get

Up and about for it it’s just sometimes you know when you’re doing introductions I I lose track of what I might be saying or you know having a bit fun so for me it’s more about the concentration and nailing those intros well mate lucky we don’t do a live uh live podcast although

That would be pretty sick doing a live podcast I’d love to do that I honestly thought about this today after we spoke on the phone I was like why don’t we like not many people out there go live on their podcast like so for example if

We were live right now and then we could see like live comments and stuff pop up that would be pretty cool and then we could answer you know we’re talking and then all of a sudden something pops up that you like you’re like oh so and so

Said this like what do you think let’s do it mate I can play my 2k here because as we all know my um my screen’s here and I can play a bit of 2K while I was talking a bit of with you and other people that that could get involved but

Uh before we get into it tonight we’ve got a um big announcement we’re giving away two tickets so thanks to our friends at Brooks blooms Brook has uh kindly thrown out there that uh The Veranda there’s two tickets to The Veranda to our sellout game or my sellout game this Thursday night against

The pies so we’re going to do a giveaway all you’ve got to do is share the Pod tag Us in so myself adds o American Aces and Brooks blooms by midnight tomorrow night well sorry it’s Tuesday right now for us so midnight on Wednesday night and then the winner will be announced

11:00 a.m. Thursday so Instagram share the Pod tag Us in before midnight and then the winner will be announced on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. so make sure you get out there and uh get around this because it’s two tickets to give away obviously it’s going to be someone in

Brisbane because uh there’s a lot of people that probably won’t be able to make it from Melbourne or wherever they come from but we’re giving away two tickets thanks to our friends at Brooks blooms yeah Brooke you’re a star that is going to be a blockbuster of a game so

You don’t want to miss out as you just said make sure uh you do everything Josh you just said because what a game to see I mean we’ll touch on the game a bit later I cannot wait to um to uh to preview that one but you actually went

To The Veranda launch on the Saturday didn’t you I did I did Saturday night it was uh it was pretty cool Brooke goes all out as always and um made it a pretty special showing she had the fireworks on the gabber and I’ve seen that everything was going off yeah it

Was pretty cool so there was a lot of people there a couple of boys from the club went locky was there with his partner Jules Zack Bailey cam Rainer and all her staff and all their friends as well so it was pretty special opening for her and the team and um yeah awesome

To see on the other side of the fence I was a little bit jealous I was in uh in cold old bellat I think it was a nice cool six degre preparing for my game on the Sunday um whilst I was seen uh you put up socials and Brooke put up some

Socials and our boy her put up some socials of the fireworks happen at the Gaba while here I was cuddled up into bed cuz I was absolutely freezing but um it ended up being a really good weekend for both of us but um before we talk

Footy how was was your week anyway what did you get up to um obviously you didn’t play no doubt you would have uh watched a bit of footy and done a bit of training and whatnot but outside of that what did you get up to not a lot mate to

Be honest Tipper wasn’t here and um the girls had a we talk about nle they had a um preseason tournament in Sydney so I think it’s called the team girls cup and uh so they were away for five nights so I was actually here with the two dogs

Obviously had Archie for quite some time we got hery who’s a full-time job at the moment for me looking after him so I didn’t do I didn’t do much else other than look after those two clean up the house cook some food just hang out really what

About you sounds like sounds like the life mate sounds like fun what you need to do is get into a bit of NBA 2K and start playing with me maybe we can stream as well well I’m not a gamer mate you know that I’m not a gamer I know

That I know that but you can change you know what me you can change just do it I did change I did change a little bit during Co with fortnite and stuff but 2K no good uh my week my week was uh was good other than obviously playing footy we um

We had the obviously the Sunday early game so I’ve seen a lot of the footy there’s not really much you can do uh on the weekend when um you know when you’re playing on the Sunday but I was able to watch a bit of footy which

Was good um you know I uh I haven’t I didn’t haven’t watched the first two rounds um so round Z what’s it called again round zero was it round zero yeah round zero round one so I was able to watch a little bit on um on the weekend

Which was nice but other than that I you know mate watched a bit of the races on Saturday watch a couple of the gun horses running around um didn’t do too much the weather’s been nice here which is which is good because Melbourne’s really hanging on to the the uh the heat

In the Sun at the moment I feel like it’s really starting to change at the moment and um you know just trying to uh lap up all the Sun that we can get but other than that mate did not do much other than play well it’s interesting

You talk about weather cuz up here the last few days it has been just raining consistently like the whole backyard starting to be like a bit of a swamp again it’s crazy I did say that I’ve seen that uh I swear Brisbane goes through stages where like it’ll just be

Sunny and beautiful for for a long time and then it’ll just have a weeks worth of just torrential rain and it’ be absolutely horrendous yeah it’s nuts it’s it’s probably a good thing for the garden actually that’s one thing I didn’t to talk about that I did last

Week was I made basil pesto from all the basil that Brooke put in my garden there’s there’s heaps of it so I went to the shops and got this well I had this recipe on the um thermom miix that I got and um it was like uh I think it was a

Walnut or it might have been a Macadamia pesto basil pesto so I did that and made like heaps of jars and put it all in the fridge and I’m going to give a few away to some friends so that was something I did actually oh you would have nailed

That actually something I did as as well is you can’t see it from the um from the camera but my uh my keyboard’s over there so I know last week off air I was playing a bit of keyboard and uh I’ve spent probably two hours every day practicing so self-taught trying to

Teach myself how to play keyboard and um it’s quite funny because uh I feel like I’m good but then I listen back to myself and I absolutely suck so so I’m trying sometimes I get on the FaceTime with Kimmy and Georgie and I’m trying to learn a couple songs for

Georgie um to play for her but yeah that’s actually what I did in the last uh week played a bit of keyboard you know what I might post that video that you sent me that was just hilarious show you said show tip of this what was it

What song was it see that is why I tell you what I tell you what we need to bring back is you and your celebrity cluelessness because you got no idea the song was My Heart Will Go On from Titanic everyone knows that song granted probably didn’t sound like that didn’t

Play that well but I tried and I played the four minute song and I sent it to Josh and Tipper and apparently they said it was a funniest thing could have been your Bloom of the week mate oh I should have actually mentioned that that would have

Been hilarious and I can send the I can send the whole clip to bro and getting to clip it up for us no hang on I’ll do a proper one I’ll do me best that I can and then I’ll send it through the and then yeah we’ll see whether we post it

Or not because uh that ain’t getting that’s not getting anywhere at the moment um but we’ll move on we’ll move on from that because uh that is a work in progress footy what was your there’s been a couple big stories throughout the um the weekend um I love bringing up I

Guess controversial stuff because I know you’re the controversial one out of the both of us that’s all we’re here to do mate on the um on the Thursday night was it the yes in Sydney game might have been the Friday uh there was there was an

Incident with Peter wght uh I just want to know what your thoughts are on that well I have seen that he’s got four weeks uh minutes ago so yeah my thoughts my thoughts on that are I feel like if you’re in that position now you just have to go for the

Ball you can’t protect yourself so he’s obviously gone to protect himself at the last second collected Cunningham he’s knocked out so that it probably makes sense that he’s got a a four-week ban I’ve seen a lot of things I saw actually Wayne Kerry’s podcast that he’s been

Doing and um him saying that you know if he gets more than a week or if he gets rubbed out at all the game’s cooked but but if that’s what we’re standing for then that’s the rule and so that’s how it is like that to me it makes sense but

I kind of wish that it wasn’t like that but it is these days and that’s that’s how the game is now and we just got to deal with it yeah I uh I couldn’t agree more with you I think the safety and the priority of the I guess the player

That’s involved um that ends up getting hurt is yeah should be the priority and that’s clearly what we’ve been that’s clearly what we’ve been trying to stamp out for a few years now so yeah I think um yeah I think when the incident happened it was like oh yeah that’s um

That’s not a good one and yeah there was a couple of um you know couple little incidents in that game it was feisty game the S and Sydney game they came with a with a bit of a um a I don’t know a spice to their game and clearly wanted

To bring the physical side and um cidney obviously showed that they were way too good well not way too good but clearly too good in the end and one of the Benchmark teams but yeah that was um you know that was a pretty I think crazy

Moment yeah I think on that if he if he continues to run through like taking a chest like his hands are out in front if he runs through the that contest and Cunningham still gets knocked out but the ball like it he’s still watching the ball I think that that’s play on like

It’s literally just a turn of the body that’s all it is because it looks like he’s going to try and bump him so if if it’s just a straight- on contest maybe it might hurt him a bit more but if you don’t want to get rubbed out I think

That’s what you got to do yeah and I think the eyes as well I don’t I think the eyes kind of darted a little bit towards Cunningham and obviously when you watch that back you know that as soon as that obviously you see that in slowmo then that’s probably going to be

Another um issue that you’re going to have to deal with so yeah obviously thoughts are always with the with the player that ends up getting hurt and um we we actually had Ed Richards similar kind of incident in our game where there was just two boys going

At the ball as hard as they can and um unfort he came off you know not well and obviously had to get subbed out so you’re right I couldn’t agree more with you I think um if that’s the path that we’re going down the players obviously

Need to know that and um that little you know the way that you described that that was good well done maybe you need to stand up and do a demo yeah maybe we need to make a YouTube channel where you can um adjust adjust to the current

Rules nowadays and see how players can adjust to it but yeah that was uh that was an interesting one anything catch your eye um footy in the weekend Oh from that game I just wanted to bring this up because we both played with this guy did

You see big Travy cloak in the in the scuffles we should talk about that because that was pretty it was Unreal I loved seeing him in there like ripping his boys out like Get Out Boys still look so big yeah I think like he didn’t

Touch any Sydney player he was no he was um just ripping his boys out which was good like I thought that was good I thought it was awesome to see but I think I think they’ve uh I actually think they’ve yeah got him in trouble

For it I think I think he’s been issued a warning for it but I I remember watching it and I had to Second Look I was like hang on a minute is that Travis cloak what’s he doing and then obviously he sorted out but no I didn’t I I

Actually didn’t mind it um actually what about the uh the Streaker in the adade jalong game oh yeah I don’t know I I don’t really I don’t like it but I kind of liked how the boys helped the security guards getting what that’s where I was that’s

What I was getting to if you’re so the first player that he kind of was within Striking Distance who actually realized mty Crouch and I felt like Crouch he committed to it like kind of tripped him up and then was like oh the security guards to take care of it but then he

Somehow got away again and I love the fact I loved it to the fact to the point where I was actually going to make it the bloom of the week Ben Keys is um he’s semi tackle on uh on the streer but I I would love to think that if you’re

In that situation or I was in that situation you would absolutely na the tackle on that that’s just it’s just frustrating it’s just like I don’t know why these people do it like seriously save your money man like freaking what the heck are you doing I agree and I’ve seen some

I’ve seen some big hits on some of those guys so if you uh if you don’t want to get well you might want to get out there but if you don’t want to get hit well don’t go out there cuz some boys might line you up do you remember remember the

Andrew Simons run when um when he I think it was a big hip and shoulder and um yeah absolutely know him Andrew S what a legend mate what an absolute Legend R random question but him and uh mark hassy my two favorite cricketers of all time who’s your favorite cricketer of

All time um all time oh it’s hard to go past Ricky Ponting or mty Hayden Matty Hayden was one Adam gilchris I remember watching Gilly break that record that day that was pretty cool the quickest Century that was unbelievable remember sitting in our at the farm you know our

House at the in y m where Mom and Dad still are now we’re sitting in that same Lounge room pandas where he’s got his recliner and uh we’re all sitting there watching Gilly just go to town it was unbelievable I love Cricket manate love Cricket me too mate I love playing

Cricket but we’ll move on from cricket we’re getting a little bit lost with our cricket um I might as well talk about my game I mean you didn’t play so I guess we’ll just chat about our my game and and uh what a great weekend it was for

The Western Bulldogs footy Club where it was the first round for the vfl as well so um eight eight points across the board we had a really good win in the vfl and um there’s been a million questions about Jacko McCrae who um absolutely dominated in the vfl which

Was just funny to watch when you watch a player who is clearly a class above um yeah it’s quite funny he dominated in the vfl but our our AFL boys um the game itself was uh very pleasing very very pumped that we were able to play the way

That we spoke about and and the way that we’ve wanted to play you know from the get-go really like we um you know we we prepared really well into this game and we looked at areas that we needed to improve on clearly but we we we honed in

On the areas that we know that we’re good at and what we’ve done pretty much all preseason and then in the two Community games where we played against Hawthorne we were able to um you know be strong in the contest and and really build off the back of our contest work

And I felt like we did that from the from the GetGo against Gold Coast we know that um you know they’re a very good contested balls side and you know they’ve got a last Midfield that’s probably where it’s LED with ra and Anderson and and Miller and even

Flanders through there and um the fact that we were able to start well and score heavily in the first quarter and then probably what was most pleasing the fact that after that they did come at us in periods and um you know last week against Melbourne we let

Ourselves down a little bit where we obviously played good in patches but then they ultimately ran away with it um go Coast were really coming at us but the fact that we were able to I guess Rectify some moments and then you know kick a goal but then be able to pile on

A couple more goals that was probably the most pleasing thing so super pump that the boys were able to get the job done yeah did you find you played against your favorite player like you said last week uh how didd you go nullifying his impact I don’t think he

Had the anywhere near the kind of game that he had the week before or the week before that firstly we didn’t play against the Brisbane Lions if you’re saying I’m playing against me favorite player uh because Loy Neil is me favorite no you’re my favorite um

No obviously Riley was uh you know he’s we spoken about well I spoken about how how I love watching him and how good of a season he’s already had his first two games have been incredible um we clearly had a plan to um you know to try and uh

Com combat him at stoppage and and liba had that job and um felt like you know Liber did an unbelievable job he’s such a um Team first mentality player who not only wins his own footy but when he has a task which he did against Ry he you

Know does a great job at it which he did so I feel like that really helped us clearly cuz he’s their number one clearance player and um you know if we were able to stop him I felt like well felt and we did that we were able to um

Then get on top in there and um as I’ve said historically on our potty and even just in general interviews a lot of our games where where we’ve won or lost is dictated by how our Midfield goes and um yeah felt like it was a really really good

Performance by the boys I felt like Sando obviously um you know got a little bit more exposure played um you know obviously the full game but had a really big big impact um I loved Caleb Daniels game where he came in and he’s kind of

Mi missed the fix it for us who plays a bit everywhere you obviously know I’m the quality player that he is but you know he kind of played everywhere for us and um just played a tremendous game for us so yeah extremely pumped that um we

Were able to do that yeah and I was I didn’t get to see all of it but looked like it would have been a pretty impressive performance by you boys down in Ballarat which we always used to or I used to love going down there but everyone loves going down there I know

The doggy so um yeah like you said it might might have been a little bit chilly but uh yeah good to get the win hey I I want to ask you just about Nat um because I know a lot of people want to know about him how is he how’s he

Been around the club still that vibrant guy that we know or um has he been a bit disappointed in missing out like how’s he been no he’s been great been great you would not even know that you know he hasn’t obviously been playing in the ones he’s um

His approach and his mentality has been yeah incredible he’s um you know clearly went out there and played in in a vfl game which I can’t imagine he’s played too many vfl games and I think his performance speaks volumes of where his head’s at and um you know just how he

Knows it’s kind of bigger than you know it’s not just about NATO and obviously the big picture is the team and um you know he’s going to clearly come in and when he comes in he’s going to be the same you know Jacko McRae that we’ve

Known for 12 to 13 years the one that is tough and you know just the gun of the competition and you know when he comes in he’s going to be that same player so um the fact that he’s you know play went back and played at vfl level and and

He’s mentality didn’t change um his leadership stayed the same he he really helped out our younger guys um Riley Garcia had a really really really good game in the vfl and and Nat helped him out enormously helped out a lot of the vfl mids who obviously would be

Themselves that they’re playing with a guy like Jack McCrae so um you know it’s great to see the way he is around the boys and still you know um getting up and about for the boys winning and um just yeah just being a great team man so

Um as I said no doubt he’ll be in sooner rather than later when he is can’t wait to see what he produces because he’s going to have a hunger and and a desire to um yeah perform well he’s had a chance to happen this week you

Reckon honestly M I couldn’t tell you I I could not tell you I’ll give us an inside scoop I don’t sit in the match committee meetings mate um I don’t talk that all I know is that if he plays he’s going to be an a great contributor for

Us and he’ll play great I know he will because he’s ready to rock and roll so we’ll see I can let you know come when te get anoun Friday so you would have already played your game by then speaking of your game we may as well

Preview your game a uh all right let’s do it absolute Blockbuster of of a game um Brisbane V Collingwood and as you said earlier we’ve got that giveway so make sure you’ve listened earlier to the potty uh both teams uh winless which is pretty crazy to think considering you’re

Both were the um the two best teams last year and you know on paper you know people would have said that you’re probably both undefeated going into this game so yeah just talk us how you’re feeling you you obviously would have watched them last week you know that

There’s a lot of pressure on them there’s a bit of pressure on you guys as well um you know you guys don’t want to you don’t want to go on three now calling to go on four so mate let know how you feeling ah firstly I think the

Thing that sort of it doesn’t frustrate you but it’s sort of just I don’t know blows my mind to think that you know I saw something like um I think one of the commentators or one of the media personalities out there saying that Collingwood can’t win the flag from

Here like their ow and3 they can’t win the flag like that’s just that stuff blows me away like you could go they could go on and win every game for the rest of the year and win the flag like it just riding people off at this time of year

Is just outrageous in my opinion so that’s just one thing I wanted to say before I get into it but yeah you’re right it’s a um it’s a big game for both of us obviously we haven’t neither of us have found the form that we’d like um so

Yeah it’s going to be a cracking contest I feel both are going to be really hungry for the contest and um want to hunt the ball and and win the ball and get it going forward because ultimately that’s how you kick goals but for us it’s just about doing the basics well

And um you know we’ve seen glimpses of it over the past couple of weeks um and yeah just probably haven’t seen that four quarter performance that we’ve been after so that’s really going to be a focus for us heading into the game and um hopefully we can see those consistent

Behaviors that are going to help us win each contest and then you know get the ball forward and kick goals so it sounds pretty simple but that’s how we’re we’re approaching it this week is very simple you know narrow focus and trying to get that win yeah do use any uh extra

Motivation for the obviously Grand Final loss that you had you know no doubt you would have you guys would have at the start of the fixture being announced penciled in the game that you play against coling which we all know every year it’s the Easter Easter weekend um

Is there a little bit of extra motivation for you guys to you know not not only Kickstart your um 2024 campaign but to you know beat the team that ended up beating you in the in the Grand Final last year yeah for sure I think Collingwood Brisbane have always had

That kind of competitive rivalry you could call it throughout the years and it’s just getting bigger and bigger now because of the games that we’ve played against each other whether it’s been top of the table or second v3d or third V4 or whatever it might be and now

Obviously the Grand Final so there is a little bit of extra motivation there for us I feel um losing to him on you know the biggest day ever in you know some some people’s careers so um yeah losing that game is definitely going to hopefully Hold Us in good setad heading

Into it because I feel you know that the hurt that you feel after that game is just yeah it’s nearly the worst day of your life or probably is the worst day of your life so um yeah hopefully we can be on the other side of that this

Thursday night yeah well I can’t I can’t wait to watch is um where do you so I personally believe obviously they’re going to come and you know come with a hunger and a want and clearly going to be strong around the contest which is you know here in Melbourne you read the

Paper and as you said it’s absolutely blows my mind that there’s there’s commentators out there right and calling it off when we know how good their foot is and still right up there as the best team in the competition but one of the areas that been questioned in early by

The uh the media is the contest side do you firstly fully expect them to come and I guess try and over exaggerate the contest and just really want to win the ball and secondly how are you going to I guess Rectify that um you know is there will you guys change anything that

You’ve been doing cuz you obviously haven’t won any games or will there be a clear plan or whatever it may be what’s your thoughts on that uh I do think they’re going to come with a an OV exaggeration approach of winning the contest for sure yeah cuz that’s where

They’re being challenged and that’s what they’ll all be talking about so and we’re probably similar to be honest like we haven’t won the contest the last two weeks Colton beat us up and so did Foo so that’s going to be a big battle is that you know the center bounce the

Stoppages around the ground but it’s contested ball as a whole not just midfielders it’s contested ball around the ground you know contests wins V you know backs on forwards or forwards on backs it’s not just when you look at the contested ball number I feel everyone can get stuck into thinking it’s just

The mids but it’s not there might be majority midfielders but a lot of the time it’s a contest as well so for me it’s it’s the contesta ball number at the end of the night I feel like whoever’s in the green for that will have won the game because they would

Have won more contests on the night and it’s going to be uh it’s going to go a long way to that team scoring so in my opinion that’s that’s what I think and I feel like as a group that’s what we’ll be looking to to bring on Thursday night couldn’t agree

More with you mate I think you nailed that and I also feel like both teams will be um a little bit more I guess attacking with the way they want to move the footy because that’s another area where I think um you know both of you would probably want to get

Better out I mean Collingwood obviously when they get the ball free flowing similar to you guys you know they’re very very hard team to stop so cannot wait to watch as we said earlier make sure you listen to the potty earlier because there’s two free tickets that

We’re going to be giving away to this absolute Ripper of a game I’ll I’ll be watching at home on TV so I can’t wait um round ahead I wanted to I wanted to quickly touch on I love talking about Milestone players who’ve been around for

A long time and like got to give a bit of love to Travis Boke I um he played his 350th on the weekend which I can’t I don’t even know how many players have played 350 No Doubt br will say it in my head at some point but I reckon there’s

About 20 maybe the fact that he’s played 350 and had the career that he’s had um he’s someone uh I’ve always looked up to because of the way that he prepares and performs week in week out and he still performs at a high level looks after his

Body really well and hasn’t really lost much of his speed and his power so um firstly a bit of love from the ads and dunks podcast for boki hopefully he watches um that’ll be great but this week as well Tom Hawkins 350th and the 24th player to play um he 350th which I

Want to give a bit of love to that as well because again he’s mate he’s when he hit the age of 30 he just got better better better and better and you know been an all Australian player multiple times in his 30s um has won a Premiership in his 30s probably won a

Coleman medal I’m not too sure but he’s just had an incredible career and it’s been a joy to play against sometimes a bit of a pain in the ass because he’s kicked the bag on us and that’s just been frustrating but um absolute sub star of the competition and as I said I

Want the ads and dunks always to give those two a bit of love yeah I completely agree with you mate boki’s been one that I’ve looked up to as well you know getting saers and all that kind of stuff has been probably inspiration from him so it’s a incredible milestone

For both of those guys and we obviously travs played his last week but wish the Tomah Hawk all the best in his 350th on Easter Monday I think it is isn’t it remember all those Easter Monday clashes that used to be like big blockbusters unbeliev

It still is I mean you know granted haon haven’t kind of been at that level they have been at when they were playing those games but it’s still a massive buildup here in one of the games on the calendar that we all look forward to um that kind of leads me into something

That I want to do um weekly for us I want you and I to do it weekly it doesn’t have to be long I just want to you come up with a player and I’ll come up with a player where we talk about a player and we show him a bit of

Love could be an absolute Superstar of the game or could be someone that no one’s talking about where you feel like they should be spoken about because of maybe how they’re playing what they’ve been doing their performances so it’s something that I want us to do I want it

To I want to give a bit of love to some players I’ll start I’ll start whilst you think right now because I know I’ve just put you on the spot um I’m gonna start with a big name player well I think he’s a big name player he’s clearly big in

Sydney and I’m going to start with Isaac Heeney the reason why I’m going to start with Isaac is because he’s clearly played you know he’s probably the best player in the competition at the moment for what he’s been able to do around the ball and up forward and the fact that

You can play forward and I guess easy to come in and you know have an impact here and there when you’re I guess just a occasional Center bouns player Midfield player but the fact that he he spent majority of his preseason from all reports playing Midfield and he’s come

In and literally ripped up every single game to the point where he’s probably got nine from nine Brown Lo votes um yeah I think it’s incredible and it’s a joy to watch I love watching him play he’s turning into one of my favorite players to watch his ability to win

Around the ball and then go forward and impact still the same way that he’s done for six seven years it’s been um it’s been a joy to watch so he’s the player that I’m giv a bit of love to this week that’s a good shout and while while

You’ve been talking I’ve been thinking and uh mine is a St Kilda player Marcus windhager oh yes his game his game last week and all the first couple of weeks have been underrated like a lot of people talk about the steals you know the Royal Marshals the the Kings like

They talk about all those players but they don’t talk about this Boke this guy’s a he’s been known to be a tagger and I reckon he’s being released off the shackles a little bit and he’s he’s playing really good footy so he would be mine right now mate I’m gonna that is

Huge I I watched that Saturday uh that Thursday Friday night game whatever day it was and he really stood out to me his his power and explosiveness around the ball I had to be like oh wow actually you know because as you as you said he’s been a tagger from what we’ve seen

Didn’t realize he had that you know in his game and to see that was yeah unreal I like it mate and for for our fans that are listening send through yours send through yours on on any of our social channels and um let us know what you

Think because we’ll read a couple out because I I like giving a bit of love to um to some of our players but yeah I um I think it’s a good one from you sweet well done mate a thanks mate likewise I do think Isaac Haney has been dominating

Too so it’s another good one to talk about uh moving on anything else from footy before we move on uh no I’m just one other thing I’m just really looking forward to the port Adela Melbourne game I’m really really Keen to see two really good informed teams I feel like Mel

Playing Adelaide really well um and yeah I’m really looking forward to watching that game oh we actually we haven’t even talked about your game yet actually Sunday is it Sunday against the Eagles yes we’re playing the Eagles that’s right we’re playing at one o’clock one o’clock at Marvel Marvel give us a

Little wrap up of uh how you’re feeling for that and taking your form from balarad it’s going to be a uh hostile environment for the Eagles some would say yeah well I’m interested to see if they open the roof for this game because it’s one o00 game and there’s no

Scheduled uh well rain there’s no rain so I think the roof’s going to be open which usually you know what you’re going to get at Marvel so might have a bit of um might have a bit of conditions but uh regardless I’m really looking forward to

It um you know I felt like we we kickstarted our season this previous Sunday and yeah it’s just another good opportunity for us to um play the way we want to play we know that uh you know the Eagles um albe they haven’t won their first two games they’ve had some really

Good periods in the game like played some really impressive footy and um as I said I watched a lot of footy this weekend and I watched um you know a bit of their game and watched their last quarter in particular and they’ll still really you know balls were taking the

The game on and and really taking it up to the Giants and um yeah was was really impressed with some of their players so fully expecting them to come over here and and approach us like that and um you know it wasn’t too long ago where they

Where they beat us in round 23 last year to ultimately you know stop us from making the finals which was very disappointing day for us so um we know what they’re capable of and really looking forward to um you looking forward to the game and and being our

First Marvel game love playing at Marvel we get a lot of fans turnouts of those games so um yeah really looking forward to it and what’s extra special for me is Georgie and Kim are down um on Friday so cannot wait to have the girls at the

Game and have them cheering and um you know we got an Easter egg hunt on the Saturday at the footy Club so I can’t wait to take Georgie and no no doubt she’ll be as extroverted as anything and um be pinching eggs off everyone and trying to win everything because she’s

Competitive like her dad and her mom so um yeah really looking forward to that looking forward to the game hey just just before we move on does it does the loss last time to him does it stick in your mind like out there jerk and you’ll

Be thinking is it more motivation or is it more last time these guys got us so we need to be on our game good little Remer yeah well it’s just yeah that’s it it’s a good little reminder we know there’s no M you give any team a sniff

They’re going to block they’ll take it and run and they did that last year and we know if we do that this week they’ll do it again and as I said they’ve played some really really good footy their Midfield is really impressive Tim Kelly aliot yo I think’s back to um he

Powerful best he showed Great Signs last week they’ve got obviously Harley Reed which will be exciting to play against um obviously he’s um you know highly rated and highly touted and has and has had a really good start so um yeah it’s definitely something that’s um you know

You know we want to go out there and just play our best footy and and we know that if we do that um hopefully the scoreboard takes care of itself so looking forward to it mate cannot wait for the game yeah all the best mate as

Always so I’ll be Sunday I’ll be I’ll be able to watch that one so I’ll be glued to the screen watching you hopefully dominate like you normally do anyway um yeah look forward to it mate thanks mate uh moving on moving on let’s talk about just before we go into our favorite

Segment of the week I want to talk about the F1 you missed it Carlo science come fromi and took it out big Maxi had the uh break failure I was going to say so does that uh well firstly you you would have been really jealous cuz I know you

Love your your F1 and whenever well you’ve probably gone to the last what five or six Albert Park have you have you yeah I reckon I would have been the last well maybe four I didn’t go last year either because I was oh no I did go

Last year did you did because you and I played against each other and then you stayed at my house and you went to the thing that’s right I did go yeah well there you go probably four or five years um so I was a bit flat but I I had the

Opportunity to come down but I didn’t come because of obviously we’re playing Thursday night so it’s a quick turnaround for you know Sunday to and we just come back from Perth so it was a bit of a it was a bit too much in the end so I just made the smart decision

Stayed up here and had a lowkey weekend like I said earlier so it was nice to uh see someone else win though I feel like Red Bull oh yeah I remember seeing they’re so dominant and then to to have someone else win so Carlos and I think

He was a bit crook too leading up to it so he was lucky to get out and he was actually nearly going to be my Bloom of the week but I’ve got another one it’s always really cool you don’t realize how big the F1 is until it’s here in

Australia and you see the amount of fans that are you know out and about and even when I was driving home I went out um went out for dinner so I drove back from B after the game went out for dinner in St Kilda and there’s so many um F1 fans

Walking around clearly the events done but you see them all you know on the bees still at the pub or whatever and they’re all for dinner they’ve got their Ferrari hats and McLaren jackets and all this stuff it’s really cool um it’s really cool cuz that’s some going drive

Home as well going past out Park and yeah it’s actually you can hear the noise like I remember when I left my house on the Saturday um in the a in the AO I could actually hear and I’m obviously in you know how far how many

KS away am I from out Park I don’t know how many that is but I’m about 20ks away and you could actually hear it from there which is actually really cool didn’t know um our Aussie boy uh what’s his P osar came fourth didn’t he yeah he did he did it’s good that’s

Good I um I still need to watch the drive to survive I mean that’ll probably get me into it a little bit but um but I actually did want to touch on before our Blooms of the week uh a little bit on the net ball there was um

You know we haven’t talked about a net ball at all I don’t think and uh The Season’s not too far away we had our girls go up and play in the um what’s it called is it equivalent to like the NAB cup kind of the old school NAB Cup in a

Way yeah I think it’s called team girls cup or like the yeah that one team girls cup yeah so we our girls went up there and obviously played over in Sydney which was um it was cool to watch a bit of netball beam back and you and I had a

Chat on the phone and us being the pros and the experts that we are we were dissecting the team and talking about the uh the opportunities going forward feel like we’re you know I feel like we can be quiet Achievers to the point where we can hopefully contend come to

The pointy end of the season I agree and we talked about this today but I feel you know sometimes when the expectation is not there you can just fly under the radar and knock a few teams off here and there some of the favorites or whatever

It might be and yeah come the pointy end like you said just time it really well and then I feel like that’s what ad did last year to be honest like that’s that’s how they won in the end they they were playing their best net ball right

At the end of the season and they knocked off you know arguably the better teams throughout the season so I feel like the our girls are hopefully a little sniff can’t wait can’t wait for a for our weekly net ball chat I cannot wait um so we might as well move into

The bloom of the week you’ve said you’ve got yours first yep I’ve uh I’ve got one this week so a couple of our boys and I’ve gone to Footy again but it’s something that I thought I should give a bit of a shout out so Jimmy Madden and

Darra Joyce couple of our um Irish Lads from the club shaved their heads yesterday for the world’s greatest shave and I just wanted to give them a bit of a a shout out and pump up for doing that and obviously we all know the world’s greatest shave and the charity and the

Organization that that is so such a um a great gesture by those two Lads and yeah just wanted to give him a bit of a shout out like I said very nice of you mate that is um yeah that’s I love when when we have we’ve had players in our team do

That as well um which is really cool there’s a lot of guys that obviously love their hair and um the fact that they can do that is awesome I love it mate well done uh my my uh Brooks Bloom of the week I um gone down the uh the

Horse racing pathway I um you know the beauty of playing on Sundays is you could actually watch the Saturday races and we’re we’re smack bang in the middle of in the middle of the Autumn Carnival and there’s been some ripping uh Group One races but I want to shout out this

Uh beautiful horse her name is imperatriz I know you know who imperatriz is um she’s been thrown in a couple of me multis and uh she’s really helped me win so thank you imperat but she she just raced on the weekend in what was the stakes it was called the William Reed

Stakes which is another group one and she won her 10th group one just on the weekend which is which is incredible I mean it’s incredible for horses to do that to win one group one let alone 10 so praying praying to God that uh when our boy lordship uh starts running soon

Which is obviously mine and your horse that we have a l shair in that he can win some he win some big races for us but um yeah my Brooks Bo of the week is in parries I like it and while we’re talking about horses one of our not we

Didn’t we weren’t part owners in it but a horse that we really loved actually is a bit crook at the moment gold trip so we want to yes send our thoughts to to Goldie because he’s he’s been a great horse of ours um over the journey and

We’ve always checked in on him I know a couple of the owners that I always keep in touch with but um yeah it’s just a obviously sad time for for Goldie and hopefully you know all things are going okay me too I um I love a little horse

Chats all right well there you have it guys there’s our Brooks Bloom of the week um let us know your thoughts as always we love having a bit of a a laugh about it but um in all seriousness it’s thanks to Brooke and the team for uh looking after us and supporting us

Through our journey of the podcast world so um yeah hasy anything else you want to talk about before we finish things up yeah well we haven’t we haven’t addressed our tipping competition not that uh I think we I think we forgot to do our tips last week I think we did

Yeah but let’s go through it we might as well before we go I think I’ll just say I’m in front because I was in front um we’ll just brush over him Brisbane Collingwood I think Brisbane you think Brisbane North Melbourne Carlton Carlton Carlton freem manal versus Adelaide the

Do I think are in good form and played against them a couple weeks ago so I feel like they are Luke Jackson very or he’s going really well at the moment he’s probably been a bit underrated for my liking yes I agree could be a bit of

Love next week for him on now on our new little uh segment uh snn St Cuda uh the Saints for me at Marvel I think sta too Port adade Melbourne oh good game oh the D’s always play well over there um I’m going to say Port home game ad o I’ll

Go I’m gonna say Port as well Bulldogs Eagles bulldogs for me obviously might go the Eagles this one no I’m joking no you’re not you’re not J I’m tiing the doggies Richmond Sydney do you still know how to sing the Western Bulldog same song or have you

Forgotten it yeah I actually saw the clip on Instagram of you singing the song I want you you know you know how you’re talking about a bit more Gusto on the podcast well I want you to sing the song with a bit more Gusto because I saw

The clip of you and all I was watching was you and you just sons of the West come on give us a bit what angle head up sons of the West yeah that’s most I’m going to give it um Richmond Sydney in Melbourne swans yeah swans at the G I feel like they

Played there a couple weeks ago against the and played really well so they’ll continue their winning streak uh okay I’m going to go Richmond in that one oh just gonna go against you um that’s the only reason why I’m doing it and Hawthorne versus jalong the MCG for the

Easter Monday game I think the Cs will be too good there I am am going to go Hawthorne so there’s two that I’m going against CH and I actually think Hawthorne will win that game I think they play the Easter Monday games good and they play a good brand of footy so

Uh I’m going to go them hey actually I wanted to remember last week um that lovely lady that fan of ours who very rudely we forgot her name and we actually didn’t say her name her name is Carla love to Carla she’s she’s the lady

That lives over in wa who um when we go over there she had obviously what’ she have for you was it an ads and dunk t-shirt or something it was a it was a t-shirt a white T-shirt with you and me on the front and um yeah and I spotted

It in the crowd of our Captain’s run so I just wanted to make sure that we uh gave us some love and we’re actually sending some over some of our signed ads and dunks gear so we look forward to seeing some photos of her in that Al

Next time we’re over in Perth we’ll see her in it that we are so KLA sorry we uh didn’t uh we were calling you you know she and very rud of us so thank you thank you so much for the support you give us you’ve been one of our loyal

Fans from the very get-go so that’s all for me mate that’s all I wanted to um nothing else really from my end no I like it mate and don’t forget as we said off the top the uh the giveaway for this week’s game my game uh the Lions ver

Supplies on Thursday night so all you got to do simply share the pod on Instagram tag Us in before midnight that’s me me ads OS American Aces and Brooks blooms before midnight Wednesday night and the winner will be announced 11:00 a.m. Thursday so we look forward to hopefully reaching out on Thursday

The day of the game and we’ll get you there on Thursday night and it’s brought to you by Brooks blooms and it’s in the new Veranda the new Veranda area that Brook has set up so very amazing spot got to witness it so look forward to announcing that but thanks again ay

Thanks for another great potty mate it’s been a a ripping one and we look forward to next week already thank you mate loved it loved every minute as always can’t wait for next week and good luck good luck go the go the lines go the doggies this episode is brought to by

Our friends at Brooks blooms your all-in-one Landscaping solution Brooks Bloom’s three-step Landscaping experience offers a seamless Journey from design to construction and ongoing care ensuring your outdoor space thrives year round visit Brooks blooms. today to embark on your Landscaping Journey where every step is a step towards a vibrant and beautiful outdoor entertaining


This episode is brought to you by our friends at Brooke’s Blooms, your all-in-one landscaping solution.

Brookes Blooms three-step landscaping experience offers a seamless journey from design to construction and ongoing care, ensuring your outdoor space thrives year-round.

Visit today to embark on your landscaping journey, where every step is a step towards a vibrant and beautiful outdoor entertaining space.

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Thanks for listening to another episode of Ads and Dunks!


  1. can you guys do like a fan meet and greet type of thing tbing jt would be good maybe we could all meet at a footy field or something

  2. come on
    boys ads gotta do a giveaway tickets to a melbourne dogs game where we can maybe meet him๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

  3. noah balta, lachie whitfield, pat lipinski need to get their praises been killing it this season
    shout out next pod surly

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