@St. Louis Blues

The REAL Truth ABout Steroids

The REAL Truth About Steroids is the fact that both the media and the majority of sports fans have biased steroid use to baseball players. We all know about Barry Bonds, Mark Mcguire, Jose Canseco, Sammy Sosa, and Roger Clemens…..But what about the NFL. Is everyone truly that ignorant or do we just neglect the fact that the starting lineman are all using steroids? It’s safe to say that Professional NFL players are the biggest atheletes around. And anyone whos been AROUND the sport knows whats going on. So, why is Mark Mcguire and Barry Bonds such a big issue when the WHOLE NFL, and LITERALLY, THE WHOLE NFL are using steroids….That’s a great question we the people and the media should be asking ourselfs. Great players like Barry Bonds get their records tainted while steroid using football stars are being cheered all the way into the Hall Of Fame. Doesn’t seem to fair does it, and that’s because it’s not. If we are going to ridicule and ruin players achievements……Let’s at least be fair about it


  1. I recall a world series ('79?) where Jose Canseco looked exactly like Arnold Swarzenegger wearing a baseball uniform.

  2. I got a Full Scholarship to College because I had a great coach and I was BIG enough to make it to the next level.  If you kids want answers and questions send me an email and I would be happy to answer them.

  3. I don't think it's just baseball or football. It's a whole lot of sports where the athletes are taking steroids.

  4. The nfl does look at it. But only at certain players. Bradshaw doesn't count. The original dark raider should of been put in the hall but because he was honest. They NFL don't care. He will never be put in the hall. Honesty kills. It's sad

  5. Why are they even asking. Every pro athlete takes steroids. Not because they want to but because they have to compete with another athlete who's taking steroids

  6. It's not one sport vs another sport. It's sports in general. When mega millions of dollars are at stake, people will do anything.

  7. conti sad romanowski was a freak with steroids made his own schedule took everything he could conti set bonds and others on a steroid cycle romanowski made his own

  8. A lot of people are saying that it should be okay for pro athletes to use steroids. But, as an athlete, I can tell you guys that steroids do work, but have terrible affects. I've never used steroids, but I know people who have, and some of the effects that they take from steroid abuse destroys their bodies. I think that steroids shouldn't be allowed in pro sports personally, and that people who want to be great athletes should do what most people do and eat healthy and keep their bodies in shape. You don't need steroids to become a great athlete.

  9. High school lineman were bigger than 250lbs., twenty five years ago, they must be meant linebackers.

  10. football is a violent, super competitive game. one need not be on steroids to get a little crazy. But when one looks at pro athletes in the modern era, it is clear there are a TON of drugs in use. Look at the avg pro football player 60 yrs ago and today. are you pretending they just "work out real hard" today, and THAT"S why you have 300lb men running about a 5 sec 40? Nonsense. N.Dallas Forty laid it out a LONG time ago. All that matters is the money, to some.

  11. Of course they're using steroids have you ever been to a football game you ever seen a guy walking around in just a shirt these guys are monsters freaks of nature and I seriously doubt they're all natural of course they're going to deny it but the NFL doesn't tests for human growth hormone so of course they're going to use it if it's not banned

  12. First the CLEAR (THG) does not work worth a damn!
    Two everyone is ON (maybe not but they should be)!
    Three- The Soviets(GDR,BULGARIA) understood the truth
    in competitive sport and they have for a very long time. It's almost
    like they are ADULTS and AMERICANS are children! The supplement
    market has made great strides but they are not yet comparable to steroids
    (although some of the latest "pro-hormones"(designer roids) are very effective).
    If "mankind" desired (and they probably already have) a drug (or a series of them)
    that is more effective than steroids could be invented. Technology rarely goes backward…..!

  13. I guess my only thoughts about this video after watching it is who the hell ever said that steroids weren't a problem in the NFL and only in Major League Baseball? We all knew it but I think the reason that baseball got the attention is because you have these guys that are monsters hitting the ball 500 ft and claiming to do it naturally so It just brought a lot of attention. I think that last part gave you your answer.

  14. Shut the fuck up , NOBODY gives a fuck about Bonds . For real . These juicers like Canelo Alvarez , if people don't know he's on Roids they are STUPID

  15. These athletes are making millions and millions of f**** dollars what do you expect like they're not going to take some type of enhancement get the f*** out of here

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